2012 Mayan Calendar End Mystical Paranoia Much of the globe is mesmerized by the coming together of doomsday prophecies, variously called: end times, Armageddon and apocalypse. These beliefs issue from a wide range of groups -- most notably from extreme Christian Evangelicals believing Revelations signal end times, to New Age spiritualists vowing the Mayan Calendar ending predict the end of the world. The Mayan calender is the crown jewel of these prophecies. Google Mayan Calendar End, and you'll find there are 4,850,000 results -- none of which offer anything more than fanciful thinking and false imaginings. And, of course, there are truly ridiculous claims that rogue planet Nibiru or Planet X, lurking behind the Sun, will crash into the earth and that the Pleiadians will rescue humanity with a huge spaceship. It doesn't matter that there is truly no evidence for any of this, for the popular appeal is inborn. Google Nibiru -- almost a million results and for Pleiadians -- half a million results. There's even an Official Countdown Clock -- claiming that other doomsday clocks are not accurate. Naturally, this is a huge cash cow to false gurus, especially those of have lost their jobs selling time shares and used cars, Cashing in on the 'end of the world' tourism. More folks than one would guess as taking major precautions, Subculture of Americans prepares for civilization's collapse. Then there are the economic soothsayers, Unrelenting Global Economic Crisis: A Doomsday View of 2012 It also doesn't matter there have been many previous doomsday predictions. The most famous in the U.S. were the Millerites, discussed in the following section. That failed prediction lives on in the Seventh-day Adventist Church, with the word advent meaning the second coming of Christ. Rather than use a firm date, which must fail, the Millerites cleverly created the concept of Christ's second coming to be imminent, signaled by problems in the world. Then, true believers could site wars, disease, crime.... as indicators the time grows close, but of course, isn't here yet! It will happen soon, though, certainly within few years. The Adventists aren't alone in their beliefs. The Left Behind books and movies, using the rapture as the the focus, have been hugely popular. I overheard an otherwise sane woman the other day talking to a friend about Oprah being an Antichrist. Article after article debunking the claims are helpful but don't convince the true believers. Here are three, Cultures are mix of many qualities, and a prominent one in the U.S. is the mystical paranoia early settlers from Europe brought in their coming to America to escape religious prosection. The Don't Tread On Me Gadsden flag is a manifestation of that, which is why its a Tea party mainstay image. The U.S.'s mystical paranoia has been discussed many times in The Celestial Wheel and was first addressed in the August 7, 2008 Short-subject Commentary, American Psychology. Doubtless, other nations and cultures have this proclivity, but as this is U.S. based publication, that Vedic chart is the focus. Israel's chart is just as fraught with the same karmas. Certainly other peoples are vulnerable to mystical suggestion, Nithyananda Fooling the crowd his fraud revealed. But then, let's not make fun of the East Indians when the TM movement in the U.S. has been teaching Yogic Flying for decades. Of course, nobody has actually flown anywhere, though there are some pretty impressive hoppers. A simple way to understand this human frailty is that there will always be people in any society who want to believe -- and thereby, they do! The true believers in end times, Armageddon and apocalypse are not going away, and they will continue with their fascination until the Mayan Calendar ending has brought what it will -- NOTHING. Most will believe the continuing and deepening Millennium Contraction is proof the end times are here, which is truly unfortunate. This is indeed an economic, social and political transformational era -- as society shifts from: the Second Gilded Age (ended in late 2008), to the Millennium Contraction continuing through mid decade and finally the Second Progressive age starting in 2015. (Shift is another New Age buzzword.) But this is not the end of the world in any way. In fact, the U.S. has experienced over 40 economic recessions and depressions, some more severe as the current Millennium Contraction. Indulging in delusions will not solve problems and can even make them worse by diverting energy and money from critical needs for basic living requirement and lifestyle changes. We must all have cool heads, think objectively and analyzing bonafide information.... to fit your old square pegs into new round holes. There does appear to be an emerging consensus in the spiritual community accommodating the Mayan Calender ending beliefs with the reality that previous doomsday predictions haven't come true. Recall the recent cluster of four doomsday claims: 1987 Harmonic Convergence, 2000 Y2K, 2003 Harmonic Concordance, and 2010 Cardinal Complex. (The August 9, 2010 VedicLeaks analyzed this last.) NOTHING HAPPENED Because these can't be just cast aside, they need to be integrated into that community's world view. This consensus is well explained in Natural News' article, What the Mayan prophecies are really about and how to deal with 2012, the economic and social control shifts will force those who are ready into higher states of consciousness. By focusing on the concept of higher consciousness, everyone can relate to that, and believe they've achieve it. And because no proof is required, it's the perfect foil. As a well known and widely accepted New Age centerpiece, higher consciousness is the perfect answer for earlier failed doomsday prophecies and now the Mayan Calendar ending. Notice the years of these four predictions: 1987, 2000, 2003, 2010. The U.S. chart has three main planets which stimulate its mystical paranoia -- the Moon, Rahu and Mercury. The Moon rules the eighth house of secrets and catastrophe, and Rahu and Mercury are placed there. Notice in the next section's listing of the U.S. Dasas (planetary cycles) that the second ten year Moon cycle ran from late 1998 to late 2008. These four doomsday claims and the U.S. Moon Dasa dovetail pretty well. Perhaps more important, the Moon cycle brought a surge in doomsday popularity. That is, the 1987 Harmonic Convergence grew a wider audience during the 1998 to 2008 Moon cycle than when it occurred. Another issue is the build up of mystical paranoia during the Moon cycle infecting many more people. Now there are literally hordes scattered across American, pumped up by false gurus of all stripes, breathlessly awaiting the greatest apocalypse prediction of all. At the Mayan Calender end, true believers, with their consciousness colored by mystical paranoia, will react to the Millennium Contraction's harms in counterproductive ways which can even be destructive. The next section reviews and puts into perspective Celestial Wheel forecasting on the U.S.'s mystical paranoia in regard to the Mayan calender ending 2012.
Previous Celestial Wheel Forecasting On This Topic (Note: This information to the separating horizontal rule was presented in the January 22, 2012 VedicLeaks as an introduction to the 2012 Mayan Calender end topic.)
The United States Through It's Planetary Cycles Part I -- 1776 to 1895 The first time The Celestial Wheel addressed this topic was in the December 2004 In-Depth Forecast, The United States Through Its Planetary Cycles Part I, 1776 to 1895. If you haven't read this, along with Part 2 -- 1895 to 2015 -- take a look! These are the most visited Celestial Wheel free-to-the-public forecasts by a a wide margin. You'll be amazed at how well the U.S. Vedic chart's planetary cycles {Dasas) fit with documented history. Below is a Dasas listing of these from that forecast. If you add up the Dasas of all nine planets, you'll see these total 120 years. For a nation chart like the U.S. that is older than 120 years, the planets repeat. Thereby, the trends and circumstances found when planet's Dasa was first run repeat when that planet's Dasa runs a second time. For example, this Forecast, being written in 2004, was during the second 10 year Moon cycle, which indicated a Gilded Age of excess, robber barons, religious purity and government corruption. Doesn't this describe the First Gilded Age that peaked in the 1880s, and then the Second Gilded age during G.W. Bush's two terms?
Planet's Dasas, however, are not single-planet. There are subcycle planets (to a total of five planets), each shorter than the last and each less potent. The first subcycle planet is determinative and is considered in relation to the main Dasa planet. Mystical Mercury will be the first subcycle Dasa planet from May 31, 2012 to May 28, 2013. Mental Mercury considered with Mars, makes the mind very fast, alternatively audacious and fearful. Lying, scheming, cheating, being self serving -- the end justifies the means -- are other qualities. This is militant, no holds bared, aggression. And it can come from both sides -- the 1% and/or the rest of us. Too, as the Mormons, the Millerites and other cult belief systems sprang up in the first Mercury Dasa from 1828 to 1845, some mysticism comes forward, and this is heightened to a feverish mystical paranoia by warrior Mars. Mars Dasa, then, is not entirely material. This Mars/Mercury cycle from May 31, 2012 to May 28, 2013 will stoke the mystical paranoia flames at the Mayan Calender end in late December 2012.
Mayan Calendar End World Transit Chart The December 18, 2009 Short-subject VedicLeaks specifically addressed the Mayan Calendar ending by generating at Vedic chart and interpreting it. The below screen shot (image) is from that entry.
September 2013 will see peak Millennium Contraction harms, which may include the U.S. defaulting on some of its debt. The initial convulsion will match the Mayan Calender ending date coincidentally.
Mayan Calender End Transit Chart On The U.S. Chart The final analytical task in this Forecast is to consider the above Mayan Calender End transit chart on the U.S. chart. Below are these charts for side-by-side comparison.
Notice that transit Mars at 4"16 degrees aspects the U.S. chart's Mercury at 3.26 degrees almost exactly. And transit Saturn at 14:50 degrees aspects the U.S. chart's Rahu. This portends turmoil, even a major violence is given, for the location is the 8th house of catastrophe. As the Dasas are the underlying (primary) karma, they must be considered. On December 23, 2012, the U.S. chart's Dasa planets will be Mars/Mercury//Rahu/Rahu/Saturn, and Saturn yields to Mercury in the middle of the day. This challenging Dasa planet lineup confirms the transit karma. There will be turmoil, even a likely violence is given, for the Mayan Calender end December 23, 2012
Summary, The preceding sections have reached the following conclusions, Mystical Paranoia At the Mayan Calender end, true believers, with their consciousness colored by mystical paranoia, will react to the Millennium Contraction's harms in counterproductive ways which can even be destructive. The United States Through It's Planetary Cycles Part I -- 1776 to 1895 This Mars/Mercury cycle from May 31, 2012 to May 28, 2013 will stoke the mystical paranoia flames at the Mayan Calender end in late December 2012. Mayan Calendar End World Transit Chart September 2013 will see peak Millennium Contraction harms, which may include the U.S. defaulting on some of its debt. The initial convulsion will match the Mayan Calender ending date coincidentally Mayan Calender End Transit Chart On The U.S. Chart There will be turmoil, even a likely violence is given, for the Mayan Calender end December 23, 2012