These short-subject Commentaries are posted on a single web page for each calendar month. Since 2002, , each new Commentary entry was placed at the top -- like a blog. This gives the benefit of immediacy but also is confusing when reading past entries. Now, entries are placed in chronological order.
Spring-Summer Timeline The April 25 Celestial Wheel published the below Spring-Summer Timeline, stating, ...there's a burst of activity at the end of this month and into early May. Then, there's a calm interval until late May. Then, the karmic complexities arise again.
(Note: right below eclipse point Ketu, I've added eclipse the opposing point, Rahu. Being opposite, both change signs simultaneously.)
As shown, Mars finishes its painful extended transit through Gemini April 28, Saturn ends its retrograde May 3 and Ketu and Rahu change signs May 4. These account for the short term activity burst occurring now. The ensuing calm interval until late May is followed by the upcoming Mars/Ketu and Mars/Saturn conjunctions, during which there's a confusing Mercury retrograde. Also, with Jupiter weakly retrograde, the great benefic loses its capability to counterbalance Mars harms. So, things will definitely heat up with the summer sun. This graph can be converted into a Vedic sign chart, thus labeled by using the natural zodiac starting with the first sign, Aries. The Celestial Wheel has named this World Transits. In displaying the planetary dispositions in the twelve signs, as well as the planets' house placements, it's like a global weather forecast. (For example, Jupiter is in Sagittarius no matter where in the world you live.) Every one, every nation and the entire world is thereby impacted by this chart. The period under consideration is through July, consistent with the above Timeline.
Global Predictions
Rahu, together with Jupiter's undue optimism, gives a potent karma wanting and expecting too much -- overreaching. The fifth is also a house of wealth, signifying investments. Constrictive Saturn remains in this sign of Leo, which must continue to dampen the stock markets globally. However, there is some easing of investment constraints, for dissolving Ketu has moved away (backwards) into the fourth house. Plus, an unafflicted, albeit weak, Jupiter throws an expansive aspect. The risk here is to read too much into minor economic improvements as the bigger picture becomes more challenging. Wealth is further injured by malefics Mars and Saturn both aspecting (glancing upon) the eleventh house of gains. Because Mars is aggression and Saturn resistance, this combination indicates struggles, which includes downfalls, and misuse of authority. With Jupiter and Rahu overly optimistic, Saturn constraining stock values and the Mars/Saturn in a tug-of-war for gains -- in areas outside the stock markets, like commodities -- there's another potent negative economic karma for destructive competition. Fiery Mars combining with fiery Ketu signals a conflagration. (Note: Cancer is Mars' fallen sign, making him weak and dangerous.) As Ketu is a spiritual influence, when it combines with warrior Mars, seething anger results. This conjunction was first discussed in the December 30, 2007 In-depth Celestial Wheel, Predictions For The New Year. Here's the salient paragraph,
As specifically mentioned above, real estate is harmed by Mars/Ketu. Ketu is also gas and oil, and The Celestial Wheel has correctly forecasted oil/gas price peaks when Ketu has been afflicted. These predictions include peaks from 2004 onward (See the June 11, 2007 Celestial Wheel), plus the last two peaks last fall and this winter/spring. As the fourth house is ruled by the Moon, the lunar significations for grains and the home (nation) are also impacted negatively. When looking back at the Mars/Ketu tracking done in the October 12, 2004 Celestial Wheel Commentary, violences occurred when Mars also influenced the Moon -- the Afghanistan earthquake February 6, 1998, the World Trade Center bombing of 9-11 2001 and the February 1, 2003 Space Shuttle Columbia explosion. Since the Mars/Ketu conjunction occurs in the Moon's house of Cancer, the Moon is again injured. Of course, when Mars also harms the Moon by aspect, its doubles up, as it will on June 13. This Celestial Wheel does not overlay the World Transit chart upon birth charts of persons or countries to further identify specific harms. However, it is worthwhile mentioning that the Mars/Ketu conjunction occurs in the U.S. chart's eighth house of catastrophe. Thereby, an event with global reach could occur in the U.S. Further, Mars/Ketu hits the Iraq Independence chart's twelfth house of loss. Put the pieces together -- overreaching stock investors, destructive competitiveness, violence in the U.S. and Iraq, another oil/gas price spike, a deepening grain crisis, the real estate debacle continuing -- all precipitated on or about June 13.
The Most Beautiful Rendition Of Gayatri Mantra However difficult world affairs and our individual experiences living in the world may be, the inner life can remain undisturbed, even improve. Too, bringing the outer life into balance with the inner elevates consciousness. As the Second Gilded Age's gluttony is already yielding to material conservatism, many are beginning to reclaim the values and benefits of a simpler life -- a healthier diet, no cravings for big screen TVs and even bigger cars and houses, the value of contemplation, the importance of friends, family and community. Click here, or on the image, to listen and watch this most beautiful and stirring version of the most famous and ancient Gayatri Mantra on YouTube. Perhaps it will stimulate your inner life to motivate and merge with the outer.
A Celestial Wheel Forecast Is Published In The CVA Journal
CVA's new administration has updated the Journal by selecting articles of general interest which are very readable by the public. Thanks President Gary Gomes, for helping to make Vedic Astrology more accessible. If you're interested in Journal copies, these can be ordered from CVA Journal, 854 Brock Ave., New Bedford, MA 02744.
Further Spring-Summer Global Karmas The May 2 Celestial Wheel converted the Spring-Summer Timeline into a World Transits sign chart. Both are useful tools -- the former to see the the planetary karmas ebbs and flows and the latter to identify specific karmas.
The Mars/Saturn conjunction becomes impactive soon after the mid June Mars/Ketu conjunction in late Cancer at 26 degrees. Mars shifts into Leo on June 21 and then closes with Saturn July 10 at 11 degrees Leo. This a difficult conjunction in Leo, the sign of government and investments. However, an aspect from benefic Jupiter (see arrow), although not very strong, mitigates this malefic energy. A follow-up tragedy to any mid June Mars/Ketu destruction is thereby unlikely. The Jupiter/Mars/Saturn combination will more likely result in a contest for power over relief efforts botched by Mercury retrograde effects -- making the earlier disaster more disastrous.
And Some Final Thoughts About the Mars/Ketu Conjunction Cancer is Mars' fallen (debilitated) sign, where it is weakest. This turns Mars' logic into violent impulse, courage into spite, valor into tem per. Ketu doesn't perform well in Moon-ruled watery Cancer either. As an eclipse point, it blocks the Moon's perceptional and worldly benefits, stimulating irrational responses and truly weird harms. As explained previously, fiery Mars doesn't combine well with otherworldly (and also fiery Ketu), bringing seething anger. In Cancer, this is exacerbated. To make matters even worse, Mars conjoins Ketu at 26 degrees, just 2 degrees from its maximum debilitation point of 28 degrees. This stimulates Mars' to act precipitously with extreme violence. That position is also within the dangerous Lunar Nakshatra (one of the 27 Moon houses) of Ashlesha, The coiled serpent, which enjoys secrecy, is often misunderstood and likes to operate out of sight. There is the snake’s wily nature and insincerity, danger, deception, cold-bloodedness and unexpected attack. The last Mars/Ketu conjunction in Cancer occurred June 21 - 23, 1972 -- coinciding with the unusually early, destructive and wet Hurricane Agnes, From June 19-24, 1972, Agnes dropped as much as 19 inches of rain as she roared out of the Gulf of Mexico and across every state from Florida to New York. Too, the entire Watergate scandal was unfolding, and on June 22, Nixon and Halderman taped their discussion about obstructing the investigation. Also, just as Mars moved into Cancer, on June 18, a British passenger jet crashed, killing all 118 passengers and crew on board.
The Burma Typhoon It's ironic this last Celestial Wheel was published the day before the massively destructive typhoon hit Burma/Myanmar -- Myanmar Death Toll Surpasses 22,000. This astrologer does not specialize in weather events. Plus, without a nation chart for Burma, it would not have been possible to predict this major catastrophe.* Although the statement, ...there's a burst of activity at the end of this month and into early May was valid, it is too general to be of any practical value. In retrospect, however, just a quick glance at the Spring-Summer Timeline, reveals the destructive karma. Then, Rahu and Ketu were weak in changing signs, Mars had just gained strength for violence in Cancer and Saturn's grinding to a stop unleashed its destructive capability. (*Note, however, the U.S. and Iraq charts are at hand, enabling predicting for the the upcoming Mars/Ketu, event with global reach could occur in the U.S. Further, Mars/Ketu hits the Iraq Independence chart's twelfth house of loss.)
China's Moon Earthquake
This doubles-up the planetary karmas. Further, China's Saturn (industrial production) was eclipsed in the March 3, 2007 total lunar eclipse at 19 degrees Leo. Eclipse effects can endure for years. Finally, transit Saturn crossing the houses around the Moon is Sadi Sati, bringing long term and extensive harm and loss to the country. Thus, China has a cascade of problems -- toxic toy exports, peasant protests, water and air pollution, inflation, unemployment, Tibet, child virus, the problematic upcoming olympics and now a major earthquake. That Saturn stays in Leo until September 2009, and the Sadi Sati effect continues until the end of 2011, suggests China will continue to face adverse conditions as 2012 approaches. There are two important points here. First, No tree grows to the sky. China's growth must stall, just as Japan's was, beginning in 1990. (Remember the 1980s, when everyone thought Japan would overwhelm the U.S.?) This dovetails with The Celestial Wheel prediction for a global depression around 2012, as seen from the U.S. chart -- December 1, 2007 Through The Second Gilded Age. China's recent and growing travails may very well be a confirming signal of the beginning of that depression. The, Long Slump May Follow Crunch is an early admission by a major U.S. financial bank that the current economic slowdown is just the beginning of economic loss. (Note: depressions don't just happen but unfold over a period of time, with one economic shock following another until the economy is ruined.) (*China's chart has yet to be rigorously rectified, both as to date and time. If any subscribers would like to underwrite this project, please click on this encrypted form, Contributions.)
Timing The Global-Reach Mars/Ketu Event
A common, and naturally human, astrologer mistake is to see an interval of intense planetary stress and believe it signals a single major event. Historical records and the media lead us all to believe that cataclysms are singular occupancies, even though global news reporting is both selective and very recent. It is entirely possible that more than one catastrophe results during the stress period, the event continues for several days or even recurs. Too, for such a vicious conjunction as Mars/Ketu in Cancer, disturbances occur throughout the conjoined interval, not just at the peak. The Chilean volcano, Chaiten, began erupting May 2, for the first time in thousands of years, and now Patagonia fears environmental damage from volcano.
Today's news reports, Second cyclone aims for Burma -- a recurrence. And finally, Mount Etna in Sicily has been erupting since Saturday. Check out this amazing video. Too the world is not only a really huge place, but the independencies and complexities arising from globalization link countries and regions together, sometimes in ways we can't fully appreciate. The chaos theory* cliche that when a butterfly flaps its wings in Tokyo, a week later it rains in New York has a compelling application here. We've certainly already seen dramatic examples of global links of stock markets drop in one region cause markets all over the world to shudder. Upcoming Celestial Wheels will relate this information to charts of nations and leaders to better identify locations, types and the timing of potential Mars/Ketu violences. (* From Wikipedia. Small variations of the initial condition of a dynamical system may produce large variations in the long term behavior of the system.)
Mars/Ketu and Mars/Saturn Conjunction Impacts This month The Celestial Wheel has focused upon the upcoming dangerous Mars/Ketu conjunction in Cancer mid June -- and the following Mars/Saturn conjunction in Leo during early July. Conclusions about the seething anger Mars/Ketu signifies are ...overreaching stock investors, destructive competitiveness, violence in the U.S. and Iraq, another oil/gas price spike, a deepening grain crisis, the real estate debacle continuing and Mars/Saturn ...will more likely result in a contest for power over relief efforts botched by Mercury retrograde effects -- making the earlier disaster more disastrous. Finally, because Ketu is otherworldly, his actions are precipitous, unforeseen and fierce. These qualities are confirmed by the Mars/Ketu conjunction occurring in the lunar house of Ashlesha, ...the snake’s wily nature and insincerity, danger, deception, coldheartedness and unexpected attack. Ketu is called smoke, an apt descriptor for this veiled planetary karma. Sensitive dates and the types of harms can be seen, but where a specific calamity may occur will be unknown, unless it is shown in the chart of a nation, as 9-11 was. Even then, no astrologer could predict the type and locations of those attacks. Two specific calamity dates were selected for Mars/Ketu -- June 7 (specifically at 6:00 PM) and June 13. July 10 was chosen for Mars/Saturn, when these two malefics exactly conjoin. July 6 is added as a second sensitive Mars/Saturn date. Then the Moon will be conjunct these planets. Here then are these sensitive dates, with sign positions:: Mars/Ketu: June 7 and June 13 at 26 degrees Cancer Mars/Saturn: July 6 and 10 at 11 degrees Leo There is one more wrinkle in this summer's planetary fabric -- a total solar eclipse August 1 at 15 1/2 degrees Cancer. This is added to the analysis. This will be a Ketu eclipse, making its effects weird. Examining the charts of nations and leaders* can narrow down types and locations of harms relating to these powerful conjunctions and the solar eclipse. Earlier Celestial Wheels have already alerted to risk in the U.S. and Iraq charts. Keep in mind that although Mars/Saturn is not so dangerous like Mars/Ketu in signifying a major loss, if it hits a planet in a chart within about 2 degrees, it will cause destruction. Too, even if neither the conjunctions nor the eclipse hit a planet, if the house location is difficult and/or if there are planets in the affected house, loss of some kind will result, even if indirect. The reason for this is that in Vedic Astrology a transiting planet affects the entire house/sign, just as turning on a light anywhere in a room illuminates the entire space. These factors can also be applied to your personal chart -- so if any are operative, it will cause you problems.**
(*The U.S. chart and charts of Iran, Iraq, Israel and Saudi Arabia were previously rectified because of the region's instability and oil reserves. See previous Celestial Wheels, The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient Karmas and Culmination In The Mideast. Charts of U.S. leaders, including the presidential candidates, are also available.) (** If you have your Vedic chart handy, check for any of these hitting one of your planets. If this occurs, a Chart Update will evaluate risk and plan avoidance strategies.)
The U.S. Chart Below is a World Transit chart (giving global planetary weather) showing the positions and dates of the Mars/Ketu and Mars/Saturn conjunctions and the solar eclipse. These points and dates can then be visually compared with the accompanying U.S. chart. (Note: charts of Iraq, Iran, Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as U.S.leaders will follow in the next Celestial Wheel.)
For the U.S. chart, Mars/Ketu at 26 degrees Cancer does not hit any planets, but it does occur in the eighth house of catastrophe, where Mercury and Rahu are placed. The U.S. Dasas, the planetary cycles symbolizing the underlying karmas will be: June 7 -- Moon/Sun/Sun/Ketu, June 13 -- Moon/Sun/Moon/Rahu. (These Dasa planets would only make sense to readers well acquainted with Vedic Astrology.) Taking all these influences together, a major physical violence in the U.S. is not indicated*, but financial markets and the economy (gas and grain prices and the real estate market) could violently respond to a calamity elsewhere on this interconnected globe. Mars/Saturn at 11 degree Leo also does not hit any chart planets, but it aspects eighth ruler Moon, just 4 degrees away. U.S. Dasas will be Moon/Sun/Rahu/Rahu on July 6. These become Moon/Sun/Rahu/Jupiter for July 10. The suggestion here is for an exaggerated emotional reaction which fails to curb the economic crisis. The total solar eclipse, however, is within a degree of Rahu -- the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point. Then, the U.S. Dasas will be Moon/Sun/Rahu/Mars. This is certainly negative and could signal a confidence collapse, revealing secreted government or private skullduggery, or a major physical disaster -- like a hurricane. (*Mars and Ketu are both Pitta -- fire. This naturally stimulates forest fires in this sign of Cancer, the home. Expect an uptick inforest fires, both in the U.S. and globally. Thank you subscriber B.R. in Arizona for this reminder.)
Reader Comments Although The Celestial Wheel is not a blog, reader's comments are invited and most welcome. Whether your observations come from Vedic Astrology or not, they both inform and stimulate new avenues of inquiry. With the U.S., and actually the entire globe, sliding into a recession, this summer's planetary stresses must further stress our material experiences. Too, there is the very real possibility that the recession of 2008 signals the beginningof the major depression predicted in the December 1, 2007 Through The Second Gilded Age. You can email your comments to or (Note: I shut down my 10 year old email address a month ago due to excessive spam.) In the meantime, I already laid out the charts for U.S. leaders Bush and Cheney, the three presidential candidates and the four Mideast nat ions. Now, only the analysis remains, and your comments will be helpful in stimulating conclusions.
Further Mars/Ketu & Mars/Saturn Conjunction Impacts The below May 23 Celestial Wheel completed analysis of the Mars/Ketu and Mars/Saturn conjunctions, added the summer solar eclipse* to this mix of challenging planetary karmas and interpreted these influences upon the U.S. chart. Here again are the sensitive dates and sign locations of each:
Remaining to be analyzed are: the charts for U.S. leaders Bush and Cheney, the three presidential candidates and the four Mideast nations. This Celestial Wheel addresses the first of these three groups. (*There is also a partial lunar eclipse on August 16 at 00 degrees Aquarius, but these factors so weaken eclipse effects, it will not signal anything major. Much more significant then will be Mercury and Venus conjunct Saturn, and this will be analyzed in a later Celestial Wheel.)
Impacts Upon U.S. Leaders -- Bush
Since last fall, G.W. Bush has piloted the ship of state with a mixture of deception and self-deception -- courtesy of his foolish 16 year Mercury Dasa (began May, 2006) and optimistic and powerfully influential subcycles of Rahu and Jupiter. Bush shifted belief in his commitment to principle from incontrovertible failures in the present to the unassailable prophecy that history will herald his greatness. This remarkable sleight of hand, however, is not Bush's idea, but rather brilliant Cheney's -- the real Bush's Brain. The latter's intellectual Moon/Mercury combination aspects Bush's second house of learning, knowledge and speech, as also does Cheney's philosophical Jupiter. (See Cheney's chart, below.) Bush thereby naturally and readily accepts Cheney's mental leadership. Too, for being a consummate liar, Bush doesn't know his own truth. Finally, Bush as President, has relied upon unwavering support from his third house close associates, seventh house relationships (partnerships) and eleventh house friends and groups.* (Note, the rulers of all these houses -- 3rd Mercury, 7th Saturn and 11th Venus -- are placed in Bush's first house of the self. This has brought unwavering support from his appointees and Republicans in both houses of Congress.)
So, as the economy began its relentless downward slide last fall, and Iraq became a conflict with no end, Cheney dressed Bush in a majestic robe of optimistic and self-certainty. Bush was able to perform this magic trick via powerfully advantageous subcycles: Mercury/Mercury/Rahu 9/28/07 -- 1/28/08, followed by Mercury/Mercury/Jupiter to 5/24. As of yesterday, May 24, however, Bush shifted to Mercury/Mercury/Saturn. In past years, Bush has used his cruel and stubborn Saturn to dominate, but now transit Saturn is very weak in his second house of speech.* We can see how much this disempowers Bush by Congress being poised to override his vetoes of the Farm Bill and the Iraq War Spending Bill. Bush vetoes ignored by Congress. Dorothy has finally pulled back the curtain hiding the Wizard Of Oz. This weak Saturn also harms his seventh house relationships. (*Transit Saturn receives only 1 point out of 8 in a weighting system called Ashtakavarga -- stimulating Saturn's destructiveness.)
The June 7 and June 13 Mars/Ketu conjunction at 26 degrees Cancer is close enough to bring significant harm to Bush's birth chart Venus at 28 degrees. It also impacts his 16 degree Mercury. Further, transit Venus and retrograde Mercury will be obliterated by being conjunct the Sun. Three potent karmas result: (1) Bush becomes even more incapable of thinking and speaking rationally. As the prediction for Mars/Ketu U.S. economic violence comes true, Bush will fail to respond effectively to stop, or even contain losses. (2) Bush may suffer the long predicted nervous breakdown. Recall the Western Astrology prediction that Bush will die in office because he was elected in a year ending with a "0." A nervous breakdown would be a kind of death, like Alzheimer's destroyed much of Reagan mind during his second term. (See the April 10, 2006 Celestial Wheel, which predicted a nervous breakdown, or a stroke, as the way Bush would die in office.) (3) Third house ruler Mercury's close associates and eleventh house ruler Venus' friends are injured. Bush's first bulwark was Dick Cheney, who has directed Bush's policies and self understanding from the beginning. The analysis below of Cheney's chart indicates he suffers from these summer conjunctions and the solar eclipse. The July 6 and 10 Mars/Saturn conjunction at 11 degrees Leo (Bush's second house of speech) will further harm Bush's ability to communicate, as well as stimulate further harm to his associations, for Saturn rules the seventh house of relationships -- partnerships. This confirms that disaster relief efforts will fail -- The Jupiter/Mars/Saturn combination will more likely result in a contest for power over relief efforts botched by Mercury retrograde effects -- making the earlier disaster more disastrous. Finally, the August 1 total solar eclipse at 15 1/2 degrees Cancer will be just one degree from Bush's mentally unstable Mercury, and less than two degrees from his Ascendant -- the point in the first house indicating the self and body. As another U.S. violence, this one, a confidence collapse, revealing secreted government or private skullduggery, or a major physical disaster -- like a hurricane, could be Bush's end, especially since he may not have Cheney's brilliance to guide and support him. Taking this all together, these summer transit conjunctions and the solar eclipse will throw the U.S. into a downward spiral, and G.W. Bush will be powerless to intercede. Bush may even suffer further and significant mental degradation, or physical harm, which could not be hidden from the public. Way back in The Celestial Wheel's infancy, the January 2, 2003 In-depth Celestial Wheel, Face-off Bush/Hussein, began with this haunting and eerily prescient prose, in the old Celestial Wheel blue.*
(*See also the July 25, 2007 Celestial Wheel.) It may very well be that he U.S. ship of state crashes on the rocky shore toward into which G.W. Bush has blindly steered. After all, Cheney, the wizard's wizard, will no longer be plotting a the course from in his hidden stateroom down below. (In Cheney's world, there's always a second curtain behind the first.)
Impacts Upon U.S. Leaders -- Cheney
Reviewing Sensitive Dates
The Mideast The Celestial Wheel has long been concerned about the Mideast. In fact, the very first predictive effort, Forecast August 2002 -- July 2003, published July 21, 2002, expressed concern about Iraq, stating, While the entire Mars transit through Scorpio until February 23 is threatening, January 27 can bring a violent calamity or even the beginning of the invasion of Iraq. Provocatively, this was a Mars/Ketu conjunction, but instead of that seething anger bringing the Iraq invasion, it actualized in the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster -- The Shuttle Calamity And The Future. Yet, G.W. Bush did set his first invasion date for early winter, and it was only the U.N. weapons inspections that delayed the water until the spring. A year and a half later, the June 24, 2004, The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient Karmas series (In-depth Forecast) postulated that humanity migrated out of Africa to battle through the Isthmus of Suez, and then fan out across the globe -- As the discord from these recurring ancient clashes touched everyone, it became a pervasive and deeply ingrained aggressive karma within humanity's nature -- an instinctual but protective memory, like fear of heights, not a cultural dictate passed on such dress and diet. Considering that Ketu is the past, and gas and oil, plus Rahu being the future, science and airplanes, can only be the oil that now brings humanity back from the most distant lands to the most ancient of all battlegrounds in the Mideast. ... God hid the oil under the Mideast deserts before humans stood upright so that at the right time, oil would draw us back to our common home in the Mideast to confront again our differences. That forecast, however, did sound a positive note, We can continue the karmically-rooted violent inheritance or abandon that disunity and exclusivity for the lasting peace and prosperity that can only come from unity and inclusivity. (Note: That 2004 forecast rectified the charts of four prominent Mideast nations -- Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Israel. Those foundation charts continue to be used. Hopefully, they sufficient, for rectifying nation charts is a lengthy process.)
Two and a half years later, the February 7, 2007 In-depth, Culmination In The Mideast followed up the The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient Karmas series, observing (emphasis added),
Here's the first glint of Mideast culmination. It now appears the U.S. invasion of Iraq, rather than bringing the intended peaceful democracy to the region (to secure long term cheap Ketu oil), is spawning instead a collective Mideast unity. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. is, after all, an Arab proverb. See, As Bush's Neoceonservative Approach Crumbles, Allies Step Into the Breach. This summer's planetary stresses will advance this still nascent movement, for oil is both the centerpiece of current global concern and a primary influence in the Mars/Ketu conjunction. Also fundamental to that forecast are that Iraq, Iran and Saudi Arabia were all hit by the March 2007 solar and lunar eclipses -- and recall that eclipses are signaled by the Moon's Nodes, Rahu and Ketu. As eclipse effects can endure for years, the timing of the predicted culmination of karma can thereby only be generalized. Too with Mideast media restricted, it's difficult to gauge how the fall 2006 shift of the major planets and the following spring 2007 eclipses impact these countries.
It is worthwhile noting that the law of karma includes mystery and surprise in how and where that karma will actualize. (God doesn't let us astrologers see too much!) That is certainly the case in in this summer's conjunctions and the solar eclipse, which, as will be shown below, do not sufficiently harm any of these charts sufficiently to predict where a catastrophe would occur. Thereby, any catastrophe(s) would occur in a nation whose chart is not known, nor analyzed.* Yet, there are sufficient planetary stresses to involve, or draw in, these Mideast countries regardless of where a catastrophe would occur. (* the famed Chakrapani Ullal, in a radio interview about 9-11, stated, You know, people would have been able to predict it but what happens is that this mundane astrology is meant for leisurely work. People who are funded can have the time to do this leisurely work for the purpose of research. It requires the interest in pursuing that sort of information. For instance, if there is an organization, like the government funding money to research scientists, funding a hundred astrologers then they would be able to do all this kind of work.)
Looking at these four key nations for this summer's challenging conjunctions and the eclipse, let's see how these may advance the culmination of karma in the Mideast.
Iraq And Iran
Saudi Arabia And Israel
Conclusions Taking all four of these charts together, it appears that no major catastrophe is indicated for the Mideast this summer. Yet, The Mideast will be drawn into a catastrophe with global reach, and there will be a peak in violence and discord that could further draw the Arab nations together with the Iranian Persians for a unified Mideast -- against the West. Too, Israel's reshape its leadership and policies from aggressive male to cooperative female could remove this frustrating impediment to the region's progress and perhaps even begin the process of integrating this essentially western nation into its eastern roots.