The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction  -- A New Twenty Year Era
May 26
, 2004 



Synopsis Of Key Points

A.   The Millennium To 2020

     The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction of May, 2000 gives a double-decade look ahead

     We naturally ponder and plan our lives within the world in twenty year segments


B.  Time Is The Arbiter  Of All Things

     One's vantage point is an important consideration.

     The US, as potent a driving force as it is now, is not the center of the world

     History is replete with world powers and empires growing, only to fade away


C.  The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction -- A New Era

    The two big planets signify the process of social evolution

     When Jupiter and Saturn conjoin, their powerful and opposing karmas shape a new era

     Unveiling Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions gives us practical information we can use in our long term planning

     It is difficult to know early in the cycle what this design will be, what this new era will bring by 2020

     This new era was heralded as millennium's promise of raised consciousness, even ascent directly to God

     Alternatively, Globalization was claimed by many futurists as the emerging reality


D.  Some Jupiter and Saturn Fundamentals

     Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, religion, law, politics, philosophy, optimism, progress and wealth

     Saturn is Jupiter's opposite, but its equal in forging consciousness


E.  Recent Conjunctions Of The Planets Of Social Evolution

     The last three Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions occurred in 1940, 1961 and 1980

     The last three Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions since 1940 have signified broad gains for humanity

     Many totalitarian governments, notably fascist and communist, have been defeated or discarded

     We have again a clashing of corrupted religious systems, a new crusade likely fall on its own sword

     Deforestation, desertification, fisheries decline... link in as yet unknown ways to bring global warming


F.  The  Current Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction

     For this conjoining of the planets of social evolution, we have an astrological conundrum

     In summary, this Jupiter/Saturn chart is complex, powerful and adaptable

     Saturn is disorganized and lacks structure... breaking down existing structures and the need to reorganize

     The ongoing process of globalization is breaking down national borders and the concept of nation states

     Labor is added through outsourcing jobs, and this is opens the door to labor mobility worldwide

     As Saturn's existing structures collapse, new structures for an internationalized world take their place

     This view of globalization also does not speak to the inevitable dislocations of people

     I've been daydreaming about Vermont summers, Sedona in the fall and a Caribbean island in the winter



A.  The Millennium To 2020


     In the midst of heightened and continuing escalation of ideological conflicts and the US national political struggle, it's useful to pause and take a double-decade look ahead to 2020.  Let's contemplate, then, where this karmic sea may be taking the world, the US ship of state and integrally, our individual lives.

     One astronomical technique, that of the twenty year Jupiter/Saturn conjunction, is of great practical value in its mapping double-decade eras.  The current era began with the last such conjunction on May 28, 2000.  This interval relates well to the stages in life, and thereby how we perceive and plan our develop- ment.  Using the perspective of an average eighty year incarnation, what happens today is not definitive for the life path, and nobody cares about the future in 1,000, or even 100 years.  Yes, there are daily upheavals, for good or ill, that are life-changing, but such karmic events are contained within the more enduring and comprehensive ocean of karmic influences that shape the entire life.  Upheavals are the forkings in the river of life but are not the life's journey to the river's end.  


     We therefore naturally ponder and plan our lives within the world in twenty year segments, consider- ing our goals, the current world situation and anticipated trends for the next twenty years.  For example, we choose education to prepare for twenty year career, select a home for raising our children to adulthood and develop financial plans for twenty years of retirement.  All these life are practicalities necessary for achieve- ment and self preservation for expected  lifespan of eighty years or so.  Governments, political parties, businesses and other large organizations, which are, after all, run by people, similarly plan about twenty years into the future. 




B.  Time Is The Arbiter  Of All Things


     One's vantage point is an important consideration here.  The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction means different things  to people, and these must further vary with culture, geography, climate and country.  The US, as potent a driving force as it is now, is not the center of the world.  Only 5% of the population reside here.  Nor is the US dominant in all parts of the world.  Consider Tibet, for example, or even the entire African continent.  Further, the US role in the world changes over time, and its ability to influence shifts as inevitably as the planets inexorably move in the sky.  History is replete with world powers and empires growing, only to fade away.  Time is the arbiter of all things.  


     Consider the longer world view held by economically poor India, which many Indians maintain is a rich country.  For so much of its long 5,000 year history, India was indeed wealthy  (the search for the Northwest Passage was always about India), and its recent economic poverty falls only within the narrow context of recent history and the Western concept of wealth.  Suddenly the West is recognizing that India's rich-in-wisdom and enduring culture is a greater type of wealth, for this underlying power is again manifesting in burgeoning economic growth.  




C.  The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction -- A New Era


     In Vedic Astrology, this twenty year interval is measured, not by accident, through the conjunction of  Jupiter and Saturn.  These, the two big planets defining the scope of the solar system, signify the process of social evolution.  Because of this broader societal focus signified by these impersonal planets (compared with the more personal inner planets), this technique is not applied to individual charts but rather to planet-wide forecasting, called mundane astrology.  


     Ponderous Saturn's twenty-nine year journey through the constellations, together with Jupiter's still unhur- ried twelve year voyage, bring their intersection at double-decade intervals within in the constellations - signs.  When Jupiter and Saturn conjoin, their powerful and opposing karmas shape a new era for the next twenty-year cycle.


     If each of us is a ship navigating the Atlantic Ocean, and by understanding the powerful and unseen Gulf Stream, we can use its energies to our advantage, making our journeys quick, safe and productive.  How- ever, without this knowledge, we risk missing the favorable current, entering stormy seas and losing our course.  Unveiling the deeply submerged meanings of Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions gives us practical infor- mation we can use in our long term planning.  There's an old adage that millionaires don't use astrology, but billionaires do.  What this concept speaks to is that all large organizations have long term plans, suggesting many use astrology, often secretly, attuning their strategies to the planets and stars.


     The Jupiter/Saturn conjunction sets the canvas upon which the planetary karmas paint a design, and it is difficult to know early in the cycle what this design will be, what this new era will have brought the world by 2020.  IBM's personal computer in 1980 launched the information age, but it wasn't until the early nineties that we recognized and labeled this double-decade as the information age.  The current Jupiter/Saturn conjunction occurred May 28, 2000, and although much history has already unfolded in the last four frenetic years, the shape of the entire twenty year era is not yet established.  This Forecast identifies and interprets the major planetary karmas to sketch out the broad outlines of the era from 2000 to 2020, to provide long term planning information that ordinarily is available only to large groups at great expense.  


     Jupiter and Saturn joined in May 28, 2000 in the constellation of Aries, and this new era was heralded by many as the new millennium's promise of raised consciousness, even ascent directly to God.  (I recall Marvin Weinstein, with the Sedona name of Zodiac Zeek, who left his hat at the studio where his ascension video was filmed.  I called him Zeek, by the way, for Zodiac sounded campy.  After the Millennium- he called the studio, stating he decided not to ascend and demanded his hat back!)  Other New Age gurus used fear of the-end-of-the-world to influence their followers.  Well, the hopeful view of a gentler and more conscious world has already been dashed in the fire of a new type of war, global terrorism, accompanied by a tidal wave of violent American imperialism, which should truly be no surprise, for  Jupiter/Saturn conjoined in fiery Aries.  But this is not the end of the world either.

     Alternatively, Globalization was claimed by many futurists as the emer- ging reality.  I haven't read comprehensively about globalization, and as mill- ennium hopes have faded (I missed the ascension bus too), I remember even less.  Yet, it seems much of that literature envisioned either an implaus- ible utopia or Armaged- don.  The wheel of karma keeps turning, and there's neither an end nor the ability to get off the wheel.





D.  Some Jupiter and Saturn Fundamentals


     Jupiter is the planet of wisdom, religion, law, politics, phil- osophy, optimism, progress and wealth.  It's metal is gold.  Jup- iter is the teacher.  He signifies expansion of all kinds.  

     Gracious Jupiter also naturally rules fat, and by extension, diabetes.  Circulation, liver, allergies and thighs are other phys- ical significations.

     A well disposed Jupiter brings hope, good gurus, wise tea- cher, devotion, judgment, ethics, wealth, benevolence, good deeds and aspiration.

     A poorly disposed Jupiter is ignorant, arrogant, foolish, mat- erialistic, overly righteousness, unethical, greedy, pessimistic.  Messianic leaders teaching bogus philosophies arise. 

Expansive Jupiter



Contractive Saturn

     Saturn is Jupiter's opposite, but its equal in forging con- sciousness.  Saturn is detachment, duty, obligation, purity, asceticism, poverty, organization, perseverance, hard work, focus, skepticismSaturn is the planet of death and is thereby wisdom experienced.  His metal is iron.  He rules waste, the joints and chronic illness.

     A favorable Saturn brings realism, honor, selflessness, longevity, and focused organized achievement for the common man.

     When Saturn is injured, he influences for suspicion, para- noia, deception, degradation, punishing, suffering, abusive authority figures, disorganization, lack of structure chronic illness and death.



E.  Recent Conjunctions Of The Planets Of Social Evolution

     The last three Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions occurred in 1940, 1961 and 1980.  Following are condensed obser- vations on each.  The charts were calculated for the exact time Jupiter reached Saturn.  The location used was London, to apply Greenwich Mean Time.  Since we use GMT for set our clocks, this time zone is also known as universal time, which makes it applicable to globally relevant mundane charts.  This method compares with the more general natural zodiac chart, which makes Aries the first house. 


     Saturn is weakest, and thereby the most harmful, in its fallen constellation of Aries, which is ruled by warrior Mars.  This ruins the qualities of both Jupiter and Saturn.

     We see then the messianic leaders promoting sham philosophies.  Saturn's death is pervasive. Paranoid authority figures impose suffering upon, and degrade, groups.

     The Mercury/Sun/Mars conjunction signifies ego- maniac warriors emotionally fervent about the fourth house matters -- their deepest beliefs and the national homeland.  Rahu/Moon in the sixth house of enemies and foreigners is fear of worldwide conflict.  World War II was followed by the Cold War, making this entire twenty-year era one of conflict.

     Venus stimulates desire and the arts in the third house, and its aspect to the ninth house of wealth stimulates economic growth, especially

August 7, 1940 10:11 pm


in Venus's signification for vehicles..  Because the fourth house of fixed assets and the home is so potent, great progress was made in Sun/Mars weapons, and Sun/Mercury business encouraged housing.



      Here we have Saturn powerful and honor- able in his own sign of Capricorn in the fifth house of government.  The welfare of the com- mon man is given prominence by government.  Mars in the tenth house of the public adds Mars' initiative and bravery to that campaign.  


     The Sun with Ketu and Mercury are in soc- ially conscious Aquarius in the sixth house of service and enemies. This further stimulates social progress and also the accompanying protests against discrimination and war.  Venus with the Moon in the seventh of relationships is a further influence for social progress, here through love.


     Jupiter, however, is in its fallen constellation in Capricorn, which brings an unwise war in Viet- nam, which powerful Mars fights with dedication and blood- shed.  Lack of Jupiterian judgment delays disengagement for years.  Weak Jupiter also indicates the misguided greed of the sixties, as well as later poverty.  Worldly Rahu in the twelfth house of loss evens the scales with the economic malaise of the seventies.

February 18, 1961 at 9:36 pm


     A surfeit of forbidden pleasures is found
in Rahu's twelfth house placement, bringing the sexual revolution and drugs.  Venus/Moon turns sex into free love.  Mercury/Ketu in the sixth house of the appetite is psychedelic drugs, and with the spiritual Sun, people believed they could attain union with God chemically. 



     The information age is found in Jupiter and Saturn in Virgo, ruled by Mercury's communi- cations.  An exalted Mars (machines) in the tenth house of the public with spiritual Ketu brings otherworldly-quick computers to the masses.  


    Sun/Mercury in the ninth house of wealth and long journeys promotes global communications and internat- ional trade.  The Moon in the seventh of relationships also favors trade, and democracy as well.  Thus, this era has become known as the information age with its attendant scientific and technological advances spurring economic growth and modernization. 


      Enemies are defeated by Jupiter/Saturn placed in the sixth house of conflict, and Sun/Mercury (business) in the ninth house of wealth bring down the Iron Curtain through capitalism's predominance. 


     However, Mercury is almost exactly conjunct the Sun, blinding business and government to some greater social issues -- the environment and long term oil short- ages are perhaps examples.    

December 31, 1980 at 12:26 pm


     The seeds of radical religious conservatism are also in this blinding Sun/Mercury conjunction in the ninth house of religion.

     Rahu in the fourth house of the home stimulates desire for fixed assets -- vehicles, homes and other capital pur- chases -- but also greed that poisons the planet.


     Venus's reproductive system brings AIDS in the eight house of chronic illness, but Venus here is also great for research and income.

Summary --  The Last Three Jupiter/Saturn Conjunctions

     Summarizing history is prone to subjectivity, but it seems safe to state that the last three Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions since 1940 have signified broad gains for humanity.  

     Globalization in trade and communications is making the world a global community of still sovereign states.  This is a work-in-progress, however.  No one yet anticipates the shape the world under matured globalization.

     Many totalitarian governments, notably fascist and communist, have been either directly defeated or discarded throughout the globe.  Most remaining dictators and kings are gradually unclenching their medieval society iron fists to accept reform.  While western style democracy is not a one-size-fits-all model, the success of its political, economic and social freedoms are inevitably soaking into the world societal fabric through globalization.

     There is a new kind of war in Muslim fundamentalist terrorism techniques, although it follows the Ireland model.  However, the US is also suffering from its own homebrew of  religiously intolerant imperialism.  So we have yet again a clashing of corrupted religious systems, a new crusade which will likely fall on its own sword before humanity can begin again the advancement of freedom based upon spiritual truths universal to all religions.

     Building environmental concerns, resulting mainly from unchecked population and economic growth, have been identified but as yet lack effective solutions.  Deforestation, desertification, fisheries declines, resource imbalances and air and water pollution link together in as yet unknown ways to bring global warming.  This is the second challenge for humanity in the new millennium.   

     The current, and still infant, Jupiter/Saturn conjunction era is built upon this foundation of globalization, expansion of personal freedoms, newly emerged imperialism and impending environmental challenge.  As these confront us all, they must ultimately be addressed during the remaining sixteen years of the new era.

F.  The  Current Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction 

     For this conjoining of the planets of social evolution, we have an astrological conundrum.  By changing the time just seven seconds, the all-important Ascendant (identity) changes from Leo to Virgo, and there is no known method to measure whether Jupiter conjoined Saturn within this short interval.  (Note:  This same problem would occur if the natural zodiac, making Aries the first house.  The issue is thereby unavoidable.)  Further, when the Ascendant point lies on the very edge of the house/sign, the chart has characteristics of both Ascendants, making it a dual-Ascendant chart.  To understand how determinative this is, see how all the planets shift houses from one chart to the other.


     While one may conclude this results in a dual-identity chart, in practice this seldom correct.  Because the chart holds the characteristics of both Ascendants, it is more accurately viewed as incorporating all the qualities of both charts.  So, there's no split identity here but rather a composite, like plywood is formed from multiple layers.  Interpretation is difficult for the complexity of two distinct but joined layers.  Again, however, like the strength of plywood, the chart can be powerful, and this perhaps results from the chart's capability to drawn upon twice the strengths of a single piece of wood.  Adaptability would be another way of seeing this strength, for the chart can operate from either Ascendant.



May 28, 2000 at 1:00:00 pm
Virgo Ascendant



May 28, 2000 at 1:00:07 pm
Leo Ascendant


     It is also true that in this situation, the Ascendant (self) becomes very weak at the edge of a house/sign at zero degrees.  This is called Sandhi, which translates to dead, indicating weakness.  Sandhi is defined as being within two degrees of the house/sign edge, and this zero degree position indicates extreme inability to function.  However, if the planetary ruler of the Ascendant is strong, and if the Ascendant receives aspects (glances) from beneficial planets, this weakness is overcome.  Astrologers call this a fortified Ascendant.   Both these conditions are satisfied for both Ascendants in this chart.  In summary, this chart is complex, powerful and adaptable.


     A further concern in the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction chart is that Saturn and Jupiter are also Sandhi at 28:50 degrees.  Like the 1940 conjunction, Saturn is in its fallen (debilitated) constellation of Aries, bringing war, death, punishment, degradation and paranoia.  That Saturn is Sandhi can only debase the planet of suffering further.  Saturn's debilitation and Sandhi weaknesses inflate suspicion to already seen paranoia on both sides of the war on terrorism.  This Saturn also harms Jupiter.  For example, we can already see Jupiter's significations for fat, diabetes and allergies are all becoming widespread health concerns.  That Jupiter rules children puts young people most at risk from these illnesses.


     These harms to Jupiter's health significations are illustrative of how the dual-Ascendants operate.  In the Leo Ascendant chart, Jupiter rules the fifth house of children and the eighth house of chronic illness and is Sandhi with debilitated Saturn (chronic illness) in the good ninth house.  One doesn't have to understand Vedic Astrology to see the harms to Jupiter, and thereby to its areas of health.  We also see Jupiter's health issues in the Virgo Ascendant chart.  Here, Jupiter is placed in the eighth house of chronic illness conjunct fifth house (children) ruler Saturn, debilitated and Sandhi.  


     Similarly, there has been a recent rash of philosophical political books, which also relate well to the two Ascendants.  For Leo Ascendant, Jupiter rules the fifth house of authorship and is placed in the ninth house of publications and philosophy.  For the Virgo Ascendant, Jupiter is placed with the fifth house (authorship) ruler Saturn in the eighth house of secrets.  These combine for the books exposing fear-based neoconserv- atism and advocating the higher values of truth, equality and courage.


    These examples demonstrate that despite the dual-Ascendant complexities of the current Jupiter/Saturn conjunct- ion chart, their influences can be merged together to gain meaningful insights.


     With the weak positions of Jupiter and Saturn and the dual Ascendants,  uncertainty and change must be bywords for the first twenty years of the new Millennium.  Although this era has been characterized so far by terrorism, invasions and a recession, the difficult beginning does not necessarily characterize the entire era.  In fact, the chart's complexity, power and adaptability increase free will and promote change.  The chart does not bind humanity to a twenty year violent struggle but rather empowers humanity to overcome the difficult circumstances in which we find ourselves.  A linchpin factor for the new millennium twenty year era is that a weak Saturn is disorganized and lacks structure, which indicates a breakdown of existing structures and the need to reorganize.


      This chart is distinct from, and much more favorable than the 1940 Jupiter/Saturn conjunction chart that brought strife during the entire era.  First, the dual-Ascendant quality greatly empowers the chart.  Second, several planets are better disposed in this current chart than the 1940 chart. The grouping of Venus, Sun and Mars is strong and favorable in both charts -- Virgo Ascendant for wealth, wisdom and creative achieve- ment and Leo Ascendant for worldly achievement, good deeds and fixed assets.  Mercury is also favorably placed in both charts -- Virgo Ascendant for advancement and Leo Ascendant for achieving goals an group interactions.  Together, these planetary dispositions bring potent karmas for reorganizing after the Saturn-inspired breakdown.


     Breakdown here does not mean societal ruin, like the Dark Ages following the fall of the Roman Empire.  Rather, the ongoing process of globalization is breaking down national borders and thereby the concept of nation states, upon people identify and governments operate.  Consider that international trade means producing products and services in optimum locations, which are then sold worldwide.  The three legs of economics are land, capital and labor.  International trade has for literally thousands of years international- ized land and capital, although the scope of trade has grown immensely in recent decades.  Now in the information age, labor is added through outsourcing jobs, and this is opens the door to labor mobility worldwide.  By adding this third economics fundamental into global trade, the value of residence in a country begins to evaporate.  Both business and people (labor) become independent of the nation state, which trends to making nation states irrelevant, even useless impediments.


     This gradual but irresistible disassembling of nation states, as signaled and empowered by labor without borders, is the key to understanding the twenty year era ending in 2020.  With this change, Saturn's existing structures contained within nation states collapse, and new structures for an internationalized world take their place.  In fact, the term internationalized itself becomes a misnomer, for there's no nation left in a world without borders.  


     The broad-brush view of the current twenty year era is admittedly general, and does not address the power struggle of governments holding on to their nations' sovereignty.  After all, the evolution of global- ization wipes out the national public institutions and jobs of those in power.  However, politicians and bureaucrats have never been able to hold back progress in the long term, and as unspiritual as the concept may be, science and commerce are the engines of social evolution.  This view of globalization also does not speak to the inevitable dislocations of people in the broadest sense of redefining citizenship, culture, values, traditions, lifestyles -- even the family and religion. 


     As encouraging and frightening as this Forecast's conclusions may be, a future in which all mankind is free to live and work in a truly global community is enticing.  I've been daydreaming about Vermont in the summer, Sedona in the fall and a Caribbean island in the winter.  You can already e-mail or inexpensively call me at any of these locations for a Vedic consultation, and soon we'll be able to teleconference or personally visit with similar ease and economy. 



 Doug Riemer
PO 3127, Sedona, AZ 86340
(928) 203-4347


Copyright 1999-2004 Doug Riemer

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