The Celestial Wheel



Into A Whirlwind Summer


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Into A Whirlwind Summer
June 5, 2013

Goodbye The Challenging Spring

    The wild spring season through both April and May is thankfully over.  The March 21 VedicLeaks offered spring predictions.  These were summarized in the April 30 entry, Mideast violences, major storms (hitting anywhere) and for the U.S. chart -- investments, government officials, truly severe storms and perhaps even popular revolts in impoverished urban areas.  Note I also predicted oil prices would rise.

     The May 13 Vedicleaks entry included a predictions-check, which additionally needs only the later tremendous tornadoes and challenges for government officials.  A notable predictive hit was the May 16 Heads-up, This weather sensitivity will continue through at least Monday, May 20, Wind and heavy thunderstorms with dangerous lightning and tornadoes are of greatest concern.   See, Scarred landscape in Oklahoma from May 20 tornado.


The Conjunction Driving Spring Events

     Before we leave this spring season behind, it is key to point out the major planetary karma driving these harms has been the Saturn/Rahu conjunction in Libra -- especially when it was aspected by warrior Mars. 

     Saturn is the great malefic -- the planet of suffering and loss. 

     Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, acts to intensify in such a potent way, he's toxic.  Rahu's attacks cannot be anticipated and are uncontrollable.

       When these malefic planets conjoin, as they do every 10 years, the resulting dissonant energy forces major global shifts.  The February 17 VedicLeaks introduced the current Saturn/Rahu conjunction -- which began January 14, 2013 and continues for a long 18 months until July 6, 2014.

     As for warrior Mars, he's the catalyst stimulating the worst Saturn/Rahu harms. 

     A blasting cap igniting Saturn/Rahu would be a better analogy.  

     Below are two World Transit Charts from the March 21 VedicLeaks, in the section, Mars Is The Villain To Watch.

     These show Mars' aspecting Saturn/Rahu this past spring from first Pisces and then Aries (red arrows), signaling violent events.

Note:  The February 17 VedicLeaks included a fascinating analysis of past Saturn/Rahu conjunctions matching up with Mideast turmoils.  However, although the unstable Mideast is a Saturn/Rahu target, other areas of the globe must also be affected -- for this is a transit, global planetary weather.   I've been working on an In-depth forecast going back to the last five previous Saturn/Rahu conjunctions, and will publish that shortly.  You will be amazed!

Into A Whirlwind Summer

     Referencing again the February 17 VedicLeaks, that entry include a World Transit Chart for Saturn/Rahu's exact conjunction on September 16, 2013.  See below.  I've added a red arrow showing Mars aspect (glance) to Saturn/Rahu. 

Areas of concern include: 
massive destructions
political infighting

food and/or drug crisis
currency failure (or inflation)

civil unrest and riots in U.S. cities
a major blow-up in the Mideast


     Later forecasting will offer more predictions, including timing.  Note now, however, the exact conjunction indicates the end of the period during which malefic energies will be increasing.  Mid August marks the start of this karmic crash.  Mid September, then, marks the peak.


     Keep in mind the above is transit analysis -- where the planets are in today's skies.  As you know Vedic Astrology uses planetary cycles, called Dasas.  Dasas are the primary karma, and transits secondary.  Dasas are like being in your lifeboat on the river of life.  Ttransits are like weather events on the river.

     The U.S. just completed its difficult Mars major and Mercury minor Dasa cycle -- May 28.  This has brought a year of unpleasant politics, the economy going into reverse (unless you're really rich!) and a resurgence of the mystical paranoia that began April 28, 2009, igniting the Tea Party movement,  This time, the mystical paranoia has actualized with the gun freaks fearful the government would take away their guns, heightened by having a black president in a still very racist country.

     As of May 28, the U.S. chart Dasa cycles changed to Mars/Ketu.  This continues until late October, 2013.

     Ketu is the otherworldly tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point.  He's the ultimate in weird, a ghostly hellion.  Dragon-tail Ketu is the whip slung by the serpent's powerful body -- the tip slashing with lightening speed to the bone. 

     Mars is selfish desire and violence.  Ketu is detachment from desire and spiritual knowledge, but also the wrath of God.  Both Mars and Ketu are Pitta -- fiery -- and they they are absolutely opposed in their energies.  Together, they bring seething anger and was the combination for 9-11.   

     Ketu in the U.S. chart is in the second house of domestic harmony and food quality, with which his mystical and dissolving energy is dissonant.  Thereby, when the U.S. ran it's seven year Ketu Dasa from late 1965 to late 1972, America experienced a counter-culture movement.  The December 2004 In-Depth Forecast, The United States Through Its Planetary Cycles -- Part II 1896 to Present, was the first Celestial Wheel forecast to unveil this.  It seems so long ago now.  Here's a screen shot of that section,

     Well, as Mars is War, and Ketu is counter-culture, then the label seething anger really fits!  And when we add in Mars aspecting the destructive Saturn/Rahu transit combination in Libra, then the U.S. lifeboat navigates fearsome rapids, and stormy weather pounds.


     So, yes, it will be a whirlwind summer.


The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©

VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer