U.S. Facing Dual Karmic Challenges That forecast also discussed the Dasa (planetary cycle) in the U.S. chart of Mars/Ketu (major/minor) from May 28 to October 25. This is the combination for seething anger which harkens back to both 9-11 and the seven year Ketu Dasa from late 1965 to late 1972, America's experienced a counter-culture movement. So now, the U.S. is challenged by both the Saturn/Rahu conjunction, with its global reach, and its own Mars/Ketu Dasa -- both happening now and continuing through the fall. But, remember, Dasas are primary karma -- your lifeboat going down the river of life -- and transits are secondary karma -- weather on that river. So, we naturally look first at Mars/Ketu Dasa and next at the Saturn/Rahu transit. Now, pay attention to this,
The Same Planetary Cycles And Transits 35 Years Ago Wikepedia's entry, 1968 Democratic National Convention, (Chicago) has an excellent summary,
This review of Ketu/Mars Dasa in 1968 certainly enlightens us as to what to expect during the current May 28 to October 25 Mars/Ketu Dasa. As for heavy transits, well we have the Saturn/Rahu conjunction, and it makes simple sense to ask whether these two great malefics were also in conjunction in 1968. Yes they were! The February 17, 2013 VedicLeaks analyzed past three Saturn/Rahu conjunctions in regard to the Mideast: 2001+ Afghanistan War, 1991 Gulf War and 1979 Iranian Revolution. Going back one more cycle, the next previous Saturn/Rahu conjunction ran from January 14, 1968 to May 1, 1969. (Note: I've been working on an In-depth Forecast analyzing Saturn/Rahu conjunctions going all the way back to 1945 and will publish that soon.) Thereby, during Ketu/Mars Dasa in 1968, there was a Saturn/Rahu conjunction, and now again during Mars/Ketu Dasa in 2013, Saturn/Rahu are also in conjunction. Using the two fundamental predictive rules, we can thereby assert this summer/fall will mirror the summer/fall of 1968,
The Karmas Are Already Beginning to Unfold Too, there is some active citizen unrest, 150 People Arrested In NAACP Protest Against NC Republicans And hasn't Second Gilded Age greed infected all of government? Where money talks Beyond the U.S. and the Mideast, is the entire globe headed toward violent protests,We Are Now One Year Away From Global Riots, Complex Systems Theorists Say (I believe this view is late, for it's this summer/fall when the planetary karmas get really tough.) After nearly 5 years since the economy crashed, only the very rich are doing well. The rest of us are becoming impatient, irritated, even angry that things have not only failed to improve, they've gotten worse! Happiness Index: Only 1 In 3 Americans Are Very Happy, According To Harris Pol. And, Americans have rebuilt less than half of wealth lost to the recession, study says, The report showed most of the improvement was due to gains in the stock market, which primarily benefit wealthy families. That means the recovery for other households has been even weaker. In the Western U.S,. the policy of preventing forest fires has resulted in even larger ones during the hot summers. Too much dead timber has accumulated on the ground. It sure look like there's plenty of timber on the ground to ignite popular protests throughout the U.S. this summer.
Post Script. If you still don't know about or remember 1968, Charles Manson used the term Helter Skelter, which the Beatles then released on their White Album, that year. On August 9, 1969, four of Manson's followers brutally murdered Tate, her unborn baby, and four others... Helter Skelter.