The Celestial Wheel



VedicLeaks ©


January 2012




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January 16, 2013

The below was sent directly to Participants by e-mail.

Dear Celestial Wheel Participants

I haven't published either a Short-subject Vedicleaks or In-depth Forecast since year end.

Veteran Celestial Wheelers know well to expect something at least once a week. \  And normally, I crank out something with that frequency, sometimes more often if the planets are really bouncing around.  Like a mechanical toy rabbit, wind me up, and I hop across the room.

Well, as this new year began, but insights just didn't readily come, and when I sat down to write, the results were dismal.  You really don't want to see my latest failure -- trying to explain what is happening with Rahu/Ketu, the Moon's Nodes doing their once in 18 month sign change this past Monday.  My editor, Pipe-smoking Yoda, from his undisclosed location in Steamboat Springs, is an off-roader and gun enthusiast.  If I had published any of the drivel, he would have shot me for sure -- and then run over me with his big Jeep! Yes! that Jeep, on the right.

Anyway, I'm sending this e-mail notice, figuring I could still do that. :-)

The last VedicLeaks was December 30.  That was the Caution -- Ahead Slow entry, in which I used images of ship engine room telegraphs, with one that actually moved!  It discussed the downside risk for 2013, " Regardless of how, or how much, you are engaged in the world. Regardless of how safe, or immunized, you may believe yourself to be. No matter what cost cutting and efficiencies you've implemented, nobody will be exempt as the economic recovery fizzles -- and a second hard downturn hits in 2013."

I further stated, "There's a real complacency danger with the U.S. economy's improving." and "A positive outlook was boosted by the November national elections..." And the December 19, 2011 In-depth Forecast, Has The Second Progressive Age Begun? answered this complacency question affirmatively.

The December 30 Vedicleaks was emphatic, however, about the road ahead being rough, and not only economically, "This is a nasty social and cultural war. It reveals the worst, and the best, in many.  Just consider the horrible diatribes against gun control following the Newtown mass murder of children.  It's not that the reactionaries don't treasure children.  It's that they treasure their guns even more!  But why? Mystical paranoia, this time about government."

This VedicLeaks entry was prior to the last-minute New Year's Congressional legislation raising taxes on the rich and increasing the capital gains tax, which again hits the rich.  That's more good news!  It pierced the conservatives' No Tax Increases Ever impenetrable armor.  But that deal also put off the rest of the Fiscal Cliff issues just two months.  Broad-based cuts in domestic and military spending and reforming the tax code have yet to be addressed.  Too, increasing the debt ceiling in February remains a sledgehammer the Republicans have used once with effect.  Obama blinked. This time, however, he has been firm, letting the Republicans know this is on their backs, which it truly is anyway.  Plus, the President may have authority to raise the debt limit if Congress refuses to.

Of course, losing the election in November, the New Year tax increases without spending cuts, and now the threat of gun control measures Obama announced just today have made the Republican base crazy, especially the far right paranoid edge -- promising revolt, civil war, vigilante law, blah, blah blah.... if any new gun control measures are passed. They are at a fever peak about all of these, which has made them even more paranoid about the upcoming Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling issues coming due in in February and March.  This is to be expected, for as the December 5 VedicLeaks correctly predicted, "An additional karma is the... Mars/Mercury/Mars Dasa until December 19. That will be followed by even more turbulent Mars/Mercury/Rahu until February 12. This is another karma, then, Fiscal Cliff taxing and spending issues to be unresolved for at least two more months."

It would certainly be nice if Obama continues to win battles by dealing with the split Republicans in the House through divide and conquer -- offering solutions to avoid disaster, with enough moderate Republicans splitting off from the extreme base.  That's how the New Year tax deal was made.  That may happen again.  However, there will likely be a resulting economic cost.  Has The Second Progressive Age Begun? stated, "...the economy is still on the ropes, and it will get worse again.

The current U.S. Dasa planets of Mars with Mercury until May 2013 signifies economic turmoil. Mars/Ketu which follows, lasts until late October 2013. Ketu, is a dissolving spiritual influence, following his being the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point.  Ketu is only good for social change, as when the U.S. ran Ketu's seven year cycle beginning in 1965, which I labeled counter-culture. Very challenging transits coming May 2013 and again late summer 2013 can topple the apple cart.  It's possible the U.S. will default on part of its debt, for being unable to finance the debt in face of inflation --higher interest rates. Inflation will do us in, for the recovery requires continued low inflation.

Of course, karma likes to play tricks on Vedic Astrologers by indicating a result but actualizing the karma in a different than expected way.  Thus, it could be the nation coasts through the Fiscal Cliff and debt ceiling issues, unscathed -- and just when we sigh in relief, some other bad news comes a knockin at the economy's door.



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©

VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer


January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong -- A Lesson And A Warning
     Yesterday, Lance Armstrong finally came clean, well not completely.  It's only a start.  He failed to take complete responsibility for his actions, even justifying them.  He didn't apologize to those he harmed. He didn't begin making amends. Cogent and revealing paragraphs in the article are,

But the fight he summoned to defeat cancer, Armstrong suggested, bled over into his competitive life with regrettable effect.

“Before my (cancer) diagnosis, I would say I was a competitor, but I wasn’t a fierce competitor,” Armstrong told Winfrey. “In an odd way, that process turned me into a person that was truly win-at-all-costs. I will do anything I have to to survive. And that’s good! And I took that attitude — that ruthless, relentless attitude — right into cycling. And that’s bad.”

     Just about anyone else would have been humbled by cancer and grateful for recovering, but Armstrong used that victory to feed his desire-driven ego to win-at-all-costs.  Instead of appreciating doctors using modern medicine to save his life, Armstrong took the credit himself -- because he fought so hard to beat the disease!  What an ego!

     And now, with his crimes finally revealed, Armstrong won't relent.  Armstrong still believes that by sheer force of will and power, and his unequaled greatness, he can and must win-at-all-costs.  Armstrong simply cannot slake the tremendous desire-driven ego.  Yesterday's confession thereby didn't demonstrate humility, but rather hubris, a megalomaniac personality.  Several Celestial Wheel Participants are in the medical field. They may describe him as an incurable sociopath, psychopath, delusions of grandeur... I am interested in hearing your thoughts, to then share them in a Celestial Wheel entry.


 Learn From This Example
     We all need to understand, and learn from, this example of absolute selfishness harming others, for truly, Armstrong's actions have done just that.  If we don't heed this extreme, then we will be condemned as a society to relive, over and over again, the horrors of this personality type -- not limited to Armstrong.  It's as dark and malevolent energy woven throughout the fabric of American culture.

     Now that the truth is out, if you are in any way inclined to dismiss or forgive Armstrong, instead crediting him for his dishonest achievements, think again.  Would you do business with this guy, who will gobble you up, just as he has his competitors and others for decades?  If so, I've got a great deal for you on underwater Florida lots! -- I guarantee will bring you a huge profit!  Bernie Madoff has nothing on Lance Armstrong, for the latter gained both tremendous wealth and celebrity as a true American sports hero and do-gooder.

     The wheels of justice always turn slowly and certainly often imperfectly.  It took decades before Armstrong's crimes (and there can be no argument his actions were not criminal) were revealed.  Sometimes, unfortunately, the crooks do get away with it, but if they do, it's only because we let them.  Justice is metered out by government, but public action is necessary to keep the criminal justice system honest.

(Note: I will always be disgruntled that the Washington Post and other news media in which we trusted, took the bait of G.W. Bush's lies about Iraq's WMD. The media completely failed in its job as the fourth estate, and I believe that to be the underlying reason mainstream media has suffered so many losses. Yes, the internet ruined the newspaper business, the dominance of TV networks... but that resulted only because the internet provided a broad stage upon which other media could fill the void of incompetence.)


Armstrong's Vedic Chart
     Let's take a quick look at Armstrong's Vedic chart to understand why he has behaved this way and understand better how it relates to what's been going on in America.

     A web search doesn't reveal Armstrong's birth time, but many years ag,o in response to rumors about his using drugs, I did a quick rectification, arriving at approximately 3:00 PM.  Nothing happened about that then. So, I set the chart aside.

Lance Armstrong September 18, 1971 Plano, TX 3:00 PM


     Notable is the tremendous desire resulting from an exalted Mars with Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point.  As the planet of athletics, this Mars is very powerful, although the chart is not overall physically strong enough for Armstrong to have reached the top of his field without drugs.  That Armstrong didn't begin to win big bicycle races until he started using drugs proves this.

(BTW, a key in my rectifying the chart to 3:00 PM was Mars and Rahu in the second house of truth and food quality -- where they stimulate lying and using drugs.)

     This Mars/Rahu influence is compelling for Romney (and Armstrong) on it's own, of course.  What makes it absolutely relevant and important is this is same desire-driven greed that haunts America.  If you've been Participating in The Celestial Wheel for at least a few months, you'll recall that in the run-up to his fall's presidential election, I explained that Mitt Romney has a Mars/Rahu influence.  This virulent combination enabled Romney's tremendous success throughout his life, until the election.  I've called Romney a One-Man Goldman Sachs.  But that his willingness to win-at-all-costs resulted in blow-back from the public, costing him the election.

     The September 26, 2012 In-depth Celestial Wheel, Romney, stated,

     At his core, Romney has the same ego-driven, desire-driven, selfish greed-driven nature one sees frequently in self improvement gurus and charismatic preachers.  Mars influencing Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, is the most potent, making these folks manipulative energizer bunnies.

     Here, self promotion for gain is everything, and they blend some truths into their recipes for happiness, wealth, beauty, being slender, love and health to make you believe they know the secrets to success in all life's realms!  Successful cons always include some real facts, but never, of course, the entire truth.  It's called bait.  Own a piece of paradise at our timeshare!   Buy this caddy, used only for going to church on Sundays!  Find your soulmate and keep him!  I have, and you can too! And the clincher,  Trust me, I guarantee it!

     I remember clearly seeing Tony Robbins in the health food store in Sedona, AZ several years ago -- a giant at 6',7" but also truly gigantic for being obese.  Well, Tony, why can't you control your weight, Unleash Your Power Within

     This is why Romney is able to keep on making strong, convincing and even fervent, speeches to gain the presidency -- and he pays no attention to his constant changing positions -- for he only knows greed and power.

     At the end of this forecast is this,

Post Script  The reason Romney has pushed himself into the presidential race, and his diabolical kin, the self improvement, life coach fakes, are sprouting up like desert flowers after a rainstorm, is the same.  The U.S. is running it's aggressive and greedy Mars planetary cycle -- 2008 to 2015. This doesn't mean 1percenter Romney wins.  It signals instead that Romney's candidacy pits the 1% against the rest of us during this Millennium Contraction.  As the rich grab even more, the long suffering public gradually pierces through their lies and selfishness to begin asserting themselves to restore shared democratic values.  Mars is also stimulating us to fight back.  See, Richest Americans' net worth jumps to $1.7 trillion: Forbes and Median income in Ohio hits 27-year low.

     For more information on Mars/Rahu, take another look at the October 10, 2012 Romney Part Two.

     And here's the blowback, from the October 30, 2012 Short-subject VedicLeaks, in which, at the end, I predicted Obama would win,

     As for the election, the above October 27 Heads-up also stated that Romney will unleash one or more deceptions to knock down Obama. That happened over the weekend, as the Boston Globe reports,

     "A new Mitt Romney campaign ad seeks to undercut President Obama’s claim to be a champion of the auto industry by suggesting a Detroit automaker that received government bailout money plans to ship American jobs to China.

But the car company, Chrysler, says it is merely considering an expansion of Jeep production to China and has no plan to reduce its US workforce. In fact, the company has announced its intent to hire 1,100 additional workers in Detroit."

     Here's a Washington Post article, confirming and emphasizing, Romney’s astonishingly dishonest Jeep-to-China radio ad, "It is startling that the Romney campaign thinks Ohioans will believe this stuff. It flies so directly in the face of reality that it suggests a real Hail Mary on Romney’s part.  The willingness to play on people’s fears for their livelihoods in such a dishonest fashion displays contempt for the very people the ad is meant to persuade."

     Romney's Vedic chart's planetary cycles (Dasas) continue to include deceptive Rahu, and on election day, his Dasas will be conflicted, fraught with desire but subject to Rahu blowback.


A Different Kind Of Poster-boy
     The January 16 Celestial Wheel entry was also a direct e-mail.  It warned of turmoil coming later this winter and then through the fall, which could be truly horrific.  The message here is that Lance Armstrong is a poster-boy for the long war between the 1% (and their paranoid hard right shills) against the rest of us.  Hiss confession alerts us to pay attention and take action -- to protect ourselves and others.

     In closing, here's my comment in the above linked Washington Post article on Lance Armstrong, Lance Armstrong confession gets specific in Oprah Winfrey interview,


The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©

VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer



January 27, 2013

Innumerable Measurements & Techniques
     Vedic Astrology is as vast as the realm of human experience.  Innumerable measurements and techniques can examine truly anything on the globe.  However, we Jyotishis* may, at best, master some basics with a few specialized techniques our Jyotish gurus give us.  If any of us could embrace the full realm of this spiritual knowledge, perception would open to the entire past, present and future, making us Gods -- and God certainly wouldn't allow that!

     Beyond this natural human limitation, as Jyotish, as the Science Of Light, can only be a search for truth -- and isn't that what spirituality is anyway?  If Jyotishis knowingly, or even unknowingly, deviate from the truth, then we suffer for that -- in one way or another.  This is the law of karma -- action and reaction.  Accompanying this it the karma of personal responsibility.  If we can assist humanity in any way, we must do that.  As Jyotishis, we naturally have a unique role, for who else has a divination form and toolbox insightful techniques to predict the future with reliable accuracy?  I publish The Celestial Wheel because I can do that specialized work and thereby am obligated to do my best.  Keep in mind, however, that I'm not absolutely prescient -- no one can be -- and I check my predictive results and post corrections.  The very worst thing a Jyotishi can do is issue statements that are not true, and thereby mislead others.

(*Vedic Astrology in India is called Jyotish, and it's practitioners, Jyotishis.)


Individual Charts
      The same constraints must apply to individual chart analysis, whether of people, nations, organizations, even pets... ( A Vedic chart drawn for anything if the date, time and location of its inception is known.)  After all, that is the mainstay of mundane astrology, although we also use the transiting planets for natural events.

     Understanding a person's chart well requires substantial effort.  Initial consultations can only address what appear to be major karmas.  It's akin to hearing only a few orchestral instruments, and the other 75 silenced.  Often with clients, it takes months, even years to get to the bottom of central issues.  Not only are the planetary karmas complex, but free will shifts them, and peoples' reports of their experiences cannot be exact.  Well, nor can my understanding of what clients say and write be precise either!  Too, not everyone's ears are read to hear when the receive Jyotish information about their charts.  Well, all human endeavors occur in an imperfect world.


The U.S. Nation Chart
     Nation charts are much more difficult, for they reflect an entire culture, history since birth, plus all the people in the country.  Woah!  That's a minder bender.

       I've had the correct U.S. chart since 2004 and have worked with it extensively since then, -- July 4, 1776 at 6:17 PM Philadelphia.  This is the Declaration of Independence chart, realistically the birth of the nation.  There are lots these fourth of July birth charts, each using a unique time the author believes correct.  There is no general agreement as to which is the right chart, so far. 

     However, very few U.S. Vedic Astrologers do mundane (world) astrology as a vocation.  Most do mundane as a sideline, or only for major events, like presidential elections.  The results of my efforts speak for themselves in driving Celestial Wheel forecasts for nine years in multitudes of predictions.  I then check these, verifying the chart, which also adding to my understanding of it.  Certainly too, if 6:17 PM were wrong, many errors would have resulted, violating Jyotish's search for truth.  I would then have experienced negative karmic kicks.  So far, I'm still standing!


Criminality In The U.S. Chart    
     The above January 18 entry about Lance Armstrong's win-at-all-costs is an extreme example of Second Gilded Age greed, which has been discussed many times for nearly a decade in The Celestial Wheel.  It is only when a Progressive Age follows a Gilded Age that private sector criminality is brought under control by the force of law.

     This suggests, however, that Armstrong's lying, his criminality, his lack of honor, exists only within the private sector.  That is not true. 

       In the 6;17 PM Fourth of July U.S. chart, leaders, and government officials in general, also have a dose of this harmful karma.  It results from Saturn (government officials) placed in the tenth house of government officials, where it is afflicted, primarily by a very selfish and aggressive win-at-all-costs Mars.  (Note, as planets in charts can denote more than one influence, this Saturn all symbolizes industrial and financial leaders.)

     Yes, most are good, capable and honest civil servants.  They choose the work to serve the public, not get rich.  If they weren't, the U.S. could not be a modern, advanced, wealthy, capitalist democracy.  A Progressive Age must thereby also root out those public officials who fail in their jobs to serve and protect the people.  Consider only the criminal justice system, which is a fundamental.  Without an effective one, legal anarchy results, and criminality flourishes, destroying commerce, and thereby the country's well being.  Prosecutors are key, for they charge, arrest and try criminals in the courts.


Has The Second Gilded Age Begun?
     While the December 9, 2012 In-depth Forecast, Has The Second Progressive Age Begun?, suggested this rebalancing society to regain shared democratic values was initiated with Obama's second term win, that doesn't mean he was a Progressive Age president in his first term. 

     In fact, if the Second Progressive Age just now started, then it couldn't have been in effect in Obama's first term.  Why?  Then, Obama was running his fallen (weak) Jupiter planetary cycle.  As Jupiter is wisdom and law, Obama failed in both areas.  The previous administration under Bush committed many crimes, most egregiously lying about Iraq to invade that country.  (These were the corrupt neoconservative government officials.)  They also tortured people, remember?  They cut back necessary regulation, allowing the real estate boom and bust orchestrated by Wall Street Banks.  With all our money, banks must always be on the tightest leash.  Look at any boom and bust, and bankers are there, usually front and center.  But Obama did nothing about any of these issues. 

     Obama deferred on prosecuting Bush administration officials by claiming the country should look ahead.  He didn't reform government agencies weakened and corrupted under Bush.  He didn't prosecute even one of the senior Wall Street bankers who wrecked the U.S. economy.  This was the incredibly foolish too big to fail concept the Wall Street bankers convinced him of.  Instead, he bailed them out, protecting them.  What's with that?  Without the rule of law, we revert to being a nation of just men.

     The neoconservatives continue to roam free, many involved with conservative think tanks, hard right political campaigns, yellow journalism talk radio and the prince of press darkness, FOX News.  In fact, their past transgressions are used as qualifications for these positions.  At this late date, all remain off the hook, prospering from their crimes in their media positions. 

     Corrupted and weakened government agencies did respond to Obama's democratic appointments, but without this being an administration priority, corruption and rot remained.  Bureaucratic inertia is always the stumbling block to progress in the public section.  Real change in government agencies requires a potent focus and push from the top, from the Oval Office.

     Protected Wall Street bankers did stop selling their crappy mortgages but only because that market busted.  The Dodd-Frank Financial Reform law began rein the banks, but only a little and very gradually.  The banker's lobby watered down and delayed implementations.  The banks remain free to pursue their nefarious ways:  the low interest game the Federal Reserve is playing with the big banks to drive up stock prices, computerized trading programs, derivatives, gambling with your deposits, currencies manipulations, cornering precious metals and commodities markets, selling securities to clients and then betting against them.  Again, to date, however, not one Wall Street senior banker has been prosecuted.  Yes, there have been lots of fines and adverse financial settlements, but the Wall Street banks are so wealthy, they have just allocated a small portion of their profits to pay those off.  Fines for the big banks are just part of doing business.  That's so clearly criminal, anyone can understand.  

     You would be better off to be a lovely damsel in a port town attacked by Henry Morgan, who coincidentally is a direct ancestor to the Celestial Wheel editor, Conrad Morgan!  At least she could perhaps run or swim for it, or hide in a cellar.  When the banksters are on the rampage, there's no safe haven.   Sarah Palin Going Rogue is a meaningless side show by comparison.

     This April 2011 article compares Wall Street banker prosectuions after the real estate collapse to those in the 1980s savings and loan crisis, In Financial Crisis, No Prosecutions of Top Figures, This stands in stark contrast to the failure of many savings and loan institutions in the late 1980s.  In the wake of that debacle, special government task forces referred 1,100 cases to prosecutors, resulting in more than 800 bank officials going to jail.  Jail, by the way is not the correct term.  Jails hold criminals for short periods, up to a few months.  Prisons lock them up the really bad guys for years and years.  And did those extensive prosecutions work, stop the crime?  They sure did.  With the senior executives in prison, the criminal leadership was gone.  Another result was shutting down that segment of the financial industry, savings and loan association industry.  A poisoned well can never be trusted for pure water again.  Good riddance.


Obama's Second Term As A Progressive President
     Obama ended his foolish Jupiter planetary cycle in July 2012, beginning his very tough and honorable 19 year Saturn cycle. 

     Obama has really excellent Saturn, and it is unique in the one planet which cannot be resisted.  However, Saturn often lifts one up, just to drop one down, and Obama does owe a big karmic debt for failing to due his duty during his first term.

     Winning the election in November was a major signal here, for as Has The Second Progressive Age Begun? as explained, big money couldn't steal this election.  And instead of Obama naïvely and weakly blinking, giving in time after time to the hard right Republicans in the House, he stood firm at New Years and actually got taxes on the rich raised.  Obama learned that staring down bullies actually works.  He's also not allowing the Republicans to roll him over again using the debt ceiling limit as a club.

     Obama's inauguration speech sure sounded Progressive.  He has made some noises about deep cuts in Social Security and Medicare -- for which government insurance programs we have already paid.  Medicaid for the poor is at some risk, but Obamacare seems to protect that.  That was a misstep, but possibly a political move he knew wouldn't be accepted.  I'll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one.

     A huge battle remains ahead this winter/spring on further required action to cut the huge federal deficit.  Tax reform -- getting rid of loopholes -- can raise a lot of revenue.  Success there will continue to redress the issue of an unfair taxing system, in which the rich keep getting richer, and the rest of us keep getting poorer!  The hugely bloated military budget will be the cost cutting area battleground.  Let's see if Obama's hard and tough Saturn makes the case that the U.S. must prioritize taking care of the old, the sick and the poor over a military that spends 40% of the world's total on defense and never wins any wars!

     We have, however, the remaining issues of prosecuting the Bushie neoconservatives, reforming government agencies and prosecuting the Wall Street bankers.  As stated, the first isn't going to happen, and it will continue for many years to be a stain on the U.S., both at home and abroad.  However, the extreme right press is suffering setbacks in the court of public opinion -- becoming too extreme, losing the election.  Other media are taking up the baton of truth.  As Bill Clinton said, MSNBC is our own FOX news, and NBCis boosting the MSNBC team with respected heavyweights -- David Gregory, Andrea Mitchell...  Further, they've lowered the bombast level, focusing better on issues and facts.  Too, respected main stream media are regaining respect as the broadsides launched at them by the discredited extreme right have lost punch. 

     So, we have a very mixed bag so far in redressing Second Gilded Age abuses.  However, there's a glimmer of hope now in prosecuting Wall Street.


The Fourth Estate   
     The press is called the Fourth Estate because it alerts the public to failures in the first three estates, what we call government branches:  Executive, Legislative and Judicial.  The Fourh Estate is the peoples' watchdog.

    The Second Gilded Age under Bush, and continuing through Obama's first term, were periods of first greed, and a then inevitable economic collapse.  We are still in going through the latter.  The Second Progressive Age is a gradual rebalancing society to regain shared democratic values.  It will take many years before policy changes begin to help us regain lost ground with regard to the rich.

     During Bush's eight years and Obama's first four years, the press did not do its job.  It was variously hoodwinked, bought off and drowned out by the right wing.  If the press had insisted, as it should have, government agency shortfalls and failures to prosecute the bankers would not have occurred.  (Too, the Bush administration criminality would have been stopped and prosecutions there done.)  It's somewhat excusable the press didn't do much during the Bush years, although there always were media voices revealing those truths.  That was a high hill to climb, and an energized right wing press was on his Bush's side.  The press should not, however, be let off the hook for its responsibility as the fourth estate during Obama's first term.  The Fourth Estate totally failed their karma of personal responsibility.  They had a friendly administration then, which could have been forced Obama to do his job of enforcing the law.

     Yet, that is how history unfolded, and now, with the Second Progressive Age beginning, the press can and should get some traction on these issues.  The good news is that this could already be happening.

     Earlier this week, PBS's Frontline aired, The Untouchables.  This was not the first revelation of  how and why the U.S. Justice Department failed to prosecute even one of the Wall Street crooks who dealt the economy a nearly mortal blow.  They lured local banks to sell unqualified mortgages, and then packaged them into toxic securities that eventually failed.  Dozens or articles, TV programs and books have been written previously about this to no effect. 

     The Untouchables, however, take hold, perhaps only now because of the rapid shift in public opinion that was shown in the election, and also an emboldened Obama in his hard Saturn planetary cycle.  This is also a call to action for all of us.  Read again this section from the referenced above January 18 entry about Lance Armstrong,

    The wheels of justice always turn slowly and certainly often imperfectly.  It took decades before Armstrong's crimes (and there can be no argument his actions were not criminal) were revealed.  Sometimes, unfortunately, the crooks do get away with it, but if they do, it's only because we let them.  Justice is metered out by government, but public action is necessary to keep the criminal justice system honest.


     The Untouchables explains that the Justice Department's failure to prosecute and Wall Street Banksters results from the actions of just one guy, Lanny Breuer, chief of the criminal division at the U.S. Justice Department.  They hit hard and convincinlgy this bulls eye that everyone else was duped by Justice Department excuses that the work was too hard.  Bull.

     Breuer got cold feet after two early prosecutions against Bear Stearns executives failed.  Here's a pic from the show of that mealy-mouthed whiner who let us all down -- failing to do his karma of personal responsibility.  But guess what happened one day after The Untouchables aired? 

     Hard-hitting Firedog lake reports, Department of Justice Attacks Frontline As Lanny Breuer Resigns.  Hmmmm, looks like the law of karma does work, doesn't it? 

     Well, now that the inept prosecutor has fled, there's an opportunity, indeed karmic duty, for the Obama administration to put a hard-nosed, tough, street-fighter type in his place.  The Banksters are truly big bad guys who won't be imprisoned easily.  You don't stop a rampaging wild boar by asking please.  Nor can you put him down with an arrow.


Is This A Turning Point?
     Breuer being fried under the glaring heat of The Untouchables is a wondrous example of the press in doing it's job.  But notice the Washington Post's take on Breuer's resignation, which while it does cite more misdeeds, is soft on the big issue of bankster prosecutions, Lanny Breuer, Justice Department criminal division chief, is stepping downThat's like reporting on a fellow robbing several houses, and an afterthought, three people were maimed.  Look, this one guy stopped prosecuting horrific crimes by a small group of bankers who nearly brought down the entire economy, also rocked the world, and from which we're still not recovered.

     There remains time to right this wrong, to prosecute the bankster crooks in this debacle.  The clock has not run out.  The Justice Department can to this.  It has the power and the expertise.  Remember, thousands of bankers went to prison following the savings and loan crisis in the eighties -- and that was under Reagan's direction.  Reagan simply said, all crimes must be prosecuted.   


 Consequences Of Prosecuting Bank Executives   
     Wouldn't criminal prosecutions of Wall Street banksters now do the same to the big banks, who took the greedy criminal role left vacant by the S&L's demise?  Yes.  They will close their doors in bankruptcy, or they will be broken up with their pieces sold off, which is actually a kind of bankruptcy.  But what about the argument the mega banks are too big to fail?  That's was the excuse to bail them out in the fall of 2008 and has become ingrained as gospel, even as it runs against the grain for the rest of us.  Isn't it true, rather, that they are too big to exist?  Obama was such a dummy here.  Mustn't the big banks be broken up before they wreck the economy again with their greed?  You can never trust a poisoned well.  If you have a snake in the yard, feeding him only makes him larger, more deadly.   

     Would breaking up the big banks harm you?  That depends in part upon whether your savings rest with those or with the nearly 8000 small commercial banks, 7500 credit unions and many other financial institutions.  (Of course, burying some silver coins or bars in your back yard is safest!  Those who have bought silver when its price has dipped have done very well over the past few years.)  If Bank Of America goes bankrupt because its top executives are marched off to prison in handcuffs, which they should, no other bank is big enough to take them over.  The FDIC will take months and months to send you a check for your account balance.  If you have money with any of the big banks, loans from them, even credit cards, you are both taking unnecessary risk, and your are enabling of their crimes.  They use customer deposits to fund their fraudulent activities.  Your karma of personal responsibility is to pull your money from the big banks.

     If the big banks are broken up, will that affect your other financial resources -- salary, commission, pension, annuity, mutual fund, insurance, rents, 401K...?  Yes.  But since the big bankster banks are on course to crash the economy again, income and asset losses are inevitable.  It's better to stop feeding the snake and instead cut his head now off before he strikes you yet again.  The bankers' greed is unlimited.  The have no consciousness of guilt.

     But truly, if the Wall Street bankers are marched off in handcuffs, and the big banks fail, will the economy truly crash -- as the bankers claimed?  Well, Iceland alone chose that other route, letting the banks fail. They screamed. The governments of Great Britain and the Netherlands howled in protest!  Now, Iceland's economy has completely recovered.  Watch this, Iceland president: Let banks go bankrupt.  Gee, did the bankers and governments lie to us about that too?  Sure did.  Little Iceland's 320,000 people outsmarted the banks and governments globally!  That's some 250 countries with 7 billion people!  Maybe all their beauty queens, and Iceland has a lot of them, aren't so dumb blond after all.

     Are there things you can do to protect yourself?   Yes.  As suggested, get your money out of the big banks.  Move any investments away from their clutches, including 401K, annuities, stocks, bonds....  Evaluate your employer's ability to take a major economic hit...  Cut your overheads.  Plant a garden.  Avoid the big cities where major riots will occur when the economy crashes again.  These just sample protective strategies you can take.  This is an era of transformation, which means we must transform, all of us, no exceptions.  If you don't transform the bankster banks will nail you again.  Protect yourself, for nobody else will.  And if you doubt this risk, just look back to September 2008, when the crash started, and then March 2009, when the DOW had halved to 6500.


What If The Feds Don't Criminally Prosecute Senior Bank Executives?
      There truly is no assurance Obama will now bring some big guns into the Justice department to level the banker's tall Manhattan fortresses.  And it may be too late to avert a crash late next summer.  Plus, the big banks have their hooks so deeply into the Federal government, they literally control policy.  I used to joke that Goldman Sachs serves Obama breakfast, takes Congress to lunch and tucks in the Supreme Court at night.  The problem here is that it's not a joke at all. This is colorfully called crony capitalism.

     We could push our elected representatives to finally take action.  If that doesn't work, we can become financial vigilantes by pulling our money from the big banks, forcing their closure, as suggested above.  I wrote about this years ago, most notably in the February 2010, Bankers -- Economic Terrorists and and the October 2001 Bankster Shave.  Remember this?   (If you're old enough to remember Burma Shave, you'll appreciate humor!)



Why Is 2013 Crunch Time For The Economy?
     I written many many times about this year signaling economic Armageddon.  Yes, for those of you who regret the world didn't end 12/21/12, there's another window of opportunity coming soon!

     The above January 16 entry is most current in reiterating the prediction that the U.S. economy will likely crash late summer 2013.

     Some readers may be wondering how this entry began with Innumerable Measurements & Techniques, launched into a serious discussion about Lanny Breuer and ended reciting previous predictions for economic calamity.

     When I saw an announcement for the The Untouchables, it resonated with the nature, quality and flow of planetary karmas in the U.S. chart, which I have studied longer and more intensely than any other, including my own!  Remember, I stated in the above January 16 entry, ...any new gun control measures are passed.  They are at a fever peak about all of these, which has made them even more paranoid about the upcoming Fiscal Cliff and Debt Ceiling issues coming due in in February and March.  This is to be expected, for as the December 5 VedicLeaks correctly predicted, "An additional karma is the... Mars/Mercury/Mars Dasa until December 19. That will be followed by even more turbulent Mars/Mercury/Rahu until February 12.

     There hasn't been enough turmoil recently to account for the amount indicated in the U.S. chart.  I knew something big must be coming.  That's why The Untouchables caught my attention.  Lanny Breuer's quitting felt like that major event.  Think about it.  Just one guy blocked the entire prosecution effort, and now he's gone.  I plugged that into the broader understanding of the Millennium Contraction during the U.S.'s seven year Mars cycle starting in late 2008 -- that includes a dangerous drop during the minor Mercury and then minor Ketu cycles this winter through next fall 2013.  Like an inventor's eureka moment. the pieces clicked together.

     The Millennium Contraction began with a housing bubble burst, making that issue fundamental in its unfolding.  The lack of Banker prosecutions and big bank closings has been a problem.  Without those, the economy will continue to be hobbled, and the banksters would most surely wreck havoc again this coming summer.  Break up the big banks, and those 1/3 of mortgage holders who are underwater will have a chance to break to the surface, and breathe! 

     How this will unfold is unknown.  Certainly, however, the banks' investment games manipulating huge paper profits cannot be sustained, for there is no real underling value.  Banks don't create wealth.  Only commerce does.  Their wealth is siphoned off from productive enterprises, weakening the entire economy -- just as the Iceland President explained.  Certainly too, massive deficits must be paid for by the Treasury selling bonds, which at some point can only be sold only at higher and higher interest rates, bringing inflation.  That will push up mortgage rates, bringing another real estate crash. 

     An opportunity finally for criminal prosecutions by the Department of Justice can knock the big banks out, breaking their reign of terror.  Kill the generals, and the soldiers run away.  That won't stop a major hit to the U.S. economy this year.  But it would mitigate the effects, and by cutting out the cancer, both stop its spreading and end it.  The snake in the garden is a threat until he's dead.


Riots In The Cities May Made Worse By Gun Fanatics
    There's final piece I've recently placed in the U.S. chart puzzle.  Most Americans have become very weary of the economic losses they've suffered and haven't yet recovered.  It's been 4 1/2 years since September 2008.  This stress accumulates, weighting us down more and more.  Every paycheck for so many Americans has to stretch further and further.  The nice things we and our children enjoy for a first class country's quality of life are being sacrificed to groceries, rent, gas....  Even basic needs like dentistry, insurance... are increasingly unaffordable.  Aren't you losing patience, become really annoyed, seeking some action to stop the banks? 

     If the banksters aren't punished this winter/spring, and the economy falls off the cliff next summer, I believe people throughout the country will vent their frustrations by riots in steaming hot cities -- like we last had in the early 90s.  It's worse now with global warming.  Angry white men armed to the hilt surround cities in their suburban enclaves.  Should the inner cities riot, and the violences extend outward, the angry white men will open fire, whether they are actually threatened or not.  Or, they'll get in their big SUVs and trucks and head downtown, shooting to kill.  They believe in vigilante justice and are just waiting to enforce the law themselves, guns blazing. 

     The below pic from the Occupy protests is crude, but it reflects a legitimate emotional response.  It's not an undue price for them to pay for wrecking the world with their greed.  I wish they had jumped. 

     Don't you?


The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©

VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer



January 31, 2013

This last day of of the month is also the final entry on this January VedicLeaks page. 
The next entry will be published on a new February page.


Arrest The Wall Street Bankers
     The above January27 Short-subject VedicLeaks has been additionally published as an In-depth Forecast, Arrest The Wall Street Bankers, for broader distribution.  You'll find it on the right side of the Celestial Wheel home page.  As no passwords are required for In-depth Forecasts (free to the public) please forward this important forecast to family, friends and acquaintances you have who have an interest in the world, or who just need to increase that awareness to make better decisions during this transformational time. 

     The PBS Frontline expose on banker fraud, The Untouchables stimulated Arrest The Wall Street Bankers.  And, during my composing it, the day after the program aired, Lanny Breuer, chief of the criminal division at the U.S. Justice Department, resigned.  Obviously, the program was well done and hard hitting to bring down Breuer.  It also thereby encourages further action by the press and individuals to push this issue.  Clearly, now is the time.

     Lastly, and this should get your attention if you're not already concerned about the economy busting again next summer, the final section of  Arrest The Wall Street BankersRiots In The Cities May Made Worse By Gun Fanatics stated,

      Most Americans have become very weary of the economic losses they've suffered and haven't yet recovered. It's been 4 1/2 years since September 2008. This stress accumulates, weighting us down more and more.  Every paycheck for so many Americans has to stretch further and further.

     If the banksters aren't punished this winter/spring, and the economy falls off the cliff next summer, I believe people throughout the country will vent their frustrations by riots in steaming hot cities -- like we last had in the early 90s. It's worse now with global warming. Angry white men armed to the hilt surround cities in their suburban enclaves. Should the inner cities riot, and the violences extend outward, the angry white men will open fire, whether they are actually threatened or not. Or, they'll get in their big SUVs and trucks and head downtown, shooting to kill. They believe in vigilante justice and are just waiting to enforce the law themselves, guns blazing.

     I admit, however, the Wall Street Banker prosecutions for fraud is likely more of a wish than a prediction.  The issue seems to have died down, and perhaps that's because of all the focus on gun control legislation and the Fiscal Cliff issues.  Still, major social movements and decisive government actions arise from grassroots demands.  If we don't try, the banksterd will continue their rampaging.  And with the U.S. chart badly afflicted with anger and fear until February 12, it's more likely the banker prosecution issue will heat up again.   Only through turmoil comes change


The Economic Recovery Ended
     The Celestial Wheel has long predicted the U.S. economic recovery, that began in 2010, would stall out and reverse -- beginning in the summer of 2012.  See, the May, 2012 Sorry, But It's Not Over Yet.  Growth was primarily on the corporate side -- not in your paycheck.  And dropping unemployment numbers must have reflected to some degree people leaving the workforce through retirement, disability or just because they gave up looking for a job.

     There was also a lot of hype about the economy recovering during this past fall's election campaigns on the Democratic Party side.  While politicians may not have cooked the books, they certainly looked on the bright side.  Also, with economies linked globally, the U.S. must be affected by other regions.  European economic growth was grinding to a halt, and the emerging nations -- Brazil, China, India, China and South Africa -- rapid growth rates were braking.  See the December 5, 2012 VedicLeaks.

     Wednesday's GDP Shows Surprise Drop for US in Fourth Quarter was no surprise, except that it took the Commerce Department a long time to figure that out, and private forecasters didn't realize it either. 

     The year end December 30 VedicLeaks examined (again) 2013 economic prospects, which are very negative, especially late summer.  I'll write more on that in later Celestial Wheels.  The basic quality of upcoming economic weakness is the inevitable inflation from excessive government debt and deficits.  This will cause bond prices to drop, making stocks (equities) more attractive.  Equities attractiveness is enhanced because inflation stimulates profits, which then boost stock prices.  Bonds and equities always go in opposite directions anyway.  The market already sees this coming, Analysis - The Great Rotation: a flight to equities in 2013.  Fortunately, I was an economics major in college.  In upcoming forecasting, I'll try to discuss this in simple terms people can actually grasp.


Arab Spring
     If you've been reading The Celestial Wheel for a many years, you'll recall I did a lot of work on the Mideast and have reliable charts for key countries -- Israel, Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia.  Most countries have several charts because governments changed, and that is especially true of the Mideast - colonies to independence to revolution.  They also have weird time zone issues.  So, it takes a lot of work to compare the various charts for a Mideast country with historical events to verify it.

     Amazingly, and I really don't know why, in February 2007 I composed and published Culmination In The Mideast.  I was most concerned about Saudi Arabia, and still am.  It's an emerging hotspot, Sectarianism will prolong instability in Iraq: Saudi Arabia.  I can track which forecasts people visit and was amazed for years this was the most popular. 

     Then, of course, the Arab Spring began in late December 2009.  That turmoil has been ongoing and continues to spread throughout the region and now further into northern Africa.

     This map from Wikipedia is current, showing that the entire region is affected, except perhaps UAE -- the United Arab Emirates. -- so far.

     Future forecasts will focus upon the Arab Spring.


Four Major Trends Are Remodeling The Entire Globe 
     This listing is one way of seeing the transformation discussed in The Celestial Wheel over the years, and further analyzed in this VedicLeaks.

1. The U.S. real estate boom and bust, which haunts the U.S. and much of the the world still.

2.  The U.S. oil and gas fracting technology, which boosts hydrocarbon production in the U.S. already and is spreading fast across the globe.  This takes challenges the Mideast's global oil dominance.  It also ends the need for U.S. and European military operations in that region to protect the oil.

3.  The Arab Spring, liberating now 20 nations from their post colonial yokes of dictators and royal families but resurrecting the ancient feudal Muslim dominance.

4. Global warming, which is forcing the Globe away from hydrocarbons.


Some Good News Too!
     But there is actually some good news too!  As discussed many times, transits, where the planets are in today's skies, are symbology for global planetary weather.  This is naturally a sign chart -- planets in signs.  It is actually the most ancient astrology, for birth chart astrology for people was a later development.  Kings and others relied upon astrologers to predict actual weather events, natural disasters, rain, drought.... which are all read from the sign chart using transiting planets.

     The big planets, Jupiter and Saturn, embrace the solar system and protect it.  Astronomically, they actually do this by catching many incoming asteroids and comets.  They move slowly, making their influence through the signs more enduring.  Jupiter transits a sign once each year, Saturn once every two and one half years.  Rahu and Ketu, the eclipse points, also move slowly, changing signs every year and a half.  Although just calculated points, they are very potent.

     We look to where these planets are transiting, and their dispositions in those signs, for a general, or background, understanding of the planetary energies -- trends that last for months, even a year or so.  Three of these major planets have recently greatly improved their dispositions, and the fourth will do so in mid February. 

     Yesterday, Jupiter ended a four month weak retrograde and began moving forward.  So the great benefic, symbolizing primarily expansion, is now strong.  It is also fairly well placed in Taurus, a sign ruled by Venus and signifying wealth.  (Venus is also a potent benefic -- wealth, sensitivity, compassion....)  Jupiter's influence can now also really help Venus.  Their's is also the combination for humanitarianism.  This is obviously very good and needed now.  I can already today feel Jupiter's uplifting influence

     Saturn, the planet of loss, restriction, humility and overall contraction, will turn retrograde February 18 and continue thus until July 7.  The result is good because contraction is reduced.  This retrograde is also particularly helpful because Saturn is in Libra, its exalted sign, where it's too strong, too contractive.  Libra is also ruled by Venus. and this too strong Saturn has been a blanket or cloud over Venus.  With Saturn retrograde, Venus can shine more brightly.

     Rahu/Ketu have been in their fallen (weak) signs of Scorpio/Taurus, where they have been most harmful.  Rahu in Scorpio, has been dredging Scorpio's hidden depths, bringing up all kinds of hidden and dark things, that don't like the light of day and create problems -- scandals, sexual deviances, turmoils, catastrophes...  Ketu in Taurus has harmed Venus, and also that sign's wealth, knowledge and domestic harmony.  Ketu has also harmed transit Jupiter in Taurus.  On January 13, Rahu and Ketu shifted backwards to new signs -- Rahu into Libra and Ketu into Scorpio.  These are better positions.  Rahu is great in Venus (vehicles) Libra for aeronautics, for Rahu is the future and science.  1957 and 1958, when Rahu was also in Libra, the world saw its first space rockets and astronauts.  The space age began!  Unfortunately Saturn is also in Libra, but that may bring more technical advances in aeronautics, which can be good.  It could certainly stimulate weaponized drones further.  Ketu in Aries isn't so hot, for this is Mars sign.  As Ketu is spiritual and Mars anger and war, this combination brings seething anger, the combination that brought 9-11  But still, Ketu is a lot better in Aries than in Taurus.

     With all four of the slow moving, and therefore most influential, planets better disposed, everything is generally easier.  Going to the planetary weather analogy, its like driving your car with pleasant weather, or being on the sea with sunny skies and a gentle following wind.  What has been hard or a struggle becomes easier, smoother.  Effort yields more and better results.

     Take advantage of these favorable influences.  They aren't everything, but they are a major improvement.  You can thereby advance your personal transformation further, adapting in advance to continued heavy transformation all over the globe.



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©

VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer