September 1, 2013
Tomorrow's Sensitive Date
Moon Crosses Mars
The August 27 VedicLeaks featured a listing of sensitive dates, explaining,
Tomorrow, September 2, is a sensitive date for the Moon crossing Mars in Cancer. While this signals major events, it is not nearly as consequent as the August 20 sensitive date -- when the Syrian chemical warfare attack occurred and the Fukushima nuclear reactor developed a major leak. Still, it promises to be another step into harsh karma.
Too, the overall planetary frictions of Saturn/Rahu aspected by Mars and Mars being aspected by Saturn are so potent, that when the all-important Moon enters this line of fire, mishaps must occur.
The U.S. is protected to some degree because Jupiter is active in its Dasas -- planetary cycles. That does not preclude, however, a violence, especially involving emotions, the home, water and explosions. Mars riles up the Moon's emotions, and Saturn stifles them.
Since there is a major emotional component to this sensitive date, making it more personal, it may affect people more individually. Be gentle with yourself and others.
Certainly, the Mideast continues to churn, even though the Syrian chemical weapons issues seems to be calm, awaiting U.N. inspector reports.
Reuters has another disturbing article about Fukushim, Radiation readings spike at water tank at Japan's ruined nuclear plant. Yet, Japan's Vedic chart is not greatly afflicted now. I had suggested Japan may suffer beginning the last week in September. Upon review, I'm backing that sensitive interval to begin September 12.
In closing, the Moon joined Mars in Cancer at 9:00 AM EDT. The Moon will cross Mars early in the morning tomorrow -- around 2 AM. That's when the energy will peak. With the Mideast 7 hours ahead, there could be major developments there during their morning at the Moon/Mars conjunction. We would hear about that 7 hours later -- on our morning news.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 7, 2013
Predictions Check For September 1 Sensitive Date
Parts of the prediction actualized: another step into harsh karma, The U.S. is protected to some degree because Jupiter is active in its Dasas, there is a major emotional component to this sensitive date, making it more personal, and the Mideast continues to churn.
There was a saber-rattling peak about the Syrian chemical weapons issue. It felt like big animals posturing before actually joining in battle. Well, certainly our cousins, chimpanzees, do that, When two community groups of balanced strength meet, they may show aggression by performing wild dances, throwing rocks, beating tree trunks, and making fierce noises -- Chimpanzees - Communication. And we humans are not so far out of the forest -- the thin veneer of civilization, you know.
The Upcoming September 9 Sensitive Date
Then, the Moon hits Saturn/Rahu and all three are aspected by Mars. That's this coming Monday, which is also the Moon's day of the week.
For the U.S., Rahu (the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) will be active in the Dasa lineup September 7 to 9. And, the protective Jupiter minor Dasa cycle will end early on September 10. Then, Saturn replaces Jupiter for this truly challenging Dasa planet lineup -- Mars/Ketu/Saturn -- to October 3. This is karmic crash -- and why I've predicted major hurricanes harming the U.S. beginning September 10.
Also disturbing is an arcane, but absolutely potent digital weighting system called Ashtakavarga. There, planets are turned on or off -- "1" or "0." Usually 3 or so planets are always turned on, but on September 9, day 6 planets are turned off. This is unusual and signals great weakness -- being both vulnerable and unable to resist an attack. The label Kaks. refers to bindus, which means points.
Most unfortunately this bindu weakness continues through September 15. This means that whatever ills befall the U.S. September 9, the country won't be able to remedy them for a week, during which time the adverse situation will deteriorate. Along with this, the Saturn/Rahu conjunction will be exact September 17, at which time Venus will crash into this destructive combination. One thing can be firmly predicted, for Venus is vehicles and Rahu aerospace -- airplane/missile accidents.
Well, there's certainly a culmination of karma coming up beginning September 9 and ending September 17.
I discussed this situation with my editor this morning, and he felt that the Syrian issue could blow up, but he also acknowledged that a new violently destructive event or situation could appear out of nowhere.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 10, 2013
September 9 Sensitive Date
The (above) September 7 Vedicleaks stated September 9 would be a sensitive date. Since the issue influence is transiting planets, which have a global impact, harms are not limited to the U.S. The U.S. chart is just heavily impacted.
Globally, some violences did occur: Forty-four killed in collision of two buses in Iran. Houses on fire as fighting erupts in southern Philippines. Bus plummets off cliff in Guatemala, killing dozens, including children.
There was also an early airplane accident, 'Glitch' blamed as Thai Airways jet skids off runway; 14 hurt. Recall, the September 7 Vedicleaks also predicted, airplane/missile accidents peaking September 17. I chose the term airplane/missile accidents because Venus (vehicles) with Rahu (flying machines) influence is expanded beyond airplanes by Mars' warfare influence. An obvious risk is U.S. cruise missiles shot at Syria, which malfunction. Yet, with the Mideast steaming, other countries could shoot missiles at each other which are also flawed.
As regards the U.S., the September 7 Vedicleaks stated,
...whatever ills befall the U.S. September 9, the country won't be able to remedy them for a week, during which time the adverse situation will deteriorate.
...there's certainly a culmination of karma coming up beginning September 9 and ending September 17. |
Putin, the Russian Bear, certainly rolled over the U.S. yesterday, Syria crisis: Russia urges Assad to give up chemical weapons. This appears to be an ideal solution, Russian Proposal Could Offer Obama Escape From Bind. However, the intense malefic planetary energies building daily, along with America being weak and vulnerable through September 15, suggest the U.S. will be stymied with regard to Syria's chemical weapons. There is no good result here.
The Atlantic Hurricane Season Has Begun -- Exactly As Predicted
The August 3 In-depth Forecast, Hurricane Forecast 2013, stated, appears the U.S. will be increasingly threatened by hurricanes beginning mid August, but they won't begin making landfalls until September 10 to October 25. Then, expect high winds and flooding. That significant, although not horrific hurricane activity in the U.S. will occur appears unavoidable. Multiple hurricanes are most likely. |
While tropical storms awaited early September to begin spinning-up with Gabrielle, today's September 10 commencement date is exactly correct. This Tuesday morning video from's Hurricane Central shows that all of a sudden, three storms have blossomed. Here's a pic of the video's opening,

Keep in mind the prediction for high winds and flooding, which is different from storm surge. The former would begin at landfall and extend to inland areas, both low lying at higher elevations. Storm surge, when hurricanes push up ocean levels smashing the coast at landfall, only harms beach locations.
This yesterday article, In South Florida, a Polluted Bubble Ready to Burst, about heavy rains in May causing inland flooding, includes this worrisome statement, The lake is slowly beginning to recede a bit,” said Ernie Barnett, the interim executive director for the South Florida Water Management District. But the concern is still there. All it will take is one tropical storm to put us in a massive crisis mode. |

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 13, 2013
Update On The U.S.
Two new violently destructive events
The September above 7 VedicLeaks stated,
...whatever ills befall the U.S. September 9, the country won't be able to remedy them for a week, during which time the adverse situation will deteriorate. Along with this, the Saturn/Rahu conjunction will be exact September 17, at which time Venus will crash into this destructive combination. One thing can be firmly predicted, for Venus is vehicles and Rahu aerospace -- airplane/missile accidents.
Well, there's certainly a culmination of karma coming up beginning September 9 and ending September 17.
I discussed this situation with my editor this morning, and he felt that the Syrian issue could blow up, but he also acknowledged that a new violently destructive event or situation could appear out of nowhere. |
As you know, the home page is focused on the Saturn/Rahu conjunction in the Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013.
One category is Massive Destructions. Here are two new violently destructive events. These began a couple of days ago and continue. Notice especially the inability to quickly remedy these violences.
9/12 Firefighters Make Stand Against NJ Boardwalk Blaze
9/13 National Guard evacuating Colorado town caught in flood
But don't be distracted and take your eye off the hurricanes! Ingrid, Soon a Hurricane, to Hit Mexican Gulf Coast. Threat Notice too how this dovetails with the September 10 Vedicleaks repeating the prediction for high winds and flooding, which is different from storm surge. Too, the Colorado disaster is caused by flooding.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 16, 2013
September 17/18 Sensitive Date
Gunman opens fire at Navy Yard in Washington D.C., 13 dead
We're just one day away from the September 17/18 sensitive date -- When Venus crashes into the Saturn/Rahu combination. Mars will be closely aspecting (glancing up) Saturn/Rahu/Venus and also throwing another aspect to the Moon.
Considering further that tomorrow is Mars' day of the week, the violence today could be mild compared with tomorrow's. I don't know what specifically may occur, but certainly there's a seething anger to the energy. There's no happiness here, and a lot of strife. So, don't let this get your down, be moderate in your associations/actions and help watch out for others in need.
Note too the previous prediction for an aerospace accident. Venus is vehicles and Rahu flying machines. This could be an airplane, missile, space rocket, bomb from the sky......


The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 26, 2013
The Saturn/Rahu Conjunction -- Analysis Methodology
The conjunction of slow-moving malefic planets Saturn and Rahu happens every 10 to 11 years. Their current conjunction is exceptionally long. As explained in the August 9 In-depth Forecast, Mideast Karma Peaking Again, Saturn/Rahu are together in Libra from January 14, 2013 to July 6, 2014 -- 18 months. Note that the duration of a planetary signification is a key indicator of how much karma (action) will result. So, this Saturn/Rahu conjunction is a big deal.
Saturn/Rahu harms began to become brutal August 18, when they drew close together. Their exact conjunction on September 17 was the peak. Since then, the energies have begun to diminish. Yet, they continue, especially over the next several weeks. Mars, the planet of active destruction, continues to catalyze events. Also, the transits of the fast-moving inner planets (Sun, Venus, Mercury and the all-important Moon) signal other sensitive dates, when major events happen. Finally, eclipses of the Moon and Sun on October 18 and November 3 respectively stimulate more planetary karmas. These events naturally reverberate well into the fall. And, it won't be over until next July.
The Mideast was selected for the Rahu/Saturn analysis because it's a primary locale for Saturn/Rahu harms. As Mideast Karma Peaking Again detailed, there's a long history of Saturn/Rahu conjunctions signaling intervals of intense Mideast turmoil -- seven since 1945. However, as Saturn/Rahu is a transit -- where the planets are in today's skies -- its karmas have a global reach. The U.S. is also tremendously impacted for both being entrenched in Mideast affairs and running its difficult Dasa (planetary cycle) of Mars major and Ketu minor from May 28 to October 25, 2013. This is the combination for seething anger we saw 9-11. This fevered energy results because Mars is war, fighting and thereby anger, and Ketu (the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point) is otherworldly spiritual energy, God's will. Like nitro and glycerin, individually they don't do much, but combine them, and they are an unstable and deadly explosive.
The June 5 In-depth Forecast, Into A Whirlwind Summer first detailed the Saturn/Rahu conjunction and U.S. chart's Mars/Ketu Dasa. Included was a broad issues list, predicted to be impactive. I then created Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013 on the The Celestial Wheel home page to collect, organize and present this predictive information for these seven topics:
Civil unrest and riots in U.S. cities
A major blow-up in the Mideast
Political infighting
Currency failure (or inflation)
Massive destructions
Food and/or drug crisis
The Saturn/Rahu Conjunction -- Predictions Check
With the intensity peak interval from August 18 to September 17 over, it's a good time to evaluate how the predicted issues have unfolded -- or not.
Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 201 includes both applicable In-depth Forecasts and links to major events, which are updated frequently. This VedicLeaks summarizes those.
Civil unrest and riots in U.S. cities
is an odd situation. I wrote the following to longtime Subscriber Participant M.L. in Maryland last week,
"What I've come to belatedly realize is that "popular protests" keep coming from the right, not the left.
The Tea Party started that trend, and it continues in various ways -- especially focused upon Federal government power and spending. Of course, they've thrown in the social issues -- abortion, gay rights, marijuana, racism, immigration.... even as gay rights and marijuana legalization move ahead, which must make "them" really crazy.
Of course, ObamaCare is a huge item for the right, and they insist upon continuing to fight that quixotic battle, even as the health insurance exchanges begin October 1. That's the foundational part of this comprehensive law, and it's inception will be amazing.
A still mostly unspoken issue beyond the right's seething anger is that Obama is black, and still racist America can't stand that. They want, no insist, black folks remain a permanent under class. My joke is that America wasn't ready for a black president, but neither was Obama ready for a white America!
One has to wonder if we had a white President, whether the protests would have come from the left, as they did in 1968?
One issue here (in Venice, FL) is the gun thing. In South Venice, they are all armed to the teeth. That's where the lower middle class, the blue collar retires, the Florida good-ole-boys live. The problem is that while they are armed to protect themselves, they don't know who they are protecting themselves against! Is it the blacks? Very few here and really not an issue. Is it the Mexicans? They are very peaceful and do great job landscaping and cleaning. Is it the Feds, swooping down in their black helicopters? Nobody really believes that. Is it the marijuana runners? No, the good ole boys make extra money selling weed.
Interesting, eh?
The prediction, The peak hurricane risk interval for the U.S. is thereby September 10 to October 25, hit beginning date exactly. Atlantic and eastern Pacific Hurricanes have mainly struck Mexico,al though there's been some flooding in Texas. Recently too, heavy rains in Florida have made this already soggy state vulnerable to massive flooding from upcoming hurricanes.
The prediction, The most difficult transit interval is August 15 to September 16 -- which is a global influence. Ferocious typhoons could hit the Far East then has similarly been born out. The Far East has been slammed by multiple typhoons. One is on its way toward vulnerable Japan now.
A major blow-up in the Mideast
The unrest in Egypt, overthrowing the government there, and the Syrian chemical weapons attack are two major events. Expect continue turmoil, likely in other nations.
Political infighting
This is amping up with the fight over extending the Federal budget and not increasing the Federal debt limit. Either or both of these actualizing.will cause havoc: The former shuts the government down and the latter causing default on our debt.
Currency failure (or inflation)
This relates directly to the issues in the above Political infighting, which would bring inflation. The consequences of either occurring will throw the economy into disarray and flush real estate down the toilet again. Remember, the Millennium Contraction began as a real estate bust, and the underlying problems of low values and too high mortgage payments have not been resolved for many Americans. Note too that real estate is already being hit by three negatives: Mortgage interest rates have already moved up. FEMA flood insurance rates are poised to escalate October 1. After five years of reduced revenues, cities and counties are either increasing property tax rates or raising assessed values -- both of which hike property tax bills.
Massive destructions
There is a long list of links to articles about these. Included are: the Russian flood, Philippines ferry disaster, Idaho wildfire, Manila flooded, New Jersey Boardwalk fire, Colorado flood, Sumatra volcano, Pakistani suicide bomber and Pakastan's earthquake. Also listed are articles about the the Fukushima radioactivity issue, which is ticking time bomb.
Food and/or drug crisis
This area has not yet seen major harms. Yet, there are recent concerns about drug resistant bacteria and a flesh eating narcotic drug.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |
September 30, 2013
Turmoil this week
Unless you've been living under a rock, in an ashram, hospitalized..... this announcement is not news.
The imminent U.S. government shutdown is all over the news and discussed everywhere else. And then there's the opening of the ObamaCare health insurance exchanges tomorrow morning, which will likely be anticlimactic in itself -- but certainly a hard blow against those on the right trying to shut down the entire program.
So, the title of this Heads-up is certainly not a surprise, nor informational.
What is useful to know, however, is this week brings the October 3 to 8 sensitive date, when Mercury crosses the Saturn/Rahu combination.
For the U.S., this transit is particularly challenging. Beginning October 3, the U.S. Dasas (planetary cycles) change from Mar/Ketu/Saturn to Mars/Ketu/Mercury. The idea here is that a government shutdown tonight at midnight won't begin to bring major harms until Thursday, October 3.
Mercury (communications) is a difficult planet in the U.S. chart for being placed in the eighth house of turmoil. Further, in ruling the seventh house of relationships and the tenth house of career and government officials, Mercury is the primary business planet for this chart. It's no wonder then the U.S. economy is so often wracked by catastrophes! However physical disasters also result from Mercury's influence, perhaps because in being a business planet for this chart, Mercury represents wealth as well.
As this Mercury subcycle continues until October 25, expect major economic and governmental challenges throughout the month. Remember too that the August 3 In-depth Forecast, Hurricane Forecast 2013, predicted,
Also, however, Mercury is a dangerous malefic in the U.S. chart, for being placed in the eight house of catastrophe. Thus, the third level Dasa of Mercury from October 3 to October 25 will continue hurricane activity. |
Also, however, Mercury is a dangerous malefic in the U.S. chart, for being placed in the eight house of catastrophe. Thus, the third level Dasa of Mercury from October 3 to October 25 will continue hurricane activity.
While these two areas of concern are certainly important, they are not exhaustive. The (above) September 26 VedicLeaks reviewed the seven areas of sensitivity identified for this Saturn/Rahu conjunction. All seven have had activity.
Personally, continue to deal with waves of challenging karma that have been crashing around us all -- in one way or another. Don't overreact! This is not Armageddon, though to some, It's always Armageddon somewhere! Certainly destructions and losses, although unpleasant, give opportunities to end difficult situations and begin productive and positive new efforts.
(10/1 Correction. The upcoming sensitive dates are not from 10/3 through 10/6 but 10/3 through 10/8. This error has been corrected in the above text.)

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2013©
VedicLeaks 2013©
Doug Riemer |