September 3, 2011 The Second To Last Lap Today marks the end of the second to last lap (and the beginning of the final lap) of the arduous Mars/Saturn demolition derby that began July 26 and will end September 8. However, as always for the planets, it's not over til it's over. There is plenty of punch left in this combination of these two great malefics aspecting each other. The past Monday's (August 29) Vedicleaks summarized Mars/Saturn harms during the previous week and looking ahead to this week, suggesting for this second to last lap,
The truly bad news is that the prediction in the July 4 In-depth Forecast, Tipping Point, is fully actualizing with the Mars/Saturn mutual aspect, Hiring standstill points to growing recession risk. This bring us to m second acronym, FIF. People, and businesses too, have stopped spending money because they are Frozen In Fear. Unfortunately, that sentiment is found in the reactionary elements of the far right and government, which are determined to reduce Federal spending. The result of private and public sector spending dropping must be the economy falling back into recession. But, the rich are doing very, very well. So many remain deceived. See my Facebook post, ![]() Today begins the last lap of the Mars/Saturn strife. All eyes are on tropical storm Lee as he pours buckets on the Gulf Coast, and there's a wary eye on Hurricane Katai's track to the north. Note that last Monday's VedicLeaks prediction appears accurate, Certainly, Mars/Saturn harms will continue until the September 8 end date. Even though these planets are separating now -- their energies withdrawing -- the energies build, especially during a long association like this one: 7/26 to 9/8. The difference coming forward would be less explosive but more powerful harms. The U.S. chart remains badly afflicted through September 7, although protective Jupiter does come into it's planetary cycles tomorrow -- giving some protection. Still, as stated at the beginning of this entry, it's not over til it's over. So continue to use care in your activities and check to make sure your socks match. Post Script September 5. Since the Mars/Saturn mutual aspect will end September 8 (actually just before dawn on Friday, the 9th), with Mars transiting into Cancer, their harms will then be finished. This suggests tropical storm Lee will finish its damaging flooding will wind down then. Hurricane Katia is forecasted to be still out at sea then, indicating it will not strike the U.S. However, Mars/Saturn harms will certainly continue through Thursday. The European markets are spinning down today, drought stricken Texas is besieged by forest fires..... But, further earthquakes seem unlikely.
September 9, 2011 The below Heads-up was emailed to Subscribers this evening.
Post Script September 10. While the U.S. chart is very sensitive now to turmoil in Government and business, not all the angst people are experiencing can be linked to that karma. Even adding in the just-ended Mars/Saturn turbulence and the tenth anniversary of 9-11 is inadequate. Here are the additional karmas in three key planets being indisposed. ![]() ![]() ![]() Overall, the effects are more subjective than objective, although Mars' accidents in water sign Cancer with Venus vehicles explains Ship carrying at least 600 sinks off Tanzanian coast; nearly 200 bodies recovered. The media has reminded us that major violences are often carried out by one insane personal, like the mass murders in Sweden recently. Look then to individual acts, not pre-planned group violences, like 9-11 2001, to hit the globe, remembering the U.S. is particularly vulnerable. In this regard, use care in your personal lives. But remember too, during intervals of emotional stress, the darkest hour is just before the dawn. Post Script on 9-11: Events Sunday will tend not to be reported for concern about riling folks up n 9-11. That's why Monday's news will be important. Still, the sensitivity, especially in the U.S. chart, continues on Monday, and into Tuesday as well -- government, business and violences. An afflicted full Moon can aggravate events by making them more impactive and serious.
September 19, 2011
Two Impactive Transits The Celestial Wheel has periodically explained that Vedic Astrology's predictive quality arises from the combination of Dasas (planetary cycles) and transits. This was most recently reviewed in the July 4 In-depth Forecast Tipping Point,
We now naturally look ahead to find upcoming transits that will act as more signposts giving caution to challenging conditions ahead. Fallen Mars Transit Through Cancer Below is the transit wheel for today, using the natural zodiac beginning with Aries. This thereby symbolizes global planetary weather. As shown, Mars is in its fallen sign in Cancer in the 4th house of the home (land). This results in destructions, which can be either to property or to Cancer's kapha (water) signification. ![]() World Transits today September 19, 2011
Last year on April 20, the BP oil rig exploded, and Mars was similarly in Cancer. There were also vicious storms and floods across the Midwest U.S. through May 25, when Mars transited out of Cancer. When the BP oil well exploded, transit Mars was at 14:31 degrees Cancer, just over 2 degrees from the U.S. chart's Rahu at 16:51 degrees in the 8th house of catastrophe. (That chart is not included here.) On October 1, transit Mars will be similarly closing in on the U.S. chart's Rahu, and other planetary dispositions confirm that will be a truly sensitive date. The nature of Mars' destruction(s) has not yet been analyzed, but most assuredly, this is very tough karma for the U.S. Mars will continue in Cancer until October 29. wrecking his violences upon both the world and notably the U.S. As with the tragedies during April and May 2010, whatever happens in October of this year will further harm the U.S. economy -- proving out further economic hardship during the primary karma harmful Mars/Saturn Dasa. Sun/Venus/Mercury Venus and Mercury, being always positioned near the Sun from the vantage point of the earth, are thereby always in fairly close proximity. Looking again at the world transit chart for today, we can see Venus is in its fallen sign of Virgo, approaching Saturn. Venus is vehicles. In combination with Mars' signification for machinery failing in Cancer, the two air show crashes occurred, Pilot killed in W.Va. air show crash. ![]() World Transits today September 19, 2011 This world transit chart for September 23
shows that Mercury has now joined the Sun and Venus in Virgo.
Virgo is the 6th house of enemies, conflicts, debts and illness.
All three will have to cross Saturn, the great malefic, over the coming
weeks: Venus on September 29, Mercury October 5 and the Sun
October 12. Saturn's destructions, losses, setbacks and delays
will impact each, and considering this is three planets, it will be a
gauntlet of misery.
![]() World Transits September 23, 2011 Since Mercury, Venus and the Sun will be so afflicted through mid October, and Mars will also
be causing chaos in Cancer, the next several weeks will bring further
economic losses -- another step down for the double-dip during the
Mars/Saturn Dasa in the U.S chart.
It is also useful pointing out that Venus and Mercury are personal planets, as really the Sun is as well. This means that some significant trials and tribulations will impact us individually, as opposed to governments. (Health is a major issue.) The latter are more impacted by adverse combinations of Mars, Saturn and Rahu.
Being Composed
Transits Results The above September 19 VedicLeaks explained the nature, and increasingly intensity, of Mars' transit through its fallen sign Cancer and the Sun/Venus/Mercury trio crossing Saturn in Virgo. Predicted effects are: Mars destructions, which can be either to property or to Cancer's kapha (water) signification. ...whatever happens in October of this year will further harm the U.S. economy -- proving out further economic hardship during the primary karma harmful Mars/Saturn Dasa. Sun/Venus/Mercury Virgo is the 6th house of enemies, conflicts, debts and illness. ...Saturn's destructions, losses, setbacks and delays will impact each, and considering this is three planets, it will be a gauntlet of misery. Already, these double, but fortunately not related, global impact transit karmas, are hitting their marks.
Also as regard Sun/Venus/Mercury, the September 19 VedicLeaks cautioned, It is also useful pointing out that Venus and Mercury are personal planets, as really the Sun is as well. This means that some significant trials and tribulations will impact us individually, as opposed to governments. (Health is a major issue.)
Subscriber Comments K.M. in Florida writes,
S.W. in Arizona writes regarding the Mars & Saturn Recap
Clarity & Integration The Celestial Wheel's primary and continuing focus has long been to track and anticipate the unfolding of the Millennium Contraction -- 2008 through 2015. Yes, other things are happening in the the U.S. and abroad, but the long term transforation occurring now both trumps everything else and also ties into those other topics. For example, anthropological discoveries about evolution influence the ongoing debate between science and Christian creationists, which is a current key societal issue with political, educational and scientific ramifications which help steer the transformation. Similarly, new studies on global warming help us understand the need to move beyond fossil fuels. Investment in green energy also has the very concrete benefit of reinvigorating the economy. And this links to the again very concrete issue of global warming bringing and more intense storms and droughts, which harm the economy. Clarity is the top priority, for it's easy to miss the forest for the trees -- both in publishing the information and for those reading it. Yes, the forecasting is done via Vedic planetary symbolism, for that's the language used here to understand and describe events and circumstances -- just as a mathematics article uses equations. It also gives logic to the information. Making pronouncements without rationale is easier to read but lacks a way to verify and even more importantly, gain context -- historical, cultural, economic and political. Planetary symbolism gives a framework for weaving the threads of individual influences into a whole cloth of understanding. Knowing well the public does not resonate well with Eastern Vedic Astrology, for Western Tropical Astrology is the native language, every effort is made to be clear. Planetary influences are explained factually, even bluntly, and predictions are stated simply. Ongoing reviews of predictions and results reinforce clarity, showing where and how predictions have been born out, or not. Integration is the other essential. These Short-subject VedicLeaks, published in several entries each month on a monthly web page, examine specific current and upcoming planetary karmas and their consequences. In-depth Forecasts then gather these pieces of information together and integrate them into broader perspectives. An example is the U.S. chart's paranoid mysticism that drives the far right's terrorism fears, racism, the Tea Party... (See the August 2008 VedicLeaks-- U.S. Psychology -- and also the March 2010 Tug Of War).* The former may be compared to hearing symphonic melodies on the radio and the latter to attending the orchestral symphony. But even with this two-step effort, it's very difficult to follow this never-ending story. A major issue here is the distracting cacophony of (mostly) corporate-owned media claims on our attention via newspapers, magazine, radio, television, computers, smart phones, tablets and readers... These not only confuse with the immense amount of information, but the information itself is increasingly unreliable in this age of yellow journalism (See again Tug Of War). This is a real problem as our lives are already over-filled with stresses to get through each day when the world around us is transforming -- everything we have thought was fixed is not. The unexpected has become the expected. Terra firma has become slippery, even muddy and all-to-often quicksand or even flooded or parched. So, another Celestial Wheel pops into your in-box, and you experience a reflexive, Oh No, not more information, and probably just as much, Oh No, not more negative information. You may even respond, Yeh, the predictions are right again, but so what? I'm trying to get a new job, move to another place, figure out how to bail out my underwater home, take care of my family, my children, my parents...... (*Western Astrology has propagated a myth it has an exclusive franchise on psychology and that Vedic Astrology only predicts events and results. The truth is that effective predictions can only be achieved by unveiling natural phenomena and psychological drives.)
So What? It's useful here to step back and take a considered look at how Celestial Wheel information has helped you understand your world, illuminating your path ahead and most valuably, take heart that there is indeed order in the universe. The world goes on, just as new melodies are composed and then formed into symphonies that enrich, inspire and uplift. There is always a path ahead through the swamp to firm ground. And, the experiences we have are destined and serve to make us grow, to advance on our individual paths toward self awareness and self understanding. Vedic Astrology is known in Hinduism as The Eye of the Vedas for its unique role in seeing the past and present and anticipating the future. This is not inconsistent with other believe systems, and in fact, dovetails with those for the universality of philosophic, religious and cultural systems that there is a purpose to life, for there is order in the universe.
Upcoming Sensitive Dates Getting back to the predictive grind, the above September 19 entry discussed the impactive transits of Mars in its fallen sign of Cancer and the trio of Venus, Mercury and Sun crossing restrictive Saturn in Virgo. Some early results were published, again above, September 23. These karmas too advance the Millennium Contraction -- one more step ahead toward the goal of reforming society to regain shared democratic values. (Note: Venus, Mercury and the Sun, being personal planets, tend to impact our lives rather than only bring major world events. And since the sign of Virgo relates to illness, health is an issue.) While Venus crossed Saturn yesterday, she remains under Saturn's influence and is also approaching it's point of maximum debilitation -- making her very weak. So, Venus remains of concern for the next few days. In the U.S. chart, Venus is groups, goals and debts, which have certainly been challenged and will continue to be under fire. (The Republicans keep changing their favorite candidate, and Obama shifts from being an effective leader to an inept one in the public's view.) In your personal life Venus' contentment, joy, love, females and physically, the reproductive system, throat and kidneys are sensitive.
Beyond the sensitive dates listed below, turbulence should be expected through calendar October. Venus, Mercury and the Sun will all have cleared out of Virgo by October 19, but Mars will remain in Cancer until month's end. (November will naturally bring a whole new set of planetary karmas, and that month will be analyzed in an upcoming VedicLeaks. The Celestial Wheel of karma continues to role along and never stops, just as time always marches on -- And Vedic Astrology is most essentially about time.) Consider these sensitive dates only as karmic peaks, not exclusive dates for events. The September 19 entry suggested the following sensitive dates, and I've added some specific harmful karmas.
Notice the these two above transit crossings overlap October 5 and 6. In doubling up the karma, effects are more likely and intense.
October 3 -- the above sensitive dates have been updated. |