September 10, 2022
Taking Stock
The last three Celestial Wheel entries have taken us through a lethargic summer into an overactive fall, with the last focusing upon the U.S. chart.
August 14 Transit Lull
August 21 Dog Days
August 30, The U.S. Through The Fall
We can readily see the impacts upon natural events of the energetic lull, which began August 11. Yes, storms have been sweeping across the country. Yet, they haven't be catastrophic but rather a net gain for breaking the drought which has plagued much of America -- from the west to the east. Many in Texas this summer have prayed for a hurricane to break their severe drought there and have been delighted with heavy summer storms. Inevitable property damage has been a small price to pay for the water bonanza. And although the peak of the hurricane season ends today, there is little tropical storm activity in the Atlantic now and one in the Pacific off California is bringing needed rain there.
But yes, the second half of the hurricane season lies ahead. And very high ocean water temperatures have been both maintained at the surface and have gone deeper to further warm the Atlantic, Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico and eastern Pacific. (A sauce pan of hot water holds less heat than a deep cooking pot.) If you don't know this, hurricanes feed on ocean waters over 80 degrees, and our tropical seas have been well above that for many months now.
High water temperatures certainly respond to global warming, the absense of hurricanes and to dry Saharan dust which has been heavy this year and blocks hurricane formation. The ocean water reservoir is thereby getting a double dose of heat in 2022. The August 6 Mars Finishing In Aries stated,
It is worthwhile noting that Saharan dust blowing westward across the Atlantic Ocean has depressed hurricane formation. The result is high heat energy in the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico has been bottled up and continues to increase. Plus, without any tropical storms of any kind drawing on this heat, any upcoming storms will have an even hotter marine caldron from which to draw. So, the absence of hurricanes early this hurricane season sets the stage for later summer/fall hurricanes to be more powerful. Further, Saharan dust fertilizes the Gulf of Mexico, which stimulates red tide. It certainly seems like the dust giving a respite from mid summer hurricanes will boomerang back with even more destructive results. Since Rahu is the head-of-the-dragon, perhaps we should call this dust dragon breath. |
There could be other harms from this marine heat beyond hurricanes and aforementioned red tide. A likely one is this, from Yucatan Magazine, Saragassum and Saharan dust and the phenomena, are they connected? Reuters has more information,
Scientists come closer to solving Caribbean seaweed mystery. Note, this impacts Gulf of Mexico areas as well. Plus, from the Palm Beach Post, just up the beach from Mar a Lago.
Higher air temperatures, sewage and fertilizer runoff also contribute to toxic and stinky red tide blooms and Saraggum. With beach communities' tremendous growth in the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico, this is no small matter.
Thereby, while there have been no named storms in July and August -- the first time in 82 years -- and this month hurricanes Danielle and Kate have harmlessly spun away into the north Atlantic -- risk continues.
Remember, this is Rahu Dasa in the U.S. chart, and the dragon is not just toxic but unanticipated and uncontrollable. In fact, it wouldn't be a great surprise if tropical storms combined with sargassum and/or red tide to really blast the Gulf and Atlantic coasts. Or the dragon could dump some other natural disaster upon us.
Looking at economic trends and events, it appears inflation is moderating, which it should given the destructive Mars/Rahu conjunction ended August 10. Politically there's tons of scandals, but so far these have been the froth on the waves -- not the tsunami of legal and electoral tussles we expect after mid October -- which could involve sputtering violence as well. The handcuffs aren't out yet.
Because all cults poison themselves in their cesspools of depravity, our better angels seem to be taking to their wings again. Remember, You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.
In closing, here, hot off the press is the new Mar a Lago Menu cover. And that's just lunch!
The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |
September 12, 2022
I'll Do It Later
My girlfriend has three retrograde planets, and their latent energy results in delaying things and being very, very slow. It takes her an hour to make a twenty minute frozen pizza. Beyond that three planets are retrograde, hers accentuate inactivity. Jupiter and Saturn, the two big planets, being retrograde reduce the chart's overall energy. Mercury, the final retrograde, slows her mind, disguising that she is really highly intelligent. She doesn't say this much any longer but told me her excuse for dodging responsibilities as a child was to say I'll do it later.
Examining the relative weakness of the transiting planets this summer until mid October, we can add another planet to the latent-energy retrogrades.
Mercury, the planet of communications and the nervous system, began yesterday one of its three time yearly retrogrades.
These insights about my girlfriend's chart are relevant because now transiting planets also have three retrogrades and these are the same as in her chart --- Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury. Events are both reduced and moderated. It's like the military Hurry up and wait! You can see the R letters beside each of these three planets.
Transits September 12, 2020
Mercury retrograde runs from September 9 through the morning of October 2.
As transits are global planetary karma, this triple retrograde affects everyone, everywhere. So, if you're expecting a package shipped from say France, it certainly won't arrive early! And the political process as we approach the November 8 elections is a slog. I can just see in a political debate a candidate dithering so long the moderator in exasperation sharply complaining, Please just answer the question! To which the candidate replies, I have a tickle in my throat and need to adjust my belt. Also, could I use the men's room first?
This is not necessarily a negative, for some situations are best handled by slowing them down. On the other hand, if you're drowning, you don't want the lifeguard to check his Facebook page first.
The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |
September 23, 2022
Trump Through The Fall
This forecast may appear confusing by shifting from transits analysis to charts. Too, this is a Mercury retrograde, which makes communications difficult. The forecast is written to explain how the thread of the energetic lull (ongoing retrogrades and comparative weakness of malefic planets) from August 10 onward is entwined with the Vedic charts of the U.S. and Trump.
However, as Mars is the antagonist, recall the August 14 Transit Lull included this qualifier about this planet of storms and strife,
Mars isn't stirring up natural events like we experienced when he was transiting Aries -- June 26 to August 10. That doesn't mean disasters -- heat, fires, flooding, drought, hurricanes... -- won't occur this summer through mid fall. It just means Mars isn't signaling major or tumultuous ones for the next few months. |
The September 10 Taking Stock validated that prediction,
We can readily see the impacts upon natural events of the energetic lull, which began August 11. Yes, storms have been sweeping across the country. Yet, they haven't be catastrophic but rather a net gain for breaking the drought which has plagued much of America -- from the west to the east. Many in Texas this summer have prayed for a hurricane to break their severe drought and have been delighted with heavy summer storms. Inevitable property damage has been a small price to pay for the water bonanza. And although the peak of the hurricane season ends today, there is little tropical storm activity in the Atlantic now and one in the Pacific off California is bringing needed rain there.
But yes, the second half of the hurricane season lies ahead. |
The August 30 The U.S. Through The Fall considered the nation's karmic path through the November 8 midterm elections. That forecast explained the ending of the energetic lull would instigate a national ruckus beginning October 17. That disturbance would then evolve into mayhem beginning November 19. This situation sets the stage for Trump's role.
Key to today's forecast about Trump, the August 30 The U.S. Through The Fall included the below chart graphic for Mars' upcoming retrograde through Taurus and Gemini with this explanation, Mars will enter the next sign, Gemini, October 17, turn retrograde October 30, re-enter Taurus November 13 and return to forward motion mid January.
August 10, 2020
In an aside, that forecast observed about Trump's chart, can easily see (arrows) Mars will be attacking his Rahu and Sun (self) during the calendar months of October and November. And the midterm elections are November 8!
This is why that forecast made the conclusionary observation, The Celestial Wheel has long posited that Trump destroys both political parties and then blows himself up. Well, at the very least, it's gonna be very noisy!
Well, it's late September, and Trump is already being massively slammed by the New York lawsuit, Mar a Lago documents court rulings and other serious legal rumblings from sea to shining sea! Why?
Here's a current screenshot of Taurus and Gemini showing Mars. He's pretty much moved through Taurus from his 00:03 degrees position in Taurus August 10 (see above) to 23:11 degrees today.
September 23, 2022
Now, compare this transit Mars position with Trump's signs of Taurus and Gemini,
Trump chart Taurus and Gemini
Transit Mars at 23:11 degrees is now just 4 degrees from his Rahu and 6 degrees from his Sun. In Vedic Astrology, this trio of Mars, Rahu and Sun is an explosive recipe -- already blowng up. Of course Trump will continue to fight back but without effect -- except to stir up his base, of course. For autocrats their fall back positions are always religion, finished by violence.
Although transiting planets are within range at 4 degrees from planets they approach, the energy does increase until they are exactly conjoined. So, let's look at the exact conjunction dates.
Transit Mars will conjoin Trump's Rahu October 6 and Sun October 25.
Transit Mars will turn retrograde in Gemini October 30 and then retrograde over Trump's Taurs Sun again November 14 and Rahu again November 27.
These Mars combination Mars haymakers on Trump's Rahu and Sun will mortally injure him. Yet, Trumpism won't roll over easily, nor quickly.
Thus, we should also look ahead further for when Mars turns forward again January 13 and runs over his Rahu and Sun for a third time -- Rahu March 6 and the Sun March 12. This sure looks like road kill to me.
The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |
September 27, 2022
It Depends Where You Live
With so much going on nationally, and actually globally, forecasting natural events truly depends on where you live. If in the west, then drought and fires are center stage. In the Midwest, torrential thunderstorms have caused problems. Truly, wherever you live, you experience major disruptions. Some of this is Rahu Dasa in the U.S. chart, and some is climate change results.
The June 2 A Hard Read, concluded, In the meantime, understanding the world is in tremendous turmoil as Rahu destroys today to create tomorrow, and this astrologer lives on the Florida Gulf Coast, I bought this generator,
Later, the August 14 Transit Lull repeated this idea, So, even as Saturn continues to aspect watery Cancer, Mars isn't stirring up natural events like we experienced when he was transiting Aries -- June 26 to August 10. That doesn't mean disasters -- heat, fires, flooding, drought, hurricanes... -- won't occur this summer through mid fall. It just means Mars isn't signaling major or tumultuous ones for the next few months. However, I'm still glad I bought a generator. There are lots of reasons the power can go out -- both natural disasters and civil unrest.
I live just south of Tampa in Venice, now in the cross hairs of this major storm, unusual for a hurricane. In fact, it's been since 1921 that a catastrophic hurricane struck the Tampa Bay area.
There are two points here. First, during Rahu Dasa, there is no peace in the world. Second, forecasting this fall has stressed the this summer and early fall are comparatively quiet due to a transit lull. Beginning mid October, all hell is gonna break loose. The August 30 The U.S. Through The Fall explained, On October 17 Mars will enter Gemini, where he'll immediately jump on U.S. birthchart Mars at 00:41 degrees. As much ruckus as this may cause during the election season, it won't be until Mars enters the U.S. Dasa lineup --November 19 to January 19 -- that mayhem ensures. Consider here that both the great malefics -- Saturn and Mars -- will be active in the U.S. Dasas and in its transits then.
Wish me luck. Ian is a truly major hurricane. But, I have a generator and my apartment sits on an ancient Native American midden -- oyster shell mound -- 15 feet above sea level. The ancients here didn't build villages and dispose of shells in vulnerable areas.
The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer |