The Celestial Wheel Notes
Predictions Check
Saturn Turns Forward
Think of these toughest and roughest of malefic planets as two trucks on the interstate, both going north. One loses control and crosses the lane line, running into the other truck. It's a big accident. But think of how much more destructive the accident would be if one truck were traveling north and the other south -- and one crossed the lane to hit the other head on. Two trucks weighing tens of thousands of pounds and traveling some 70 mph in a head-on collision releases tremendous energy that engulfs not just the trucks but everything nearby. That's what Saturn and Rahu will be doing September 15 when they reach exact conjunction. Bear in mind, however, this analogy breaks down when including the factor that malefic planets on a crash course begin to bring major harm before the exact conjunction. The point here is that the Saturn/Rahu conjunction harms so far have been minor, compared to what they will start becoming when Saturn turns forward. This is the major planetary karma here. Anything else is just carnival ride bumper cars.
So, What's Been Happening? hurricanes Well, the Predictions Check items certainly continue to unfold, and intensify.
Predictions Check On Civil Unrest And Riots In U.S. Cities However, it's also true the ongoing Mercury retrograde until July 20 causes all kinds of confusions, which naturally muddied the evidence presented by both sides, confusing the juy. Another planetary karma contributing to this righteous anger is Mars, the planet of war, approaching Jupiter, the planet of justice, in Gemini. In the U.S. chart, Gemini is the seventh house of relationships, including the social nature. Mars' energy stimulates the otherwise placid Jupiter into demands for justice. It is the combination for advocates. Mars is now at 7 degrees Gemini, fast approaching Jupiter at 10 degrees. They conjoin July 22. So, expect increasing protests. Of course, the U.S. chart's Dasa planets now of Mars/Ketu is the underlying karma stimulating seething anger.
Saturn/Rahu In Libra It is no surprise then, that Saturn/Rahu victimizing is being seen in several U.S. states restricting female reproductive care, using their arch conservative Christian beliefs about abortion to enact punitive laws against that federally protected health care procedure. Unfortunately, this also restricts other female reproductive system services: check-ups, cancer screenings, contraception.... So, far, Texas, North Carolina and Wisconsin Republican controlled legislatures, with their Republican governors, have forced laws upon the public these unfair, misogynistic and illegal laws. There's a great irony here, for the other female reproductive services which fall under the ax by closing down Planned Parenthood and other services for women, actually increased the need for abortions, as well as harm their health! The Republican's bible is clearly the Jew's Old Testament, not the loving Jesus' New Testament. Saturn by his very nature is cruel, and intensified by foreign Rahu -- the head-of-the dragon eclipse pont -- he becomes barbaric. However, the Republicans aren't can can't roll everyone over on this, Federal judge temporarily blocks new Wisconsin abortion law. As for Venus symbolizing conveyances, the massive destruction Canadian train wreck on July 6, was just two days before harmful Saturn turned forward. Then, Saturn was grinding to a halt as he was ending retrograde, making him temporarily more destructive. Also, as Rahu is airplanes, airline crashes have also occurred: July 7, Two dead, 168 hurt in San Francisco air crash and Fire on Boeing 787 Dreamliner shuts London's Heathrow, July 12.
This Is All Part Of The Millennium Contraction Saturn/Rahu in Libra in the natural zodiac (beginning with Aries) is the seventh house of relationships and the social nature. In the U.S. chart, Libra is the eleventh house of friends, groups, goals and objectives. Take these together to understand what's beginning to happen in the U.S. is a relationships being fractured among groups and changing goals and objectives. Like breaking a leg and then having the bones reset, this will realign the public's legitimate democratic interests with both the public and private sectors. But isn't that what revolution truly means?
Saturn/Rahu In The Mideast The seventh house natural zodiac influence is a global one, indicating a breaking of relationships -- notably political -- which we can see in the Mideast and other areas -- Brazil's 'Day Of Struggle' Strike Sees Tens Of Thousands Of Public Workers Walk Off The Job Nationwide. Too, Egypt continues to churn, and Mideast turmoil is spreading to other countries. Syria remains mired in civil war. Lebanon is experiencing strife, Violence is Iraq is surging again. Afganistan is increasingly understood as another lost war. The Arab countries are shaking off the last of the colonial influences -- U.S. invasions and dictators and kings beholden to the West. This is a long and messy process, which regaining their own culture then results in the Arab countries figuring out out to exercise their freedom. We can see this already happening in Egypt, of course. And have no doubt, this is a religious conflict --between the majority Sunnis and the minority Shiites. Recall the once every 10 or 11 years when Rahu and Saturn combine signals major turmoil in the Mideast. This was last discussed in the June 11, VedicLeaks,
Planetary Afflictions Mercury, thankfully turned forward earlier this afternoon, dispelling the mental clouds of confusions, miscalculations and misunderstandings. As Mercury is also the nervous system, returning to forward motion restores some calm. Mercury also rules the respiratory system and the skin. Again, forward motion acts to moderate problems in these areas.
Sensitive Date Coming Up The Moon is directly opposite the Sun, making it a full Moon. One may believe the full light of the Sun gives the Moon strength to resist malefic energy.. But, it is perhaps more accurate to see the full Moon as being full of energy -- and thereby, when it is hit hard, the explosion is greater. Similarly, a full glass spills more water when tipped over than one mostly empty.
I have reliable charts, tested for several years, for Israel, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia. Israel's chart is overly impassioned, suggesting impulsive destructive action. Iraq's chart chows increasing turmoil. Iran's shows governmental bravado. Saudi Arabia is a long a Celestial Wheel concern because it is running a weakly harmful Jupiter Dasa -- planetary cycle. The kingship will fail. The Tuesday sensitive date indicates a major violence. After all, Saudi Arabia is one of the last Arab countries that has held back the swell of Arab revolutions against kings and dictators -- and the current king is the last in a line of now old men born under camels in the desert. The U.S. The Moon's position in Capricorn is the second house of domestic harmony and speech, giving a confirming karma for protests turning violent. See, Doctors Warn Tri-State Area Residents About Falling Victim To ‘Heat Rage’. That transit Mars is also crossing birth chart Venus then brings passion against perceived enemies -- but also accidents with vehicles, which includes aircraft. Although the karma peaks just after midnight on Tuesday, the influences will begin building Monday, and Tuesday during the day will remain risky.
Your Personal Experiences
Melissa Etheridge - Tuesday Morning Live
False Start This VedicLeaks was done in part as an alert to the planetary challenges building up: The former stated, Mid August marks the start of this karmic crash. Mid September, then, marks the peak. It also identified areas of concern, An early Predictions Check in the July 5 VedicLeaks, found some of these karmas beginning to actualize. That VedicLeaks also described the energy of Saturn/Mars,
(Note, with hurricanes predicted for mid August to mid September, here's a cool website, Historical Hurricane Tracks, from NOAA.)
My editor and I parried about this accident. He stated, Yes - did see it but not that impressive I replied, This is N.Y. There will be lots whiplash lawsuits. He answered, that angle didn't occur to me ;-) Wednesday, of course, was the horrific train wreck in Spain, Driver in custody after 80 killed in Spain train crash. There was also major Mideast violences: Police: More violence hits Iraq with 23 dead in shootings, explosion and 6 DEAD IN NEW ROUND OF VIOLENCE IN EGYPT.
Violences Are Building Up While violences are relative -- there's always something going on -- today's news is full of bad stuff: Then, there's been a slew of finance problems this week. Just the Detroit bankruptcy, in itself a harbinger of coming economic crisis, is already bringing problems -- Detroit bankruptcy could hit millions of retirees and Judge approves suit tying Morgan Stanley to toxic lending in Detroit. Also, US home resales' surprise drop snaps streak of gains. And here are welcome, and long delayed financial regulation actions: U.S. charges SAC Capital with insider trading crimes, U.S. indicts hackers in biggest cyber fraud case in history, Exclusive: DOJ starts probe into Wall St. metals warehousing - sources.
Your Personal Experiences Still, Saturn/Rahu can bring long needed change, for Saturn is the planet of responsibility and duty, and Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, intensifies Saturn's energies. So this combination can blow one out of even the deepest of karmic ruts. A stubborn client, who prefers to describe this penchant as, I have to learn the hard way you know, finally, after years and years moved from Arizona to Pennsylvania, to be close to family and support her health through positive Astrocartography there. Another, a family member, again finally decided to seek the medical care for a chronic condition. And she's more stubborn than a whole herd of mules! Remember the old saying, Only through turmoil comes change? There is always an upside to even the most challenging planetary combinations. Also, some of us need to start thinking outside the box -- not just another angle, but an entirely new approach -- to solve our problems. The story of teaching the horse to talk is one that is good to bear in mind. It runs like this. Many years ago in a far away country a wise old teacher was in trouble with his King. The King sentenced the teacher to death. The jailer told the prisoner he could make one final request before being hanged the next morning. The teacher asked for the chance to teach the King's horse to talk -- just a year. The King liked to own unusual things and a talking horse would certainly be unique, said "yes". The King may die The horse may die Or, I may teach that f***ng horse how to talk! And hey, I get a free year regardless. Isn't there another lesson here? Be your owner teacher. You know your journey. You don't need outside counsel. You don't need a guru, minister, parent, mate... nor anyone else to direct your path. Saturn is also isolation, solitude and power for achievement. Use this Saturn to be by yourself for a while to help you truly understand, and deal with, yourself. As Yogananda once said, solitude is the price of greatness. But, if you remain really really stuck, hiding out for example, rather than taking action, you can get a nuts and bolts Vedic Astrology Consultation or Chart Update. Just be prepared for your Vedic chart unveiling that which you have long hidden, even from yourself.