#69 A Springtime Tempest Part 1 April 8, 2007
Introduction This Part 1 of A Springtime Tempest describes the planetary karmas involved with the upcoming Mars/Rahu conjunction, April 20-25. Please read through this narrative in an easy way, for the intention is to give readers an overall understanding of the planetary energies, not to make this a study in Vedic Astrology. Part 2 will discuss the conjunction's impacts upon the World Transit Chart, charts of nations and leaders and your own personal experiences. The conjunction is disturbing because this combination stimulates exceptionally dangerous planetary karma during an obviously delicate interval for the U.S. and the world. (See the chart in the next section.) Taking together the Mideast Culmination, the Bush administration's misuse of power coming back to haunt it and the economy teetering, any significant Mars/Rahu shock can have significant consequences. To illustrate the nature of this conjunction, these planets last conjoined July 7, 2005, when the London terrorist bombing occurred. {Ref: June 5, 2005 In-depth Forecast #63, Mars' Summer & Fall Of Discontent.) Research and composition for this forecast has been underway for weeks, but predictive insights have been elusive. While this sometimes occurs, the process has been more difficult since Mars first transited into Aquarius with Rahu March 29 -- because this combination naturally unsettles the mind. Still, there's a nagging disruptive disquiet that cannot be fully accounted for by these transiting planets' dispositions and the astrologer's own chart. In discussions with others, a common thread emerges that everyone is upset, or off balance, in one way or the other. This view, being an application of collective consciousness, suggests this astrologer's concern is valid. Still, it's vital to not overreact and just read the charts. Let's see what is unveiled. Being forewarned is forearmed.
The 2007 Mars/Rahu Conjunction Mars, the planet of destruction conflict, athletics, desire and courage, comes together with Rahu, the worldly cravings and desire eclipse point, on or about April 20 -- 25. The Mars/Rahu combination brings multiple significations. Although other planetary combinations naturally do this as well, Mars/Rahu effects are striking. Following are five primary effects: These key words for major Mars/Rahu qualities are listed to better enable readers' grasp of this potent combination.
A weather analogy, that of a tornado, engenders the Mars/Rahu nature: A rotating column of air ranging in width from a few yards to more than a mile and whirling at destructively high speeds. Another factor is important in understanding this conjunction. Mars circles the zodiac in forward motion every two years, and Rahu moves very slowly backwards. Thereby, they conjoin (every 20 months) in a head-on collision, further aggravating their harms. Finally, we can gain further information about this conjunction by considering the Lunar Nakshatras* in which the conjunction occurs. Mars is already in Shatabbhisha, and will continue there until just before it reaches Rahu. Rahu stays in Purva Bhadrapada during the entire interval. For brevity, here's a snapshot of these Nakshatra's meanings:
(*The Moon circles the earth every 27 days, and it is the primary planet in Vedic Astrology, symbolizing both perception and the benefits in life. These 27 lunar days are called Lunar Mansions, or, in Sanskrit, Lunar Nakshatras. They are unique to India's astrology. As Nakshatra means, that which does not decay, the word refers to individual stars or star clusters, which do not move from the vantage point of the earth. The star specificity of the Nakshatras gives specific information from deep in the cosmos. The placement of planets in the Nakshatras thereby often reveals unique information.)
As mentioned above, the last such conjunction was July 7, 2005, when the London terrorist bombing occurred. At that time, devout Jupiter was also involved, which brought that religious-inspired violence. This 2007 conjunction of Mars/Rahu does not include Jupiter's religiosity. This year, Saturn, the planet of death, loss and suffering is the operative planetary complement.
As stated above, Saturn is the third player in this dicey game -- for four malevolent reasons. First, Mars/Rahu are in Aquarius, ruled by Saturn. Operating in this Saturn sign exacerbates Mars/Rahu harms. Second, Saturn will end its retrograde April 20, at which time it will become tremendously powerful as Saturn brakes to a stop and begins forward motion. As Saturn accelerates very gradually, it will remain powerfully stationary through the entire Mars/Rahu conjunction -- April 20 -- 25. The March 8 Celestial Wheel explained that ... when Saturn turns forward April 20, it will push this debris pile forward and also pick up any dirt it missed previously -- combing the floor to catch every bit of karmic rubble, including secrets previously swept under the rug. This, then, is how the old broom sweeps clean. Third, Saturn is transiting the terrible Lunar Nakshatra of Ashlesha, which brought Gandhi's assassination and Muhammad Ali's Parkinson's Disease. There's also been a notable spike in cancers and people passing -- both related to Ashlesha's energy. If readers need a refresher on Saturn in Ashlesha, this was detailed in the February 5 Celestial Wheel. Fourth, this will be Saturn's finale in Cancer, and Saturn always waits until the very end of its transit to do its worst. This was also discussed in detail in the March 8 Celestial Wheel. Again, there's the old broom sweeps clean quality. Saturn's connection to Mars/Rahu and its powerfully difficult disposition in Cancer in Ashlesha combine to make this Mars/Rahu conjunction truly virulent. Basically, whatever harms Mars/Rahu brings, Saturn will accentuate with loss, misfortune and suffering. A final measure of the Mars/Rahu conjunction is that all four malefic planets are involved: Mars, Rahu, Ketu and Saturn.