No New Years Forecast Celestial Wheel forecasting doesn't pop out on schedule, like the daily newspaper, or even whole wheat in a toaster. Insight don't come that way. Spirit doesn't wear a watch. The December 21, 2013, In-depth Forecast, Happy Holidays & Winter Solstice Too, actually wrote a lot about 2014 in describing a basic energetic shift, After a long economic contraction and Congress blocking both the president and itself, the public was disgusted. Insightful leaders then began uplifting the collective unconscious -- bringing the demand for positive action and consequent hope for the future. Thus, the Second Progressive Age has begun. If you missed the signal event here, on December 18, gridlock was broken, Senate passes bipartisan budget agreement. This was a result of the Saturn/Rahu conjunction in Libra, about which The Celestial Wheel created Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013. The section, Your Personal Experiences explained,
There was further discussion in Happy Holidays & Winter Solstice Too about Saturn, the planet of reality. First, as President Obama is now running his 19 year Saturn Dasa (planetary cycle),
Second, Saturn has been impacting the U.S. chart as well. (Note the last sentence here about the minimum wage, which an East Indian Participant, in charming Queen's English exclaimed yesterday, Spot On!)
Third, Saturn doesn't yield easily, and just because a key battle in the long war to restore shared democratic values has been won, doesn't mean there's no more tough sledding ahead. The hard right will doubtless raise more cane this winter when the debt ceiling must be increased again, in their perpetual battle to shrink government and favor the rich. (Mars will be stimulating these disputes for the next several months.) That section of Happy Holidays & Winter Solstice Too continued this positive, But overall, the right is weakening, for the more they double-down with austerity and Christian values efforts, the further they will isolate themselves from the rest of society. So, they'll lose more battles in their war against the rest of us. Yes, they receive probably 80% of the hard right vote, but since the hard right is only 20% of the nation, they truly only have only 16% of total voter support. Remember, in America, 20% are on each end of the bell curve, leaving the 60% in the middle to decide elections. Next November will be here sooner than we expect. To show how extreme, actually extremely crazy, the far right has become, look at the four sons in the Phil Robertson clan of bearded red necks in Duck Dynasty -- before the reality show. In case you have already forgotten, patriarch Phil created a fire storm for his bashing gays, blacks and anyone else not fitting his Christian white man mean-spirited version of America. A&E first banned Phil from further filming, then relented to the pressure December 28, 'Duck Dynasty' to resume filming with Phil Robertson after A&E lifts ban. Interestingly, Disney, the creator of Donald Duck, owns one half A&A and Hearst, the 19th century creator of yellow journalism, the other half. Here's a family hunting pic from the reality show,
And, here's a pic from the Daily Kos article, Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job. No, those aren't guns. They are miniature golf clubs. And the boys aren't out in the backwoods hunting. That's a cruise ship swimming pool deck! No swamp buggies or ducks within 1000 miles.
If you liked that article, you'll split your redneck ribs with, Duck Dynasty: Pre-Beard Family Photo Album. And since we're having fun with the far right actually believing reality shows are reality, here's a pic of Sister Sarah Palin defending Brother Phil in an oh-so-cute combat fatigue blouse, (Sarah Palin’s Hypocrisy – Defends Phil Robertson’s Free Speech, But Not Martin Bashir’s.)
But even ignorance does sway Sister Sarah, Sarah Palin Admits She Defended Phil Robertson's Anti-Gay Remarks Before Even Reading Them Sarah Said, “I haven’t read the article,” Palin responded. “I don’t know exactly how he said it. But, Greta, what he was doing was in response to a question about a lifestyle that he disagrees with. And yet he has said over and over again, he doesn’t hate the person engaging in a lifestyle he disagrees with. But in response, he was quoting the Gospel.” What's next? You won't have to wait long for Sarah Palins upcoming second reality show, Sarah Palin gets new reality TV show on the Sportman's channel, Amazing America with Sarah Palin” will be an anthology of stories that explore some of the most original, interesting — and sometimes inspiring — people, places and pastimes connected to America’s outdoors lifestyle. Expect Phil and the boys, and the girls too, will be prominent visitors, perhaps even demonstrating their new backfire gun line, "Duck Dynasty" launches its own line of guns. And I got some news for the boys too, hers are reality show tits.
And guess what Dasa Sarah has been running since June 2012? Saturn! And where is her Saturn placed? It's in the sixth house of disputes with her fighting Mars. Sadly, she's not dealing well with Saturn's aging karma. Remember Saturn's nature, however, For Saturn, one either performs ones duty and responsibility to others, or his cold hard glacial nature slowly crushes you. It's also said of Saturn that he often lifts you up just to drop you down. Richard Nixon was running Saturn Dasa when he was forced to resign. G.W. Bush ran Saturn until May, 2006, by which time he had cut taxes, started two doomed wars and cut brush on his Texas ranch while the housing bubble expanded to bursting. Seems like the whole far right's agenda has backfired, but they just don't know it yet.
Mars, as the planet of action, makes things happen. That's why he's the first planet to consider in mundane astrology -- world affairs, which is what The Celestial Wheel is about. As Mars is the operative Dasa in the U.S. Vedic chart (December 2008 to December 2015) he's doubly important. Let's then take a short detour to learn more about Mars, which most know simply s the planet of war. (Note that this information is naturally helpful to you personally -- to expand your understanding of Mars in your own Vedic chart.) Mars is Pitta -- fiery. He's second only to cold Saturn, the great malefic, in his ability to harm. But Mars is the opposite of Saturn. Mars is hot and fast, compared with cold Saturn being slow, even immobile. Mars is the volcano, Saturn the glacier. Mars is the sprinter and Saturn the endurance runner. Mars is most generally: discord, arguments, anger, attacks, wars, explosions, weapons, fire, storms, violences of all kinds and sports. In the body, he's infections, especially fevers, and acute illness. Body parts are the hands and the blood. In the family, Mars is brothers. As the planet of desire, Mars is greed, envy and intolerance, impatience and temper. Mars is selfish, caring only about the ends, not the means. He lies for personal gain. To get what he wants, Mars will run over you and not look back. Mars is thereby amoral, even immoral. As his opposite, female Venus lives life to love. Male Mars hates and kills to survive. But malefics aren't solely harmful, just as benefics like Jupiter are not only helpful. (For example, Jupiter expands, which makes some people fat.) Mars is also courage, physical energy, logic, achievements, leadership, courage, independence, adventures, coordination, the military, firemen, police, sports, strength, engineering, independence, farmers, landed property, and, curiously, animals. (Isn't there a news network named after a Mars-crafty animal?) Thus, we need Mars, but we must use his hot aggressive energy with care for productive goals and safe results, especially those that use his energy aggressively. Mars' inventing fire was a tremendous advance for humanity, but fires also burn ones hands, buildings and even entire cities. Yet, sometimes one does have to fight fire with fire, and this is especially true in wars to stop excessively Martian aggressors. It's no accident that Germany launched two world wars in the twentieth century and also has the world's best engineering. Mars' two sides are dramatically shown in the BP oil rig disaster and the onset of fracting, a great economic boom, that began with his U.S. Dasa in 2008. Texas reports record monthly oil production rate, The Texas oil boom started in 2008, when new technology reversed decades of decline. Hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling renewed old fields and opened new ones. Yet, because fracting is a Mars creation, and Mars' is malefic, the process also harms the environment, particularly water supplies. Plus, the increased gas and oil supplies retard the switch to clean energy. Thus, even when Mars does good, his essential malefic nature still shines through.
Mars In The U.S. Chart This U.S. chart graphic shows Mars' placement in the seventh house, it's ruling the pink-shaded fifth and twelfth houses and the three aspects Mars gives. Here are some highlights.
We've also seen liberalization of marijuana, and not just for medical purposes, but recreational as well. This results because Mars aspects the second house of food quality. Mars' aspect to the tenth house of government officials is also to Saturn, manipulative for that planet ruling the second house of income and third house of desires. Saturn is thereby the rough side of capitalism -- the greedy corporations and modern day robber barons, notably monopolists and big bankers. Yes, Mars stimulates immobile Saturn to action, but both being malefics, Saturn's symbolism for authority figures means abuse of authority. Thus, Mars/Saturn is criminal. Prisons are full of Mars/Saturn folks, just like the far right Tea Party gun nuts re Mars/Saturn types. Beyond birth chart Mars aspecting the U.S. tenth house, his transit is currently also in the tenth. This combination punch doubles Mars' planetary karmas. Further, transit effects are more obvious, in stimulating worldly and impactive results, even as they may be temporary -- like storm damage. Mars entered Virgo November 26, 2013. Although he will transit into Libra February 4, 2014, his stay and journey into Libra are fairly short because he then turns retrograde March 1. That brings Mars back into Virgo on March 25. Mars turns forward again May 20. He'll finally leave Virgo for good on July 14, 2014 Thereby, except for his deep winter detour into Libra, Mars will be in Virgo from late November 2013 to mid July 2014 -- eight and one half long months. This must be disruptive, for the longer a planet stays in a sign, the greater its impacts. And even the winter detour into Libra will not provide respite, for Mars will be even more disruptive as he changes signs twice. (The above mentioned BP disaster occurred when Mars was similarly in Cancer for 8 months. That was followed by horrific spring storms, flooding and tornadoes.)
However, look again at the above U.S. chart to see Mars influences five house/signs: his placement, the signs he rules and his three aspects. Considering also his transit, that again influences his placement, the signs he rules and his three aspects -- no one will escape this tough Mars transit unscathed. Now, because the U.S. Dasas are Mars major and Venus minor (October 25, 2013 to December 25, 2014), loving, cooperative and compassionate benefic Venus must tone down Mars aggressions. Still, Mars in turn inflames Venus, which brings passion in all things. That is why the hard-hearted me first Mars is beginning to yield to a potent compassion. This explains the groundswell support for remedying income (and wealth) inequality in this age of the 1% and the rest of us. Raising the minimum wage is the major thrust now, and certainly other government actions will follow -- closing tax loopholes for the rich, reducing corporate welfare, maintaining the safety net... Too, isn't ObamaCare, notably in the health exchanges for the uninsured and expansion of Medicaid for the poor, also compassionate Venus energy -- just in time? You bet. There is one truly interesting thing about this Venus cycle. Venus is one of the two female planets. The other is the Moon. Look then to women voting in larger numbers in next November's elections -- especially since their reproductive rights have been attacked by the far right male Martians. Women will turn the tide, even though all the experts believe the House will stay in Republican control because of gerrymandering. Not all the mean spirited white men in America can beat this energy, The Client List ~ NEW Promo Music Video "I'm a W.O.M.A.N." Oh, and Sarah Palin, give it up! Yet, still, this long Mars transit through Virgo is very rough. Recalling that the tenth house of government officials and Saturn there symbolizes greedy and manipulative capitalists, the public sector will be at war with itself -- In Washington DC, the States and locally. (Note: This VedicLeaks entry was published at 2:45 PM. It wasn't until the evening news that the Chris Christie scandal broke, Christie Faces Scandal on Traffic Jam Aides Ordered) In fact, that energy is upon us now. The recent arctic blast is only now beginning to ease. In the U.S. chart, birth chart Saturn is at 24 degrees (see the above chart), and transit Mars has almost reached 21 degrees. In Mars'-inspired war, the soldiers' guns come within range before the soldiers themselves meet. It's the same for transits. Mars' energies are already in range of Saturn. Expect serious governmental discords and gridlock returning the Congress within days. In fact, we'll likely see the first casualty in Congress not extending unemployment benefits. And while his influence will wane, it will return as Mare crosses Saturn twice more -- in early April and late June 2014. Moving into the Second Progressive Age will not be a cakewalk. However, as always, Only through turmoil comes change.
Transit Mars The above January 15 discussed transit Mars' long 8 1/2 month stay in Virgo from November 26, 2013 to July 14, 2014. Yes, Mars does take a seven week detour into Libra February 4 to March 25. The totality of this transit Mars is the definitive karma now -- for Mars is in this very long sign transit and is also the Dasa (planetary cycle) for the U.S. Vedic chart.. The importance of this tough Mars transit cannot be overemphasized! Recall the January 15 entry stated, the 2010 BP disaster occurred when Mars was similarly in Cancer for 8 months. That was followed by horrific spring storms, flooding and tornadoes.
This entry offers a further analyses -- graphing Mars' path. The next VedicLeaks will show Mars' aspects (glances) across the zodiac.
Mars' Path This graphic shows Mars' path since November 26, 2013 through his upcoming retrograde to July 14, 2014, when he finally exits Virgo. The graphic better informs readers and also perhaps reveal critical planetary dispositions. Saturn and Rahu are shown in their approximate locations in their respective high and low degree placements in Libra. Saturn is currently at 27 degrees, Rahu at 10 degrees -- and remember, Rahu goes backwards, counter-clockwise. These planets are both slow-moving and won't shift much during the next several months. The fast-moving planets are out of the picture. Venus passed through Libra in early October, the Sun in mid November and Mercury had almost escaped Libra November 26. This graphic, then, accurately displays the planetary positions.
Not specified is that Mars enters Libra February 4, 2014 in forward motion. After his retrograde begins March 1, he'll quickly return to Virgo March 25 -- just seven weeks. Mars in Libra is a rough stretch, like road detours often are, for several reasons. First, as Mars approaches the edge of a sign, he become weak. In Sanskrit, this weakness within two degrees of a sign border is called Sandhi, which means dead. That's not a great translation into English, though, for Mars' energy will still express itself -- and a malefic becomes especially harmful when it is either too strong or too weak. Sandhi Mars is thereby harmful. Considering Mars' symbolism for animals, he reacts aggressively, sometimes even savagely, when he's weak, like a sick dog will snap t his master. The above January 8 entry included the following description of Mars, which is apt for Sandhi.
Second, Mars' February 4 to March 25 detour into Libra will bring him very close to Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point. Rahu inflames Mars, making the Cujo analogy even more applicable. Toxic Rahu will make Cujo Mars foam at the mouth. Fortunately, Mars will not actually conjoin (touch) Rahu. But still, the energy will be highly destructive -- again the 2010 BP disaster comparison, when transit Mars crossed the U.S. chart's Rahu in Cancer. When Mars turns retrograde March 1, he'll be at 3 degrees, 28 minutes Libra. Then, Rahu will be 5 degrees, 18 minutes -- less than 2 degrees -- Sandhi distance. Punching up the destructive energy, Mars will be going forward and Rahu backward. Thereby, these two malefics will be coming at each other, and being so close, each is in the firing range of the other. (Remember when massive professional wrestlers used to rush at each other with metal chairs -- though that was stopped because of injuries? That's what the energy is like.) Another incendiary, for remember, Mars is Pitta (hot), is that as Mars approaches Rahu, he will be slowing down in preparation for retrograde motion. This is called stationary in Vedic Astrology and is the most powerful of all factors. Donald Trump is mentioned in the box below, is wealth for his Jupiter being stationary.
A final problem is that Mars, Rahu and Saturn will all be in Libra together, and Vedic planets affect each other anywhere in a sign. So, even at great distance, at the end of February and into early March, when Mars changes to retrograde, becoming stationary, his pumped-up energy will impact both Rahu and Saturn. In turn, Saturn will be stationary as he prepares to turn retrograde March 3. No matter the distance apart within a sign, when Saturn and Mars, the worst malefics, are stationary in a sign, they exert their worst damages. A tidal wave doesn't dissipate at distance. Adding in Rahu's intensifying influence is like the Tsunami landing at high tide. There's one more issue to consider. In Vedic Astrology, planets rule signs. Venus rules Libra. She is the foundation supporting planets placed in Libra. So, we would want to know where Venus in transit will be at the end of February and into early March. Then, Venus will be in a Capricorn, where she will be exactly aspected by Mars. This weakens Libra's Venusian foundation, making the malefics placed there more destructive -- like an earthquake shakes a house on a weak foundation. As stated above, the next VedicLeaks will discuss transit Mars' aspects, and this Mars aspect to Venus in late February to early March will definitely be included. In the meantime, Mars is closely aspecting Venus right now. Venus is vehicles, which is why these unusual plane mishaps occurred. Southwest Jet Lands at Wrong Missouri Airport Boeing confirms new 787 Dreamliner battery incident We should thereby use care with vehicles in our lives now. Too, Venus is the planet of love, the wife and females, compassion and joy.... All these these significations are harmed.
Mars' Transit Analysis Recap This month's Short-subject VedicLeaks focuses upon the long destructive Mars' transit through Virgo -- until mid July 2014. This issues from three Vedic Astrology concepts. First, the longer a planetary influence continues, the greater its impact -- making Mars the definitive planetary karma now. Second, investigating one planet can unlock the entire chart. Third, Vedic Astrology is slow deep absorption -- in-depth analysis unveils the planetary karmas, which then gradually seep into the conscious mind. This is a second pioneering effort for The Celestial Wheel, the first being the Saturn/Rahu conjunction, Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013. This transit Mars venture considers Mars' qualities, path and his aspects. From this information will then (hopefully) flow definitive predictions. The above January 8 entry discussed Mars' planetary qualities, and then applied them to the U.S. chart as an example. It then described the Z path resulting from his upcoming transit retrograde. On January 15, VedicLeaks explained that investigating one planet deeply can unlock an entire chart. It also graphically displayed transit Mars' path and identified a period from late February into early March as being sensitive. Today's VedicLeaks is the last in this three step analysis, aspects. Note that this analytical venture is about transit Mars -- where he is in today's skies. But, even though the major predictive effort is made after all three analyses are completed, predictions tend to pop out during the process.
Again, to be absolutely clear, this analysis is about transit Mars. Given that transiting planets are their locations in current skies everywhere on the earth, transits have global impact. When the Moon is full in New York, it's also full in Beijing. This means that the hemispheres, regions and individual countries are all impacted by transiting planets. And so are people individually -- which was why I yesterday emailed The Totality Of Transit Mars Is The Definitive Karma, reciting harms to people from Mars aspecting Venus very closely earlier this week. Not only was the information of practical value, it also demonstrated transit impacts upon people's lives. There's nowhere to hide from the full Moon. Celestial Wheel information about the planets affects all of us, all of the time. Of course, when the chart of a country or person is also considered, then specific effects of transiting planets can be seen -- like transit Mars hitting the U.S. Saturn, bringing public sector scandal. That couldn't be seen from just transits. Wouldn't one also believe the Chemical spill shuts down much of W.Va. capital also relates to this Mars, since Saturn is industrial? But still, first the transits must be known and fully understood, and then applied to individual charts. There's no escape from diligence. The point here should be obvious, but I'll state it clearly -- this long and difficult transit Mars affects everyone everywhere in some ways.
Yet, We Shouldn't Fear, Or Try To Evade, Malefic Planets Yet, we shouldn't fear these malefic planets, whether the Saturn/Rahu conjunction last summer/fall, or Mars this winter/spring. They bring growth, just as destructive hurricanes bring rain that breaks droughts. Special Section -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013 stated, Still, Saturn/Rahu can bring long needed change, for Saturn is the planet of responsibility and duty; and Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point, intensifies Saturn's energies. This combination can blow one out of even the deepest of karmic ruts. And, the January 8 entry, pointed out, ...We need Mars, but we must use his hot aggressive energy with care for productive goals and safe results, especially those that use his energy aggressively. The invention of Mars' fire was a tremendous advance for humanity, but fires also burn ones hands, buildings and even entire cities. As stated above, Mars is weapons. An arrow to the heart can bring down an animal or awaken love,
We need all the planets in our daily lives, to survive, prosper and to achieve personal growth. To live life fully and successfully, we must embrace all nine planets, using care, of course, to use their energies in positive ways to best support ourselves and others. We can only do this by detaching our feelings from their energies, using the planetary energies in the smartest ways -- which objectivity does not harm our equanimity, our peace within ourselves. In this regard, Subscriber D.P., whose website persona was newly minted during Saturn/Rahu, commented, All these power imbalances. Jeez. I replied,
Of course, understanding what the planets are signifying now and in the future is an invaluable guide. That's what The Celestial Wheel is for. There's an old joke about a psychic website that went broke, Didn't they see it coming?
Transit Mars Aspects -- To February 4 & After March 25 Transit charts use the natural zodiac, starting at the first sign, Aries. This natural zodiac, by the way, applies globally and is always in the background in a specific birth chart of a nation, person.... Everything born/created has a birth chart, even your vehicle, home, pet... Similarly, the background in a landscape painting establishes the environs for the foreground images. (Note: Considering the natural zodiac can be very useful for personal karmas in your own Vedic chart. For example, Gemin is the third sign, signifying the arms hands and shoulders. If Gemini is injured in ones birth chart, and the third house in the birth chart is also harmed, then the person would experience illness in those parts of the body.) This global transit chart for January 18 shows Mars' three aspects. All planets cast aspects seven houses (relationships and business) across the zodiac, but Mars, Jupiter and Saturn have additional special aspects. For Mars, these are four and eight. There's meaning in these distances as well. The fourth house away aspect relates to the fourth house: devotion, the emotions, family, mother, the past, home. Mars' fourth house aspect thereby carries these energies -- in a Martian way. Similarly, the eight house is the house of hidden things, calamity, sudden death and chronic illness. Mars' eighth house aspect is the most damaging. This transit chart is applicable from until February 4, when Mars transits (moves into) Libra. It will be valid again when Mars retrogrades back into Virgo March 25 and continues thus until July 14. Then, Mars will finally be done with Virgo.
First, however, understand that planets transiting signs themselves is a type of aspect. Mars is transiting Virgo. the sixth house: acute illness, debts, enemies and foreigners. These are all naturally harmed by Mars' hotly destructive energy. We easily see Mars' fourth house (emotional) aspect to Sagitarius remains close to Venus. Fortunately, as Venus is retrograde, they are separating now, but the influence will continue until Venus leaves Sagitarius February 25. As the ninth is the house of wealth, philosophy and religion, Mars brings loss of wealth and discord in matters of faith. Venus being a wealthy planet is also harmed. Mar's seventh (partnership, including business) house aspect is to Pisces, the twelfth house of loss, final liberation, hospitals but also sexual pleasure. So, there's a strong sexual quality for some seeking enlightenment, who may find sex to be spiritual unions. But there are also losses and unexpected expenses, and increased hospital stays. Mars nasty eighth house aspect is to Aries, the first house of the self, where Ketu is transiting. This stimulates great and daring deeds, but also over sensitivity, seething anger, bravado, physical danger and acute illness -- infection and other Pitta (hot) illnesses. Ketu's influence can make these truly virulent, strange and lightening-fast and also poisoning -- Chemical spill shuts down much of W.Va. capital. There are some common threads here, for repetition of karma brings stimulates events -- economic losses and disease. What does the Year of the Horse have in store for the global economy? is optimistic but also cautious about turbulence. Transit Mars certainly indicates the latter. As for illness, the flu season, at least in the U.S., is already off to a fast start, Flu season child death toll doubles in CDC's latest flu report.
Adding Transit Saturn -- To February 4 & After March 25 This second global transit chart for January 18 adds Saturn and its aspects to those of Mars in Libra -- until February 4 and again after March 25. Saturn, the great malefic, was discussed in the above January 8 discussion about Mars' qualities. Notice that Saturn's aspects (3, 7 and 10 houses away) hit two of the house/signs Mars aspects. The arrows are in Mars red and Saturn blue. Saturn's aspect to Aries, it's fallen (weakest) sign, is terrible. Saturn with Mars is also great struggle and losses, as these opposing malefics batter each other. One significant issue is Mars' aggression on Saturn's authority result in misuse of authority, which can be by government officials or people and organizations in the private sector. These aspects also confirm karma for harms to wealth and health.
Transit Mars and Saturn Aspects -- February 4 to March 25 This last global transit chart is for February 5 andshows Mars' and Saturn's aspects from February 5 to March 25 -- the interval when Mars detours into and out of Libra. Notice first that all three of the worst malefics -- Mars, Saturn and Rahu -- will all be in Libra. This spells wreck and ruin. And remember the discussion in the January 15 entry about Mars' path in Libra -- as Mars goes to Rahu, both Mars and Saturn will station (stop), making them incredibly powerful. We can also see Saturn's aspect to Venus, the ruler of Libra, which further harms Libra. Aries is similarly afflicted because it is ruled by Mars. Too, we can see that Aries, the first house of the self, continues to receive bad aspects from both Saturn and Mars. And, as stated above, Saturn's aspect to Aries, where is it fallen, is terrible. The overall thrust in this global transit chart is that the malefic energy is focused upon the seventh house (Libra) of the other (relationships, including business), which then blasts first house of the self (Aries). And with the Moon's Nodes -- Rahu and Ketu -- involved by transiting these signs, the energies of malefics Saturn and Mars are distorted. Rahu intensifies in a worldly way and Ketu dissolves with spiritual energy. Although specific further specific predictions aren't offered here, the gut reaction is this looks like an earthquake -- perhaps literal but also figurative? There's a lot of shaking up going on.
Remembering that Vedic Astrology is slow deep absorption, this is enough information for today. Predictions will follow in the next VedicLeaks entry.
Analysis And Predictions The above entries for January 8, 15 and 19 offered a detailed analysis of Mars' long transit in Virgo, with a detour in Libra. This effort was comprehensive, even exhaustive. I hope you Celestial Wheel Participants were able to get get through the technical Vedic information. But, even if you didn't, just reading these VedicLeaks entries brings a generalized understanding. From this work, some specific influences were unveiled, inspiring predictions. These are listed below, emphasis added, along with early results. They are only for the U.S. Certainly the Mideast has been heating up again, and there are events in other areas which fit into these predictions. The January 19 entry closed with, Remembering that Vedic Astrology is slow deep absorption, this is enough information for today. Predictions will follow in the next VedicLeaks entry. Because these early results are substantial, reciting them crowds out offering new predictions now. Those will be given in the next VedicLeaks.
Initial Predictions With Early Results January 8 "...this long Mars transit through Virgo is very rough. Recalling that the tenth house of government officials and Saturn there symbolizes greedy and manipulative capitalists, the public sector will be at war with itself -- In Washington DC, the States and locally. (Note: This VedicLeaks entry was published at 2:45 PM. It wasn't until the evening news that the Chris Christie scandal broke, Christie Faces Scandal on Traffic Jam Aides Ordered)" 1/21 Former Va. Gov. Bob McDonnell, wife indicted 1/22 Everything you need to know about the Chris Christie investigations 1/23 Sen. Menendez Denies Allegations in New Reported FBI Probe 1/23 '2016: Obama's America' Filmmaker Indicted for Violating Campaign Finance Laws
"In fact, that (destructive Mars) energy is upon us now. The recent arctic blast is only now beginning to ease." (Recall the January 8 entry described Mars, including, "attacks, wars, explosions, weapons, fire, storms, violences of all kinds") 1/10 Chemical spill shuts down much of W.Va. capital 1/17 California fights wildfire, expects more as drought emergency declared 1/21 Separate plant blasts kill 4 people in Nebraska, Oklahoma 1/22 East Coast digging out after winter storm 1/24 3 die, scores hurt in massive crash on snowy I-94 in northwest Indiana
"Expect serious governmental discords and gridlock returning the Congress within days. In fact, we'll likely see the first casualty in Congress not extending unemployment benefits. And while his influence will wane, it will return as Mare crosses Saturn twice more -- in early April and late June 2014." 1/24 Slow Progress On Long-Term Unemployment Benefits As 1.6 Million Miss Out 1/24 Is There Any Hope For Immigration Reform On The Hill? 1/24 Report Makes the Case for Federal Minimum Wage Hike
January 15 " the end of February and into early March, when Mars changes to retrograde, becoming stationary, his pumped-up energy will impact both Rahu and Saturn." ... This weakens Libra's Venusian foundation, making the malefics placed there more destructive -- like an earthquake shakes a house on a weak foundation." Multiple citations are given to emphasize the debt ceiling issue is both likely and consequential.
January 19 "...acute illness -- infection and other Pitta (hot) illnesses. Ketu's influence can make these truly virulent, strange and lightening-fast and also poisoning. ...There are some common threads here, for repetition of karma brings stimulates events -- economic losses and disease. ...the gut reaction is this looks like an earthquake -- perhaps literal but also figurative? There's a lot of shaking up going on." economic losses 1/24 FEAR OF SLOWING GROWTH DRAGS DOWN GLOBAL MARKETS 1/24 7 setbacks for the middle class 1/25 Buckle up! 2014 will be a bumpy ride
disease 1/9 Doctors report uptick in number of babies with RSV, a respiratory virus, this flu season 1/24 California flu deaths continue to climb