Introducing VedicLeaks This first February Short-subject Commentary entry, and thereby a new web page, re-brands these paid Participant only forecasting to Vedicleaks. The change is not just to be clever, but more valuably to better describe these current insights as revealing hidden information by analyzing the dispositions of the planets within the solar system and the constellations. In a very real way, these are information leaks from the heavens. And as Wikileaks publishes secreted government and private information uncovering the plots and plans of governments and corporations against the public's interest, VedicLeaks shares that noble goal. If you believe Wikileak's claims is not an issue, watch this video from TheDailyBail, The Military Industrial Complex Loves You And Thanks You For Your Support (Video Eisenhower Farewell Speech 1961
I actually remember watching it -- note the black and white TV. The next summer my father brought in a contractor to build a fallout shelter. Well, nothing happened, of course. So, after a couple of years, he pulled out out the emergency supplies and used it as a wine cellar. He got a big train set from a friend whose children were grown, which he put in the fallout shelter. I spent the next winter adding buildings, forests... but it was so damp, everything rusted. And VedicLeaks is very cool too!
Predictions-Check Mars/Sun Conjunction The January 21 VedicLeaks entry discussed the long conjunction of the Pitta (fiery) planets the Sun and Mars becomes exact February 4. It won't be until February 14, however, that the Sun will escape into the next sign -- Aquarius -- away from Mars. So we have 3 1/2 weeks ahead of this stress with which to deal. The January 24 entry then predicted an earth crust event the next day, but also, as Sun/Mars can stimulate Saturn-indicated earth crust events, then Saturn turning retrograde can stimulate Sun/Mars violences. Those include fighting for government power, leaders attacked. The January 27 entry recounted the volcano in Japan and violence rising in the Mideast, including Egypt. Finally, the January 31 In-Depth Forecast, Does Egypt Signal Global Transformation? predicted (emphasis added) Mubarak's demise,
There's been so much going on in the world, and especially Egypt, it was easy to miss that yesterday (Tuesday) Mubarak announced he will not run for reelection in November -- which means he has agreed to step down. Even the media seemed to miss that central event. This BBC article, though, stated, In a speech on Tuesday night Mr. Mubarak - who has been in office for nearly 30 years - promised to leave at the next polls and pledged constitutional reform. At least one Celestial Wheel Participant, CA in California, got it though, emailing, Congrats on the Egypt prediction (him saying he won’t run again!). Well done…
Pipe-smoking Yoda actually isn't a complete secret. It's the same Yoda in the May 21, 2010 entry, where I was scootering through the North Carolina river rafting area -- Dialogue With Yoda Overlooking The Chaos. Did anyone really believe I think up all this stuff alone? Of course, sometimes after an e-mail blizzard, the creative juices run dry -- so we watch Numa Numa #9 on our Macs, separated by two mountain ranges. Don't miss it! And crank up the volume.
What's Coming Up? As mentioned above, It won't be until February 14, however, that the Sun will escape into the next sign -- Aquarius -- away from Mars. So we have 3 1/2 weeks ahead of this stress with which to deal. and There's been so much going on in the world, and especially Egypt... While yesterday was clearly tough, today violences continue, for the all-important Moon continues to approach Sun/Mars and won't reach exact conjunction until7 PM today EST. In Egypt, the demonstrations turned increasingly ugly. Pipe-smoking Yoda sent these links, Jordan protests: King Abdullah names Marouf Bakhit PM and Australians Flee, Jam Shelters Ahead of Cyclone. This is a very big deal for Australians, even more important than the volcano to the Japanese, which volcano keeps erupting. Of course, there's the huge storm across the U.S. In the sky, Venus is approaching Rahu, the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point. This is very bad for all of Venus's significations, including compassion, diplomacy and romance. It adds bite to the Mars/Sun conjunction, suggesting Egypt won't calm for a while, and achieving a diplomatic solution will not readily occur. Venus won't pass Rahu until February 6.
U.S. & Global Trends For 2011 This important annual forecast remains delayed. Well, it's been a little busy at VedicLinks! Here's the first part, composed earlier this week.
Egyptian Government Falling The Mars/Sun conjunction has signaled popular unrest, revolts and governments falling. The January 29 In-depth Forecast, Does Egypt Signal Global Transformation?, explained that Egypt was hit particularly hard because (emphasis added),
The February 8 In-depth Forecast, Global Transformation Has Begun, then stated,
These predictions are actualizing. To anticipate Mubarak's final fall, look at the transit position of the eclipsed Sun, for transits are timing indicators. Mubarak, symbolized by the Sun, is becoming very weak now as it approaches the edge of the stream boundary between the thirty degree-wide signs Capricorn and Aquarius. Thereby, Mubarak's power wanes. In his speech yesterday, the dictator took a reluctant step backward, Mubarak transfers power to Suleiman, ignores calls for ouster. Early this morning, as I compose this VedicLeaks entry, we learn, Mubarak Reportedly Leaves Cairo -- Signs Grow of Full Transfer of Power. The news just out is Mubarak Steps Down, Ceding Power to Military. In Egypt, the Sun is at twenty nine degrees, indicating Mubarak is dead in the water. Egypt's planetary cycles (Dasas) confirm, for as of today they change from a stubbornly resistant government Saturn/Saturn/Saturn to Saturn/Saturn/Mercury. Mercury's communications stimulates further protests, against which Mubarak is powerless to resist. However, this nineteen year Saturn Dasa only started in 2009, suggesting that it's Saturnian autocratic government will continue. That the military has taken control is confirmation. Freedom doesn't root quickly, nor grow into a tall protective tree with just a revolution. Institutions -- political, social, religious, educational and commerce need to be torn down and then rebuilt in a long process taking generations. Even then, the struggle of privilege rolling over the populace recurs, pushing freedom back. We've certainly been experiencing this in the U.S. as Second Gilded Age economic terrorists have gained massive wealth and power at the expense of the rest of us. And the disease is found in Europe as well. And if you doubt dictatorships' dedication to preserving their power, see, China's Reaction -- Build a Wall and Protests in Egypt Spark Fears in Cuba Over Growing Internet Opposition Movements.
Again, Only A Beginning The above quote from Global Transformation Has Begun hits at the essence of this long term transformational process, as only a beginning. Again, It appears governments in both Egypt and Haiti are changing, that protests will continue in a declining way, but that immediate and violent overthrows will not result. For other Mideast countries with nascent protests, those governments will not fail during this current Mars/Sun conjunction. On February 10 I added a post script to Global Transformation Has Begun, a table from the article, Variously vulnerable Who’s next? Regional reverberations. Here's a follow-up, The Shoe Thrower's index,
Global Transformation The quest for freedom must be contracted in autocratic countries. Yet, as explained in Global Transformation Has Begun, Steve Jobs invention of the smart phone banishes tyranny, just as Edison's light bulb banished the dark. Further, as mentioned above, even the best established free societies are subject to backsliding into stratified cultures in which the rich grow richer and the pour grow poorer -- and we're experiencing that now. Still, the ability to banish tyranny via the smart phone can be used anywhere -- Vision: Everyday Brits Are in Revolt Against Wealthy Tax Cheats -- Can We Do That Here?
Notice that just a few motivated people in England beat giant corporations -- in the exact same way that Egyptians beat their dictator, Wired and Shrewd, Young Egyptians Guide Revolt,
When will the smart phone be used in the same way here in the U.S.? Starting late April, the fairly auspicious combination of Mars/Jupiter Dasas in the U.S. chart yield to putative Mars/Saturn. This will bring so much suffering. By mid fall, even the snoozing American population will begin to protest with their smart phones. And since it only takes a dozen people or so to initiate meaningful and effective protests, and that model is easily and quickly copied, our own revolution against tyranny is truly close at hand.
Vote With Your Pocketbook Really, what if a dozen folks organized protests by Twitter in front of on of the local bankster banks -- Chase, Bank of America, Citibank or Wells Fargo, carrying signs that said things like, Take your money out. They stole my home. or Take your money out. Starve the banksters. orThey charged me 30% interest on my credit card. Take your money out. These brick-and-morter banks rely on deposits stay in business. There are lots of small banks and credit unions around that are honest. To stop the banksters, there's no need for any government action -- just folks voting with their pocketbooks. If this idea sounds familiar, it echoes the February, 2010 In-depth Forecast, Bankers -- Economic Terrorists,
Really, Why in the world would you feed the beast when you can starve him?
Mideast Protests Although the media is not as transfixed on Egypt and other Mideast revolts, popular protests have spread, like the ripple effect after a stone splashes down in a pond. A more apt analogy would be the gradually subsiding tsunami waves after an earthquake. Let's quickly review the events sequence to date. The February 8 In-depth Forecast, Global Transformation Has Begun, stated,
The government/leadership Sun remains uncomfortable and with limited authority in Aquarius because, like Capricorn, it is ruled by the Sun's arch enemy, Saturn. And, instead of confronting the pressure waves from exalted Mars as they approached each other in Capricorn, the Sun is moving away from Mars. It's out of the line of fire from the planet of war. Another significant positive karma for governments stabilizing is the Sun aspects (glances) Leo, it's own house, also signifying government leadership. So, although tsunami waves of protest are hitting the shores of Iran, Yemen, Bahrain, Libya, Algeria..., these are not as potent, and governments have greater power to resist them. This is why the only governments to fall have been Tunisia, Egypt and Haiti. Yet, don't expect the protests to be easily nor quickly squelched. Too, because the autocrats have both wealth and all kinds of power, they can afford to sometimes compromise and sometimes crush, Some Mideast regimes give in; others crack down.
Popular Protests In The U.S. The above February 11 entry predicted small groups in the U.S. can and will follow the smart phone model used successfully in the Mideast and London to organize.
VedicLeaks made the specific suggestion to target the big bad banksters' brick and mortar local branch offices -- because the banksters' bread and butter, and their underlying source of funds, is customer deposits. There is some nascent movement already in two states. Mountaintop removal protest continues in Kentucky, Thousands Protest Wisconsin Governor's Plan To Roll Back Union Rights and Wisc. Governor Makes a Cold-Blooded Threat to Sic the National Guard on Union Workers. The union resistance is familiar for having burst forth in the 1890s, during the first economic contraction that followed the first Gilded Age. Recall, we're now in the Second economic contraction (the Millennium Contraction) following the Second Gilded Age.) These early revolts result from the U.S. chart's Dasas (planetary cycles) being Mars/Jupiter/Mars from February 10 to March 2. That karma is confirmed with the Sun/Mars/Mercury transit in the third house of desires, where the fearful but power-hungry Moon is placed. Let's see what happens.
Popular Protests Abroad The last three In-depth Forecasts have examined the unfolding revolts from short to long focus: Does Egypt Signal Global Transformation?, Haiti -- A Metaphor & More --A Year Later and Global Transformation Has Begun. The above February Sort-subject VedicLeaks entries have tracked these protests. I maintain the February 16 prediction that foreign governments will not fall, but also, don't expect the protests to be easily nor quickly squelched. Too, because the autocrats have both wealth and all kinds of power, they can afford to sometimes compromise and sometimes crush, Some Mideast regimes give in; others crack down. I repeat here the further prediction,
These predictions are coming true beyond expectation. Certainly, we've had challenging planetary dispositions regularly in the past, and they've stimulated violences. The January 21VedicLeaks, in reporting on the Mars/Sun conjunction, noted,
This time, the magnitude and scope of the events are clearly multiplied. One could theorize that this is the karma that broke the camel's back, or alternatively the theory put forward in Global Transformation Has Begun that
Of course, both could be true. Major transformations require more than a single influence -- although certainly one can be the spark to the dry kindling. Popular protests are mounting, so far within the interval suggested for mental Mercury crossing the Sun and Mars -- February 18 to 26. This article, Cellphones Become the World’s Eyes and Ears on Protests, explains how smart phone cameras are key to banishing dictatorial governments' censorship. Here are two startling videos, editor Pipe-smoking Yoda forwarded, Bahrain Royal Family Orders Army To Open Fire On Peaceful Protesters -WARNING GRAPHIC! [Message From Libya] TELL THE WORLD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO US!!!!! Now, the spark has jumped an ocean to fires in China, China web users call for 'Jasmine Revolution'.
Popular Protests In The U.S. I'll post information about that spark jumping another ocean to light serious protests in the U.S. tomorrow.
Popular Protests In The U.S That it's Washington's birthday today reminds us of the nation's struggle for liberty from the English king and to establishment a free, open and fair society -- replacing egalitarianism over elitism. Today's entry explores the Vedic Astrology and events/trends for the U.S. during this initial thrust of global transformation. Sparks from Mideast revolts have landed in the western hemisphere. See, the February 8, Global Transformation Has Begun. It is posted today as a Participant-only VedicLeaks entry and will also be later published separately as a free In-depth Forecast. Certainly, if George published The Celestial Wheel, he wouldn't want this information restricted to the elite who can afford to pay.
The Vedic Astrology Yesterday's entry reiterated Vedic Leak's February 16 transit prediction (above) for global planetary weather,
As concerns the U.S., the February 16 entry stated,
A another confirming karma in the U.S. chart is that Rahu (the head-of-the dragon eclipse point) has been hovering for several weeks close to the Ascendant point in the first house of the self at 5:53 Sagitarius. The Ascendant point is the epicenter for this nation chart's identity and how it presents itself to the world -- the ego. As the serpent's head, Rahu intensifies. As an eclipse point he blocks. He thereby stimulates a peculiar egocentricity, while simultaneously destroying self confidence. The former brings selfishness and the latter, fear and reflexive protective action. As ravenous and venomous Rahu is so intensely worldly, and Sagitarius signifies wealth and wisdom, the twin issues of ethics and money confront us -- in a word, conflict. Rahu began advancing again toward the Ascendant point February 18 -- just when Mercury (intellect) entered began entering the Mars/Sun battle. As Rahu moves toward the Ascendant, he becomes more powerful in his toxic and intoxicating influences. Thus, conflict is rising up. Rahu will conjoin the 5:33 Sagitarius Ascendant point March 4. The other piece of this planetary karma is the U.S. planetary cycles (Dasas) change from advocacy stimulating Mars/Jupiter/Mars to conflicted and dangerous Mars/Jupiter Rahu on March 2. A hurricane analogy, is Rahu is a gathering storm sitting off the coast and relentlessly pounding the shore. It then turns toward land and accelerates. Waves rise further, and high winds begin. Finally, the storm strikes the already weakened shore to wreck havoc.
Events/trends VedicLeaks has already touched upon two stress areas.
First, the February 16 entry stated,
Everyone knows about the Wisconsin conflict between the elite and egalitarian interests there. What can be more egalitarian than the fundamental right of workers to organize -- which levels the playing field for labor and employers? And if you've bought into the yellow journalism that unions are bad, just think for a moment what workers' lives were like before: unemployment and disabilities insurances, overtime pay, restrictions against child labor, safety regulations... Those weren't the good old days.
Second, the above February 11 entry noted, the ability to banish tyranny via the smart phone can be used anywhere -- Vision: Everyday Brits Are in Revolt Against Wealthy Tax Cheats -- Can We Do That Here.
Take a look at planned protests in your area. While many target Bank Of America, other corporate tax dodgers will also be picketed. I believe the Un Cut effort against tax dodging corporations is too narrowly focused. If Bank Of America is coerced into shutting down its offshore tax havens, it will still continue to rape homeowners, credit card holders and depositors -- this last with increasing fees and lower interest payments. The gambling with your money (deposits) in hedges and creating of toxic securities will continue. Executives will reward themselves with bigger and bigger compensation packages, whether or not the banks make or lose money. If you don't yet know, or have forgotten, what bad actors these banksers truly are, here's a refresher article, Goldman Sachs and Other "Vampire Squids" Exposed. Or, spend a little time on The Daily Bail (great videos), Business Insider (insightful articles) and/or Zero Hedge (hard hitting). I'll be attending the U.S. Un Cut protest in Charlotte, NC and posted these messages on that event's Face Book page,
There is a third upcoming event -- the battle in Congress on whether to pass the House's $60 billion in tax cuts or not, which can result in a government shutdown. With the deadline March 4, the karmas point to a shutdown. For information on this issue, see Memories of 1995 Haunt GOP as Shutdown Talk Grows. Certainly with the Wisconsin union battle, which has spread to other states, and the U.S. Un Cut effort, the pump is primed for a nationwide outcry if the government shuts down because the Republicans insist on major tax cuts for domestic programs and no tax increases for the filthy rich.
Public Response Your position on these protests depends first upon where your money comes from and if the banksters have already harmed you. Often, these are hard to separate. This is, after all, economic warfare. If you're retired, then you're receiving almost nothing in interest on your deposits, your 401K value and return are down.... If you're working, you may have a lost a job, suffered a pay drop or increased health care and pension costs. Millions have been raked over the coals in the real estate debacle. Almost everyone has been hit by the banksters' schemes in their credit card and deposits accounts. And, ask any merchant who accepts plastic how those fees have zoomed in the past decade. For the rich, what you do depends upon whether you feel consciousness of guilt over the suffering of others. Egalitarian societies rest on that foundation. Elitist societies fail that test, which enables their wealthy and privileged to dominate the lower classes. The term is a legal one for being aware ones action or inaction harms others. In everyday life, we call this having a guilty conscience. Ours is an egalitarian society being taken over by the elitists. I recently came up hard against three individuals lacking consciousness of guilt. The first was a Wall Street trader who asked me to teach him learn mundane (world) astrology. He's listed here as having pled guilty., Manhattan U.S. Attorney Charges 14 Defendants with More Than $20 Million in Insider Trading. When I figured out who he is, including having worked for the devil of devils, Goldman Sachs, I turned him down. He would only misuse the information. The second was an ongoing client, a wealthy contractor for banksers whose job was to put sheep's clothing on that wolf. I similarly withdrew, and the client's defence was, I also know in my heart that I am not the cause of others' misfortune anymore than any of us are. The third was a personal products importer to a third world country which desperately needed help from multiple disasters. When I challenged him, explaining that if the poor had a little more money, they would buy more products from him, he explained, You're analysis is correct about the inequities in XXX. However, I have been helping the people there for years by giving them very good products at cheap prices. That is my contribution. I would post Google Earth images of their mansions, but there's no need to invade their privacy. I can tell you, they are all really huge houses in exclusive neighborhoods. I chose to fight back against these folks now because the time is ripe for effective protests -- and isn't it time that they were confronted with their evil deeds? And, just maybe, they will see the error in their ways and begin to do the right thing. Consider these observations as the scenes of public protest unfold across the U.S. For you baby boomers, who may have protested in the sixties, but then sold out to money and allowed this travesty to occur, you have a special obligation. And, if you won't act for your own interests, then consider your children's plight. Just ten percent of the nation actively protesting can turn the tide. Here's a video everyone should watch, Reel Wisdom: Lessons from 40 Films in 7 Minutes.