Predictions Check The December 2010 Mars/Rahu Conjunction
Preface The November 25, In-depth Forecast, The December 2010 Mars/Rahu Conjunction -- Part I began with,
Part 2 of this forecast added these sensitive dates calendars for December and January,
Predictions The January 11 Short-subject Commentary recapped predictions made for the Mars/Rahu conjunction,
Part 2 closed with,
Results December and early January was indeed wild. The December 18 Commentary reported violent storms in the U.S. and Europe and riots in four European countries. The storms continued, with Australia and Brazil being hit by floods. That Commentary also noted the several major bills passed in the lame duck Congress, Obama signs massive tax bill, hails deal with GOP has Christmas goodies for everyone totaling over $800 billion, while it punches another huge hole in the budget and must stimulate inflation. And we all remember the fish and bird kills in the U.S. and elsewhere. Don't forget the crabs and crickets! Here's a Google Map on that,
Then, the mass murder in Tucson occurred January 8, Mars/Rahu had one last kick. Iraq struggled with forming a government, as did Afghanistan. Government actually fell in Tunisia and Lebanon. These articles explain how those are important, Tunisia's revolution should be a wake-up call to Mideast autocrats and Tunisian Dominoes?. And just today, this article reveals how virulent Mars/Rahu has been, Protestors burn themselves up In Tunisia, Algeria, Egypt and Saudi Arabia.. The banks took experienced major reversals, though none failed. Bank of America to pay $137 million in state fraud cases. Bank of America Settles Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Claims. That was a $3 billion hit. There were huge court decisions against the banks in the foreclosure document scandal: Banks lose key foreclosure ruling in top Massachusetts court and Judges Berate Bank Lawyers in Foreclosures. Another big hit, this on income, is Fed Proposes Rules to Cut Debit Card Fees. This article cites record high bank failures, FDIC Takes $455 Million Weekend Hit; 2010 Worst Year For Bank Failures Since '92; CEO 'Shocked' At Western United Closure; Updated 'Problem Banks List'. Real estate continues its inevitable slide, and the foreclosure document scandal is a further weight. But we'll have to wait to see, for reporting on prices and sales is delayed at least a month. Stocks did not go down, for it seems the Federal Reserve's pumping money through the big banks has filled their pockets. So, the big banks have been investing in high levels, keeping the markets up -- even as individuals and many institutional investors have been pulling their money from the markets. It's called market manipulation. Interestingly, the Federal Reserve has also tried to manipulate the real estate market by keeping interest rates low, again by this pumping, but that hasn't kept prices and sales volume from declining. There was also a spike in personal illnesses and violences. The January 11 Commentary stated, Clients have reported: sciatica, gout, skin cancer, kidney, leg muscle issues and financial setbacks and discords. And Also in the East, 102 pilgrims killed in stampede at Indian festival. Remember, The Celestial Wheel is not just about world events, but in describing planetary karmas that signal turmoil, personal challenges as well.
Fifth Step Down? Has the Mars/Rahu conjunction indeed been the Fifth Step Down in the Millennium Contraction? Only time will tell, of course. But there must be economic repercussions from all these Mars/Rahu conjunction harms. Record storms caused property damage, impeded commerce and harm crops. Note that the commodities price increases last year resulted from destructive weather, and this winter's weather will certainly create more food price inflation. Florida citrus is a good example for the latter. Riots in Europe further destabilize those economies. Continuing the Bush tax cuts for the rich increases the U.S. deficit. Mars/Rahu year-end turbulence has so harmed U.S. States' budgets, that bankruptcy is now being planned, A Path Is Sought for States to Escape Their Debt Burdens. Problems in the Mideast boost oil prices and threaten the U.S. military efforts there. Bank problems undermine the economy by reducing their profits and lending. This interval may very well be seen as the beginning of the end for the big banks. Here's an animated map of bankrupt U.S. banks, The Tucson mass murder seems to be the sole benefit in bringing civility to the media and our elected representatives, thereby enhancing governments' performance. Finally, there's the spike in personal illnesses. Mars/Rahu was in Sagitarius, where Steve Jobs' Venus (kidneys) and Rahu are placed, directly opposite Jupiter (liver). Resumption of health problems in one, or both, of these areas sent him into retirement. This is not good for Apple, and truly the entire U.S. technology industry. You can thereby see how challenging planetary transits upon just one personal chart can have a major impact upon society.