History Repeats A fundamental is the U.S. Vedic's chart, repeating 3 Dasas (planetary cycles) from the late 19th and early 20th centuries to contemporary times. The sequence is: 10 year Moon Dasa ending in late 2008, 7 year Mars Dasa to 2015 and finally 18 year Rahu Dasa onward. These result in a Gilded Age to economic contraction to a Progressive Age. Dozens of In-depth Forecasts and hundreds of short-subject VedicLeaks have described these planetary karmas -- in both the predictive and evaluative modes. Absorbing and remembering this encyclopedic information is naturally challenging, even for the writer! But then, there's certainly been a lot to write about since The Celestial Wheel's inception in 2002. To make the information more accessible, in 2010 a series of key In-depth Forecasts unveiling and detailing this Dasa sequence were placed on the home page in History Repeats Series -- Gilded Age To Contraction To Progressive Age --1998 to 2015. Here's that section, which is located just below current forecasting. (Note, as this is a copy, these links to forecasts work.)
But this is still a lot of information! Here's a shortcut, the December 1, 2007 Through The Second Gilded Age. Yes, that forecast is somewhat dated for being written 6 years ago, even before the economic collapse began in late 2008 -- what I later labeled the Millennium Contraction. However, the large-theme sequence from Gilded Age to Millennium Contraction is clearly expressed. And many of the trends and event predictions have come true. Take a look at the section, Mars Dasa -- The Upcoming Depression, to see key predictions. These include:
This statement is particularly telling,
(Part I refers to the December 2004 In-depth Forecast, The United States Through Its Planetary Cycles
History Repeats, But Not Exactly Dasas are the primary karma, the underlying influences -- analogous to a boat's journey down the river of life. Dasas of the 9 planets range from 6 to 20 years. Each Dasa thereby represents a long section of the river of life. There are also 4 subperiod Dasas, each shorter than the last, signifying similarly shorter lengths in the river analogy -- bends, rapids, slowing currents... Transits -- where the 9 planets are in today's skies -- are the secondary planetary karmas. As we travel in our little life boats down the river of life, weather naturally influences our journeys. Transits, are like weather -- not transformational, tending to temporary. and certainly not overriding the Dasas. Even a 100 year flood cutting a shortening channel truly doesn't change the river's qualities. A fair wind speeds progress. Drought slows the current. Storms can force seeking safe harborage... Here's the basic astrological and astronomical reasoning why History Repeats, But Not Exactly. Dasas repeat exactly within our calender, down through all 5 levels. In contrast, constantly moving transiting planets have endlessly variable positions in the signs, and thereby to each other. Each of the 9 transiting planets circles the zodiac at different speeds and distances from the Sun. Thereby, it is impossible for all the transiting planets to be in the exact same positions at 2 different times. Further, even if the 9 transiting planets miraculously return to the same approximate positions, the Dasa planets of the chart in question would be different. This results in the combination of fixed repetition Dasa planets always being influenced differently by the unique positions of the transiting planets. This is the astrological reason History Repeats, But Not Exactly. (Note: there are more variables here, such as retrogrades, birth chart and transiting planets throwing aspects, power variability from planetary speeds... And there's one more huge issue -- Dasas apply to a specific Vedic chart, like that of the U.S., but transits impact the entire globe. Moving outside Vedic Astrology, the state of society must also weigh into history repeating in different ways. There couldn't be a 9-11 in the late nineteenth century for obvious reasons. Naturally then, in order to do world forecasting, one needs to be worldly -- educated, experienced and in touch with what's going on.) Yes, Vedic Astrologer's can occasionally make startling predictions of great import about events. Those are achieved when powerful Dasa planet sequences coincide with powerful transits of the same planets -- and an astrologer has the good luck to both see this congruence and divine the meaning. 9-11 was a textbook case of this. But how many astrologers from any astrology saw that coming? And for those who did, how exact were their predictions? (Answer: one astrologer and a pretty good but not exactly correct prediction.) But isn't event predictions, even one as important as 9-11,just magic? 9-11 didn't obviate the Second Gilded Age, for that was called for in the U.S. chart's Dasas, the underlying influences in the country's chart. But 9-11 did change the course of history in other ways. It caused widespread public fear, which politicians and others used to advance their own agendas. 9-11 enabled the Bush/Cheney worldwide war on terror -- invading two countries, creating the Department of Homeland Security, militarizing the police, spying on U.S. citizens, Guantanamo... Washington DC finished changing from a sleepy capital to the military industrial complex President Eisenhower warned about in 1961. Such results from events are consequences, which are truly more important than the events themselves. So, shouldn't astrologers thereby direct their focus beyond predicting events to divining their consequences? Much of The Celestial Wheel forecasting has done just that, but it's easy to lose that focus. Further, since we're over 5 years into the Millennium Contraction with its attendant suffering, refocusing back on consequences is increasingly vital -- to understand the present and plan for the future. Events And Consequences The term Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013 was created because of intense Mars Dasa karmas in the U.S. chart during the simultaneous peak of the malicious Saturn/Rahu transit conjunction. As Mars Dasa is the Millennium Contraction, which includes a war between Second Gilded Age rich and the rest of us, consequences from the many battles from events must include advancing society closer to the upcoming Second Progressive Age. If this were not the case, the rich would increase and solidify their control. most basically over income and wealth, and shared democratic values would not be regained. Since Mars is the operative Dasa now, let's take a short detour here to understand what he signifies. Mars a malefic, is the planet of war, of weapons. He is discord, arguments, anger, attacks, explosions, storms, infections, violences of all kinds and sports. As the planet of desire, Mars is greed and intolerance. Mars is selfish, caring only about the ends, never the means. Mars is thereby amoral, even immoral. As Venus lives to love, killer Mars hates. But malefics aren't solely harmful, just as benefics like Jupiter are not only helpful. (For example, Jupiter expands, which makes some people fat.) Mars is also courage, physical energy, logic, achievements, leadership, engineering and independence, farmers, landed property, the blood and curiously, animals. (Isn't there a news network named after a Mars-crafty animal?) Thus, we need Mars' energy, with the goal of using the good to overcome the bad. Mars' two sides are dramatically shown in the BP oil rig disaster and the onset of fracting, a great economic boom, that began with his Dasa in 2008. Texas reports record monthly oil production rate, The Texas oil boom started in 2008, when new technology reversed decades of decline. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling renewed old fields and opened new ones. Yet, because fracting is a Mars invention, and Mars is malefic, the process also harms the environment, particularly water supplies. Plus, the increased gas and oil supplies retard the switch to clean energy. Even when Mars does good, his essential malefic nature shines through.
If you look back at his Dasa's beginning in late 2008, we've had a lot of all of these Mars karmas! Further, however, In a Vedic chart, planets also take on the energy of houses they rule, as well as express themselves by house placement. In the U.S. chart, Mars rules the 5th house of investments and the 12th house of loss. We've certainly seen investment losses, as well as losses from Mars' own signification for landed property. Mars is placed in the 7th house of relationships and the social nature. This accounts for breaking down of cooperation and polarization by race, economic status, social issues..... With this better knowledge about Mars in mind, let's move ahead in this forecast.
Background -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall The second section of Through The Millennium Contraction, Timing The Millennium Contraction, lists the minor Dasa planets under this Mars major Dasa offering summary predictions. Here's #5, emphasis added,
As 2013 rolled in, The Celestial Wheel began to seriously discuss the May 28 through October 25 Mars/Ketu Dasa sequence together with the Saturn/Rahu conjunction. the February 17 VedicLeaks ...introduced the current Saturn/Rahu conjunction -- which began January 14, 2013 and continues for a long 18 months until July 6, 2014. The June 5 In-depth Forecast, Into A Whirlwind Summer, identified mid August to mid September as the peak for Saturn/Rahu conjunction harms. Then, these two great malefics were closely approaching each other for exact conjunction mid September. Plus, warrior Mars was aspecting them. Here's the transit chart for in that forecast showing these relationships. As a transit chart, this is global planetary weather.
Since the May 29 through October 25 Mars/Ketu Dasa sequence contains the mid August to mid September Saturn/Rahu conjunction peak, and Mars is involved with the latter, this combination of karmas signals tremendous stresses and losses. Remember
Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013 hurricanes These were not just picked out of the sky. There were sound Vedic reasonings behind each. Together, they became seriously consequential. Further, while not all would actualize, or some must play out in unanticipated ways, they are a serious-minded checklist to which everyone should pay attention. In early August, after also publishing In-depth forecasts on hurricanes and civil unrest (Helter Skelter), it became alarmingly clear this upcoming interval was so loaded destructive planetary karma, the topic should be separately addressed. Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013 was then assembled. This was not just another set of predictions. It was rather a uniquely wide-ranging predictive endeavor anticipating major karmas in the U.S. and abroad. Introductory sections, Saturn/Rahu Conjunction, and Your Personal Experiences provided background. The latter was included because, as difficult as this karma is, Still, Saturn/Rahu can bring long needed change, for Saturn is the planet of responsibility and duty, and Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, intensifies Saturn's energies. This combination can blow one out of even the deepest of karmic ruts. While The Celestial Wheel is mundane astrology (world events and trends), the referenced planetary karmas have both indirect and direct impacts upon our personal experiences. Finally here, consider that making long needed change is a consequence to heavy karma events. The above 7 areas of concern were listed in individual sections, with forecasting discussion and news articles links. This was done to track the results of Mars/Ketu Dasa and the Saturn/Rahu conjunction upon both the U.S. and the rest of the globe. Now, with Saturn/Rahu well past their exact conjunction September 16, and the U.S. chart's Mars/Ketu Dasa sequence having ended October 25, the results are in. Too, hopefully the air has cleared enough to see and weigh results. Plus, most valuably, consequences to these results have begun to emerge.
Predictions Check A Whirlwind Summer And Fall Civil unrest and riots in U.S. cities The September 26 VedicLeaks explained "popular protests" keep coming from the right, not the left. The Tea Party started that trend, and it continues in various ways -- especially focused upon Federal government power and spending. Of course, they've thrown in the social issues -- abortion, gay rights, marijuana, racism, immigration.... Hurricanes Hurricane activity in the U.S. began exactly as predicted, on September 10. High winds and flooding were predicted. These qualities characterized storm activity in minor U.S. storms, as well as the Colorado flooding and early snow storms in the West and Midwest. The only truly severe Atlantic and eastern Pacific hurricanes hit Mexico. Interestingly, the big tropical storms in large numbers hit the Far East, culminating in Typhoon Haiyan, which devastated the Philippines. Hurricane predictions were thereby accurate in some ways but overall mediocre. Still, there was some value to the North America for timing and flooding, and certainly anyone involved with the Far East benefited. A major blow-up in the Mideast Egypt erupted in mid August and continues still. The Syrian chemical weapons issue began mid September and hopefully has been resolved. The U.S. lead deal with Iran on nuclear weapons is a tremendous milestone, but the Saudis and Israelis have objected strenuously, harming relations with these long term firm allies. With predictions on this topic on target so far due to the Saturn/Rahu transit, look for turmoil there to continue through the first half of 2014. Political infighting This section relates closely to the civil unrest concern. The two week government shutdown and edge of the cliff deal on the debt ceiling were again revolts by the extreme right. Also, the Supreme Court knocking down part of the Voting Rights Act has allowed Republican controlled states to vise-grip voters with new stringent voting requirements. These same states have also clamped down on women's reproductive health services -- not just abortion but also contraception. Again at the federal level, food stamps cuts are demanded by the extreme right, and the immigration bill is stalled. Of course, the Affordable Care Act website ignited afresh claims of doom from the far right, much of that fueled by racism. America certainly wasn't ready for a black president, but too, Obama wasn't ready for a white America either! Currency failure (or inflation) Currency failed was narrowly avoided in a last minute deal on the debt limit. There has been some inflation in interest rate hikes, which really hurt the home mortgage market. Further and extensive inflation remain on the horizon as the Federal Reserve continues to print buckets of dollars every minute. Massive destructions All sorts of natural disasters have hit -- floods, fires, volcanoes, earthquakes. Many Mideast violences and accidents by buses and at sea have each killed over 50 people. 50 is the minimum used for this analysis. Food and/or drug crisis Drug resistant bacteria, the flesh eating hallucinogen Krokodil and salt water bacteria infections have all occurred. Yet, on balance, these seem unremarkable.
While as stated above these areas of concern, don't all link together, though they must all interrelate in some ways. I've bolded the three topics which do form a thread going through the U.S.
Seething anger Mars/Ketu, plus the malicious Saturn/Rahu conjunction, stimulated harmful and hateful actions (events) at the federal and state levels that have further soured broad swaths of a society already stressed by over five years of economic malaise. There was a consequence here -- disgust. The collective unconscious was generally retreated into quiet. Of course, the extreme right also felt this way, but they reacted by pushing further right, not coming to the center. Venus subperiod then came in to replace Ketu. U.S. Dasas thereby became Mars/Venus. Venus' compassion replaced Ketu's oversensitive otherworldly energy. Too, as Mars and Ketu are both pitta (fiery), Venus is kapha (water). So, Ketu subperiod inflamed Mars Dasa, but Venus subperiod cools down the planet of war. Mars/Venus is also gives positive passion in all things. This combination is also very good in the U.S. chart for dynamic unselfish and caring leadership. But, after Mars/Venus began October 25, nothing much happened, nor changed. There were, of course, terrible afflictions to Mercury, the intellect, during all of October and November. Then, it was very difficult to understand anything! The December 2 VedicLeaks cheered! ... the ability to begin to grasp events and trends in the world and in our own lives. From this regained mental acuity and stability, we can start to understand problems, devise plans to correct them and then being the processes of repairing damages and minimizing further losses. Too, this matched up with www.healthcare.gov being repaired, which allowed so many without heath insurance to gain that basic protection in their lives. A mid thirties fellow I met as the Venice Jetties was doing everything he could to reinvent himself and remained confident until his 11 year old daughter broke her finger. With cheap health insurance, he couldn't afford the doctor; He taped the broken finger to the next finger. He hadn't liked Obama, nor Obamare much, but he let those prejudices slide for the hope of being able to buy good affordable coverage for his family. With mental Mercury now clear, tilt toward optimism was finally achieved when public figures came into the limelight projecting their humane leadership for equality and fairness. First was the 50th anniversary of JFK's assassination November 22. It was the number 50 that brought media attention, which then stirred the collective memories of those bright and hopeful days when everything seemed possible, and many things were! The new Pope's 84 page document about unfettered capitalism being tyranny closely followed November 26. Yes, these occurred before the December 1 date when Mercury arose from the depths of confusion, but they weren't suddenly set aside. President Obama chimed in with some stirring speeches that recalled his first campaign, when he captured the hearts and minds of so many to win in 2008. The final uplifting event of Nelson Mandella's death on December 5 brought the consequence of turning from the dark to the light, of beginning again to hope. The ad campaign for pork, the other white meat, strangely came to mind with different words, Obama, the other black guy. The black American president's association with the black man who freed South Africa clicked. This conclusion may sound right on, or absurd, but consider what happened just yesterday, Leaders in Congress unveil two-year budget deal, ...the agreement would stop the government "lurching from crisis to crisis" and eliminate the threat of another government shutdown. And today, the deal was endorsed by the guys who always say no everything, HOUSE REPUBLICANS SIGNAL SUPPORT FOR BUDGET DEAL. A final positive consequence is that, all of a sudden, the cries and complaints about increasing wealth inequity are being heard in the media and generally endorsed. Quickly vanishing is the idea of trickle down economics -- shrinking government and reducing taxes truly only makes the rich get richer, destroys the middle class and denies vertical mobility. Google wealth inequality, and over 30 million results come up. And articles like this The Gates Foundation's Hypocritical Investments, and this Global Elites Getting Nervous About Skyrocketing Inequality (But Won't Spare a Nickel to Fix It) keep popping up. So, it should be no surprise there's a grassroots movement to boost the minimum wage, in some cities, doubling it.