October 3, 2012
Reminder -- Watch Tonight's Presidential Debate
With the Presidential race close, tonight's debate promises to be a pivot point.
Recall I've predicted major turmoil from the vicious and angry Mars/Rahu conjunction, stating at the end of the Sunday September 30 Heads-up, that Tuesday is the most sensitive date, although Wednesday may be nearly as challenging.
Well, nothing much has resulted so far, for this intense energy has not yet actualized. The major reason for this results lack is the all-important perceptional Moon has not come under fire from Mars -- and this happens tonight.
The U.S. is a logical location on the globe for Mars/Rahu bringing loss and strife in that chart. Yet, there's a blessing in the U.S. chart from Venus (grace of God), which is superbly transiting the 9th house of luck, fortune and the higher mind. This suggests that any harm or disruption may have a silver lining.
The debate begins at 9:00 PM EDT and lasts for 90 minutes. The Moon will be changing signs half way through the debate -- from Aries to Taurus.
The below transit wheels for the candidates at 10:00 PM shows the Moon just having entered Taurus at 1:09 degrees. (The outer circle is transiting planets, and the inner circle the birth chart) The first part of the debate may be calm and normal, but when the Moon goes into Taurus during the second half, it will be directly across from Mars. Then Mars will aspect (glance upon) the Moon -- igniting it.
For Obama, Taurus is the 5th house of the mind -- where his birth chart exalted Moon is placed. The Moon is Obama's best planet. It gave him the power to beat Hillary Clinton in the primaries and win the election against John McCain. Notice Mars/Rahu is in Scorpio. This means the Mars aspect will be upon his birth chart Moon plus transiting Moon and dissolving Ketu (the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point). This will tremendously stimulates his mind. Obama will shine like a spotlight, and his only risk is being too rushed and/or aggressive. It would look bad for him to browbeat or bully Romney.
Barack Obama
For Romney, as Jon Stewart would say, Not so good. The Moon is Romney's worst planet, for being fallen (weak) and with Ketu in his birth chart. Mars/Rahu remain close to his fallen birth chart Moon with Ketu in the 7th house of the social nature. It is this the combination that has stimulated his insensitive, disconnected and untrue statements which have so hurt his candidacy. Mars will aspect Romney's transit Moon and Ketu in his 1st house of the self. Read this last sentence again to understand that Romney's birth chart and transit Moons are both with Ketu and both afflicted by warrior Mars. It don't get no more loony than that. As I stated in the September 22 Vedicleaks entry, If Romney only blathers, he will be doing well. He could lose his temper as no-drama Obama challenges his dishonesties.
Mitt Romney
Keep in mind my statement that Mars/Rahu hasn't caused a major event in the world because the Moon has not yet been afflicted by Mars' aspect. Raging violences could occur anyone on the globe tonight. Further, this energy impacts you as well. So, stay cool and keep a low profile.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |
October 10 2012
Regaining Perspective
The entire world seems to be in an uproar, especially to those tuned into the raucous and intensely antagonistic political season. But even if you somehow manage to be oblivious to the endless political barrage of signs and ads everywhere, you can feel the stresses in the actions and energies of those around you. Plus, many of you have experienced damaging events, some health oriented. Here's just a sampling of Celestial Wheel Subscriber reports:
K.M. Florida. For some strange reason both mother and my uncle are having major dementia systems out of the blue. The are doing dangerous stuff and very confused. People just don't go crazy this fast and together. I had blood tests done on her and the doctor said they came back perfect. This is the weirdest thing I have seen, and I am a therapist.!!!
P.C. Florida. Ed is very sick now... so much pain as his Hepatitis C is here with fever, nausea, jaundice... etc. I am very sad to think of losing him from my life... He has been a dear friend and someone I could depend on for so many things...
C.B Minnesota. Larry cut two of his fingers on his left hand really deep on Sunday. Didn't think he was ever going to get them to stop bleeding.
D.P. Hawaii. I had a major run in with a carpenter doing work at my home. He suddenly demanded money without giving me his hours and then ordered me to give him a month's notice! I calmed him down and am maneuvering him gently out of my life. You were right, Doug!
A new resident accused this astrologer of illegal parking in a handicapped space at my apartment complex, where I moved with my wheelchair bound daughter last February. After I calmed the police down, the next morning I found my motor scooter tires slashed.
So, what's doing on?
The planetary energies have been, and continue to be, so intense we are all distracted. It's natural then, to forget The Celestial Wheel has long been predicting and describing tough times for late summer through the fall. Here's an excerpt from the September 12 VedicLeaks, which ironically responds to the same issue of folks being so distracted, they forgot the forecasting.
Mars/Saturn And Then Mars/Rahu
If you need a mental refresher on Mars/Saturn, see the May 16, 2012 In-depth Forecast, Sorry, But It's Not Over Yet.
The August 20 Short-subject VedicLeaks reminded us the Mars/Saturn conjunction is just the first of two harmful Mars conjunctions this summer/fall. Keep in mind, Mars/Saturn coming together (mid August)
is the kick-off for these and other strifes -- because Mars stays with Saturn in Libra through the end September. Then, in early October, Mars rams into Rahu. Mars stays with Rahu in Scorpio until November 8. Warrior Mars conjunct head-of-the-dragon eclipse point Rahu is even more destructive than Mars on Saturn.
Without going into detail here, to get a flavor of this toxic energy, the last two Mars/Rahu conjunction were:
1. Mid February 2009, just after Obama took office, and the stock markets cratered until mid March.
2. Mid December 2010 a Tunisian street vender set himself afire December 17, which began the Arab revolts -- Arab Spring.
Certainly this fall will be tumultuous with these energies of Mars hitting the great malefics Saturn and Rahu within six weeks. It's like a boxer's combination punch. Too, the context is not good. This summer/fall is a revived hurricane season, the election season coincides, the Mideast is threatened by the Syrian revolt and Israel threatening Iran, oil prices have already shot up and economies in the East and West are all faltering.
Repeating the inception and end of this tumultuous time: mid August through November 8. The election is November 6. Mark your calendars!
Understanding Mars/Rahu Energy
The Mars/Saturn energy is pretty straightforward. Mars wants to push ahead, and Saturn is immobile. The combination raises the energy level, brings frustrations and all kinds of damages. But these very experiences enable the person to rise above the circumstances and become successful (Chakrapani). Hillary Clinton has this combination in her chart. So does Al Gore.
Mars/Rahu is more complex, operates on multiple levels and is the most intense of any planetary combination. If Mars/Saturn is a fist fight, then Mars/Rahu is the mob throwing molotov cocktails.
Mars is generally described as the planet of war, but as with all the nine planets, he symbolizes many things, some of which do not immediately appear to be related -- unless you're an East Indian. Like all the planets, Mars has his higher and lower energies, and we benefit from the former. Of course, as a malefic planet, Mars has fundamentally challenging quality, and he is most notable for being desire. Among Mars' higher qualities are: energy, strong will, strength, blood, courage, skilled hands, adventures, logic, independence, dynamism, engineering, mechanical ability and athletics. His lower qualities are just as impactful: conflicts, attacks, discords, accidents, infections, revenge, weapons, anger, cunning, and agitation.
Eclipse point Rahu, acting like his head-of-the-dragon mythology, is virulent, although it's true the snake's bite can both harm and heal. Botox is snake venom. Rahu intensifies whatever planet and house he influences and makes that energy unpredictable, unanticipated and unable to be prevented. He's like a tornado or a lightening strike -- the coiled serpent striking.
Rahu on Mars stimulates tremendous and impulsive desire that knows no bounds in its quest for achievement. The ends justify the means. Liars, cheats and con artists often have this combination. Lack of conscience is another trait. Sociopaths and psychopaths result. Vedic author Bill Levacy describes this combination as mean or spiteful episodes, cruel, deceitful, torturers, terrorists, antagonistic, vindictive, direct and/or indirect revenge, obsessive, bitter and toxic conditions, accidents, cuts, wounds, bruises, blood diseases. As Mars is courage and Rahu a blocking eclipse, they combine for outer courage and inner fear, intense desire to succeed and anger when blocked. If a snake is headed toward prey, he won't be deterred and will strike anything in its way, even as the snake has in inborn fear of what blocks him.
However, it's also true that when Rahu strikes, especially in combination with Mars, the destruction sooner or later harms the attacker -- like blowback from a gun or other unintended consequences. The latter famously resulted when Bush I successfully attacked Kuwait in the first Gulf war in 1991 -- but in stationing U.S. troops in Islam's holy land of Saudi Arabia, ignited a violent Islamic reaction that haunts the globe to this day. Osama Bin Ladin even looks like Rahu.
Not all folks with Mars/Rahu have these negative traits, for other chart dispositions can channel the energy upward. However, self help guru, James Arthur Ray, of the famous Arizona Sweat Lodge murders, has this combination, and it overwhelms his chart. He's in jail today for killing 3 people.
Mitt Romney has Mars/Rahu, and I discussed that in the September 22 VedicLeaks, as well as the stand-alone In-depth Forecast, Romney,
In the Romney In-depth Forecast, and in the above October 3 Heads-up, I predicted Romney would be insensitive, disconnected and make untrue statements -- that he would blather. Well, he did all those things, including attacking Big Bird and the PBS's Jim Lehrer the moderator. I also cautioned, Obama will shine like a spotlight, and his only risk is being too rushed and/or aggressive. It would look bad for him to browbeat or bully Romney. Well, I wasn't so wrong about that but actually backwards -- Romney's great performance was truly that of a bully. And if you had watched him carefully, Romney had an insane gleam in his eye and didn't smile but rather smirked. There is unavoidable Rahu blowback coming for Romney.
I made two errors. First, I misread Romney's chart in not seeing his Mars/Rahu as firing him up like a hellfire missile. Second, Obama has Mars/Rahu in his chart as well, which makes him an energizer bunny, but not an evil one. In fact, there is much inner fear there, which checks him. For Obama, the Mars/Rahu transit conjunction then was toxic. He looked ill and depleted before the debate began.
I don't know how much impact the Big Bird Effect will have, but I share here a poignant memory,
It was the fall of 1973, my second year at Cornell grad school, in drab townhouse student housing. My little 3 year old stepdaughter, Ally, loved Sesame Street, especially Big Bird. She learned all her letters from the show, and a lot more too!
I got up one morning to see Ally having crept down the stairs, was sitting cross legged in front of the TV -- waiting for me to come down and turn Sesame Street for her. So, I hooked up a timer to the TV for 7:00 AM, when Sesame Street came on.
The next morning, I watched from the stairs as Ally sat there again waiting. The timer clicked, the TV magically came on, and there was the whole Sesame Street crew with Big Bird front and center. Ally laughed and clapped -- so happy at this small thing. It was better than Santa Claus, really.
I came down and we hugged. I turned on the coffee pot, my wife came down, I cranked up the volume to high, and we all watched the entire show together! I missed my first class -- but so what. It was the very best moment of my life during those tough years. The Republicans have taken so much from us all, but they can't have Bird Bird!
Big Bird Forever.
Move over Bald Eagle -- The Big Bird Is Here!
Knock Em Dead, Big Bird.
Gonna Fly Now
And, screw you, Mitt Romney :-)
I'm not predicting for certain Obama will win. I can say that all of America is caught in dangerous Mars/Rahu energy this election season, for that conjunction occurs in the twelfth house of loss. This empowers Romney to incite fear among the racists and those who believe his lies, especially that Obama is a socialist. But Mars/Rahu inner fear can also give Obama strength to confront Romney. Soldiers who earn war medals for saving their fellows often admit they were scared to death for being under intense fire. It's also true that bullies, like Romney, are compensating for their inner fears. Beat up the little guy to feel better about yourself.
Voting this year would be a really good idea, don't you think? Remember when after G.W. Bush stole the election from Al Gore in 2000? A lot of folks stayed home again when he beat John Kerry in 2004 -- allowing Bush to drive the ship on state onto the rocks, and we suffer still for that? Obama can't fix the Millennium Contraction. That has to play out its karma until 2015. But he can cushion the landing and begin the Second Progressive Age.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |
October 22, 2012
Tonight's Final Presidential Debate
Presidential debates are often pivotal, and we've seen the polling numbers move strongly with the first two debates. After the first debate October 3, Romney pulled ahead. Following the second debate October 16, Obama regained lost ground. At this juncture, the race is very tight, although most serious polls give Obama an edge in critical swing states.
The above October 10 VedicLeaks explained about Mars/Rahu transit energy, ...it's also true that when Rahu strikes, especially in combination with Mars, the destruction sooner or later harms the attacker -- like blowback from a gun or other unintended consequences.
That forecast concluded about the race,
I'm not predicting for certain Obama will win. I can say that all of America is caught in dangerous Mars/Rahu energy this election season, for that conjunction occurs in the (U.S. chart's) twelfth house of loss. This empowers Romney to incite fear among the racists and those who believe his lies, especially that Obama is a socialist. But Mars/Rahu inner fear can also give Obama strength to confront Romney. Soldiers who earn war medals for saving their fellows often admit they were scared to death for being under intense fire. It's also true that bullies, like Romney, are compensating for their inner fears. Beat up the little guy to feel better about yourself. |
The second debate proved out both statements. Obama came roaring back to meet Romney head on successfully, and Romney experienced blowback from his aggressions.
With everything on the line tonight, both candidates must go all out. Transits, where the planets are in today's skies, show strengths and weaknesses for both Obama and Romney. Planetary cycles (the Dasas) as the underlying karma, have changed since the first debate. That indicates Dasas analysis to predict what will happen.
Obama's Dasa planets are Saturn/Saturn/Saturn/Venus shows the still new Saturn Dasa's power and authority coming in. Obama is more serious and tough since Saturn Dasa started in late July. He's become even more, No drama Obama. He even looks leaner. But Venus, which is Obama's career planet, is placed in his sixth house of enemies -- making him diplomatic. Venus doesn't argue, which is both a weakness and a strength. When confronting aggressive Romney, the weakness side hurts. That is why Obama in the first debate didn't come out swinging, to his loss. That is also why I included the Rocky video, Gonna Fly Now, in the October 10 entry. In those movies, Rocky took heavy hits early on to wake him up to then fight hard and win. Losing the first debate similarly motivated Obama to come back and win. Saturn is the ultimate tough guy. It was interesting to see athletic Obama use the space like a boxing ring, sliding around stolid Romney to land surprising. and often graceful, punches.
Romney's Dasa planets are Sun/Mercury/Mars is like the traditional battleship with all it's big guns blazing. Romney is a no-holds-barred Gilded Age tycoon -- a one man Goldman Sachs. Well, we've certainly seen that side of Romney in the first two debates. As shown in the Dasas image, two days ago on October 20, Rahu replaced Mars. That takes the warrior out but replaces him with the dragon. With Rahu, anything can happen -- and anything surely will -- unexpected, uncontrollable and with heightened intensity. Sun/Mercury/Rahu is the modern cruiser firing its missiles, rockets and guns, some of which will hit, others fall harmlessly into the sea and a few even misfiring or boomeranging back. The last is the inevitable blowback. Romney will throw everything at Obama, even the kitchen sink,

Tonight's contest is between Romney using the dragon energy without sinking his own ship and Obama being tough enough to absorb hits and nimble enough to deflect and blowback Rahu energy back at Romney. It's fortunate they'll be sitting at a desk.
This debate will be like 1975 Thrilla in Manila -- Muhammad Ali versus Joe Frazier. It was brutal. The fight finally ended when Frazier's trainer Eddie Futch refused to let Frazier come out for the 15th round, resulting in a TKO for Ali. This debate will not be for the faint-hearted.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |
October 23, 2012
Debate Predictions
Once again, the debate predictions were wide of the mark. The primary prediction, that amped-up up by Rahu the dragon, Romney would throw everything at Obama, ...some of which will hit, others fall harmlessly into the sea and a few even misfiring or boomeranging back. The last is the inevitable blowback. Romney will throw everything at Obama, even the kitchen sink.
That certainly didn't happen, although Obama was hyped up and ready for another Romney barrage. Instead, Romney, whose advisers express growing confidence about his chances of winning in November, played not to lose the debate in the hope of winning the election. See, Aggressive Obama, cautious Romney reveal current state of presidential race.
Yesterday's Heads-up about the debate, which is inserted above, did make a few hits. First, Obama is more serious and tough since Saturn Dasa started in late July. Second, and interesting but not actually useful as far as we know now, the Heads-up used the U.S. Navy analogy for Romney, which did occur in the debate! Third, while Romney's campaign strategy did play a role, it wasn't the entire reason he held back.
Romney's Deception
Rahu the serpent is wily and cunning, and the combination with Mars, the energy is vindictive, direct and/or indirect revenge, obsessive, as explained in the above October 10 entry. Further, Romney's Vedic chart, with Sun, Mars and Mercury conjoined in his tenth house of career, makes him a no-holds-barred Gilded Age tycoon -- a one man Goldman Sachs. And, he's running Sun and Mercury in his Dasas now. These are not just career planets for Romney, but also of kingship. He doesn't just want the presidency, he will have it, by any means, with the means justifying the end.
Romney didn't sit around since the October 16 debate, allowing himself to be passive last evening because his advisors felt he should play it safe. That's his deception. If one were to try to think like Romney, one would first be really aggressive in the first debate to grab the lead, setting up Obama to focus exclusively on winning the second and third debates -- which he did, but the damage was already done in the first debate.
Second, while Obama was obsessing about the last two debates, Romney was using his energy developing a separate strategy to finish Obama off. (Yet, the Obama folks are very astute, and Obama himself knows Romney wouldn't just lay down in the third debate without another strategy.) This is not an end run but rather a new theatre of aggression. We had a signal for this in yesterday's announcement by Donald Trump, Donald Trump claims Barack Obama bombshell -- Trump similarly promoted something big before the Republican Convention, but Hurricane Isaac washed that out. Perhaps this the same information, and Romney convinced his fellow tycoon Trump to hold until just before the election. It wouldn't be hard to have Trump do that, for he loves the power of playing the trump card. After all, the next best thing to be king is to be the king-maker.
Trump said he would reveal the information “sometime probably Wednesday,” suggested it could “possibly” impact the election. “sometime probably Wednesday,” suggested it could “possibly” impact the election.
Considering the applicable charts:
1. The U.S. chart is badly afflicted. Hidden information will be revealed, which would be scandalous. Foreigners in a far and distant place would fit.
2. Trump is playing a weird game, and there's craziness there, like his birther belief. He tends to be hyper-emotional now -- the impresario, but this isn't TV.
3. Romney is pouncing, but without a lot of forethought and little consideration for all the consequences. Blowback is an issue for him.
4. Obama is caught in a weak situation/condition. Friends can be an issue. Whatever comes forward weakens his government. It will take some time to sort out the accusations.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |
October 27 2012
Hurricane Sandy, Etc.
The May 16, 2012 In-depth Forecast, Sorry, But It's Not Over Yet, included a laundry list of likely harms from the mid August through November 8 transits of warrior Mars over first Saturn and then Rahu. Among those were Atlantic hurricanes. Isaac came in August, but since then, nothing has happened in the Atlantic -- until now.
I also stated in the above October 10 entry, I'm not predicting for certain Obama will win. I can say that all of America is caught in dangerous Mars/Rahu energy this election season, for that conjunction occurs in the twelfth house of loss.
The Etc. part of this Heads-up relates to the first part of that prediction -- unable to firmly predict the Presidential election's outcome because the U.S. chart is so afflicted right now. We can see the extent of that affliction in Hurricane Sandy.
This makes sense, for Mars/Rahu is happening in Scorpio, a water sign which is also dangerous for being the eighth house of calamity in the natural zodiac starting at Aries. Also, Mars is currently targeting by aspect (glance) Jupiter, which is a watery planet and the planet of the home in the U.S. chart.
Two days ago, I emailed my editor, I was thinking about hurricanes earlier this month but figured nothing would happen, for the hurricane season was getting late. That was dumb, for the 12th of loss for the U.S. is watery Scorpio, and watery Jupiter, which is also the home, is afflicted by Mars aspecting from the 12th.
I think, though, that it's not Sunday, but rather early Monday morning when the storm will really hit.
This timing prediction comes from the watery Moon, which is also the home, coming under fire by Saturn's aspect Monday morning. Monday is also the Moon's day of the week. That gives the confirming karma. The next day is Mars' Tuesday, suggesting further harms. However, taking the U.S. chart's Dasas -- planetary cycles -- together with the transits, it looks like Hurricane Sandy will not deliver the might punch meteorologists fear. I can't tell whether the storm may weaken and/or turn east, but even if it remains large and picks up strength, the damage will not be monumental.
I remain concerned that Romney will unleash one or more deceptions to knock down Obama. Certainly Trump's big reveal this past Wednesday was just show business. Somebody needs to tell him that national events are not a TV show. Of course, the right wing is foaming at the mouth about the Benghazi attack. The days leading up to, and following, the November 6 election look really bizarre -- though I don't know if hanging chads will be be reborn!
I am also concerned about economics, as Sorry, But It's Not Over Yet stated, Obviously, man-made and natural disasters both impact the economy, including real estate. Yes, the U.S. has made some progress, but growth is slow at 2%, corporate earnings are faltering, and growth throughout the globe is grinding to a halt. The U.S. is a bright spot only because continues, for three years now, to be least worst place to put money. See the December 12, 2009 In-depth Forecast, U.S. And Global Economic Trends For 2010.
In closing, I remind you all again, when transits, which are like global planetary weather, are tough, they impact everywhere -- and everyone. A subscriber in Kuai reported yesterday, My clothes washer repair bill is $700 or replacement $900+. The water heater is stuck on HIGH. A custom wool rug I ordered and paid for is MIA and vender has disappeared. Loose ends from the carpenter's work... partially refinished easy chair is disassembled. If that's the worst of it, I can deal with it, glad to know what the cause is, so I don't blame it on myself. :-)

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |
October 30, 2012
Hurricane Sandy Is Not Over
Finally An Election Prediction -- For Obama
The October 27 Heads-up, which I've followed procedure by publishing on the October VedicLeaks page, stated:
...it's not Sunday, but rather early Monday morning when the storm will really hit.
The next day is Mars' Tuesday, suggesting further harms.
...even if it remains large and picks up strength, the damage will not be monumental.
These predictions seem to have been born out, for the U.S. chart has been badly afflicted, but not horrifically so, and damages have been manageable.
The issue now is that the U.S. chart will be hit hard by a Mars subcycle in its planetary cycles starting early in the morning November 1. Also, at that time, transit Mars will be aspecting the all-important Moon, which influence through November 4. These suggest already inflicted damage will prove to be more egregious than known now and/or that the storm will cause major problems in the Northeast over the next several days.
As for the election, the above October 27 Heads-up also stated that Romney will unleash one or more deceptions to knock down Obama. That happened over the weekend, as the Boston Globe reports,
A new Mitt Romney campaign ad seeks to undercut President Obama’s claim to be a champion of the auto industry by suggesting a Detroit automaker that received government bailout money plans to ship American jobs to China.
But the car company, Chrysler, says it is merely considering an expansion of Jeep production to China and has no plan to reduce its US workforce. In fact, the company has announced its intent to hire 1,100 additional workers in Detroit. |
Here's a Washington Post article, confirming and emphasizing, Romney’s astonishingly dishonest Jeep-to-China radio ad, "It is startling that the Romney campaign thinks Ohioans will believe this stuff. It flies so directly in the face of reality that it suggests a real Hail Mary on Romney’s part. The willingness to play on people’s fears for their livelihoods in such a dishonest fashion displays contempt for the very people the ad is meant to persuade."
Romney's Vedic chart's planetary cycles (Dasas) continue to include deceptive Rahu, and on election day, his Dasas will be conflicted, fraught with desire but subject to Rahu blowback.
Starting November 2, Obama's Vedic chart ends a week Saturn with Sun Dasa lineup. Saturn constrains the Sun. Obama then enters a strong Saturn with Moon cycle that continues until November 15. It is Obama's great exalted Moon which brought him success over Hillary Clinton and won him the election in 2008. On election day, Obama's Moon will be strong in the seventh house of relationships.
While an upcoming Mercury retrograde late November 6 and other conflicted planetary karmas will likely throw the election into confusion, Obama will win. Unlike Al Gore in 2000, he will not yield and thereby lose. |

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2012©
VedicLeaks 2012©
Doug Riemer |