Does Egypt Signal Global Transformation?
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Celestial Wheel Predictions Since 2002, The Celestial Wheel has regularly offered wide ranging predictions, some valuable and precise as to what, when and where: gas price spikes, volcanos, hurricanes, stock prices shocks, elections, deflation and inflation, the real estate bubble, the evil banksers (I call them economic terrorists... I document results and admit when a prediction falls short. Misleading is the worse thing to do. These predictions are useful for your personal planning,. The trends and events change your lives, for planetary weather reports signal intervals impacting you personally -- home values, jobs, health, relationships, emotions, traveling.... This is why The Celestial Wheel has earned its masthead slogan, The News Before It Happens. However, The Celestial Wheel also paints landscape depicting the broader reach of history in the making for both the U.S. and the entire globe. Today's forecast pulls together many previous discussions about the three-stage U.S. transformation: the Second Gilded Age during the first decade of this new millennium, to the current Millennium Contraction from late 2008 until 2015, and finally to the following Second Progressive Age. We begin then to reclaim shared democratic values. Too, as the U.S. remains the big boat in the pond, what happens here has far-reaching influences upon the entire globe. When the U.S. sneezes, the rest of the world catches a cold. It's not just in America that we all have to shave down our old square pegs to fit into new round holes. This transformation phenomena is global. This subject of global transformation is vast, complex and difficult to grasp. I can only see and identify planetary karmas in some areas and times. fitting a few pieces of the picture puzzle to predict specific events and the general outline that gradually emerges. Not only is The Celestial Wheel a one-man-band, but God only allows us Vedic Astrologers to see glimpses. Egypt is a good example, for I just yesterday found a good chart for that country and interpret it here. If I had Egypt's chart previously, I may have seen this revolt coming. In the January 21 and 23 Short-subject Commentary entries, I was only able to identify that this current Mars/Sun conjunction indeed brings,
The Wednesday volcano was indeed a signal event, but I didn't see it occurring in Japan.
Lightning and fire: Japan on alert after volcano's biggest eruption in 50 years
The Mars/Sun Conjunction-- Egypt The Egyptian popular protests dominate the media, Egyptian capital teeters on anarchy. It's critical, however, that we look beyond the riveting live news video to consider how this may turn out, Egypt’s Military Is Seen as Pivotal in Next Step,
This strife arises from the current Mars/Sun conjunction, which, however, is like second gear after the gut-wrenching first gear acceleration of the The December 2010 Mars/Rahu Conjunction -- In-depth Forecasts, Part 1, Part 2 and Predictions Check. That forecast predicted this interval to be the Fifth Step Down in the Millennium Contraction. That appears to be actualizing.
Mind-Boggling Issues Then, there are the truly mind-boggling questions about how this will affect other Arab dictatorships, the oil supply, America's military adventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, the aggressive totalitarian regimes in China and Russia, the fragile global economy -- in other words, the entire structure of geo-political and geo-economic global balances. These are too weighty and complex to anticipate now, except to note that the global pot may simmer and then cool, boil over or boil and crack . Certainly, there are powerful forces, both diplomatic and military, that will come together to quell the instability. But those very efforts can stimulate further revolt, which can become viral.
Popular Protests Let's step back a little to see the big picture in a long term and deeply potent karmic current. The December 2009 In-depth Forecast, U.S. And Global Economic Trends For 2010. predicted popular protests as a major theme for 2010 and beyond. The June 2010 In-depth, Popular Protests, expanded on that discussion. With popular protests in Egypt, we're fortunate that the above explained Mars//Jupiter planetary karmas for advocacy stimulating popular protests in the U.S. and globally has shifted just in time. The U.S. is finally rejecting extremism on both edges of the bell curve -- Tea party raving, idealogue politicians and irresponsible media rants from yellow journalists on both sides of the media isle -- to a civilized civility. (Note: let's hope the New Age left gives up alien rescues and the Christian right their own end-of-the-world delusions. History is filled with catastrophes and consequent doomsday prophecies. Vedic Astrology is real astrology for dealing in reality. My first Vedic teacher admonished, Don't make anything up, and Question everything.) Read the March, 2010 In-depth Forecast, Tug Of War, to understand U.S. psychology and this shift. Here's the cogent paragraph,
The shift began in October with Jon Stewart's Rally to Restore Sanity -- October 29, 2010 Short-subject Commentary. It was cemented with the failure of the paranoid right to dominate the November midterm elections - November 4 Short-Subject Commentary. The shift to civility has been hammered home by: the Tucson mass murder, Sarah Palin failing to blame-game her way out of her cross hairs attacks, biting yellow journalist MSNBC's Keith Obermann's demise and the free-fall of the madly messianic Glenn Beck by protests from Jewish Rabbis -- To target Fox News over 'Nazi' label, rabbis make use of Murdoch's other media and Jewish Funds for Justice Wall Street Journal ad: Rabbis call on Fox News to sanction Glenn Beck. In the U.S., messing with the holocaust is like criticizing motherhood and baseball. Then, at the State Of The Union address, House members and Senators, on whose report cards the teachers stated, Does not play well with other children, actually sat together. Wowsa. (Note. January 30. I recall Steamboat Springs Yoda advising before last fall's mid tern elections, "By spring, the Tea Party will be irrelevant.)
Say What You Want About Obama Say what you want about Obama, but it certainly seems No Drama Obama is the better captain of the biggest ship in the sea than Get Him Dead Or Alive cowboy G.W. Bush. He invaded two Mideast Muslim countries he said to spread freedom, when it was really about the oil, while continuing to prop up dictators there, again to safeguard our oil supply. Even the little children Bush was reading to when 9-11 happened know that lying is it's own undoing and that you can't have it both ways. The truth always come back to bite you on the ass.
Why Egypt Riots
Egypt's Dasas (planetary cycles) are Saturn/Saturn/Venus from last September through late March. Saturn is resistance and fighting in this chart. It's shift to retrograde this past Tuesday and Wednesday caused a wrenching of its energy that brought the riots. The Japanese volcano was another manifestation of this. The next few days will bring further intensity of Mars/Sun conjunction fighting, especially as the all-important Moon crosses into the tenth house of government officials with Mars/Sun on Tuesday (Mars' day of the week). With Venus in the first house, Egyptians are very kind and forgiving, slow to exhibit anger, but that Venus is also a Maraka -- Vedic death inflictor for this chart. When the Egyptian Venus finally gets riled up, he is wrathful. Mubarak will likely be either forced to flee, step down or be assassinated, for he and is outwardly brave with inner fear. This analysis has been done very quickly, for the situation is moving fast. Further analysis will be done over the next few days.
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