October 15, 2022
Cheeseburger In Paradise
Ah, Florida in the good ole days. Remember before the1960s era condominium enabling laws and FEMA flood insurance attracted beachfront developers in droves? Well, now we have concrete condo jungles from the beaches to the bays and even far up the rivers -- all in flood zones that require flood insurance. High rises have replaced modest Ole Florida buildings. Too, global warming -- water rise and hurricanes -- is gradually swamping these fragile areas, drowning remaining historical buildings and threatening condominiums that should never have been built there. In the picture below, high rise condominiums line the Venice beach and stretch into the distance.

Snook Haven, right here in Venice, is an Ole Florida 1948 fish camp on the Myakka River, is the site of two movies -- one a Tarzan. Below is a picture before hurricane Ian and below that, after Hurricane Ian just a couple of weeks ago. If you look closely, you can see in the post-Ian picture the river the river in the background that rose up to flood the entire property.


While Snook Haven has been an ole Florida river hallmark, Venice itself is also a time capsule -- 1920s Florida land boom. It too is a remnant of Ole Florida.
Literally abandoned in the 1928 real estate bust, Venice was resurrected during WWII as an Army Air Base, training fighter pilots. It still has the airport and also an inlet from the Gulf to the Intracoastal Waterway, a public golf course, a major community theatre, a symphony, Art Center, performing arts hall, miles of public beaches, a dog beach, a pier jutting into the Gulf, Gulf and Bay fishing, a yacht club and a plethora of fossilized sharks teeth. Beyond that, realtors tell of a Native American blessing protecting Venice from hurricanes. In truth, hurricanes in the Caribbean must thread the needle of the Yucatan Channel and then turn quickly right (east) up the Gulf Coast to hit our area. That's why so few hit the Gulf Coast, but when they do....

What's there not to like!
Realtors have dubbed Venice an island, since this City On The Gulf has been enclosed since the late 1960s by the Intrascoastal Waterway. Now it's called Venice Island. They also labeled it Paradise for it's many advantages. People love Venice and they've embrace the paradise concept with almost religious fervor. There are dozens of business with Paradise in their names.
But, there's an old Vedic saying, History repeats, but not exactly. It wasn't the 1926 Miami Hurricane that busted the land boom but rather the companion punch of the Okeechobee Hurricane in 1928 that ended everything. That's why the graceful Italian style apartment building I live in has this entrance sign. If you look closely, it says est. 1927.
(Note, the U.S. Dasas in 1927 were Jupiter major and Rahu minor. So we can see how damaging Rahu is in this chart for being in the eighth house of calamity with Mercury. The current Dasas are Rahu/Saturn 01/2021 -- 11/2023. This is an extremely difficult combination bringing all kinds of destructions. Victimizing is a key word.)
So, our paradise collapsed a hundred years ago due to hurricanes. Couldn't disasters drive everyone back to Toledo yet again? Well, Hurricane Ian did flood out Snook Haven, and in historical Venice, knocked down hundreds of trees, blew away mobile homes and destroyed the theatre. Most of the Paradise signs are wrecked.
Venice Threatre
Let's consider the 4 calamities that have hit Venice since the 18 year Rahu Dasa (planetary cycle) began at the end of 2015 and continues through 2033.
September 2017 Hurricane Irma, (Category 4)
November 2017 -- February 2019 (15 months) Red Tide
February 2000 to date -- COVID
September 2022 Hurricane Ian (Category 4)
Isn't this enough to discourage new and existing residents, snowbirds and tourists? Wouldn't you think they would at least begin to acknowledge there's no such thing as paradise -- that Jimmy Buffet's 1978 Cheeseburger In Paradise is cool but truly an ode to a lifestyle pretty much gone now and doomed in the future? Well, once they put their Michigan work boots and Illinois wing tips aside and put on flip flops, there was no going back! The mostly retired Venice residents all say, joyfully, sometimes even gleefully. Venice remains a paradise!
(BTW, Jimmy Buffer wrote the song at the 1938 Cabbage Key Inn, just inside Cayo Costa island (Fort Myers), where Ian was ground zero. I'm sure it's been at buffeted.)
With the 18 year Rahu Dasa still a 7 year infant in its 18 year run (2015 -- 2033), there's a lot more Rahu coming -- the destroyer of today and thereby creator of tomorrow. More immediately, we're in the midst of the very tough Rahu major and Saturn minor Dasa planets (01/2021 -- 11/2023). There's a year of Saturn's focusing Rahu's explosive serpent energy ahead. Also, with transit Saturn in the 2nd house of domestic harmony (none!) aspecting the 8th house of calamity, it is now just 1 house before the all-important Moon. When Saturn crosses the houses around the Moon ( 7 1/2 long years), Sadi Sati results -- Saturn destroys that which is no longer necessary to make room for the new.
So we have what the British say, a long hard slog ahead of us.
We can't know if and when further natural disasters will hit. Civil strife and economic collapse are also likely. But we do know the wind is out of the real estate sales. Mortgage rates have more than doubled this year, and FEMA flood insurance, already elevated, with the fund deeply in debt, will go through the roof. These must snuff out a lot of plans to retire to Florida, and, of course, make it difficult for many to rebuild from Hurricane Ian.
In closing, the September 27 It Depends Where You Live made it clear Hurricane Ian is just an example of turmoil nationally, even globally. So, today's forecast too is not about this astrologer, or even Venice, Florida. It's rather a dramatic example of the serpent energy Rahu is bringing to the U.S. that will eventually, and out of necessity, usher in the Second Progressive Age.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |
October 22, 2022
One More Calamity
The October 15 Cheeseburger In Paradise recited four disasters since 2015 that have hit Florida's Gulf Coast since late 2015 -- when the U.S. chart's eighteen year Rahu Dasa began.
Omitted by error was the 2021 red tide bloom during the latter half of the year -- six months. So, here's a corrected listing with the missing red tide included in red.
Let's consider the 4 calamities that have hit Venice since the 18 year Rahu Dasa (planetary cycle) began at the end of 2015 and continues through 2033.
September 2017 Hurricane Irma (Category 4)
November 2017 -- February 2019 (15 months) Red Tide
June 2021 -- December 2021 (6 months) Red Tide
February 2000 to date -- COVID
September 2022 Hurricane Ian (Category 4)
There are three messages here. First, obviously five catastrophes in seven years years of Rahu is worse than four! Repetition is key to any astrology -- or truly any investigative pursuit, and this addition further nails down Rahu's extremely destructive nature. Second, red tide is a toxic algal bloom, and head-of-the-dragon eclipse point Rahu is the very essence of toxicity. Third, because red tide is increased by nutrient runoff from land to the Gulf, hurricanes, like Ian, both tend to begin in the summer/fall and are getting worse. (risky over development is one of the main issues here.)
The October 15 Cheeseburger In Paradise hurricane/property bust caused in part by over development didn't include red tide effects, but the August 6 Mars Finishing in Aries, did -- emphasis added,
It is worthwhile noting that Saharan dust blowing westward across the Atlantic Ocean has depressed hurricane formation. The result is high heat energy (global warming) in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico has been bottled up and continues to increase. Plus, without any tropical storms of any kind drawing on this heat, any upcoming storms will have an even hotter marine caldron from which to draw. So, the absence of hurricanes early this hurricane season sets the stage for later summer/fall hurricanes to be more powerful. Further, Saharan dust fertilizes the Gulf of Mexico, which stimulates red tide. It certainly seems like the dust giving a respite from mid summer hurricanes will boomerang back with even more destructive results. Since Rahu is the head-of-the-dragon, perhaps we should call this dust dragon breath. |
So, Saharan dust this summer/fall -- and there was a lot of it -- helped stimulate a more powerful storm -- Hurricane Ian -- and maybe another red tide bloom.
Is Hurricane Ian stimulating red ride again? Yes it is. After Hurricane Ian, could a red tide bloom in Sarasota spoil the holidays? Here are before and after a red tide bloom photos from the article,

Perhaps this will be the tip over influence on real estate explained in October 15 Cheeseburger In Paradise. Or some other natural disaster, or even man made catastrophe, will come out of nowhere, which is Rahu's nature.
On another topic, though related, as I believe everyone understands planetary influences have multiple and interrelated impacts, Saturn turns forward tomorrow. The August 30 U.S. Through The Fall stated, On October 23 Saturn will turn forward to unleash its loss and suffering upon the Dasa lineup of Rahu/Saturn/Moon (August 25 to November 18). ...As much ruckus as this may cause during the election season, it won't be until Mars enters the U.S. Dasa lineup -- November 19 to January 19 Rahu/Saturn/Mars -- that mayhem ensues. Consider here that both the great malefics -- Saturn and Mars -- will be active in the U.S. Dasas and in its transits then.
For Trump, the September 23 Trump Through the Fall focused upon Mars. (Saturn turning forward cannot help Trump, although it will to make him fight harder -- for transit Saturn being in his sixth house of enemies and litigation.) Mars causes Trump tremendous difficulties because it goes over his Sun (self) and Rahu (power) three times due to a retrograde. Below are Trump's tenth and eleventh houses showing Mars's motion the next few months. Note the tenth is the public and career and the eleventh is gains/friends/groups. It is these houses that are the fabric of Trump's cult.
Transit Mars will conjoin Trump's Rahu October 6 and the Sun October 25.
Transit Mars will turn retrograde in Gemini October 30 and then retrograde over Trump's Taurus Sun again November 14 and Rahu again November 27.
These Mars combination Mars haymakers on Trump's Rahu and Sun will mortally injure him. Yet, Trumpism won't roll over easily, nor quickly.
Thus, we should also look ahead further for when Mars turns forward again January 13 and runs over his Rahu and Sun for a third time -- Rahu March 6 and the Sun March 12. This sure looks like road kill to me. |
In closing, note that this is eclipse season. October 25 brings a partial solar eclipse at 8 degrees Libra. This may not bring much. But certainly the total lunar eclipse November 8 at 22 degrees Aries will be momentous. That is, after all, election day, and there will be plenty of loony activity -- including false imaginings -- then.
I'll write more on the election in an upcoming Celestial Wheel.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |
October 29, 2022
Laying Low
It feels like the endless dramas in this U.S. Rahu Dasa -- Trump cult era -- have worn people out, including me!
It's like Goldie Hawn in Private Benjamin, bemoaning her army life, I wanna wear my sandals... I wanna go out to lunch. I wanna be NORMAL again!

So as we slog through the final weeks approaching yet another another helter skelter scene -- the midterm elections -- it's perhaps best to understand we individually can do nothing about the upcoming conflagration and should just Lay Low.
That is, sometimes self preservation becomes paramount, since the all the alternative postures just drag us further into the muck and mire of a society gone mad for being driven by FH&R -- fear, hate and racism. The latest, of course is Nancy Pelosi's husband beaten on the head with a hammer. These folks find new lows when society has already fallen to the bottom of the pit.
Besides, when you consider the Celestial Wheels about the U.S. and Trump -- the August 30 The U.S. Through The Fall and the September 23 Trump Through The Fall -- you'll realize November 8 election day is not the entire event. The dramas have already begun and will continue for months and months.
Just so that you understand the intense drama that goes on and on and on, we'll take a short look at these two signal Celestial Wheel entries. Keep in mind there's a lot going on for both these charts, which makes simple interpretations and explanations impossible. The best I can do is discuss major karmas over several Celestial Wheel entries.
First, the August 30 The U.S. Through The Fall considered both the Dasas (underlying planetary cycles) and transits. While warrior Mars is the key actor for Trump, the U.S. chart suffers most from Saturn. Here are the Dasas to three levels for the U.S. chart. Notice all the Rahu and Saturn malefic energies in this lineup.
August 25 to November 18 Rahu/Saturn/Moon
November 19 to January 19 Rahu/Saturn/Mars
January 20 to June 24 Rahu/Saturn/Rahu
And here is the U.S. chart with transit Mars and Saturn added in red. (Mars goes into Gemini tomorrow, but he only crosses birthchart Mars before he turns retrograde. So, he's not a huge villain.)
You can see transit Saturn (the planet of loss and denial) is in the second house of domestic harmony and speech where dissolving Ketu is placed within the chart. This is a lousy combination, for Ketu breaks up Saturn's responsibility and duty into a mess of loathing and harsh degradations. The arrow shows Saturn aspecting the terrible eighth house, where Mercury's intellect and Rahu's serpent energy reside. Lots of fears and mystical apprehensions result (violences and scandals too!), and because Rahu is foreigners, a fear of dark skinned people. That's the racism endemic to America. Saturn will stay in Capricorn until late January. Expect then, the Saturn-inspired turmoils to continue at least until then. But Saturn in Aquarius means the planet of loss attacks the perceptional Moon (Sadi Sati). So Saturn will continue to cause problems until at least summer.
As for Trump, warrior Mars is the main actor. The September 23 Trump Through The Fall explained the major issues, but the October 22 One More Calamity really focused on Mars. Here are his Dasas to three levels this fall and winter.
Jupiter/Mercury/Rahu October 21 to February 22
This screen shot of his 10 and 11 houses shows Mars' passage -- forward, retrograde and finally forward again -- continuing until mid March.

Overlay the above two houses image on Trump's full chart to see more clearly how Mars hits hard and repeatedly Trump's Sun and Rahu -- again, until mid March. Also see the arrow from transit Mars in Taurus to the Moon and Ketu in Scorpio. With an already insane and unbalanced lunar mind, this will send Trump over the top -- yet again. Thank the stars he's no longer President!

This forecast makes clear the upcoming midterm elections November 8 will be fought over at least until the midwinter and likely into the summer.
As with my buying a generator this past June for hurricane protection, but not predicting exactly when a major hurricane would hit, I can't make a prediction about how this election drama will play out. Yes, it will be full of rancor and recriminations with the results in many races up in the air for months. Whether there will also be civil unrest is another impossible prediction to make. Which parties ends up controlling the House and Senate is similarly elusive.
But no, I'm not buying another generator, though I filled the gas cans and have now set up the entire lanai as our generator room. There's calamity in the planets now, and anything can happen.
PS I forgot to mention the total lunar eclipse on election day, November 8.
The October 22 One More Calamity did inform on this potent astrological event,
October 25 brings a partial solar eclipse at 8 degrees Libra. This may not bring much. But certainly the total lunar eclipse November 8 at 22 degrees Aries will be momentous. That is, after all, election day, and there will be plenty of loony activity -- including false imaginings -- then. |
False imaginings issues from Rahu being insanity and the Moon being perception, the latter which includes the imagination. Too, as Rahu is the future and the Moon is memory (the past), memories from the past create fear of the future.
For basically grounded folks, this can be merely disconcerting. If one is prone to emotional swings, the Moon/Rahu eclipse brings irrational thinking and a hot temper. For those already on the emotional edge (conspiracy theorists, religious zealots...) Moon/Rahu can fully detach one from reality, leading to bizarre, even violent, actions.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |