November 7, 2011 Saturn's Virgo Finale Today marks the planet of misfortune's final week in Virgo, sixth sign of the natural zodiac, signifying illness, debts, conflicts and enemies in the natural zodiac (global planetary weather) and the tenth house of the public and government officials in the U.S. Vedic chart. This potent transit-ending, which only occurs every 2 1/2 years or so, has been described and discussed as to results in the October 25 and 31VedicLeaks. Don't ignore this! As explained in those October VedicLeaks, Saturn increases his malefic effects right through the last day in Virgo. Further, on November 12 and 13, Mercury and Venus will conjoin malefic Rahu (the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) in the U.S. chart's twelfth house of loss and suffering. Know that Saturn is the one planet that cannot be resisted, although it is still possible to have some success by playing karmic dodge ball. For example, if one has cardiac illness, then avoiding physical and emotional stresses, eating and drinking moderately, taking ones medication..... will minimize heart attack risk. Too, while Jupiter, the great benefic, is the wisdom we're born with, Saturn, the planet of reality, teaches lessons by experience. And because these slessons involve suffering of some kind, they imprint solidly, often permanently. As children, we only had to touch the hot stove once to learn not to do that again! Saturn will thankfully leave Virgo next Monday, November 14 at 8 PM Eastern Time. Thereby, we should add that Saturn finale Monday to the sensitive dates of Saturday and Sunday, November 12, 13.
Saturn Effects Following are some highlights. There's a lot more going on now. Herman Cain continues to be barraged with sexual discrimination claims. This afternoon, Fourth Woman Accuses Cain of Sexual Harassment. Again in the U.S.. tomorrow will be two referendum elections. Mississippi voters will decide on a radical personhood law, Mississippi personhood amendment poised to pass. Ohio voters will also go to the pollls, Ohio Referendum on Public Employee Unions Looks Bad for GOP. These are classic examples of the ongoing war between the radical conservative and progressive interests as the U.S. struggles with the Millennium Contraction. Some battles will be won, some lost, but victory will come to the people. The ongoing Occupy movement is the national and grass-roots effort to restore shared democratic values. As a Sprint representative just told me on the phone, I thought we were a democracy, not just a capitalist system. Jupiter, which is ethics, has been weakly retrograde since August 30 in Scorpio, a Mars'-ruled sign. Mars' energy on Jupiter stimulates advocacy. Jupiter turns forward Christmas Day, regaining his power. This suggests the new year will see protests rise in scope and action. Don't be surprised to at news of rioting instead of watching the ball fall in Times Square. Again, Dick Cheney is at health risk. Israel's plan to attack Iran's nuclear facilities has been leaked to prevent that, Israeli PM orders investigation into Iran leak. The September 15 In-depth Forecast, Mars & Saturn Recap, stated, Israel's Vedic chart is very bad now... suggesting it will experience further and more serious challenges. This results from Israel's planetary cycles being the mental planets Moon and Mercury -- June 19, 2011 to November 8, 2012. This combination results in too much thinking. That cognition is emotionally colored by the perceptional Moon being with depressing Saturn and Mercury's calculating mind fearful, even paranoid, in the eighth house of catastrophes. Regardless of how this coming week turns out, this cycle can only end badly for Israel. The European debt crisis is a bubbling caldron. I tried to find a good chart for Greece, but there are several possibilities -- independence from the Ottoman Empire in 1821, a 1974 coup... Unfortunately, without a reliable Greek chart, no prediction on its debt can be made. Yet, expect this conflict over debts to continue through next Monday. . Of course, Italy is also in turmoil. This separative Saturn energy also naturally hits own our personal Vedic charts. For me, Virgo is my twelfth house of loss, and Saturn rules my fourth house of the home and fifth of children. Well, I preempted the first by moving from Longboat Key to Venice last week. Alas, it seems I've become a permanent traveler. My daughter in Carson City, NV, however, still hasn't be able to shake a cold, although she did take my advice to take care of herself physically until she fully recovers.
November 8 Heads-up. The following was emailed directly to Subscriber Participants this morning,
Wrap Up -- Saturn's Virgo Ending The above November 17 VedicLeaks entry issued a final caution on Saturn's misfortunes and miseries during his last days in Virgo -- ended Monday at 8 PM. The date and time finale was cited because Saturn not only waits until the end of his transit through a sign to do his worst, he continues to do so until the very end. Saturn's Karmas (influences) were summarized as, illness, debts, conflicts and enemies in the natural zodiac (global planetary weather) and the tenth house of the public and government officials in the U.S. Vedic chart. A caution was also given for earthquakes, and Turkey experienced a major quake last Wednesday, Turkey 5.6-Magnitude Earthquake Death Toll Rises. But, Saturn wasn't through with this harm as he struck Turkey again yesterday Magnitude 5.2 quake hits eastern Turkey; already a virtual ghost town after earlier tremors. At 1:00 AM in Turkey, Saturn was at 29:58 degrees. Thankfully concerns over the U.S., Japan and Haiti did not actualize. Debt-oriented conflict continued to rile Europe. On Saturday, Berlusconi Resigns: Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi Steps Down After 17 Year. Then, there was all the craziness with Rick Perry's mind melt last Wednesday and Herman Kane's sexual advances issue. Plus now, On Libya, Herman Cain has his own ‘oops’ moment. These fit with U.S. government officials -- at least the political side. Unfortunately, the Penn State sexual abuse scandal came out of the blue, and Saturn's role can be seen in yesterday's attempt to dodge, Penn State scandal: Sandusky tells Costas he showered with boys but denies abuse. As Saturn is unforgiving, and his effects enduring, these three men will not escape the results of their actions, and their attempts to dodge the karma must only make the consequences worse. Many clients did report personal loses, including the three with parents on their last lap. One was hospitalized once, another twice and the third had further tests in the hospital. Although Saturn is the great malefic, he can also be understood as the remover of misery, for he clears out fated harmful karmas, making room for new productive energies While we all have to deal with these losses, the truly important task is to recognize their value to your futures. There were some celebrity deaths, including Andy Rooney and Joe Frazier. Whether this is an uptick or not is yet unknown. Oddly, there have been several deaths at Occupy protests. As the media doesn't always know of, nor report, major items right away, which fits well with slow Saturn. So, let's wait a few days for full results.
Upcoming Planetary Karmas There are several impactive planetary karmas coming forward by year's end and into the new year. This listing is only a preliminary alert that things will be popping the next several weeks and then really transforming for the next several months. In summary, the eclipses with Mercury retrograde will signal further strife in December, which will further stimulate protests this coming winter and spring. Times are tough, but it's also true that only through turmoil comes change and the planetary winds are also stimulating action. The Times They Are A Changin.
Saturn Fatigue And Irritation One never knows how karma, symbolized by planetary dispositions, will actualize. Yes, sometimes very specific and timely predictions can be made -- like the hurricanes and earthquakes during the July 8 to September 4 Mars/Saturn conflict, Mars & Saturn Recap. Saturn's ending in Virgo during the middle weeks in November (ending last Monday evening), brought some, but truly, not all the predicted results. And these were not as severe as suggested. Still, sometimes events are not made public right away. So, watch the media for events the occurred before last Tuesday as regards, illness, debts, conflicts and enemies in the natural zodiac (global planetary weather) and the tenth house of the public and government officials in the U.S. Vedic chart. Certainly the Supercommittes's failure to reach agreement on debt reduction yesterday is in this milieu, Debt committee failure will become official with written joint statement, for they were likely deadlocked by last Monday. But there has been one provocative consequence -- Saturn stresses to individuals wore folks down, resulting in fatigue and irritation. Clients reported being exhausted -- one returning from a trip took a six hour nap! I fell asleep watching TV on my computer on at 9 PM both Friday and Saturday -- waking up a few hours later to the eerie glow of a blue screen. And in my scooter travels around town, I noticed sales clerks were short-tempered and winter snow birds grumbling. There is no other planetary disposition that can account for this result. It appears, however, that personal batteries are getting recharged. Too, there's the additional opportunity for R&R during this week's Thanksgiving Holiday. So, take it easy, especially with a solar eclipse on Friday, discussed in the next section.
Eclipse Season Begins As stated in the above November 16 entry, there will be a partial solar eclipse this coming Friday, November 25, at 8 degrees Scorpio. Eclipse effects actually begin a several days before the astronomical event. Eclipse seasons always bring instability, as the fundamental Sun and Moon are eclipsed, which means blocked. However, during an eclipse, the sky darkens, and the stars come out. Thus, eclipses are also revealing. So, expect stuff to happen. While solar eclipses are more potent than eclipses of the Moon, the partial nature of this eclipse greatly reduces its impact -- like a fighter receives a blow to the chest, rather than a knockdown punch to the chin. Still, it a major blow. The eclipse will affect areas the Sun symbolizes -- ego (self), the soul (ones deepest beliefs), kings (government leaders), father and physically: the body, skeleton, spine, heart and head. The location in Scorpio, the eighth house of secrets and turmoil in the natural zodiac, is a further influence. American spies outed, CIA suffers in Lebanon fits with this eclipse, especially since it occurs in the U.S. chart's twelfth house of loss. Further, the U.S. is running the struggle-indicating combination of Mars and Saturn in its planetary cycles, with the third level cycle planet becoming the Sun as of today. This confirms the solar eclipse karmas. However, this is only validation, not a prediction. Predictions are foresight. Hindsight doesn't count. Expect more challenges for the U.S. through this week. For example, reverberations from the debt reduction committee's failure will surely rattle the markets and halls of government. It's fortunate Thanksgiving will cut this short.
Uncertainty It seems so long ago, but actually less than a decade, since an early Celestial Wheel titled Face-off 2003 Bush/Hussein was published in early January 2003. Then, nobody knew if and when the U.S. would invade Iraq, but everyone suspected, and many feared, it would happen. This Preface described the mood at the time,
It would be just a month later when Colin Powell delivered his hyped-up intelligence report to the U.N. proving Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, which then cleared the way for the invasion in April. Those lies quickly fell to reality. But it was too late, for the war had begun, Powell's Case for Iraq War Falls Apart 6 Months Later. The situation now is analogous, although of course not the same -- except for the public's unease, its uncertainty, and thereby our fear for the future. And these feelings are actually heightened by the Second Gilded Age peaking, then disintegrating into the Millennium Contraction, wearing on us now for over three years -- a grinding wheel. Following are some current headlines that demonstrate challenges -- but don't fit together in any semblance of a pattern.
This is a very tough Mercury retrograde, causing confusion, doubt and fear. It was summarized in the above November 24 Heads-up, With Mercury (placed) in the midst of the eclipses, this retrograde will be eventful. That prediction is even more impactive because the actual Mercury retrograde falls almost exactly into the instability interval indicated by the eclipse season. Right now, Mercury is backing into Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, which overstimulates the mind and brings fear of attack. That the sign is hidden and secretive Scorpio exacerbates -- and in world events, reveals secreted information. Below is a transit chart -- where the planets are in today's skies -- for today. This is global planetary weather, effecting everyone and every location. Notice how close Mercury is to Rahu. Notice too that Mars throws an aggressive aspect to the hot Sun -- bringing impatience and anger. Recall that the partial solar eclipse was November 25, the total lunar eclipse will be December 10 and that the eclipse season signifies instability. You don't need to understand Vedic Astrology to get the message.
Due to these planetary influences, I can't see clearly the above world events may mean, nor how they specifically relate to these transits -- both of Mercury and the eclipses, which are also transits. My Mayan friend, Patricia Flores describes this by saying she is blocked. Vedic Astologer Carol Allen describes the planets as being wonky. Just hang in there. It doesn't seem that anything more difficult than what has already been happening will come a knockin at our doors. The holiday season naturally deepens the emotional stress. As I told my daughter in Nevada after a disappointing Thanksgiving, Sometimes the holidays is just a period to get through. When Jupiter turns forward Christmas day, his optimism, wisdom, ethics and even fortune will come forward, beginning to replace the impenetrable and worrisome fog... that penetrates right to worried bones.