#65c Planetary Karmas For 2006 Part 3 United States Chart
I Counter-culture -- Why, When And How Long This third segment of predictions for 2006 follows the January through June World Transits analysis and the United States chart interpretation, January through March 1. {The established format of first interpreting the Dasa planet(s) underlying karmas, following by catalyzing transits is applied.} Part 1,World Transit Chart, identified global planetary karmas signaling: natural disasters, government incompetence, increased warfare, economic retraction, energy supply/price problems, Bird flu progression and ensuing popular rebellions. Part 2, the United States to March 1 , revealing the same set of challenges -- plus Gilded Age scandals and excesses, along with stress on G.W. Bush's and Dick Cheney's charts. This Part 3 examines the United States chart for March 2 through June 30, unveiling the dominant planetary karma to be counter-culture -- a grassroots revolt against the neoconservative government and big business. This is signaled by the chart's Moon/Ketu* Dasa planets, explained below {*Ketu is the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point with an wraithlike insightful nature bringing otherworldly knowledge.} The key elements of this upcoming popular rebellion are: Why, When and How Long.
A. Why Basic to the American democracy are obedience, trust and honoring authority. The public has thereby accepted {so far}the Iraq War, huge budget and trade deficits, global warming effects, government incompetence, corporate greed and unfair tax cuts. Only economic stress energizes the masses -- as Bill Clinton said, It's the economy, stupid. The, They don't care about us grumbling described in the November 3 Celestial Wheel's barbershop vignette was a reaction to a pile-up of personally-impactive economic woes. $3/gallon gas was naturally the straw that broke the camel's back. And, these hard-working ranchers and tradesmen were resentful of elite's multiplying vacation mansions and California-chic accoutrements -- courtesy of Second Gilded Age favoritism and excess.
B. When The tipping point -- when loss of confidence in the government or economy occurs-- is less certainly predictable. The difficult, even dangerous, United States chart's Dasas and catalyzing transits ending March 1, combined with the World Transit challenges, result in a complex web of compelling karmic currents. Many cannot be anticipated in our interconnected globe. {Recall the previous World Transit Chart discussion about transits being more powerful during this era of globalization.} Frigid weather in Asia and Europe could throw the world economy into an energy caused tail-spin. At any time, Japan or China can decide stop buying U.S. Treasury securities, causing the dollar to crash. Iraq, of course, continues to be G.W. Bush's Great Misadventure. Domestically, the Supreme Court appointment of stealth anti-abortionist Sam Alito, followed by a quick overturning of Roe versus Wade, could stir the maddening crowd. Too, the luxury Las Vegas real estate bubble-burst is one more early signal of a nationwide reversal. Still, as Dasas are the underlying karmic current, rebellion is more likely to begin after the United States chart begins its compelling Moon/Ketu counter-culture Dasa on March 2-- demanding, throw them all out!
C. How long This is the least difficult question to answer in a way, for the public will have the opportunity for democratic expression in the November 6 midterm elections. Combining the United States chart's two-punch combination of Moon/Ketu Dasa planets (March 2 to October 1) bringing popular rebellion, with damaging transits, the public must reject most Republicans and wishy-washy Democrats. Although the the neoconservative tyranny must end then, leadership replacements are as yet unpredictable. The Democrats continue to be a muddled crowd. {Note: The charts of government leaders -- Bush, Cheney... -- will be addressed in a separate following forecasting effort..}
II United States' Dasa Planets: Moon/Ketu
A. Moon Dasa The December 31 Celestial Wheel Commentary {Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is?) concisely described the Moon Dasa,
Further, the worldly Moon being placed in the 3rd house of desires, stimulates for an intoxication with power, which is integral to both Gilded Age excesses and G.W. Bush's nature. Bush has this placement in his own chart. That congruence is the karma which brought him out of Texas into Washington.
B. Ketu Subcycle
The 2nd of income, 6th of the daily job and 10th of career are the three Artha (wealth) houses. Ketu's otherworldly nature harms all, depressing the economy. Perhaps the most galvanizing of these wealth house harms is that to the 10th house, where industrial Saturn is placed. Look for further manufacturing losses and factory closings, mirroring the domestic auto industry misfortunes. Mars throws an aggressively energizing aspect upon Ketu, and although this is a difficult concept for Westerner's to grasp, the Pitta (fiery) planet of war combined with the Pitta planet of spirit create seething anger -- the combination precipitating 9-11. In that case, Mars/Ketu brought the religious-inspired remorseless attack to revenge the United States transgressions upon Islamic lands, especially troops trespassing on holy sites in Saudi Arabia.. {See Predicting 9-11} Also, as Ketu symbolizes gas and oil, that area will continue to be a focus.
C. Previous Ketu Dasa Cycles Vedic Astrology evaluates a planet by reviewing how it influenced in previous Dasas -- primary and subcycle. The United States Through Its Planetary Cycles Forecast verified the interpretation given above, and documenting excerpts are shown in End Note #1 at the end of this Forecast. One is so intriguing it is restated here: During Venus primary and Ketu subcycle from October 1, 1991 to November 30, 1992, counter-culture Bill Clinton defeated traditionalist George Bush Sr. The nation was also in the grip of the 1990-91 recession.
III Transit Influences As repeatedly explained in Celestial Wheel forecasting, Vedic Astrology uses the dual predictive method of primary Dasas and secondary transits. Dasas describe the underlying karmic current over which planetary transits influence, like weather patterns... and continuing the nautical analogy, the life (whether for a person, nation or other organization) can be compared to a lifeboat on the Dasas river of life, which is also impacted by transit weather events. Since the January 12, 2006 World Transit Chart analysis has already delineated transit influences, it is straightforward to now apply these to the United States chart for March 2 to June 30. The key transit planets during this interval are: Jupiter, Saturn/Ketu, Mercury and Mars. They are tremendously catalytic.
A. Jupiter
The World Transit Chart analysis also identified Jupiter's freedom from Mars as a catalyst for the Moon/Ketu Dasa counter-culture movement,
In the United States chart, Jupiter is transiting the 11th house of goals, opportunities, friends and groups. This is a tremendous boost to broad based counter-culture organization.
B. Saturn/Ketu
For the United States, this Mercury retrograde will be a startling replay of the spring of 2005. Then, Mercury was also retrograde in Pisces {March 20 to April 12}, where transit Rahu was also placed. Last spring's extremes were epitomized in the nation convulsing over the Terri Shiavo feeding tube case. Then, the United States' Dasa planets were Moon/Mercury, both mystical influences, and the 4th house location symbolizes devotion. So, that end of life issue fit. This Spring's Mercury Madness occurs under United State's charts' anti-establishment Moon/Ketu Dasa. Since the 4th house is also real estate, this year's Mercury retrograde is yet another influence signaling the boom's death knell.
D. Mars The planet of war has not been a player thus far in this look at the United States chart, even though it was the big player in the World Transit Chart analysis. That interpretation used Mars' transits through Taurus, Gemini and Cancer to determine stress intervals. In the United States chart, Mars is fairly docile after it leaves Aries on February 5 for its two month transit through Taurus until April 3.
As the 8th house is Cancer (the home), Mars is landed property and Saturn is form and structure, there's a potent influence for natural disasters -- weather and earth crust. Additional sensitive dates have not been included in this analysis to limit complexity. However, May 28 is dangerous for the congruence of Mars being active in the United States' Dasas and transit Mars crossing birth chart Mercury. Government leaders, stock markets and warfare are all vulnerable.
Expect during these early weeks of summer to hear the drumbeats of popular protests against the futile woodwinds of ineffective government and the whining strings of strung-out leaders -- while the brass blares sorrow for real estate and industrial down-spirals.
E. Summary
This predictive endeavor for March through June, 2006 answers the December 31 Celestial Wheel's question, Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? I'm predicting a nationwide counter-culture movement beginning this spring in reaction to a failed government and sinking economy. By suggesting too that voters in November will throw out the neoconservatives, the second question, Does anybody really care?, is also answered.