The below was a direct email VedicLeaks entry,
The below was a direct email VedicLeaks entry,
Keys To Vedic Astrology is the companion website to The former offers Vedic consultations for individual charts. The latter adds depth and breadth by predicting events and circumstances in world affairs -- societal, economic and political. We all swim in an ocean of unseen karmic currents. There are four key statements on describing qualities underlying this metaphysical craft,
Tracking Predictions To better support planning your life, The Celestial Wheel was streamlined in August. October VedicLeaks is the third month of testing and refining this smart phone/ and tablet format. It also follows the sagacious advice by my first Vedic teacher, James Braha, Astrology is all about being more specific. How often we miss the obvious! Notice the two current monthly Matching Predictions To Results tables are posted on the home page. Previous monthly results are placed at the bottom of each VedicLeaks monthly page. Below are links to the final entries for August, September and October, each concluding with that month's Matching Predictions To Results table. Take a look to measure the accuracy and usefulness of these predictions -- and how knowing them supported your plans and activities -- harnessing planetary karmas to your benefit.
To be freed from being a servant of your fate, bring the the darkness of the unconscious into the light of consciousness.
October Review Below is a screen shot of the October prediction results table. (For live links, go to the home page.) A quick look shows the predictions, some to the day, came true for tropical storms well past the hurricane season peak and other intense destructions.
November -- So Far With the Mars/Rahu/Venus conjunction impacts winding down, it's a good time to review the first half of this eventful month. There have been lots of transport accidents, and remarkably, 10 aircraft crashes in just 1 1/2 weeks -- 6/7 per week. To understand how unusual that is, this article explains, How Many Planes Crash Every Year, And How Many People Die In Plane Crashes? [CHART], shows that in 2014, there were about 150 crashes, or 2.5 per week. Further, these crashes were all over land, as predicted in the November 4 entry, Since Virgo is an earth sign, these would be over land, not water. Following this thread, notice the bus and train crashes and the absence of marine accidents. The prediction for animal problems came true with two weird alligator incidents that hit the global press. Well, Rahu is a dragon.
Financial loss predictions began in August, and while that month was tough for markets, the stability in September and October ended this month. I can't find the article which stated a basic truth, but paraphrased is, Financial crashes never happen as soon as forecasters believe, but the drop is also faster and greater than anticipated. While recent economic travails have not been focused on government debt discord, this is the ticking time bomb creating fear. When interest rates do rise, payments on the huge government debts around the globe can crash the world economy. Results on predictions for challenges with and for females and abdominal ills, being personal, are not headline grabbers. You can evaluate these with your own experiences. Thankfully, with Mars having passed Rahu, and the all-important Moon now safely out of Scorpio, disasters are tailing off. However, yesterday's attacks in Paris warn that the world remains unsettled.
It Is Said Ancient India's seers divined the universal knowledge that underlies the vastness of Hinduism. This information was passed down orally* in scriptures through the millennia, the dates of origination forgotten. Universal knowledge does not relate to time, location, culture or any other variable. Universal knowledge just is. When Indians speak of universal knowledge, they use the adage, It is said. An example is It is said a chart sometimes can be understood from just one planet. For this VedicLeaks entry, that planet is Saturn transiting Scorpio. This planet of reality passing through that treacherous sign of hidden depths brings forth potent karmas to simulate events and circumstances that can make history. While Saturn's transit through Scorpio occurs every 29 years, Scorpio Saturn does not always, make history -- or at least history as we perceive it from the narrow focus of our culture and era. But, when there are major issues of global reach, as there are now, Scorpio Saturn's reality that cannot be resisted requires humanity to face them.
(*Brahman Priests used oral transmission from teacher to student because they believed writing scriptures down, would make the mind lazy. Ancient scriptures weren't recorded for thousands of years. Today scriptural texts from different sources are remarkably the same -- often literally clones. This incredible memorizing skill survives in India today -- A Master of Memory in India Credits Meditation for His Brainy Feats.)
Saturn, The Great Malefic
There's a caveat here. As Saturn is duty and responsibility, it's the one planet which cannot be resisted. Thus, what Saturn asks is not negotiable. If Saturn's duty is resisted, then it grinds and crushes until it's requirements are met, regardless of any suffering that results. Thus, if one should diet but doesn't, ones obesity will harm health -- until the person relents and diets. It is said Saturn is the greatest of the planets but is not forgiving. But Saturn's absolutism that truly makes him great? Saturn is not incidental. Saturn is consequential. It is said Saturn is the kind of pressure that turns coal into diamonds
Confluence Of The Moon Transiting Scorpio The Moon is fallen in Scorpio, weakening her, making her more vulnerable. When the Moon transits Scorpio, any malefic planets also transiting that harmful sign bring greater damage. This is the case now. Slow Saturn, the great malefic, is transiting evil Scorpio. Thus, confluence occurs now when the Moon transits Scorpio. Saturn's current Scorpio transit began in November 2014 and ends in early January 2017. The September 20 VedicLeaks entry explained,
The October 13 VedicLeaks entry repeated this information,,
The Moon's Recent Scorpio Transits Implicit in The Celestial wheel redesign is focusing upon major events resulting from the Moon's transit through Scorpio, where Saturn now lurks -- every 27 days. This is interval it takes for the Moon to circle the earth. (New Moon to full and back to new shows the light of the Sun reflected off the Moon and is thereby a different measurement.) Yes, there's stuff going on all the time now, for the world is upset, and the other planets have been stressful. But the Moon's Scorpio transits identify the malefic peaks. And because Saturn is involved, there are often major events, and they shape reality. Let's look at the last three transits through Scorpio to see how this karma has actualized. The Moon transited Scorpio September 18-20, October 16-18 and November 12-14. The September 20 VedicLeaks entry stated, The Moon transits Scorpio the morning of September 18 (Friday) through late this evening (Sunday). At the bottom is this monthly VedicLeaks page is the Matching Predictions To Results table for September. Stocks plummeted, and the VW scandal hit. Take a look for yourself! September 20.
The October 13 entry stated, ...the lunar month will bring her back to Scorpio 27 days later -- October 15. She continues there through October 17. The October Matching Predictions To Results table is on the home page. The predicted watery storms and explosions resulted. Again, take a look for yourself! home page. Also the October 18 entry posted nine dramatic images of these destructions.
The November 4 entry stated, The exact conjunction of Mars to Rahu will be Thursday, November 12, but turmoil continues through Friday, November 14 (Moon in Scorpio again). The November Matching Predictions To Results table is on the home page. The Paris attacks were November 13, but much more was going on during that interval. Again, take a look for yourself! home page
What Saturn Realities Do these Moon Transits Mean? Well, that's the big question isn't it? First, consider what the events portend. Second, integrate them.. Third, identify large themes. Certainly, good candidates are, Oil Climate change
The religious war between the Sunni and the Shiite branches of Islam The U.S. entering the Second Progressive Age (starting December 1)..
Next Lunar Transit Through Scorpio The Moon will next transit Scorpio December 9 to 11. There are no confirming harmful karmas from or amid the other planets. Yet, this will be a new Moon, making her even more fragile. And certainly there is enough turmoil in the world now that it doesn't take much karma to signal other major events -- and consequences.
Tumultuous Month November has been a tumultuous month, as predicted. The Mars/Rahu/Venus conjunction fired up the celestial energies. Take a look at the Matching Predictions To Results -- November on the home page.
All's Quiet The below chart is today's. It shows Mars having advanced 11 degrees beyond Rahu -- a precipitous drop in aggravating energy. Venus, although weak, is also less maligned. Now at 29:34 degrees, she is far away from these malefics, and is just a day away from entering Libra. Because Venus rules Libra, she will brighten there, supporting again her qualities of love, compassion, creativity, contentment, females, joy and the grace of God. By Tuesday, Venus will begin acting like her normal self.
The above November 22 entry expressed concern about Mercury between malefics Sun and Saturn. As you can see in today's chart, Mercury is well past Saturn. This settles Mercury's nervous system. And the Sun (malefic because he is heat), is on top of Saturn, which covers the Sun's light. In a few hours the Sun will pass Saturn and by Tuesday, he will have move out from Saturn's shadow. For the next two days, the Sun's energy is repressed. In sum, then, with Mars/Rahu calming, plus Venus and the Sun remaining weak, the energy is All's Quiet. Use this energetic lull to your benefit by being quiet and rest. Do the same tomorrow. Then on Tuesday, with Mercury, the Sun and Venus all picking up steam, begin again to travel your path ahead. Yet, this is no green light go but rather orange light caution, for Rahu's intensifying influence upon Mars overstimulates desire. That can lead to frustration, anger, mistakes, even accidents. So, follow this core idea in Hinduism, Do you best without expectations of result. And don't forget the above November 24 entry about the Moon's perilous transit through Scorpio. The next one is December 9-11. That will be a good time for a pit stop.
New U.S. Dasa Dawning On December 1 the U.S. ends its aggressive 7 year Mars Dasa (planetary cycle) and enters a 17 year Rahu Dasa -- the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point. This heralds the Second Progressive Age. It's not just a big deal. This is a huge deal. Shared democratic values will be regained. Being placed in the eighth house of hidden things and calamity, Rahu Dasa brings an earthquake-like rejection of authority. Thus U.S. chart ran its first Rahu Dasa from late 1775 to 1793. The Declaration Of Independence (from the English King) was signed within months, but wasn't until 1792 we elected George Washington President. It takes a long time to transform society. The second Rahu Dasa ran 1896 to 1913. Its societal-wrenching change, however, was delayed until Vice President Teddy Roosevelt became President upon McKinley's assassination in 1901. Rahu in the eighth house of death was impatient at the delayed movement to liberate an oppressed America from the Robber Barons. So Rahu killed McKinley This action gives you some insight into Rahu's dragon energy. Not much will happen at the beginning of Rahu Dasa. Although Dasa changes are turning points in the life, it takes some time for the new energy to fully come in. The earliest we may see Rahu Dasa in action is will be just after the first of the year, when it attacks Jupiter, the planet of fortune. For some background on this coming Second Progressive age, read, the December 2012 free In-depth Forecast, Has The Second Progressive Age Begun? For a musical interpretation of weary Americans awaiting freedom from oppression by the rich and powerful, listen to CROSBY, STILLS & NASH -- Long Time Gone -- writtenin 1969 when Ketu's mystical Dasa promoted counter culture. It's been a long time comin' And it appears to be a long night You can smell somethin' burnin' And it appears to be a long night Turn, turn any corner And it appears to be a long night Speak out, speak out against the madness Because it appears to be a long night It's been a long time comin'
Matching Predictions To Results November