November 2018

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November 4, 2018

One More Karma!

The October 28 Countdown To November 6 attempted to address the primary planetary karmas impacting Tuesday's election and integrated these into some final thoughts.

Most impactive is Mars finishing up in Capricorn.  This weak sign edge position turns the planet of courage into one of fear.

...the Venus, the Moon and the Sun combination in Libra. Venus and the Moon are the two female planets, bringing the feminine side forward -- encouraging voting by women, of course, and male compassion.  The Sun,, however, is fallen (weak) in this sign, making this male planet of the self less confident.  Yet a depressed Sun, however, is humble, not brazen.  On balance, this three planet combination is favorable to compassionate caring, which supports voting for love, and against hate.

Mercury and Jupiter -- the lower mind and the higher mind -- naturally stimulates the intellect, which again is positive for voting.

In the U.S. chart, Libra is the eleventh house of goals and gains -- making the Venus, Moon, Sun combination motivated toward success.  And as the Sun is government, voters desire a humanitarian one. Scorpio, however, where Jupiter and Mercury are placed, is the twelfth house of loss.  That stimulates too much thinking and a perception of loss.  (It's also negative for the stock market.)  Sleep is disturbed.  Also Mars in Aquarius is the U.S. chart's third house of desires -- stimulating him to be aggressive and abrasive -- but full of fears too.  Still weak at the sign edge -- expect election mayhem -- at the polls, in close election tallies and disputes after November 6.

It looks like Trump's word and actions, and consequent world events, have worn out his welcome.


I omitted a final potent karma, which is the final event in the summer/fall timeline -- transit Rahu on U.S. Mercury.  Head-of-the-dragon Rahu makes mutable Mercury fearful of attack -- especially from foreigners, for Rahu symbolizes foreigners, especially those with dark skin.  In the eighth house of calamity, this becomes a foreboding of an ominous unknown calamity and violence -- some of which is justified, for we've seen destructions of all kinds throughout the country.  These will continue up to and through November 6 -- driving folks to the polls through fear and anger and also resulting in contested results.

The prediction for voters rejecting Trump's agenda, notably from women, is not changed by this additional information.  In fact, fear and anger are motivating folks on both sides, and in the middle -- and there are more people on the left and in the middle compared to the paranoid right.

In closing, here's the Moon/Venus combination in Libra from,  Waning moon and Venus November 4 to 6





The Celestial Wheel 2002-2018©
Doug Riemer



November 13, 2018


This is an addendum to the above November 4 One More Karma, which discussed transit Rahu on the U.S. chart's Mercury in the eighth house of turmoil,

Head-of-the-dragon Rahu makes mutable Mercury fearful of attack -- especially from foreigners, for Rahu symbolizes foreigners, especially those with dark skin. In the eighth house of calamity, this becomes a foreboding of an ominous unknown calamity and violence -- some of which is justified, for we've seen destructions of all kinds throughout the country.  These will continue up to and through November 6 -- driving folks to the polls through fear and anger and also resulting in contested results.

The prediction for voters rejecting Trump's agenda, notably from women, has come true.  Similarly, the predicted contested results have certainly come to pass.  Recounts due to extremely close races are slated to be completed at week's end -- Friday, November 16.

This image from shows the all-important Moon approaching, and then passing, hot Mars during this interval. 

Mar's riles up the Moon's emotional mind, often causing uncontrollable bursts of anger.  Expect, then, there will be a lot of howling at the Moon at week's end.  Also expect contested election results will bring a flurry of lawsuits, demands and threats, perhaps even some violences.

Don't let this rile you up!  It's just part of the radicalization of America -- and the consequent reality of this Second Progressive Age that forces of love are making progress against those motivated only by hate and fear.  As Winston Churchill said, You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.

However, as Moon/Mars is also alcoholic beverages, use care in imbibing, and stay away from drunks as well.

Lastly, Rahu has briefly stopped in the sky, as it does occasionally.   This means Rahu will be in an approaching mode to  Mercury until early December -- cointuining its attack.  Thus, turmoils and calamities willl continue for several more weeks.




The Celestial Wheel 2002-2018©
Doug Riemer



November 27, 2018

Catching Up

Celestial Wheel entries earlier this month may have been confusing.  Today's entry clarifies.

The November 4 One More Karma described transit Rahu approaching the U.S. chart's mental and mutable Mercury in the eighth house of turmoil and catastrophe,

Head-of-the-dragon Rahu makes mutable Mercury fearful of attack -- especially from foreigners, for Rahu symbolizes foreigners, especially those with dark skin.  In the eighth house of calamity, this becomes a foreboding of an ominous unknown calamity and violence -- some of which is justified. We've seen destructions of all kinds throughout the country.  These will continue up to and through November 6 -- driving folks to the polls through fear and anger and also resulting in contested results.

That entry also stated,

The prediction for voters rejecting Trump's agenda, notably from women, is not changed by this additional information.  In fact, fear and anger are motivating folks on both sides, and in the middle -- and there are more people on the left and in the middle compared to the paranoid right.

The November 13 Addendum explained, The prediction for voters rejecting Trump's agenda, notably from women, has come true. Similarly, the predicted contested results have certainly come to pass.  That entry closed with this key fact,

Lastly, Rahu has briefly stopped in the sky, as it does occasionally. This means Rahu will be in an approaching mode to Mercury until early December -- continuing its attack.  Thus, turmoils and calamities will continue for several more weeks.

This explains why the country remains topsy-turvy.  Rahu is now just under four degrees -- stopping and starting -- in its backward motion.  You can see this in the below graphic of the U.S. chart.  On  December 5 transit Rahu will conjoin birthchart Mercury at 3:26 degrees, and the dissonant energies will then begin falling off.  Rahu will, however, continue to afflict Mercury until it (Rahu) leaves Cancer March 22.


That doesn't explain, however, the now incredibly intense turmoil Trump is going through.  Here's his chart, again showing transit Rahu -- this time approaching Trump's Venus and Saturn.  Rahu will be on top of Venus January 3, during which approach is will again stop and start.  This means Rahu will be hovering around Venus in a long and vicious attack.  Rahu. continuing his stopping/starting motion, will hit Trump's Saturn much later, March 17.  Again, Rahu's hovering will accentuate its attack.


As Venus is Trump's planet of close associates and career -- both are being harmed, and will suffer greatly, in the coming several weeks.  As Saturn is Trump's planet of his social nature, relationship, social nature, job and open enemies, all these significations will suffer.

Post Script
November 29


The below entry discusses Rahu afflictions to the U.S. chart's Mercury.

In addition, transit Mercury went retrograde November 16 and will turn forward again December 7.  This is not unusual but rather just one of its three times yearly retrogrades lasting three weeks.

Mercury's communications and nervous system significations are harmed during these retrogrades globally.  Since the U.S. chart's Mercury is also afflicted, Mercury retrograde issues tend to be worse here in the U.S. than in other countries.

If you've forgotten Mercury retrograde issues, there are: mix ups, things are forgotten and tasks either omitted or done incorrectly.
Business activities are often flawed, and new ventures should not be started during Mercury retrograde.

Also, as Mercury is the respiratory system, and is also a planet of illness, you tend to be more susceptible to colds and the flu.



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2018©
Doug Riemer