Peak Hurricane Season Approaches Areas Of Concern These issues are seemingly unconnected. In reality, they must relate. Recall the July 5 VedicLeaks entry that listed these Areas of concern, stated they ...are primary karmas, from which would flow natural consequences. That entry then used the example of a major blow-up in the Mideast already boosting oil prices and thereby gasoline prices.
As concerns this forecast, hurricanes can bring massive destructions catalyzing civil unrest and riots in U.S. cities, political infighting.... And while the continuing Mideast turmoil is already driving oil prices up, a hurricane hitting the Gulf of Mexico would reduce supply, driving oil costs up further, threatening, currency failure (or inflation). The point here is that when malefic planets combine in transit, more than one harms results -- like the summer of 2008, when gasoline prices peaked in July to $4.11, and then in September, the stock market crashed! That these are interconnected is irrefutable.
However, this forecast has some applicability to Pacific Ocean typhoons in the Far East. Global Transits -- where the planets are in today's skies -- do indicate karmic influences around the world. Yet, that transit planetary karma, even when more than two planets are involved, is not enough for reliable predictions. But, if Global transits call for a tropical storm, and Far East country's chart is also afflicted in its Dasas and transits, then a Far East Typhoon can be predicted. The problem in predicting these is not having reliable charts for the many countries at risk. There's also the huge amount of work needed for that analysis. I do have a reliable chart for Japan and will comment on that.
The tropical storm season runs June 1st to November 30th, and the Eastern Pacific hurricane season runs from May 15th to November 30th. The Atlantic basin includes the Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea, and Gulf of Mexico. NOAA. This graph, again from NOAA, dramatically shows the peak season is from mid August through mid October. That peak hurricane season coincides with predicted hurricane activity in the U.S. chart this year is coincidental, but also confirming.
Historical Hurricane Analysis After four days, I could not find planetary patterns occurring with any consistency. This was somewhat surprising. Yet, as expected, malefic planets -- Saturn, Mars and Rahu/Ketu (the eclipse points) -- were always involved, as well as mutable Mercury, malefic in the U.S. chart. Too, the all-important Moon, which symbolizes the home and is kapha (watery) was a reliable predictor as to landfalls, when major damages resulted. (Note: similarly people with exceptional skill in an area have divergent planetary karmas, but with common threads. Athletes have strong Mars energy and often powerful Suns.. A potent Venus and Jupiter (abstract thinking) are musical hallmarks.) There are other predictive issues. 1. Hurricanes are often often travel thousands of miles. 2. They are long-lived. Some last a week or so, others over a month. 3. The date(s) when they cause the most harm -- typically landfalls -- are very difficult to predict.
Hurricane Predictions For 2012 Spring Hurricanes Here's a VedicLeaks predictions check published on May 28, 2012, This was an excellent prediction, for the hurricane season hadn't even begun! Plus, 2012 was a Record Early Start to Hurricane Season. Certainly, this indicates Mars is a major hurricane driver when in Leo. (Note: Here's a confirming karma for Mars in Leo bringing U.S. hurricanes. 2004 was a record hurricane season for Florida. Landfalls were: Charlie, August 13, Frances September 5, Ivan September 15 and Jeanne September 25. That year, Mars was in Leo from July 31 to September 16.)
Late Summer Hurricanes The July 22, 2012 VedicLeaks further stated, The karma for Mars running into Saturn on August 15 is naturally highly destructive. ...for weather concerns, August 14 will kick off hurricanes in both the Atlantic and Pacific. Gulf of Mexico hurricanes drench the land when the go into the southern states and Texas. Hurricane Isaac began as a tropical wave August 15. On August 25, it crossed Haiti. Isaac made landfall at the mouth of the Mississippi August 28. On September 3, the mid-level circulation of the storm split into two parts, with one portion continuing southward into the Gulf of Mexico and the other eastward over Ohio.
Fall Hurricanes Hurricane Sandy formed in the Caribbean October 22. It made landfall as a hurricane in Jamaica October 24. On October 29, Sandy made landfall in New Jersey.
Conclusions An Additional Factor -- Mars In Cancer What happened then? NASA Sees 4 Tropical Cyclones in the Atlantic Today includes this amazing September 5, 2011photo,
For the image in full format, click here.
Hurricane Predictions For 2013 These indicate transit Mars influences to bring hurricanes beginning August 18 and continuing through the hurricane season to the end of November. Now, lets to back to the June 15, 2013, Into A Whirlwind Summer. The forecast discussed in some detail the harms resulting the the tremendously destructive transit combination of Saturn and Rahu in Libra. Recall Saturn is the great malefic, bringing all kinds of losses and suffering -- and head-of-the-serpent eclipse point Rahu acts to intensify. The title's section, Into A Whirlwind Summer, included the below global transit chart for September 16, showing Mars in Cancer aspects the Saturn Rahu exact conjunction. It stated, the exact conjunction indicates the end of the period during which malefic energies will be increasing. Mid August marks the start of this karmic crash. Mid September, then, marks the peak. This results because the malefic pressures becomes powerful when Mars transits into Cancer August 19, by which time, Saturn and Rahu will be drawing close together. There are three other planetary transit factors to consider. 1. Saturn throws a nasty aspect back to Mars. 2. Benefic Venus is in Libra, very close to Saturn and Rahu. This harms Venus Yet, Venus' benefic grace must also soften the rough Saturn/Mars energy. 3.Jupiter, the great benefic, throws a protective glance to Libra, but it is too far from the mid sign placements of Venus, Saturn and Rahu to be truly effective. Here's the September 16 transit chart with blue arrows added showing these two more aspects, The issue is how damaging the triple malefic combination of Mars, Saturn and Rahu will be when offset by benefics Venus and Jupiter. This is a hard knot to untie, but certainly hurricanes must still do damage. Saturn is Vata (air), as is Rahu and the sign of Libra. So, high winds are expected. Jupiter and Venus, are kapha (water), indicating flooding. Mars is Pitta (fiery) indicating explosive damage and perhaps even fires. Any hurricanes coming will tend to have high winds with much flooding and some major destructions. But these will not be absolutely ferocious -- like Katrina or Sandy -- for the offsetting benefic energies of Jupiter and Venus. We can also see that when Mars transits into Leo October 6, he will not be inflaming the malefic energies of Saturn/Rahu -- but Mars will be aspecting the Moon in the U.S. chart. Too, Venus will be out of the way into Scorpio. The final piece of the analysis is the U.S. chart's Dasas -- planetary karmas -- which are the primary influences underlying the transits. Recall, when Dasas and transits match up, accurate predictions can be made. Here are the U.S. Dasa planets to three levels for this summer/fall,
Considering the Mars Cancer transit from August 18 to October 5 is the most sensitive time, we can see the Jupiter third level Dasa planet from August 21 to September 9 will be protective. This leaves the Saturn third level Dasa planet from September 10 to October 3 as the interval when the transits and Dasas overlap to signal great hurricanes. Also, however, Mercury is a dangerous malefic in the U.S. chart, for being placed in the eight house of catastrophe. Thus, the third level Dasa of Mercury from October 3 to October 25 will continue hurricane activity. On balance, it appears the U.S. will be increasingly threatened by hurricanes beginning mid August, but they won't begin making landfalls until September 10 to October 25. Then, expect high winds and flooding. That significant, although not horrific hurricane activity in the U.S. will occur appears unavoidable. Multiple hurricanes are most likely. Still, recall, the most difficult transit interval is August 15 to September 16 -- which is a global influence. Thereby, ferocious typhoons could hit the Far East then. Japan's chart shows some risk during the last week in September. As we get closer to these sensitive intervals, I'll publish VedicLeak entries giving more exacting dates and specific predicitons. However, three sensitive dates are easily seen now. September 17-18 Venus crashes into the Saturn/Mars combination. October 3 to 6 Mercury crosses Saturn/Mars. November 3, a hybrid solar eclipse.
Resources Hurricane Tracker, from Animated displays of 2013 tropical storm tracks.