More On
The Big Blizzard Of 2009
Recapping Economic Forecasts
Following the November 4 election, the Celestial Wheel focused upon economic prospects for 2009 in three forecasts. These are recapped below. The deepening recession, teamed with a new Democratic President and Democratic-dominant Congress, are compelling and dominant karmas.
While the summaries of these forecasts that follows may seem pedantic, the sinking economy is so critical, analysis must be done in the most careful and sequential manner -- to identify, track and interpret the karmic currents. Too, as each forecast expands upon previous information, you'll gain additional understanding from what may first appear to be repetition. Finally, while forecasting is composed to make the information accessible to the public, even this Vedic light has some technical calories to digest.
The goal, as always, is to empower Celestial Wheel subscribers with practical and accurate predictions -- to empower you to best navigate the increasingly stormy seas ahead.
The November 19, 2008 In-depth Economic Forecast: Mid November 2008 -- March, 2009
Shoulders To The Wheel
...the ending of this Second Gilded Age on November 30 will be followed by an economic contraction and then the Second Progressive Age. This three-stage process will result in reclaiming shared economic values, which is akin to raising consciousness -- shifting away from selfishness toward selflessness. (For background information on this sequence, see the December 1, 2007 In-depth, Through The Second Gilded Age).
Success in avoiding a real depression depends on more than just voting this past November 4. We all have to put out shoulders to the wheel to help push the cart out of the ditch, where G.W. Bush et al have dumped it.
The U.S. chart includes tremendous wealth punctuated by economic calamity, and the chart's powerfully bonded relationships support democracy and success -- giving the capability to unite and quickly recover from loss. The capability is there.
The Presidential Election -- High Road/Low Road
The October 22, In-depth Celestial Wheel, Finale -- The Presidential Race, explained the U.S. chart's Dasas (planetary cycles) of a gluttonous, fearful and corrupt Moon were modified by the Sun's ethical orientation and a sense for law, harmony and fairness. This resulted in voters choosing between low road lunar anger, fear and selfishness -- opposed by high road solar fairness, harmony and ethics. (Obama's victory)
One bright note is that Obama continues his great Jupiter/Moon Dasa cycle... until March 24, 2009, and as Dasas are the underlying karma, analogous to the river of life, he will have two months of swift and safe waters carrying his administration ahead. As the beginning of any voyage is critical to its success, this is naturally auspicious. However, tough transits, weather events on the river of life, will bring some jolts and batter the new ship of state.
This new timeline, Fall-Winter 2008-2009, graphs the challenging upcoming Sun/Mars/Mercury conjunction, the Rahu/Mars/Jupiter/Mercury conjunction and the winter eclipses: the January 26 solar eclipse 12 1/2 degrees Capricorn and the February 9 lunar eclipse 27 degrees Cancer.
Fall-Winter 2008 - 09Timeline
111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 November December January February March
solar and lunar eclipses
The Rahu/Mars/Jupiter/Mercury conjunction in Capricorn will be very difficult. Jupiter, the planet of wealth, will be very weak in its fallen sign of Capricorn and doubly afflicted by a powerful Mars and nasty Rahu -- the head-of-the dragon eclipse point. Business and communications Mercury will be in the midst of this turmoil. Mercury's retrograde, starting January 12, will keep it in the karmic grinder through the entire 7 week interval. The January 26 solar eclipse in Capricorn and the February 9 lunar eclipse in Cancer will act as blocking agents.
While it's difficult to assess this complex karmic storm, economic woe is certain... One specific prediction can be made now -- another oil/gas price peak. This will caused, not by demand exceeding supply as has been occurring, but rather from a supply contraction.
U.S. & Bush's Charts
...the U.S. changes planetary cycles on November 30 -- from it's 10 year Moon cycle symbolizing the Second Gilded Age, to its 7 year Mars cycle. This Mars cycle signals economic contraction, for this destructive malefic rules the fifth house of investments and the twelfth house of loss... ...losses will be in Mars' significations for property, investments and relationships (business and social).
The U.S. chart also continues to be wracked by effects from the destabilizing August 1 solar eclipse that has already thrown U.S. into a downward spiral... Eclipse sensitivity makes this chart more vulnerable to harms -- from the winter Rahu/Mars/Jupiter/Mercury conjunction and the accompanying eclipses.
The Celestial Wheel has long been concerned about G.W. Bush's impact on the U.S. Certainly the last year has demonstrated the failure of all his policies, both at home and abroad...While Bush may not have (or may have secretly) experienced the predicted nervous breakdown, it's certainly true that, Bush failed to respond effectively to stop, or even contain losses and Bush is powerless to intercede. ... since Bush isn't steering, the ship just lurches around in storm-tossed seas near the rocky shore.
Taking all these planetary karmas together, it may be that this situation will be like Obama taking over the wheel of the Titanic. ...However, there are glimmers of hope. Ours need not be a (completely) fated voyage, for there is free will. Obama is already beginning to lead, especially in motivating Congress. We can follow that optimism, putting our shoulders to the wheel. |
The December 21, 2008 In-depth
Global Economic Trends For 2009
Below are three timelines covering all of 2009: Fall-Winter 2008 - 09, Spring -- Summer 2009 and Fall 2009.
Fall -- Winter 2008 - 09Timeline (The Big Blizzard Of 2009)
Jupiter fallen in Capricorn, the 10th house to 12/19/09
Saturn in Leo, the 5th house to 9/9/09
Merc. retrograde Merc. afflicted
111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 November December January February March
solar and lunar eclipses
Spring -- Summer 2009Timeline
Jupiter fallen in Capricorn to 12/19/09
Saturn in Leo, the 5th house to 9/9/09
111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 April May June July August |
Fall 2009 Timeline
Jupiter fallen in Capricorn to 12/19/09
Saturn ends Leo
111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111
September October November December
Interpretation -- Saturn & Jupiter
All three timelines include the transit positions of Jupiter and Saturn. These are the two big planets, and as they enclose the solar system's other planets, Jupiter and Saturn steer the celestial voyage. They are aptly named the planets of social evolution.
.. (Contracting).Saturn is in Leo, the 5th house. Saturn doesn't do well in Leo, and thereby its worst harms of losses, debts and poverty are pronounced there. Saturn entered the 5th house in mid July 2007 and has been causing problems with 5th house significations for investments and governments ever since... As the planet of reality, Saturn requires the speculative real estate and accompanying stocks price bubble be completely burst... Further, Saturn withholds his greatest harms until the end of his transit, making its last few weeks in Leo in August and September 2009 dangerously destructive.
(Expansive) Jupiter shifted into its fallen (weak) sign of Capricorn in early December, 2008, which is the 10th house of career. In the World Transit Chart, the 10th house indicates business and financial success, especially for the public, but Jupiter is so weak there, he cannot bring abundance. In fact, this weakness makes Jupiter demand wealth -- like the CEO's believe they are entitled to huge bonuses. Also, however, the public feels they (we) are owed wealth, but unfortunately, Jupiter doesn't deliver. There will be increasing popular protests against Second Gilded Age greed for all of 2009... As shown in the timelines, Jupiter will continue this disadvantageous disposition until very late in 2009.*
Considering just bad transits Saturn and Jupiter, the global economy will suffer and shrink during all of 2009.
(*Jupiter will make a side trip into Aquarius in May, but it retrogrades back into Capricorn August 1. However, this won't strengthen Jupiter, as it will be hovering weakly around the edges of these signs during this three month interval.)
Interpretation -- The Interior Planets
There's a train wreck coming up soon in three challenging transits that overlap from late January through early March -- all in the 10th house/Capricorn. This will be The big blizzard of 2009.
Here is the February 1 World Transit Chart, which shows thrice afflicted planetary placements.
First is the the conjunction of destructive warrior Mars and toxic serpent Rahu with already weak Jupiter. To give readers a feeling for how harmful this combination can be, the last time Jupiter was injured by these malefic planets was 9-11. Sensitive dates are from February 8 through 16.
There's no call now for a major (U.S.) terrorist attack, but certainly wealth will be destroyed in some way, and including violence (somewhere on the globe).
Second is that Mercury goes retrograde at the same time, right in the midst of the Jupiter/Rahu/Mars conjunction.
These ills will ruin Mercury's business, debts and communications significations, worsening economic losses and blocking their resolution. Mercury's retrograde runs January 12 to 31. |
World Transit Chart
February 1, 2009 |
Third is the solar and lunar eclipses. (Note in the above World Transit Chart, the Sun is with eclipse point Rahu.) The January 26 solar eclipse will occur in the 10th house/Capricorn at 12 1/2 degrees and the February 9 lunar eclipse at 27 degrees in the 10th house/Cancer. Eclipses do what the word means -- block.
At this time, the Spring -- Summer 2009 Timeline -- April through August -- appears generally calm, although this only means that no major economic disasters signaled by transits are seen, yet. The global economy's downward trajectory will continue, however.
The Fall 2009 Timeline -- September through December-- however, will be very rough. From late August to early September, Saturn will finish its destruction in the 5th house/Leo. As explained above, Saturn holds back his worst harms until the end. Also, Mars will conjoin Ketu -- the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point -- the next month, again harming property for occurring in the 4th house/Cancer. As Saturn aspects the (U.S. chart's) 4th house of the home, real estate prices will dive to their low then, which signals the recession becoming a depression.
The January 8, 2009 Short-subject Commentary
This forecast began with a review of the holiday season and concluded with the section, The Big Blizzard Of 2009. As shown below, this drama has already begun (with Mercury retrograde starting January 12), and it continues until March 6. This forecast brings the The Big Blizzard Of 2009 into sharp focus.
The Big Blizzard Of 2009
...begins with a very difficult Mercury retrograde from January 12 to 31. Mercury is also close to toxic Rahu -- the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point. Rahu over-stimulates Mercury, causing anxiety, distrust and feeling rushed. Communications of all kinds are thereby harmed...
Next, there's wealth destruction and some violence in the Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction, which begins January 27 and lasts until March 6. The peak is February 8 through 16. (Note: that is made more difficult by Mercury being in the middle of this stressful conjunction throughout its duration.) This is a truly significant conjunction, and to understand how potent, consider it will be the first time since 9-11 that these three planets have been in direct association.
Finally there's a solar eclipse January 26 and later a lunar eclipse February 9. Eclipses do what the word means -- block. Adding eclipse instability and voiding qualities to the above planetary harms is a wild card of planetary energy.
Fall -- Winter 2008-09Timeline
(The Big Blizzard Of 2009)
Merc. retrograde Merc. afflicted
111111111111111 111111111111111 111111111111111 11111111111111 11111111111111 November December January February March
solar and lunar eclipses
These overlapping planetary harms result in true tangle of karma -- so complex the Celestial Wheel has thus far only specifically predicted a rise in oil/gas prices.
(Globally) Expect: consumer spending to fall off a cliff; real estate values to shrink further; the financial sector to be stressed again; industries directly and indirectly affected by consumer spending to suffer; and continued Mideast instability. This last would further stimulate oil/gas prices.
Certainly too, Obama will have his hands full upon taking office January 20. Up front for Obama is the Mercury retrograde harms to communications that will delay Congressional agreement on the stimulus package. So, he'll be back peddling to catch up on his first day in office.
Dates For The Big Blizzard Of 2009
Sensitive dates impact comprehensively: on a global scale, on the U.S., other nation charts and leaders, and also upon your own personal Vedic chart. They signal planetary collisions bringing events. (On September 6, 2001, a client sitting in this astrologer's office suddenly found himself on the floor -- the guest chair had collapsed! This stimulated a forecast the next day. See,
Predicting 9-11)
Here are the date ranges for the three challenging transits that bring the January 12 to March 6 The Big Blizzard Of 2009:
Mercury Retrograde: Jan 12 to 31
Eclipse Season: Jan. 21 to Feb 15 (solar 1/26, lunar 2/9)
Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction: Jan. 27 to March 6
The January 12 to 31 Mercury retrograde is certainly in full swing, bringing miscommunications and business setbacks. While The Celestial Wheel is not a stock market predictor, stock price movements are a useful indicator. Since shortly after New Years, the DOW Jones has plunged from 9000 to 8200.
As shown above, there's overlap among Mercury retrograde, the eclipse season* and the Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction. Following are specific sensitive dates considering all three. Don't be mystified by these listings, for they are explained below.
Jan. 26 to 30 solar eclipse, Mercury conjunct Mars, Mars & Mercury change signs, Sun conjunct Rahu
Feb 8-9 Jupiter conjoining Rahu & Mars, Mercury changing signs, Moon opposite Mars, lunar eclipse
Feb 15-16 Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction at 15 degrees Capricorn
Feb 21-22 Mercury conjunct Rahu, Moon conjunct Rahu and Mars.
Feb 27-28 Mercury conjunct Mars.
March 2-6 Mercury & Mars change signs
The February 8 through 16 interval is the most intense, for then the destructive Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction peaks. This is when a violence would disrupt oil/gas and major economic reversals occur -- companies failing, stock markets reeling... A shock is the best word here.
The Mercury/Mars conjunctions are bolded because it was when they conjoined last September that the global confidence collapse occurred, paralyzing the financial industry and deepening the economic recession. This results because Mercury was involved in the August 1 solar eclipse and has thereby been fragile ever since.
Notice Mercury joins with Mars both before and after the destructive Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction. The suggestion here is that:
the late January Mercury/Mars conjunction begins the major business setbacks of The Big Blizzard Of 2009
the early-mid February Rahu/Mars/Jupiter signals destruction(s) that knock down economies globally
Mercury/Mars at February's end responds to this blizzard, with commerce weakening further.
This analysis is the best available at this time, for The Big Blizzard Of 2009 is a truly complex karmic storm. Further detail will be offered in upcoming Short-subject Commentaries.
(*The January 26 is at 12 1/2 degrees Capricorn and the February 9 lunar eclipse 27 degrees Cancer. Eclipse effects generally begin about a week before the astronomical event and similarly continue for a week following. The exception is when an eclipse hits a planet in a chart directly, for this destabilizes the chart for several months, sometimes even longer. A current example is the August 1 solar eclipse on the U.S. chart, which harm continues to rattle the economy.)
Big Blizzard Impacts Upon The U.S. Chart
Below are the charts for the U.S., along with the World Transit chart. The latter shows the positions in Capricorn for The Big Blizzard Of 2009.
United States
July 4, 1776 at 6:17 PM
Philadelphia, PA |
World Transit Chart
February 1, 2009 |
The Big Blizzard transit planets are all in Capricorn in the February 1 World Transit Chart. (Mercury is in Sagittarius because it retrograded there on February 1.) Overlay this chart upon the U.S. chart to find the Big Blizzard planets are in the U.S. second house. This is the house of income, domestic harmony and speech. All these significations are harmed. Income drops, domestic harmony is lost and protests mount.
As there are Dasas (planetary cycles) for the U.S. chart, these underlying karmas are also considered. From January 20 to February 12, the Dasa planets are Mars/Mars/Saturn. The double Mars only aggravates the transit harms in the second house. Transit Saturn in the ninth house constricts wealth.
From February 13 to March 16, the Dasas change to Mars/Mars/Mercury. With Mercury's transit harms extensive, as explained above, Big Blizzard effects will inevitably increased.
Big Blizzard Impacts Upon Obama's Chart
As explained above, Obama continues his great Jupiter/Moon Dasa cycle... until March 24, 2009, and as Dasas are the underlying karma, analogous to the river of life, he will have two months of swift and safe waters carrying his administration ahead.
As the beginning of any voyage is critical to its success, this is naturally auspicious. However, tough transits, weather events on the river of life, will bring some jolts and batter the new ship of state.
Overlay the above World Transit Chart upon Obama's birth chart to find the Big Blizzard planets are in Obama's first house of the self. As this is house represents his power, influence and reputation, these will be challenged.
Yet, our new President has long legs, and his Jupiter/Moon Dasa cycle continues to fly on the wings of popularity, luck, charisma and brilliance. |
Barack Obama
August 4, 1961 7:24 PM Honolulu, HI
Obama can plow through the Big Blizzard relatively unscathed, even in the face of rising protests.
Yet, transit Saturn lurks in his eight house of turmoil. And, when Obama changes Dasas to Jupiter/Mars on March 24, this eighth house Mars will stimulate that house's harms. Obama will be beset by mounting problems domestically and abroad and will not be able to soar over them. He instead must rely upon popular support, unified efforts and the public's understanding we must reduce our expenses to match the declining economy.
Yes, there is a groundswell of hope in this new presidency, and people truly are putting their shoulders to the wheel in unity. The problem is basic, and incontrovertible, however. G.W. Bush spent eight years destroying the U.S., and thereby disrupting the global economy as well, and it will take at least a few years to undue that damage.
How Long Will The Recession/Depression Last?
In closing, one question remains unanswered -- how long will the recession, deepening into a depression, last? Many use the model of the Great Depression, which continued for a dozen years.
A better model is found by applying the U.S. chart's Dasas, which sequence is now being repeated. That is, the current Mars Dasa is the second. The first seven year Mars cycle ran from late 1888 to late 1995. Then, there was a four year depression, called The Financial Panic Of 1993. (See the December 1, 2007 In-depth Through The Second Gilded Age. Although this depression began toward the end of that Mars Dasa, it also started with the conjunction of Rahu/Mars/Jupiter in Aries, the U.S. chart's fifth house of investments. So, this winter's Rahu/Mars/Jupiter conjunction in Capricorn similarly initiates a four year depression.
Expect, then, this recession to continue and to deepen into a depression and last until around 2012. This matches pretty well with other prophecies. Most interestingly, this analysis predicts the economy will begin recovering in 2012, giving some credence to the idea that the 2012 prophecies are not for an ending of civilization, but rather a new beginning.
The Celestial Wheel
Is a public service of Doug Riemer's VedicPredictiveAstrology.com
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Doug Riemer |