#65a Planetary Karmas For The First Half of 2006 Part I -- World Transit Chart This Celestial Wheel offers predictions for the first half of 2006 -- responding to the Wheel's December 31 compelling question, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? -- with its following rhetorical, Does anybody really care?
2006 predictions for January through June are divided into four parts, to be published in three consecutive Celestial Wheels.
First to be considered is the World Transit Chart -- where the planets are in today's skies -- for it is the global karmic weather map. The remaining predictions for 2006 will be upon two dominant areas -- The United States {Parts 2 and 3 )and the Mideast (Part 4). These will be published in the following In-depth Celestial Wheels. The World Transit Chart's global karmas are interpreted first because these are both global and are the underlying karmic currents over which flow the more specific and targeted karmas from applicable natal (birth) charts -- G.W. Bush, United States, Iraq, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran.. Predictions for the latter half of 2006 will (hopefully) follow the same sequence. If you prefer for now to skip the following detailed planetary symbolism analysis, there's a Summary at the end of this narrative
The World Transit Chart uses the natural zodiac, beginning with the sign of Aries. Thereby, the 1st house (signifying the self) is in Aries, and the rest of the signs/houses follow sequentially. Because of this natural zodiac configuration, the World Transit Chart is an effective, and the only true, global karmic weather map. It's value has greatly expanded during this era of globalization. {e.g. low interest rates have boosted real estate values worldwide.} World Transits is also the most useful chart for unveiling how the planets impact your personal experiences, for again they symbolize the underlying karmic currents over which individual chart's karmas flow. {e.g. global interest rates now determine your home mortgage rate and the value of your property.) Because transit means the planets' orbital movements through the constellations (as seen from the Earth), the World Transit Chart is constantly changing. It is thereby necessary to review the planets' absolute and relative positions throughout 2006, taking chart snapshots to identify important/critical intervals and sensitive dates.* In these snapshots, only some planets are displayed to clarify those planetary relationships that predominant in steering the karmic currents.
{*A sensitive date results when planetary influences are repeated, which multiplies the karmas to stimulate an event --expressing the energy of an interval. For example, Tom Delay was first indicted on September 28, and again on October 3 -- both of which were sensitive dates identified in the September 3 Celestial Wheel as a challenging period for the U.S. chart The bigger challenge, of course, is predicting exactly how the karma actualizes. As the overriding concern in September was further hurricanes, a hurricane prediction for the September 28-29 sensitive date was within two days of Hurricane Rita -- September 18 to 26.} January 1 to February 5
{*For more information see the May 5 Celestial Wheel and the June 5 In-depth Forecast, #63 Mars' Summer & Fall Of Discontent.} {**Saturn transits Cancer every 29 years, and Mars transits Aries every two years. In order for Mars to transit Aries for 6 months while Saturn is in Cancer, Mars must first be transiting Aries and second go retrograde in Aries to keep it positioned there. I ran the transit wheel backward to 1800, the earliest date both my astrology programs would calculate, and this planet/sign combination did not occur.} As the 1st house (Aries) is the body, and 4th house (Cancer) is the home, it is easy to see how Saturn/Mars brought the the record-setting Atlantic hurricane season and the Pakistan earthquake. Both killed and injured people, destroyed homes and wiped out property infrastructure. Almost everyone personally has experienced this stress, frustration and/or setbacks that Saturn/Mars brings in some area of their lives. {e.g. Saturn/Mars impacts this astrologer's 4th house of the home. A decade of landlord negligence resulted in all mechanical systems breaking plus delays and difficulties in effecting repairs.) Further, because Mars is landed property, Saturn is real estate dealers, and together they represent construction, the global real estate bubble began leaking in August. However, the public has been in denial of this reversal, which has prevented the bubble from bursting, and even resulted in continued ill-fated price increases in some hot markets. When reality inevitably pulls aside this veil of delusion, those markets would fall from this greater height.
A confirming influence for all these difficulties is that Mars and Rahu both aspect the evil 8th house (Scorpio), which signifies chronic illness and catastrophe. Another confirming influence is dissolving Ketu in the evil 6th house (Virgo) of acute illness and expenses/debts, aspected by chronic illness Saturn. Finally, Rahu's position in the evil 12th house (Pisces) of loss and hospitalization results in all three evil house/signs being harmed by evil planets. Expect continuing active strife in the above listed four areas until February 5. There's another issue in these planetary dispositions regarding how effectively governments and private charities respond to the above challenges. Authority figures and government officials are symbolized by the 10th house, which is aspected by focused/grounded Saturn and unbounded/mystical Ketu. This combination brings quick and intense focus devising big plans, followed closely by abrupt collapse.* {Slow-moving Saturn and Ketu, as well as Rahu, have been in the same positions since late May, 2005 and continue thus until early November, 2006.} Adding to this predicament is that Saturn and Ketu also both afflict the 6th house of illness and enemies. This results in infighting among public and private relief groups, especially in regard to health issues, and gives a subject to the predicted public emotional upset -- criticism of ineffective government. Disaster relief failures have already occurred in Pakistan and the U.S. and Central American Gulf Coast, where suffering continues and actually worsens, and for which there's been widespread criticism. Doubtless, if one lived in Asia, Africa or South America, other natural disasters, real estate concerns and health issues would replace our myopic American perspective. The Bird Flu, a chest area illness, is an obvious health concern. Its progression to a pandemic will likely not occur until the summer -- even though governments have been hog-tied by Saturn/Ketu since last May in controlling its spread and devising protective measures. If and when the virus mutates to become communicable among people, a pandemic would result. Following are the planetary karmas to be expressed during this interval: Because Ketu and Saturn move very slowly, theirs is a karmic theme for 2006. However, as the Saturn/Ketu combination tends to be reactionary rather than causative, we would look to fast-moving aggressor Mars' positions to precipitate major events. The next three predictive sections thereby follow Mars' transits through Taurus, Gemini and Cancer. Further, as we reap what we sow, the consequences of the Mars/Saturn 6 1/2 month battle leach over into subsequent intervals. {*Saturn/Ketu combinations in personal charts give similarly opposing characteristics. The person can remain perfectly still (focused), but the he will also abruptly explode in anger. Howard Dean and John Bolton have this in their charts.}
February 6 to April 3 Mars will exit Aries February 5, as discussed above, entering the 2nd house (Taurus) for a two month transit there, ending April 3. During this period, Mars will not be afflicting other planets -- but Ketu will afflict Mars. This combination in the 2nd house of speech, domestic harmony and income expresses seething anger. Expect harsh recriminations directed at government officials. When Mars transits into a new house/sign, it acts very quickly, as Mars is naturally impatient. February 7 is thereby a sensitive date, stimulating discord.
Considering the position of the all-important Moon (perception and life benefits) for timing events, when the Moon approaches Mars on March 5, all hell could break loose -- resulting in another sensitive date. There's another way to consider Ketu/Mars afflicting the 2nd house and Saturn/Ketu afflicting the 6th and 10th houses. These are the 3 Artha (wealth) houses: the 2nd is income, 6th is the daily job and the 10th is career. This, then, is a triple-threat to the economy. Also, since Ketu is oil and gas, energy supply and cost could be a causative agent here.
As Jupiter is wisdom, wealth and is inherently conservative, savings is favored, especially for the many already overextended. However, this good judgment will reduce consumer spending and slow real estate sales -- a two-punch combination to the world economy. Taking these karmas together, this February 6 to April 3 period can signal a slowing of economic growth, even stagnation. However, Jupiter, free of affliction by Mars, must bring favorable results as well. Following are two. First, Jupiter in the 7th house in Venus-ruled Libra also stimulates Jupiter's higher mind (religion, philosophy and the law), sweetly flavored by Venus's love and compassion to form cooperative alliances. Since Saturn/Ketu brings failure to remedy disasters and economic harm, this Jupiter/Venus combination could stimulate popular protests -- humanitarian and peace movements? Second, Jupiter is the great benefic, it is naturally protective, suggesting the Bird Flu's advance will be slowed. Following are the planetary karmas to be expressed during this interval: Sensitive Dates February 7 and March 5 April 4 to May 24
April 18 was chosen as the above chart graphic for its being a sensitive date. Rahu almost exactly apects Saturn. Mars and Saturn both closely aspect Ketu. Finally all three of these malefics aspect the 10th house of the public and government officials. This sensitive date's trigger, however, is the Mercury/Rahu combination in the 12th house of loss. Although Jupiter continues restrain the Bird Flu, the 6th house of illness is so afflicted that the disease must progress -- becoming more contagious and spreading geographically. Following are the planetary karmas to be expressed during this interval: Sensitive Date April 18 May 25 to July 12
However, this difficult karmic culmination can actualize any or all of negative significations discussed in this Celestial Wheel In-depth Forecast. Also, while June 5 is difficult, there are other sensitive dates during this interval. On June 14, Mars will be readying its crash into Saturn, and on July 11 Mars will be weakly harmful as nears the edge of Cancer. Following are the planetary karmas to be expressed during this interval: Sensitive Dates: June 5, June 14, July 11 End Note The intensities and complexities of the World Transit Chart's planetary karmas during the first half of 2006 are reflected in this interpretation. It's been a struggle to identify and integrate the planetary symbolism, delaying publication. The beginning of this Celestial Wheel, harkened back to the year-end Celestial Wheel reminiscence of Chicago's famous May 1969 song, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? -- with its following rhetorical, Does anybody really care? While the predictions here are clearly and obviously downbeat, they result from a cautious, meticulous and thorough analysis of the planetary karmas -- to tell what time it is. These results also suggest that this is the time when we should take off our blinders to really care about genuine challenges long brewing and now emerging. It was these looming concerns that prompted the December Celestial Wheel discourses on karma. Those closed on December 31 with,
Following is a summary of the predominant planetary karmas and sensitive dates for each of the intervals analyzed for 2006. Readers may benefit from posting these in an easily viewed place. Being forewarned is forearmed.