New Monthly VedicLeaks Page Settling Down -- A Little suggested heavy November 13 total solar eclipse effects were falling off, as predicted. Certainly the U.S. election caterwauling has calmed. The General Petraeus and Susan Rice dramas have cooled. Overseas, the Israeli/Gaza truce is holding, and so far, nothing untoward is resulting from China's leadership transition -- but again, China can experience eclipse effects for u to six months. Turmoil Will Continue recalled the summer/fall upsets caused by malefic Mars transiting across malefics Saturn and Rahu in quick succession -- mid August and then early October -- with Mars/Rahu remaining together in Scorpio through the intense U.S. election until November 8. The U.S. experienced hurricanes -- Isaac in August, followed by Sandy, October 22 to 31. Furor over Iran's nuclear development peaked. Syria raged. Economies globally slowed. Europe and the U.S. and Japanese economics have softened, as have even the BRICS group of large emerging nations -- Brazil, China, India, China and South Africa. This yesterday article about Brazil is sobering, A case study in Brazil's economic troubles. (Note: the end of this entry suggested the November 28 partial lunare eclipse can pass unnoticed, which it did.) Then, of course, the above referenced November 13 solar eclipse brought some dramas. The Turmoil Will Continue section focused upon, and explained, the current and ongoing planetary configuration dominating the planetary weather -- the fast-moving and close together transit trio of the Sun, Mercury and Venus crossing first Saturn in Libra and then Rahu in Scorpio. That gauntlet that will end December 13. The Sun is now clear of Saturn and Rahu. Mercury is past Saturn and now fast approaching his December 7 encounter with Rahu. Venus has also passed Saturn and only has the Rahu hoop to jump through December 12. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are the inner planets --from the earth's perspective, toward the center of the solar system. Being fast-moving, their effects tend to be short-lived, but they can be very abrupt! Symbolizing the self, love and the intellectual mind, they are more personal in nature than the outer planets.
Sun, Mercury, Venus Transit On The U.S. Chart While the November 13 solar eclipse was the driver for the Petraeus and the Susan Rice dramas, and it instigated the Fiscal Cliff issue, that battle has been primarily fueled by the Sun, Mercury, Venus transit. Watch this hit one peak when Mercury hits Rahu this Friday. Disagreement will most certainly continue until all three of these planets exit Scorpio January 4, 2013. Don't expect, then, a deal will be reached. The new Congress, seated January 3, will be forced to address this major tug of war between selfish Gilded Age and emerging Second Progressive Age interests. An additional karma is the above mentioned Mars/Mercury/Mars Dasa until December 19. That will be followed by even more turbulent Mars/Mercury/Rahu until February 12. This is another karma, then, Fiscal Cliff taxing and spending issues to be unresolved for at least two more months.
The Mayan Calendar End? I wrote an In-depth Celestial Wheel last February about this topic. Take a look to refresh your memory, 2012 Mayan Calendar End.
And I had personal experiences suggesting that. Venus is gemstones, and my pendant chain broke Wednesday night. Thursday morning, my motor scooter battery was dead. Venus is vehicles. When planetary karma hits like that, it appears the influence karma has played out. However, four planets in disruptive Scorpio is hugely negative. In discussing this transit stellium on the U.S. chart, the December 5th entry noted, Disagreement will most certainly continue until all three of these planets exit Scorpio January 4, 2013. That prediction is certainly being proven out by the Fiscal Cliff issue. The December 5 entry went on to state, Don't expect, then, a deal will be reached. The new Congress, seated January 3, will be forced to address this major tug of war between selfish Gilded Age and emerging Second Progressive Age interests. Further, considering the U.S. Dasas (planetary cycles) as the primary karma extending into the new year, the December 5 entry predicted, Fiscal Cliff taxing and spending issues to be unresolved for at least two more months. The U.S. chart's Dasa planets are Mars/Mercury/Mars until December 19 and then Mars/Mercury/Rahu until February 12. All three of these are combative and signal turmoil/catastrophes, and their combination is toxic.
It Wasn't Over I didn't see the Moon afflictions! I started writing this VedicLeaks entry early Friday morning -- hence the December 14 date. I set it aside before finishing, perhaps having glimpsed the harmed Moon out of the side of my eye but not processing that? After learning of the mass murder later that day, I looked again, saw the Moon and understood why. Today, Saturday December 15, I finish this entry. As karma is like a glass of water - there is only so much water in the glass to spill. Let's hope yesterday tipped the glass completely over to empty it out. Also, this mass murder, as all are, is intensely personal. One person went nuts. That fits with this statement in the December 5 entry, Being fast-moving, their effects tend to be short-lived, but they can be very abrupt! Symbolizing the self, love and the intellectual mind, they are more personal in nature than the outer planets. As the Sun/Mercury/Venus combination will not finish clearing out of Scorpio until January 4, the holidays will tend to be stressful on a personal level. So, take it easy over through New Years. There is always a tendency to have high expectations during this celebratory season, and hopes are not always realized. Don't let holiday joy turn to holiday sadness. Be grateful for what you have, including your associations with others, and don't let those others' unhappiness and disappointments harm your spirits. And, if you can, help others who are unduly suffering now, for it's only humane to do so, those actions will brighten your life. In closing, not that this transit karma in Scorpio, being global planetary weather, is disruptive in other countries - not just the U.S. The Syrian revolt continues and intensifies, with expectations of the King falling in the next few weeks. That makes simple sense, for Scorpio is the hidden depths, and planets there churn those waters, bringing to the surface all kinds of intense, and often catastrophic events. Keep an eye on China! Saudi Arabia is another cauldron
Most of you well know the Celestial Wheel remains bearish on the economy until about 2015. The Fiscal Cliff is an obvious issue, but so is the debt ceiling limit. The current In-depth Forecast, the December 19, Has The Second Progressive Age Begun?, addressed this issue again. To really nail it down for you, here's an image of the applicable text,
Regardless of how, or how much, you are engaged in the world. Regardless of how safe, or immunized, you may believe yourself to be. No matter what cost cutting and efficiencies you've implemented, nobody will be exempt as the economic recovery fizzles -- and a second hard downturn hits in 2013. Besides, if you look back, you'll understand that 2008 was the first heart attack. Even as that injury is healing, the cardiac system is weakened. A second heart attack can thereby be even more destructive. Isn't your financial system in the same situation? Reserves you had in 2008 are long gone. You simply don't have as much to fall back on. Ahead Slow.
Complacency A positive outlook was boosted by the November national elections demonstrating the power of the people to fight Second Gilded Age monied interests. This relates in a seemingly odd way to the general public not yelling about the Fiscal Cliff. Hey, if our taxes go up some, we'll just tighten the belt a little more. We're used to that. And it's time the rich, who ruined the economy but still got wealthier, pay higher taxes. They're gonna hit us again anyway, so why not take the punch now, when we can finally hit back? The middle class and poor are willing to take a tax hit that hits their quality of life, but the rich absolutely refuse. And their luxurious lifestyles won't change a bit! Jupiter is also wisdom, and America's Jupiter saves it over and over again. And the final great news is the world didn't end after all 12/21/12! This last may sound like a joke, but it really isn't. Belief in Armageddon, or if you prefer, apocalypse, is an American core belief, part of our mystical paranoia. If this has slipped our mind, here's a refresher -- again from the August 7, 2008 VedicLeaks, U.S. Psychology,
So, even as most, including a big number of true believers, didn't give the Mayan Calendar end any credence, isn't there a part of your American identity that was relieved the morning of December 22?
So You Believe You Are A Rational Thinker? If you're a realist, you would expect the entrenched monied interests to resist. After all, they didn't get rich by giving up! They fought hard for their great wealth, and they will fight just as hard to protect it. They have a consequent belief in their private entitlement to wealth. They don't see the huge irony in the rich always trying to cut public entitlements to others so they can get even richer. Again, the lifestyles of the rich are not harmed, but the lifestyles of the rest of us are! In fact, in this case, the rich end up even wealthier! What's with that? This is a nasty social and cultural war. It reveals the worst, and the best, in many. Just consider the horrible diatribes against gun control following the Newtown mass murder of children. It's not that the reactionaries don't treasure children. It's that they treasure their guns even more! But why? Mystical paranoia, this time about government. But, before you get too far into the self-satisfaction of reading a viewpoint to which you agree, consider this article, The Science of Why We Don't Believe Science. Hmmm.... This part is disturbing,
The author seems to say that the rich, and other bigots with reactionary beliefs, aren't the only ones stuck in their own convictions. Everyone is. That means the rest of us are too! Have you thought about that? We're just as stuck as them. This is not good. We're never going to fix everything to fit our convictions. Well, that's true. A Progressive Age shifts some things, but not all, and the shifts themselves can be small. It's truly what they all add up to that should be the focus. And a Progressive Age can continue for decades. It is also true that as we plan, map and execute our journeys through 2013, we will need to be stalwart and coldly realistic. We all need to step back and really look at what's happening, or not. We need to replace passion with dispassion, sentiment with science. We need to bring these qualities to bear in both our personal lives and in our public efforts to restore shared democratic values, one small step at a time.