The Celestial Wheel

Vedic Commentary

World societal, economic

and political forecasting

since 2002


December 1-- 31 , 2006



Doug Riemer

 (928) 203-4347 

Back to: The Celestial Wheel Archives

December 30

Happy New Year

     The past several years have been difficult for America running its 10 year Moon Dasa (planetary cycle), which has brought this Second Gilded Age.

     Yet, only through challenge comes growth.  If all we had was Venus and Jupiter energy, we would sit around and indulge ourselves, never addressing the past life karmic challenges.

      Here's an example of stress bringing growth.   My old friend, the Danish psychic Jananda, recently told my stubborn Mayan Healing friend, Patricia Flores (, that while I had pushed her hard to embrace her spiritual career, which resulted in many, many disagreements, these interactions had made her stronger.   Too, now working full time for four years as a healer, Patricia has achieved the fulfillment and happiness that results from achieving her Dharma -- life purpose. 


Saturn Is Causing Problems.

     The last Celestial Wheel stated,  The planets are actually calming now.  This is both true and untrue, for the last several days have witnessed more than the usual number of accidents and deaths. 

    The media always reports deaths of celebrities and other public figures, which often occur when the planets are stressed in some way.  I thereby noted James Brown's passing December 25, followed by Gerald Ford's passed two days later.  (Saddam Hussein's execution yesterday may also relate, but since he was doomed anyway, the timing related to Iraq's politics.)  Too, Jananda (mentioned above) passed December 27.  What caught my eye, however, as Arnold Schwarzenegger breaking his thigh December 24 while skiing, for it was just that day that I found a tooth had loosened.

     What do deaths of public figures and Arnold's broken femur and my tooth have to do with each other?  Saturn is the planet of death, and also specifically he signifies bones, teeth and joints.  Also fitting into this concept is that Saturn rules my fifth house of authorship and children.  I've been stalled writing the Mideast In-depth, and my daughter in Lake Tahoe has been Saturnian difficult recently.

     Here's why Saturn is causing problems.  Saturn is very weak now, for it's both retrograde (making its energy latent) and at the edge of Leo, and a planet at the house/sign edge is Sandhi (dead).  Malefics like Saturn are particularly harmful when weak.

    The World Transit Chart to the right shows transit Saturn currently at 0 degrees and 33 minutes in retrograde (backwards) motion.

     The red line shows Saturn's path since it left Cancer November 1 to enter Leo and turned retrograde December 6.

     The blue line shows Saturn now at just 00:33. 

    Following the blue line, On January 10, Saturn will cross back into Cancer. 

     On April 20, Saturn will end its retrograde in Cancer and begin to move forward, to re-enter Leo July 15. 

     It won't be until August 1 that Saturn reaches 2 degrees in Leo, when he will finally regain strength.

World Transit Chart

December 30, 2006

     So, for the next several months, Saturn will continue to be weak.  This doesn't mean that deaths and bone breaks will continue to be escalated, for violent Mars, too strong in Scorpio, has been the catalyst for these recent problems.  (Mars moves out of Scorpio January 8.)

     Saturn's weakness does mean, however, that its significations for organization, form, structure, responsibility and duty will be compromised.  While this absence of Saturnian restrictions does increase free will, it does not bode well for resolving issues and advancement in general.  These would specifically include reorganization and regaining structure, both of which are integral, for example, to the new Congress and G.W. Bush's new Iraq strategy.

     On a personal level, you may find both relative freedom from Saturn's restrictive nature but also difficulty in making new plans actualize.  After all, in order to get things done, you must first organize and then put structure and form to endeavors.  Therefore, be gentle with yourself on New Year's resolutions and avoid creating firm deadlines, for these will be difficult to attain.  Saturn does have a lesson here, for it signifies detachment.



Copyright 1999-2006
Doug Riemer


The research and composition for The Celestial Wheel

is underwritten by paid subscribers. 


December 27


     Composing Celestial Wheels is not a rote or mechanical task.  Both inspiration and perspiration are needed, and neither have been forthcoming this month.  The promised In-depth Celestial Wheels updating the Mideast and G.W. Bush remain incomplete drafts.  Perhaps, though, these are supposed to become New Year's forecasts for 2007.  Still, it's frustrating to be blocked.

     Research on the Mideast update naturally includes my reviewing the five-part June 2004, The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient Karmas series.  With Mercury/Ketu in my chart, I have both insight and a good memory, but dissolving Ketu makes sure memories don't last long.  So, re-reading this forecasting from 2004 has been like opening holiday gifts I had sent to myself! 

     Take a look at The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient Karmas, and you too may find provocative and  prescient information.


Bush's Nervous Breakdown

     Here's an interesting article from today's Washington Post, Bush's New Look on Iraq:  Weary.  It speaks further to the rock and a hard place pressure. G.W. Bush has placed himself in.


Calm Planets

    The planets are actually calming now, although charts for folks like G.W. Bush and nations like Israel continue to be badly afflicted.  Thereby, this latter part of the holiday season is generally benign, giving opportunities for pleasures and rest.

     There is, however, an upcoming sensitive date when malicious Mars will be throwing an aspect (glance) to both toxic Rahu and the emotional Moon.  Mars' aspect is four houses away, connoting emotion in Mars' charging up Rahu's worldly cravings.

     These dispositions are shown on the World Transit Chart for December 31 -- New Year's Eve.  Because Mars/Rahu is great desire, which can become anger, even abuse, and Moon/Mars is alcohol, use care in celebrating the end of 2006 and the beginning of 2007.

World Transit Chart

December 31, 2006




Copyright 1999-2006
Doug Riemer


The research and composition for The Celestial Wheel

is underwritten by paid subscribers. 


December 17

Sensitive Days

    The next couple of days, through Tuesday, are sensitive.  The all- important Moon will be passing through its fallen (weak) sign of Scorpio, where Mars is very powerfully placed because it rules Scorpio.    

     Notice too in this transit chart for tomorrow, that the Moon is just one sign away from the Sun, which means it is a dim waning crescent.

     The Moon temporarily reactivates the stellium (grouping of four or more planets).  Again this may be generally characterized as intellectual advocacy

     This results because Mercury is the intellectual mind, the Moon the perceptional mind and Jupiter the higher mind -- ethics, judgment, religion and philosophy.

World Transit Chart

December 18, 2006

     Although the Sun (government) has moved out of Scorpio and into Sagittarius, the focus remains on the Mideast, for that is where the culmination of karma is actualizing.   Although G.W. Bush has delayed his Iraq policy announcement until January, and the holiday season naturally interrupts legislative decision,  look for the next few days to unveil more Scorpio secrets.  Too, there's a potent karma for resulting emotional outbursts.  Don't make too much of these, for they reflect temporary impetuousness, not long term karmic trends -- whether its talking heads on TV news programs or your own personal associations.


Second Gilded Age.

     By now, everyone is well acquainted with the Second Gilded Age concept introduced two years ago in The Celestial Wheel, and often discussed since.  This is the U.S. chart's ten year Moon cycle which ends in November 2008 -- and has plagued America with its neoconservative agenda of cutting taxes, cutting social programs and empire-building for the moneyed elite.

     Because the Second Gilded Age has redrawn society since its inception in late 1998, we're all well accustomed to it's inequities, which have often been bizarre in their excess.  Isn't a  $200 million, 450 foot long private yacht just a little larger than anyone needs?

Rising Sun. 

Owned Larry Ellison, founder of Oracle Corporation


     Although the midterm elections did signal the beginning of the end for this Second Gilded Age, it's manifestations, like the Rising Sun, are truly all around us.  It would seem, however, that Gilded Age greed could not have penetrated all areas of society.  For example, don't our non-profit and altruistic colleges and universities stay above the feeding frenzy, protected in their vaunted ivory towers? 

     The answer, unfortunately, is no.  Because the New York Times archives for free articles only for a few days, this December 12 article, In Tuition Game, Popularity Rises with Price. is saved as a private Celestial Wheel web page.  Click on this link, and you'll be amazed that colleges have been raising tuition to attract more students. 

     Here's the lead,

COLLEGEVILLE, Pa. — John Strassburger, the president of Ursinus College, a small liberal arts institution here in the eastern Pennsylvania countryside, vividly remembers the day that the chairman of the board of trustees told him the college was losing applicants because of its tuition. It was too low.

     ...So early in 2000 the board voted to raise tuition and fees 17.6 percent, to $23,460.

     Ursinus received nearly 200 more applications than the year before. Within four years the size of the freshman class had risen 35 percent, to 454 students. Applicants had apparently concluded that if the college cost more, it must be better.

“It’s bizarre and it’s embarrassing, but it’s probably true,” Dr. Strassburger said.

     At the same time, financial aid has also increased, but the article points out the inevitable cosequence for ordinary Americans, ...officials of private colleges and universities say they fear that unless other steps are taken, the middle and upper middle class could ultimately be squeezed out.



Copyright 1999-2006
Doug Riemer


The research and composition for The Celestial Wheel

is underwritten by paid subscribers. 


December 13

Busy, Busy, Busy

     The  December 4 e-mail notice entitled, A Busy Day, stated, ...with Mercury's entrance into Scorpio yesterday, there's another intense stellium formed.  This is highly energetic -- so everyone tends to have a lot going on right now.  The activity areas vary with your chart's rising sign, making the stellium excellent for some and challenging for others.

     Today's transit chart shows this stellium endures, stimulating activity in everyone's life this month.  The combination of Jupiter, Mars, Mercury and the Sun is complex, but it may be generalized as the intellectual advocate

     Certainly, this energy engages everyone in active pursuits of one sort or another -- which can range from high productivity to confronting people and issues.

World Transit Chart

December 13, 2006

     The stellium will begin to disburse mid month, when the Sun moves into Sagittarius, leaving only three planets in deep and mysterious Scorpio.  On December 23, Mercury will follow the Sun out of Scorpio, enabling the planetary energies will return to a more typical and balanced distribution.  The Christmas holiday itself will thereby be more benign, although the Moon being with Rahu that day will add emotional intensity.  Try to avoid extremes -- either over jubilation or angst. 

     There is a solar storm headed toward earth, which is due to arrive tomorrow.  See's Severe Space Storm Headed to Earth, and NASA's's article, X-Flare.  Although satellites and power grids are of concern, experience has shown that solar flares exaggerate the energies symbolized by the planets, which are already stirred up.

     Use restraint in gift shopping, for the planetary energetics can overcome common sense and result in too-quick decisions that would be regretted later for either not suitable or costing too much.

     This World Transit Chart, which uses the natural zodiac beginning at Aries, places Scorpio in the eighth house of hidden things and the resulting turmoil when this house is churned up -- which well describes world events.  While it's important to pay attention to the news, don't make too much of some reporting, which tends to be sensational or exaggerated.  Fair and balanced is only a FOX News marketing slogan, about as truthful as Bank Of America's Higher Standards and Bush's New Way Forward for Iraq.  Only one thing can be predicted with certainty -- that these four planets in Scorpio are, and will continue to stimulate revealing secret or unknown information, which can be very disruptive, even as the truth cleanses.

     For this astrologer, the stellium is in his second house of income, which has brought a welcome deluge of client requests -- and delayed composing Celestial Wheels.  Of course, this surge comes from clients stimulated by the stellium.  The In-depth Mideast forecast has been organized, however, and should be published within the next few days.



Copyright 1999-2006
Doug Riemer


The research and composition for The Celestial Wheel

is underwritten by paid subscribers. 



December 4

Tonight's Full Moon From Sedona

     Here's an image of tonight's full Moon -- peaking through a juniper pine with moonlight through chill air creating a multi-hewed aura.  It almost looks like a jellyfish.  So above, so below?



Predictions Check

     Occasionally it's useful to check past predictions against later circumstances and trends.  This exercise doesn't just verify predictive accuracy, it also supports understanding the how adding pieces of the puzzle slowly reveals the picture.  Following are these analyses for gasoline prices, voting machine concerns and the economy:


Gasoline Prices

          The August 20 Celestial Wheel observed that falling gas prices were, inexplicable, unless the big oil companies actually have been price gouging and (temporarily) eased gasoline prices in response to pressure.  This would be a result of public resistance -- the March 2 to October 1 Counter-Culture movement in the U.S. (See the January 31, 2006 In-dept Celestial Wheel, Planetary Karmas For 2006 -- Part 3 United States Chart.)

     On November 25, My Way reports in AP Analysis: Firms Crimping Oil Supplies, An Associated Press analysis suggests that big oil companies have been crimping supplies in subtler ways across the country for years.  And tighter supplies tend to drive up prices.


Voting Machines Concerns

          The October 4 Celestial Wheel  predicted a Mercury retrograde effect -- fouling up communications and the electronic voting machines, and the democratic process is threatened.

     Articles on November 24 in the Washington Post , An Electronic Canary, and on November 26 in the New York Times,  Experts Concerned as Ballot Problems Persist, report electronic voting machine shortfalls, emphathizing correcting these are critical to democracy.


The Economy

     The September 26 Celestial Wheel predicted, for the U.S., an economic slowdown is inevitable... for when all four of the major planets shift signs this fall, they will move into positions negative for prosperity.

     Reuters November 25 article, Wal-Mart sees weak sales as holiday season starts, reflects the economic squeeze of the lower and middle classes.  New York Times November 27 article, Stocks Fall on Wal-Mart Sales, confirms the gravity of Wal-Mart's sales decline.  Conversely, the Washington Post November 27 report, On Black Friday, Fewer People, More Spent, indicates the upper classes shopping in pricier malls have plenty to spend.

     These are Second Gilded Age characteristics.  Another example of greed in the upper socioeconomic group is described in the November 27 New York Times report, Gilded Paychecks -- Lure of Great Wealth Affects Career Choices

     The Financial Times on November 24, Markets rocked by sharp slide in dollar, expresses international concern about the U.S.'s government and trade deficits undermining the dollar's value and favoring the rich. 

     Looking further into the future, the Washington Post October 26 article, Capitalism's Next Stage, explains concern and mystification about the future shape of capitalism.  The May 24, 2004 In-depth Celestial Wheel, #52 The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction -- A New Twenty Year Era, stated, The ongoing process of globalization is breaking down national borders and the concept of nation states... Labor is added through outsourcing jobs, and this is opens the door to labor mobility worldwide.


G.W. Bush

     Beginning April 10, the Celestial Wheel has repeatedly predicted G.W. Bush will suffer a nervous breakdown,

     G.W. Bush enters his difficult 17 year Mercury Dasa May 15, and this will bring intense mental turmoil for Mercury being conjunct a terrible Saturn -- and Mercury itself ruling the third house of desires and twelfth house of loss.  As Mercury is the nervous system, and Bush is a tightly wound fellow (which is why he must exercise two hours a day), I believe Bush will suffer a nervous breakdown sometime after May 15.

     Following are two recent articles speaking to the issue of Bush's mental health.

     Washington Post, October 13, Bush Confounded by the 'Unacceptable', President Wields Word More Freely as his Frustration Rises.

     Truthout (N.Y. Times) December 3,  Has He Started Talking to the Walls?  As Mr. Bush has ricocheted from Vietnam to Latvia to Jordan in recent weeks, we've witnessed the troubling behavior of a president who isn't merely in a state of denial but is completely untethered from reality.  It's not that he can't handle the truth about Iraq. He doesn't know what the truth is.

     Beyond G.W. Bush being tightly wound, beyond his using religious ideology instead of informed rationalism, beyond Bush being the post 9-11 bully when cooperative diplomacy was called for -- it's true that he doesn't know what the truth is.  This is clearly seen in his chart, where the ruler of the second house of speech is in the the twelfth house of loss, and also where Mars is placed in the second house.  Desirous Mars, after all, has no ethics, caring only about the ends, never the means.  G.W. Bush is like the Sedona timeshare salesmen whose charts I've done, who also have greedy desirous Mars in the second house of speech and income.  When I've pointed out that truth can be an issue, they all invariably replied, Okay.  But, tell me, will I make a lot of money next month?


In-depth Celestial Wheels

     Two in-depth Celestial Wheels are planned -- G.W. Bush and the Mideast.


G.W Bush

     Charts for Bush, his second term inaugural, Laura Bush and his parents will be presented and analyzed -- all of which will shed light upon his karmic path.  Perhaps then the issue of his nervous breakdown will become clear, especially as to when that may happen.



     It's also time to review the Mideast nations charts on hand:  Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel.  After all, the predicted culmination this fall in the Mideast is certainly occurring.  Read the Washington Post November 27, Jordan Fears Three Middle East Civil Wars.

     See the below map to better understand the Mideast's physical geography -- especially how Iraq truly is the keystone in the increasingly unsteady arch of Mideast nations.





Copyright 1999-2006
Doug Riemer


The research and composition for The Celestial Wheel

is underwritten by paid subscribers.