Romney Part Two
Regaining Perspective So, what's doing on? The planetary energies have been, and continue to be, so intense we are all distracted. Major malefics have twice conjoined in less than two months. Mars crashed into Saturn mid August. The planet of war then marched on to attack Rahu (head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) in early October. If you need a mental refresher on Mars/Saturn, see the May 16, 2012 In-depth Forecast, Sorry, But It's Not Over Yet.
Understanding Mrs/Saturn and Mars/Rahu Energy Mars is generally described as the planet of war, but as with all the nine planets, he symbolizes many things, some of which do not immediately appear to be related -- unless you're an East Indian. Like all the planets, Mars has his higher and lower energies. We benefit from the former and are challenged to grow by the latter As a malefic planet, Mars has fundamentally challenging quality, most notable for being desire. Among Mars' higher qualities are: energy, strong will, strength, blood, courage, skilled hands, adventures, logic, independence, dynamism, engineering, mechanical ability and athletics. His lower qualities are just as action-oriented: conflicts, attacks, discords, accidents, infections, revenge, weapons, anger, cunning, and agitation. Eclipse point Rahu, acting like his head-of-the-dragon mythology, is virulent, although it's true the snake's bite can both harm and heal. Botox is snake venom. Rahu intensifies whatever planet and house he influences and makes that energy unpredictable, unanticipated and unable to be prevented. He's like a tornado or a lightening strike -- the coiled serpent striking. Rahu on Mars stimulates tremendous and impulsive desire that knows no bounds in its desire. The ends justify the means. Liars, cheats and con artists often have this combination. Lack of conscience is another trait. Sociopaths and psychopaths result. Vedic author Bill Levacy describes this combination as mean or spiteful episodes, cruel, deceitful, torturers, terrorists, antagonistic, vindictive, direct and/or indirect revenge, obsessive, bitter and toxic conditions, accidents, cuts, wounds, bruises, blood diseases. On another levels, s Mars is courage and Rahu a blocking eclipse, they combine for outer courage and inner fear, intense desire to succeed and anger when blocked. If a snake is headed toward prey, he won't be deterred and will strike anything in its way, even if the snake has in inborn fear of what blocks him. There's also then a primitive instinctual quality to this combination. Sooner or later, when Rahu strikes, especially in combination with Mars, the action harms the attacker -- like blowback from a gun or other unintended consequences. This famously resulted when Bush I successfully attacked Kuwait in the first Gulf war in 1991 -- but in stationing U.S. troops in Islam's holy land in Saudi Arabia, ignited a violent Islamic reaction that haunts the globe to this day. Osama Bin Laden even looks like Rahu. Not all folks with Mars/Rahu have these negative traits, for other chart dispositions can channel the energy upward. However, self help guru, James Arthur Ray, of the famous Arizona Sweat Lodge murders, has this combination, and it overwhelms his chart. He's in jail today for killing 3 people. Mitt Romney has Mars/Rahu, and it I discussed that in the September 26 In-depth Forecast, Romney,
In the Romney In-depth Forecast, I predicted Romney would be insensitive, disconnected and make untrue statements -- that he would blather. Well, he did all those things, including attacking Big Bird and the PBS's Jim Lehrer the moderator. He also promised to defund Planned Parenthood. Well, his Mars/Rahu selfish desire doesn't include children and women. I also cautioned, Obama will shine like a spotlight, and his only risk is being too rushed and/or aggressive. It would look bad for him to browbeat or bully Romney. Well, I wasn't so wrong about that but actually backwards -- Romney's great performance was truly that of a bully. And if you had watched him carefully, Romney had an insane gleam in his eye and didn't smile but rather smirked. There is unavoidable Rahu blowback coming for Romney. I made two errors. First, I misread Romney's chart in not seeing his Mars/Rahu as firing him up like a hellfire missile. Second, Obama has Mars/Rahu in his chart as well, which makes him an energizer bunny, but not an evil one. In fact, there is much inner fear there, which checks him. For Obama, the Mars/Rahu transit conjunction then was toxic. He looked ill and depleted before the debate began. I don't know how much impact the Big Bird Effect will have, but I share here a poignant memory,
Voting this year would be a really good idea, don't you think? Remember when after G.W. Bush stole the election from Al Gore in 2000? A lot of folks stayed home again when he beat John Kerry in 2004 -- allowing Bush to drive the ship on state onto the rocks, and we suffer still for that? Obama can't fix the Millennium Contraction. That has to play out its karma until 2015. But he can cushion the landing and begin the Second Progressive Age.
The Big Bird Effect does seem to be happening, October 13, "Million Muppet March" planned to defend U.S. backing for PBS.