Since last fall, the Celestial Wheel has focused exclusively on the economic contraction. While there is certainly good reason for this, the doom and gloom becomes wearisome. Here are two reports on technology that have been on the back burner for several months and offer useful information. Ideas here can also save you lots of money.
Technological Advance The September 30, 2003 In-depth Celestial Wheel, A Technological Breakthrough, tracked previous major technology advances, as shown below.
This forecast pointed out, the long lapse since 1990 of such a leap forward and predicted the advance would occur in January 2004 -- technical integration of machines bringing wealth. The advance obviously didn't occur then, although that was due to the Bill Gates' Microsoft Windows monopoly. After all, a monopoly by definition stifles competition, forces inferior and overpriced products on the markets -- and thereby holds back advances. The section, Technological Advance -- Convergence, in the February 11, 2008 Commentary acknowledged this failed prediction and suggested instead, While an energy breakthrough may occur, it appears even more likely that integrating personal computers with TVs, called convergence, will be the first step in fully integrating digital communications in 2008. Well, that hasn't occurred either. What did happen, however, was the IPhone, which made the cell phone into a computer when it debuted in June, 2007. Further, the July 2008 IPhone 3G, added the capability to download and run third party applications (Apps), the IPhone started to look like a Star trek Triocorder, with its capability to scout unfamiliar areas, make detailed examination of living things, and record and review technical data. If you don't already know, IPhone Apps do amazing things -- like identifying a song playing on a stereo and then telling you where you can buy it on the web. See, The IPhone's Golden Touch. Other cell phone companies have naturally tried to follow the IPhone with their own smartphones. Also, $600 plus laptop computers have evolved into simpler, smaller (8" to 10" screens) and cheaper machines, called netbooks, which are designed primarily to access the web. Part of this advance is in some netbooks using Linux, the free operating system, replacing Windows. See the January 13, 2009 article, Dell plans $99 Inspiron netbook. The price is discounted from $350 because it includes a two year service contract for wireless broadband at $60 monthly -- like the Iphone. And, the availability of internet telephone services like Skype, which are practically free, makes this ultra- portable computer into a telephone. As IPhone made the cell phone into a computer and the netbook makes this ultra- portable computer into a telephone -- well, the predicted Technological Advance -- Convergence is happening. There have also been advances in integrating internet television with TV, which would be the final piece of this integration. See the January 16, 2009 article, Boxee, Used to View Web on TV, Generates Buzz,* Boxee bills its software as a simple way to access multiple Internet video and music sites, and to bring them to a large monitor or television that one might be watching from a sofa across the room. ... Some of Boxee’s fans also think it is much more: a way to euphemize that costly $100-a-month cable or satellite connection. This article also explains why integration has been slow, Piping Internet video into a television seems as if it should be simple — after all, a screen is a screen. But consumer electronics and media companies have been moving toward that combination with painstaking caution, both because of technical limitations and to protect their existing business models. (*Boxee is currently available only on Apple Computers. A PC version is in the testing stage now.) One other advance occurred several years ago -- the capability to transport the land line telephone number to a cell phone. This eliminates the land line, and this astrologer made did that several years ago. However, the change wasn't voluntary but rather mandated by the Federal Government.
You Can Save A Lot Of Money Most of us have a land line, cell phone, desktop or laptop computer, internet access and TV cable or satellite. These monthly communications bills add up and are a significant part of our tightening personal budgets. In this period of economic contraction, consumers will drive the process of communications integration by insisting on cost cutting via combining these multiple, and increasingly overlapping, services. Below are some ways to do this. Shifting the land line phone number to a cell phone is already available. That alone saves about $30 monthly. Using internet phone, like Skype, on a laptop or netbook can reduce, or eliminate your $80 --100 cell phone bill. (You may want to keep your cell phone at reduced minutes.) A laptop or Netbook with Boxee can eliminate TV cable bills. You can even use Boxee on your desktop. Sharing internet access with a neighbor can halve your $40 monthly fee. (This is done with a router -- a transmitter that sends a signal other nearby computers can access.) Some folks use the internet in the specialized way that the IPhone offers and thereby don't need a desktop or laptop computer with the accompany internet connection. Well, that gets rid of your home $40 internet service fee. Here's an example. This astrologer got rid of his land line, as stated above. Savings, $30. He now has $50 cable TV, $80 cell phone, $40 internet access = $170. Buying a laptop and installing Skype and Boxee can save $50 + $80 = $130. There's also the option of using hot spots in town to eliminate the $40 internet access. (Note: a netbook has limited capability for running programs and also has a small screen. But, these bring its ultra-portability. In fact, netbooks are so portable, they can be used instead of a cell phone. A laptop with the standard 15" screen isn't as portable, but it is a full function computer.) How much would you like to save? How much do you need to save? How many of these expensive communications services can you combine? How important is it for you to be connected in so many ways?
Microsoft Monopoly Sliding Away The January 2007 Commentaries page included two entries on Bill Gates. On January 10, 2007 the section, The Monopolist Prince In This Second Gilded Age, explained Gates' incredible wealth, (was) most amassed during his twenty year Venus Dasa that ran from 1982 to 2002. That section concluded with,
On January 29, 2007 the section, Vista -- Bills Gates' Big Flop, is inserted here in its entirety, emphasis added.
The advent of Windows 7 proves Vista was a flop, even though Microsoft denies it, Microsoft C.E.O Steve Ballmer: Windows Still Relevant. Too, notice in the article title the additional defensiveness about Windows being still relevant. In 2004, the EU fined Microsoft for stifling competition by bundling its Media Player with Windows. Now, Microsoft has lost another EU antitrust case, this for incorporating Internet Explorer with Windows, Microsoft Loses E.U. Antitrust Case. As Microsoft's market dominance slides away, its monopoly control over the communications industry fades, enabling powerless and blocked competitors to finally make significant advances in technology. Note that the beginning of this breakaway began with the Apple's IPhone, and Apple has only been able to persist against the gigantic Microsoft monopoly because it designed and built better products.
The Big Blizzard Of 2009 Peaks February 8-16 The January 22 In-depth More On The Big Blizzard Of 2009 completed the analysis of this challenging interval from January 12 to March 6. Here's the summary of influences from that forecast,
Fall -- Winter 2008-09Timeline
As further explained, The February 8 through 16 interval is the most intense, for then the destructive Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction peaks. This is when a violence would disrupt oil/gas and major economic reversals occur -- companies failing, stock markets reeling... A shock is the best word here. Sensitive dates are February 8-9 and 15-16. The position is 15 1/2 degrees Capricorn. Impacts upon the U.S. chart are, This (Capricorn) is the house of income, domestic harmony and speech. All these significations are harmed. Income drops, domestic harmony is lost and protests mount. Regarding the new President, the Big Blizzard planets are in Obama's first house of the self. As this is house represents his power, influence and reputation, these will be challenged. Yet, our new President has long legs, and his Jupiter/Moon Dasa cycle continues to fly on the wings of popularity, luck, charisma and brilliance. Obama can plow through the Big Blizzard relatively unscathed, even in the face of rising protests. As this forecast was being completed, it was announced that Obama's economic stimulus plan has cleared the Senate, Senators Appear to Reach Tentative Deal on Stimulus Package. Unless you live in a cave, you're well aware these predictions have been unfolding on schedule. And, even if you're allergic to the news, these ills are visiting your community and impacting you personally. It's best during this peak to keep a low profile and not travel, nor embark upon any significant tasks. If you have any planets in your Vedic chart near the 15 /12 degree Capricorn location of the Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction, use great care from February 8 to 16, and especially at the beginning and end of this stress peak. The major violence, a shock, is not predicted for the U.S. This violence would disrupt oil/gas, suggesting a major oil producer. Again, the sensitive dates are February 8-9 and 15-16. The primary concern is Iran. Iran's chart is hit hard by the Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction at 15 1/5 degrees Capricorn -- where three planets are placed in the twelfth house of loss. Iran's February 3 satellite launch is a saber-rattling harbinger for aggression. Saudi Arabia's chart is also mauled by this disruptive conjunction. It has four planets in Capricorn -- the third house of desires, stimulating antagonism. (The Celestial Wheel has long been concerned about Saudi Arabia, newly in a bad Jupiter cycle.) Finally, Russia's chart is also vulnerable. Capricorn is its seventh house of relationships, where Russia's debased Saturn is placed -- indicating cruel oppression, likely against neighbors with gas/oil pipelines. Keep in mind these countries are all stressed by the the global recession and huge drop in oil prices. They all need a minimum $70 oil to maintain their economies and their autocratic governments' political power.
Changing The Way We Live Longtime Celestial Wheel subscribers recall this Vedic Astrologer has been pessimistic about the economy for a years, scaling back expenses and assets and unloading debt. Here's a quote about vehicles from the August 7, 2008 Celestial Wheel,
Take a look at the Happiness Paradox article. It's fascinating that modern researchers have proven in nearly forty years of surveys that material benefits only stimulate desire for more and more, bringing dissatisfaction. are pursuing a goal that is ever receding. ...The irony is that health and the quality of personal relationships are among the most potent predictors of whether people report they are happy -- and they are often the two things people sacrifice in their pursuit of greater wealth. Nations, Easterlin argues, make the same mistake as people. Think about how this relates to monopolist Bill Gates (discussed above on February 4), the richest man in the world, who can never be happy and also only harms everyone else by his endless greed. Gee, the article sounds like Hinduism and other Eastern philosophies, which stipulate that kama (desire) is your great enemy, which can only be cured by detachment -- achieving equanimity (happiness). As stated at the end of the February 6, 2005 In-depth Celestial Wheel, The First Baby-Boomers, ...a colonial-era English author recognized and acknowledged India's value, stating that no other country has contributed as much to the understanding of human consciousness. This naturally suggests modern researchers agree that embracing ancient spirituality, or re-awakening your spirituality, will build satisfaction in your lives during this four year period of economic contraction. (See, How Long Will The Recession/Depression Last? in the January 22, 2009, More On The Big Blizzard Of 2009.) A current New York Times article, What's Your Plan B? offers practical advice and real life examples, although it misses the spiritual/philosophical mark. This approach has a societal impact and quality as well. The article states that Nations.. make the same mistake as people. By casting off addictive and never satisfying materialism through freeing yourself of debt and excess belongings, you can then direct your remaining resources and energies toward health and personal relationships to actually increase your happiness. This change in individual behavior also inspires others, and helps others, increasing their happiness too. It's the same concept described in the December 26, 2008 Celestial Wheel, in the section, Shoulders To The Wheel. As explained, This is a bottom-up philosophy, as opposed to Second Gilded Age top-down economy. It's why voters rejected the lower taxes Republican McCain and embraced instead Obama's Yes we can philosophy. Of course, cutting back brings temporary unhappiness, but the end result is increasing happiness -- like an overweight person hates the diet but delights in the result. This fits nicely with the Vedic Astrology concept that only through turmoil comes change. Also, the U.S. has finished its ten year Second Gilded Age Moon cycle, and is now in its seven year Mars cycle of economic contraction -- but also of sharp intelligence and yearning for enlightenment. This signifies that paranoid mystical gluttony has ended, and our intellects have become enlivened. It's okay to be smart again. In the July 8, 2008 Celestial Wheel, the section, The Real Masters Of The Universe, in discussing classic science fiction stated,
So, let's put our shoulders to the wheel to strive for that future utopia by using present turmoil to tear down the walls of excess and greed and have enslaved our common humanity and darkened our happiness. Since this is the peak of The Big Blizzard Of 2009, it's a great time to start.
Satellites Collide The following was emailed directly to subscribers yesterday. (Note: While the collision happened on the lunar eclipse, it was the combination of the eclipse with other the planetary afflictions creating The Big Blizzard Of 2009 that signifies destruction.)
Clinging To The Past To Stop The Future We're all affected by the The Big Blizzard Of 2009, especially during this peak from February 7 to 16. The Celestial Wheel has explained this turmoil stimulates the process of changing the way we live. The Celestial Wheel has also repeatedly urged subscribers to be circumspect in their activities, for at least some of this destructive karma can be avoided. Yet, the planetary energies are so potent, they often stimulating the opposite -- clinging to the past to stop the future. Following are some examples this astrologer has witnessed.*
(*If you relate to any of these, please understand, you're not being criticized personally. These experiences are recited to help everyone better understand there truly is an energetic turmoil forcing us all to change the way we live. Real life examples are always the best instructors.)
Two News Flashes The Celestial Wheel has predicted The Big Blizzard Of 2009 destructive karma would reach a peak February 8- 16, with sensitive dates of Feb 8-9 and Feb 15-16. Subscribers were emailed these two News Flashes today.
Fee Rollbacks -- Vedic Predictive Astrology In response to The Big Blizzard Of 2009 deepening economic crisis, this astrologer's Vedic Astrology services are rolled back for new clients by 20 % -- to1999 prices . For continuing clients, a 1/4 hour Chart Check for $50 is added.
Personal Consultations
Update On The Big Blizzard Of 2009 The Big Blizzard Of 2009 is an unfortunate combination of destructive transits from January 12 to March 6, and these energies are concentrated for being placed in the single sign of Capricorn. The Celestial Wheel has been reporting on The Big Blizzard and its impacts since last November 19, when the In-depth Economic Forecast Mid November 2008 -- March, 2009 was published. There's a lot going on during The Big Blizzard, and the below, excepted from the January 22, 2009 Short-subject Commentary More On The Big Blizzard Of 2009, offers a concise description.
The February 8 to 16 peak is, of course over, and much of the predicted karma has, again unfortunately, has actualized. However, don't let your guard down, for strife will continue until the end on March 6. More specific information and predictions are in the February 6, 2009 Commentary. Specific predictions there include: Short-subject Commentaries on February 13 and February 16 reported on the incredibly bizarre violences of the satellite collision, two submarines also colliding and the 6 meteor crashes. These are alerts to pay attention. Notice too the prediction for protests. This isn't just from the besieged Republicans, furious like little children denied their toys. There's a groundswell of rebelliousness from the public, and social change always comes from the bottom-up. The planetary karmas here relate to the U.S. new angry Mars Dasa (planetary cycle) and Big Blizzard transits, notably that of Rahu/Mars/Jupiter. The December 21, 2008 In-depth Celestial Wheel expanded this to a global influence in predicting, There will be increasing popular protests against Second Gilded Age greed for all of 2009. This protesting energy results because Jupiter is the higher mind, philosophy and ethics, and aggressive/desirous Mars stimulates Jupiter to understand and do the right thing -- restoring the shared democratic values lost during the 10 year Gilded Age that ended November 30, 2008. Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, acts to intensify, inflaming Jupiter/Mars advocacy to righteous indignation. And, this is really important -- the high energy affects us all. Everyone is pushing hard, or being pushed, in one way or another. Patience is lost to impatience. Orderly and objective thinking falls to impulse, rushing ahead and forgetting things, getting mixed up. So, The Celestial Wheel has repeated again and again explanations and predictions in several short narratives for The Big Blizzard Of 2009. This is why The Celestial Wheel has counseled moderation, most specifically in the February 6 Commentary, keep a low profile and not travel, nor embark upon any significant tasks. Too, this combination is negative for health, because Mars is infections and Rahu is toxic -- the serpents bite is poisonous Here's an example everyone can relate to. The Big Blizzard has hit Sarah Palin's chart hard. Well it is winter in Alaska! February 18, Back Home In Alaska, Palin Finds Cold Comfort, Palin looked around the room and paused, according to several senators present. "I feel like you guys are always trying to put me on the spot," she said finally, as the room became silent. And, here's another Palin loss, February 19, Palin Now Owes Taxes For Nights At Home, State Rules. This high intensity and disruptive energy is also why the February 11 Celestial Wheel was a single topic entry, Changing The Way We Live. It ended with So, let's put our shoulders to the wheel to strive for that future utopia by using present turmoil to tear down the walls of excess and greed and have enslaved our common humanity and darkened our happiness. Since this is the peak of The Big Blizzard Of 2009, it's a great time to start. While the Celestial Wheel predicted ....a violence would disrupt oil/gas has not yet occurred, again keep in mind The Big Blizzard Of 2009 continues until March 6. Too, with all the economic disasters reported in the media, most missed the shakeup in Saudi Arabia, one of the three predicted vulnerable countries. February 14, Saudi king shakes up religious establishment. This is a huge change, and it must reflect trying to keep the lid instability in this country where modernization increasingly struggles against Islamic fundamentalists. Another pot boiling is the February 17, Islamic Law Instituted In Pakistan's Swat Valley. A third is the still unresolved February 10 Israeli election. February 17, Losers will outnumber winners in Israel's election. For years The Celestial Wheel has predicted a new female prime minister for its matriarchal chart, which would calm the mystical paranoia that chart (which the U.S. also has.) Instead of moderate Ms.Tzipi Livni, it appears the old warhorse, Benjamin Netanyahu, will prevail. Get ready for another Israeli attack on the Palestinian territories or its neighbors -- or both!
Another Storm Coming In The Big Blizzard While the February 8 to 16 peak is over, there is another storm coming. Mental Mercury is fast approaching the hungry jaws of Mars and Rahu. This stresses Mercury's nervous system and is negative for Mercury's business signification. The energy is already here with Mercury just 3 degrees away. Too, the all-important Moon (perception and worldly benefits) is also coming to Mars/Rahu. The Moon is a timing indicator for violence. The peak is midday February 21 through February 23 -- Saturday to Monday. Again, take care in all your activities, and be moderate as much as you can. It's okay, though to protest, for that's a healthy and positive use of Big Blizzard energy. It's better to let it out the frustration now than keep the burning coal eating away inside. Besides, there are a lot of corrupt politicians and business people who deserve it. Protest is your karma of personal responsibility. (See: 7/03 Of Philosophy, Politics & Astrology, 10/03 Gandhi, Martin Luther King & today's Democracy Dilemma and 12/03 Vedic Astrology Points The Way.
Take Care Of Yourself Because Nobody Else Will The above February 17 entry, Fee Rollbacks -- Vedic Predictive Astrology, responds to the economic decline and to make this astrologer's Vedic Astrology services ...more accessible to the public. There's an old saying, Take care of yourself because nobody else will. So, if you're over-stressed or boxed in somehow, don't hesitate to reach out for help. There's great value in India's truly predictive astrology. A Sedona businessman just now lost a house to short sale. Yesterday, he responded to my reminder that three years ago I had suggested a Vedic consultation before he bought a second home, I couldn't afford you at $190. I replied, Could you afford instead to lose a thousand times my fee -- $190,000? He shrugged, You're right, but it's spilled milk now. He took my card and put it carefully in his wallet. For those of you who are still doing okay, consider supporting The Celestial Wheel -- Contribute. After all, a lunch out for two fills the stomach, and the same amount buys a lot of fuel to turn the gas-stingy Celestial Wheel many miles -- bringing information valuable to us all. Contribution information for mailing is in the box below on the right side.
Looking Ahead At Obama's Chart The following email was sent to subscribers this morning.
The Big Blizzard Will Soon Be Over The second peak of the January 12 to March 6 The Big Blizzard Of 2009 has thankfully passed. The good news is that we've made it through the worst blows. The dissonant planetary energies have eased off a little. The bad news is this we've got another nine days of slogging left. And explained below, fear spikes. Here again is the timeline displaying the blizzard transits -- visuals are always helpful. Fall -- Winter 2008-09Timeline
Paranoia The Celestial Wheel has focused upon the Big Blizzard's objective harms, as described in the January 22 In-depth, More On The Big Blizzard Of 2009,
(*While crude oil prices remain flat, gasoline has mysteriously moved up in Sedona from $1.60 to over $2.00 as traders react to the predicted Mideast instability. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Iran and Israel are all shaky.) And for the U.S.,
Vedic Astrology also measures the subjective reality. The August 31, 2008 Commentary, U.S. Psychology,* describes the paranoia, which is like a deer frozen in the glare of car headlights.
As the four Big Blizzard planets in Capricorn are Rahu, Mars, Jupiter and Mercury, this paranoia rises from the depths of the subconscious -- like a sea serpent. (*Take a look at U.S. Psychology, for understanding the source and nature of psychological complexes is the first step in conquering them.)
Outer Courage/Inner Fear Adding to the anxiety is that The Big Blizzard planets in Capricorn include warrior Mars and Rahu - powerful head-of-the-dragon-eclipse point. In Rahu's ability to swallow-up the other planets, they are afraid of him. This results because Rahu is a not a real planet. but a shadow, giving his influences a psychological (subjective) essence. Rahu's influence upon brave Mars thereby stimulates Outer Courage with Inner Fear. Other qualities of this combination are fear-based: mean or spiteful episodes, deceit, anger, antagonism and indirect hostility. The Rahu/Mars combination does not occur in the U.S. chart, but Barack Obama has it. Aggravating the planetary karma, shadow Rahu and Mars conjoin in his his eighth house of hidden things -- and we naturally fear most that which we cannot perceive. So, even as our new brilliant and charismatic President inspires hope for an early Progressive Age,* he also stimulates an uneasy fear of unknown quality and origin. So, our objective confidence Obama will save the country is undermined by a subjective fear he will ruin it -- fail. Further, while we feel our inner fear, we see outer courage in others. This reality disconnect is not only disconcerting, it further amplifies our fears. We feel isolated and become wary of others -- fearing both open and secret enemies around us. The deer in the highway quivers with fear induced physical anxiety -- making him leap. (*See How Long Will The Recession/Depression Last? -- the final section in the January 22, 2009, More On The Big Blizzard Of 2009
Combining Paranoia With Inner Fear Already with Rahu/Mercury Paranoia, we are additionally seized by Rahu/Mars fear. Returning to the analogy, the deer frozen in the glare of car headlights, will jump, and sometimes he is so stressed, he heads into the headlights, rather than off the road to safety. If you've ever lived in an area with deer, you understand this, for deer collisions can be the top accident cause, especially during hunting season, when the deer are already spooked. While some cars come home with a deer on the roof, others are towed in with their front ends crushed.
Dealing With The Stresses -- Top Ten List Here is the Celestial Wheel's top ten list for dealing with the remainder of The Big Blizzard Of 2009 -- ending March 6 -- to safely navigate and your way through these storm-tossed seas. Basic is to grasping you are beset by re-active energy, and you need to reverse that to pro-activity. Boogeyman Bush and Cheney The Troll are gone. They have been vanquished and their politics of fear are banished. In closing, as The Celestial Wheel is helpful to you, perhaps especially this entry, forward it to people in your life who may also be frozen in the glare of the headlights. Too, encourage their signing up for a free subscription. Finally, while The Celestial Wheel is not a blog, email your comments, for these can then be shared on future entries. The also inspire this astrologer's insights.
Slow Down, You Move Too Fast This entry is a follow-up to yesterday's description of mental intensities during this finale of The Big Blizzard Of 2009 -- January 12 to March 6. Not everyone feels the edge of fear*, but there's a mighty wave of mental energy. This is caused by Mercury's lower mind intellect and Jupiter's expansive higher mind combining in Capricorn. It's like putting a big engine in a sports car frame to make a dragster.
First the mind revs up beyond experience. Thoughts and reactions are too fast, but hey, what a thrill! Notice auto traffic is just crazy now -- and drivers are having a great time! Yet the drug has to wear off sometime, and when it does, the mind crashes. This is why yesterday's Celestial Wheel suggested avoiding alcohol and drugs. Being already mentally over- stimulated, adding more fuel to the mental fire would most certainly overload the nervous system and bring irrational fears/behavior. There's one more planetary disposition that is adding more energy. As shown in the World Transit Chart for tomorrow, the emotional Moon will be conjunct an excited Venus, strongest in Pisces, it's exalted sign. To, this is Friday, Venus' day of the week. (The combination actually begins tonight.) These are the two feminine planets, and combined in Pisces, they can bring sexual or religious ecstasy -- like the drug by the same name. That is very nice, certainly luxurious, except mental Mercury and Jupiter are already at a fever pitch -- with dark flavorings of paranoia and fear
Again do enjoy the beauty of the Moon with Venus tomorrow, but if you view it at the edge of a cliff, don't try to fly. It will be at truly delightful experience, which we all need to quiet our worldly concerns. And guys, if you zip down, or up, go slowly.
(*It is true, however, that when this Astrologer looked at the papers on line at 4:30 AM this morning, his reflexive reaction was, If this economy isn't wrecked, then road kill ain't dead. Too, since Mercury is cats, he half expected that after giving Vishnu his morning cream, the cat would ask for a little coffee in it!)