January 25 This Week's Stress In Saturday's Celestial Wheel (immediately below) I issued a caution for this Friday and Saturday, which is repeated here for emphasis,
Saturday's Celestial Wheel also suggested Dick Cheney's health and reputation are at risk. Also, with both planetary indicators of government involved (Sun and Saturn), as well as the 10th house of government officials, it appears governments globally, including the United States, face setbacks today through Saturday. Although G.W. Bush appears to have escaped Saturn losses when this planet of restriction crossed his Ascendant point (self) earlier this week, slow Saturn continues to hover over that point. Let's see what happens these next few days. -- for the karmic challenge to government must actualize in some way. As the Sun and Mercury signify business, and Saturn industrial production (especially for the U.S.), look for further commercial setbacks. Ford Motor Company's massive cutback announcement and jumpy securities markets could be just the opening scenes of a truly challenging week.
Mars And Metaphysics Rising While planetary stresses will doubtless continue for the next several months, the 6 /12 month long Mars/Saturn struggle will be over February 5. Because the longer transiting planets stay in a sign, the more potent their influences are, and this combination hasn't occurred since before 1800, it's unusual in severity. I'm personally counting the days -- only 10 to go. Because Mars is curiosity, it curiously is also an influence for metaphysics -- 8th house hidden spiritual information and power. This makes more sense if we also understand that Mars rules Scorpio, the 8th house in the World Transit Chart's natural zodiac. So, since Saturn began restricting Mars last July 17, interest in metaphysical disciplines has been stymied. After February 5, Mars will not only be Saturn-freed to express its interest in exploring the unknown, it will be in Taurus. From there, Mars will aspect 8th house Scorpio. Look, then, for a resurgence in your spiritual interests, and also in your ability to connect. For those of you in the healing or spiritual counseling business, you will find your energy picks up and abilities sharpen. Also, considering that 6 1/2 months of Mars/Saturn battling has worn people down, your patients and clients will become both ready for your restorative services. Finally, from late February through the spring, Mercury (intellect and communications) will be weak and clouded due to a tough retrograde in Pisces, its fallen (weak) sign -- and this will stimulate a greater need for mental grounding and clarity that healing arts people bring clients.
January 21, 2006
Formatting Last fall, The Celestial Wheel became the banner for this mundane (world) forecasting publication. It appeared then that In-depth Forecasts would no longer be composed -- that any lengthy interpretations could be folded into the commentary format used here. However, with the inception of predictions for 2006, it became obvious this integration caused a bottleneck. The last two predictive efforts (World Transits for the first half of 2006 and U.S. chart to March 1) interfered with The Celestial Wheel's original purpose -- that of brief commentaries on current and upcoming planetary karmas, often referencing relevant In-depth Forecasts. With my apologies for any resulting inconveniences, I'm reverting back to the earlier two-level forecasting methods -- twice-weekly Celestial Wheel Commentaries and In-depth Forecasts as appropriate. All, however, remain under The Celestial Wheel banner. The Celestial Wheel Archives page now contains links to all Commentaries and In-depth Forecasts, each in its own section. Take a look and bookmark that page for easy access to all forecasting since July, 2002. The In-depth Forecasts section now includes the 2006 New Years 2006 predictive efforts: January 12, Planetary Karmas For The First Half Of 2006 - Part 1 World Transit Chart January 19, Planetary Karmas For 2006 - Part 2 United States To March 1 (1/19/06
What Happened Last Week? Last Monday, January 17, I was amazed to find no spam at my early morning e-mail check. Buried in the United States chart analysis, I had ignored transit Mercury (communications) being blocked as it crashed into Venus retrograde -- and then became Sandhi (dead) as it changed signs from Sagittarius to Capricorn, too close to the Sun. At our house, Mercury symbolizes the cat, a teenager and this astrologer's brain. On Tuesday evening, all three were laid low -- the cat was injured, the girl had the flu and I a migraine. On Thursday morning, the spam deluge returned, signaling Mercury's communications were restored. Thursday evening found all of us in a recovery mode -- even the cat. If I hadn't been so immersed in putting the U.S. forecast to March 1 on this Celestial Wheel page, I would have (should have) both seen Mercury's problems and reported them to you in advance. So again, my apologies. If you found navigating life difficult last week, you certainly weren't alone -- and neither were your cats and teenagers. Too, this mental turbulence expressed itself in Iraq's violence spiking, frenzied securities markets and, of course, Osama Bin Laden's message. With regard to this last, the January 19 U.S. chart analysis noted for G.W. Bush that, ...transit Saturn is retrograding back to his Ascendant point (his identity and body), becoming conjunct on January 24...stimulates further loss -- scandals. January 19 to 24 thereby becomes a sensitive date for scandal. While none of the brewing scandals have begun perking again (yet), as Saturn also symbolizes death and destruction for Bush, Bin Laden's tape renews that specter. This Week The U.S. chart analysis also identified January 27,28 as a sensitive date for Dick Cheney's health and reputation. Mercury will be combust (burnt by) the Sun, and the Sun will be under close aspect from restrictive Saturn then. This combination will also impact your personal experiences in mental clarity, business transactions and confidence/power. The suggestion is to take it easy toward the end of the week and coast through the weekend. Then, you can get a fresh start for the following week. Upcoming Spring Tensions The January 12 World Transits Chart analysis (first half of 2006) identified sensitive dates as February 7, March 5 and April 8. February 7 is primarily a Mars transit change into Taurus, but March 5 and 18 both include more Mercury afflictions. In working on the U.S. Chart analysis for the interval March 2 through June, it appears that the U.S. Moon/Ketu Dasa planets, Mercury's upcoming March retrograde and lunar and solar eclipses that month will create compulsive and weird conditions, similar to last March's Mercury retrograde -- when Congress convulsed over Terry Shiavo's feeding tube. These influences also bring the advent of counter-culture, which will be exciting to those of you who resonate with 1960's activism that so advanced humanitarian and true democratic values. I'll do my best to publish that U.S. analysis as a Celestial Wheel In-depth Forecast later this week. In the meantime, while plans you have in place personally should not be shelved, it's best to be conservative from late February through mid April. The Mideast Following the publication of the U.S. chart analysis through June, I'll do an In-depth Forecast on the Mideast, using the four country charts previously interpreted in the June 2004 Timeless Mideast bottleneck series -- Iraq, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia. This is a karmic clash over oil, and there are already reports on oil supply and price problems issuing from that region.
January 5, 2006 Current Turbulence The World Transit Chart is generally an effective global karmic weather map in its displaying the planets' positions in today's skies.. However, World Transits does not indicate the wide-ranging turbulence since New Years. Nations' charts for the U.S.and Iraq do show the calamities in these countries, as previously predicted, and Israel's chart is temporarily stressed, signifying Ariel Sharon's illness. (This, I believe, paves the way for a new moderate, preferably female, prime minister in the spring election.) Perhaps, then, these three countries both identify and confine current tribulations. Too, I've been working since January 1 on this Celestial Wheel, finding composition blocked, which naturally influences my perception. Still, it's unsettling there's so much turmoil right at the beginning of 2006.
Recapping 2005 Forecasting As the earth has orbited into a new calendar year, it's worthwhile to recap 2005 forecasting. The next Celestial Wheel will begin to zero in on planetary karmas for 2006. Although our calendar year isn't designed to correspond to unfolding planetary karmas (and neither are the planets keyed to our calendar), 2005 corresponds nicely with forecasting. Below is a listing of 2005's five In-depth Forecasts analyzing defining planetary positions and movements, followed by excerpts culled from each. (Note that July 3 was the final In-depth Forecast.) The remainder of 2005 is thereby discussed only in Celestial Wheels. The September 6 Celestial Wheel's listing of 6 sensitive dates completes this recap. Subscribers are invited to judge for themselves the accuracy and validity of these predictions.
The January 4, #59 Winter/Spring Shifts Of The Major Planets The February 6, #60 The First Baby-Boomers The February 21, #61 Kama & Kendra -- Desire & Power The April 2, #62 A Not So Far Horizon On July 7, Mars will have moved into Pisces to be conjunct Rahu, a combination of excessive religious desire and violence. Opposite Mars/Rahu will be Jupiter/Ketu, the doubled-up religious influence. These planets all aspect each other, and as Mars' projective energy catalyzes events, a religious-inspired catastrophe could occur at that time. Restrictive Saturn's position in the fourth house suggests real estate would be harmed. The June 5, #63 Mars' Summer & Fall Of Discontent
The July 3, #64 The July - 7 Mars/Rahu Conjunction The remainder of 2005 was summarized in the September 6 Celestial Wheel, which cited six upcoming sensitive dates, the turbulence for each being incited by the Mars/Saturn struggle: 1) Certainly when the Moon again transits through Pisces and Aries, where transit Rahu and Mars reside, there will be a repetition of the emotional stresses many Subscribers experienced when this last occurred -- August 22 - 24. This month, the Moon passes through Pisces and Aries September 18 -- 22. 2) On September 27 and 28 the Moon will again pass through Cancer, the same disposition that brought the New Orleans' levees failures. As this is high hurricane season, especially for the Gulf of Mexico, and the U.S. chart is again vulnerable, those are the most likely dates for another hurricane disaster. 3) On October 3, there will be a Solar Eclipse in Virgo, with the Sun additionally under close aspect from Saturn. This is negative for government. 4) The fall Lunar Eclipse will be October 17 in Aries, when the Moon will also be conjunct Mars. This indicates violence. 5) I'm also concerned about November 14, when Mars will be retrograding back to an exact aspect with Saturn, and the Moon will be with Mars. 6) The final sensitive date is November 30 at 3 PM. At that time, the transiting planets will all be antagonistic -- malefics Mars, Saturn and Rahu, will be particularly destructive.