The Celestial Wheel



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March 2016




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March 8 2016

Solar Eclipse Day -- And Night

     Today's solar eclipse actually spans two days for beginning late this evening.  Still, today is the eclipse day for energy gathering strength as the Sun approaches Ketu, the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point.


Solar Eclipse Specifics

     This is a total eclipse of the Sun, the most powerful of all eclipses -- both solar and lunar.  By blocking the light of the Sun -- ego, soul, confidence, power, nobility .... and notably, both government and kingship, it is impactive for world events.  Because this is a dissolving Ketu eclipse, confidence harms are aggravated by a a perception of loss. Physically, the Sun is the right eye, head, heart and skeleton.  However, don't forget eclipses are transits -- where the planets are in today's skies -- and are thus global planetary weather. 

     Everyone is thereby influenced, which brings the suggestion to be quiet and still today.  Another reason for this posture is when Sun is eclipsed, the skies darken, revealing the stars.  Thus, eclipses both block and reveal.  Only by being quiet and still can we be receptive to the more subtle revealing side of the eclipse.

     Eclipse effects really begin two weeks before the astronomical event, which gives reason to the uproar in U.S. politics, as well as other events -- such as economic strife abroad and saber rattling by the North Koreans.  The solar eclipse influence tails off more quickly, in about a week. 


     But because a strong penumbral lunar eclipse follows on March 23, that blocking energy builds as the solar eclipse energy declines -- resulting in strong eclipse energy throughout March.

  The February 29 VedicLeaks entry incorrectly posited today's eclipse in Pisces - an error.  This solar eclipse is actually in Aquarius -- which makes the results worse for the Sun's significations because Aquarius is ruled by restrictive Saturn.  Thus, activities, especially today and tomorrow, are compromised -- which includes the U.S. presidential primaries Eclipse driven fears will influence voters.  Thus, the February 29 VedicLeaks expressed concern about the entire month of March.

The correct eclipse information is

Solar 3/8/9 at 24:50 Aquarius

Lunar 3/23 at 9:12 Virgo


This corrected sign position for today's solar eclipse still does not result any planets in the Vedic charts of the U.S., Trump or Clinton in being hit -- the eclipse within two degrees of a planet.  Still other charts -- leaders, nations.... must be eclipse-hit, which influences will reverberate into the U.S. presidential race.



First Baby-Boomers -- Trump & Clinton

  The The First Baby-Boomers was an In-depth Celestial Wheel Forecast published over a decade ago in 2005.  It showed that people born between June 28, 1946 and December 14, 1947 possessed a Yoga (special combination) that made them especially puissant and power and drive enduring throughout their lives,


     Notice the reference to both Bush (G.W.) and Trump both having thie Baby-Boomer Yoga.  It turns out Hillary Clinton does too, having been born on October 26, 1947!  (See the listing of prominent folks at the end of the Forecast.)

     The Conclusions section, First Baby-Boomers states, For elections, look for candidates with the Yoga running against others without the Yoga.  The former have the power to dominate, with no holds barred.  Further, candidates have victory-insurance if the spouse also has the Yoga, . (This is because people share karma with their spouses.)

   Barrack Obama came along in 2008 to dash Hillary Clinton's presidential run, and his reelection in 2012 continued to block her.  He is unique in American politics in many ways, including beating a First Baby-Boomer.  With Obama out of the way, Hillary is the Democratic frontrunner.  And, of course, Trump leads the Republican pack. 

    Note that when the spouse also has this Yoga, the influence is increased- victory-insurance.  Bill Clinton has it, which supports Hillary, just as she supported Bill in his two elections to president.

    Another First Baby-Boomer came out of the woodwork recently, denouncing Trump -- Mitt Romney -- who has also made himself available in a brokered Republican convention.



     Remember, yesterday Trump changed Dasas (planetary cycles) to his disadvantage.   The January 20 VedicLeaks entry stated, The current cycle is Rahu/Mars/Jupiter til 3/7.  Because his Jupiter is so strong, Trump continues to do well in the polls.  But then, Rahu/Mars/Saturn kicks in until May 7.  That will definitely slow him down.

     Saturn in Trump's Vedic chart rules his sixth house of open enemies and is placed in his twelfth house of  secret enemies.  Runing now Rahu/Mars/Saturn Dasas, his Rahu brings great power, Mars aggression and Saturn losses from open and secret enemies.  Further, considering the nature of this line-up, all three are malefics -- ugly energy. and Saturn alone brings the vulgarity.

     Global karma transits are also rough for Trump, for Saturn and Mars are transiting his fourth house of the emotions, aspecting his tenth house of career, with on top of his perceptional and benefits-in-life Moon,



     Dasas planets change rapidly with the birth time.  So, if Trump's 10:54 AM birth time was just a minute later, this Saturn subcycle would begin on March 3.  If he had been born two minutes later at 10:52, Saturn subcycle would begin on February 29.  This latter time dovetails with the opposition hie's been facing since March began.

     As we've seen with Hillary Clinton versus Obama, having the First Baby-Boomers Yoga does not insure the presidency.  We should understand the same for Trump.  Further, his chart has now turned sour for both Dasas and transits.  Additionally here, Trump is confronting Clinton indirectly now during the primary season and then directly after the conventions.  Plus, First Baby-Boomers Yoga holder Mitt Romney is attacking now for a brokered Republican convention.

     Let's see what happens during the rest of this March eclipse month. 



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2016©

VedicLeaks 2016©
Doug Riemer



March 14, 2016

Midway Through Eclipse Season

   With the energy of the March 8 total solar eclipse at 24:50 Aquarius winding down, ahead now is just the penumbral lunar eclipse on March 23 at 9:12 Virgo. 

   Now it's true that the building lunar eclipse energy is replacing the dissipating solar eclipse energy.  The total  blocking energy of the eclipse season is thereby moderating.  This results because solar eclipses are more potent than lunar ones.  Still, as eclipses destabilize, and these are both potent total eclipses, we should continue to use care in our lives -- just as we drive more slowly and carefully on wet, snowy and icy roads.

There's a key planetary disposition that will exaggerate the lunar eclipse -- or actually make it more difficult to deal with this blocking of the conscious mind, awareness and the public.  On March 18, Mercury (the intellect) will transit into Pisces it's fallen sign.   There, Mercury will exactly conjoint the Sun on March 23 -- eclipse day.  Doubts and confusions will cloud both sides of the mind , and overreactions must result.


Mars/Saturn and Rahu/Jupiter Continue As Transformational Karmas

     Altough eclipse instability grabs our attention, we need to maintain focus on the ongoing determinative karmas for the next several months -- Rahu's assault upon Jupiter in Leo plus Mars and Saturn battling each other in terrifying Scorpio. Yes, the road is icy, but there are storms and other issues making your journey much more  arduous, even dangerous.

     Rahu descended upon Jupiter in Leo on January 9.  Because Rahu moves backward and Jupiter went retrograde January 8, the Rahu/Jupiter combination is stuck in Leo until August 11.  Rahu (the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) degrades Jupiter's higher knowledge, wisdom and wealth, and a defining word for this energy is conflict.

    Mars entered Scorpio February 20, and their respective retrogrades cause them to crash together in mid August -- and then remain locked up in Scorpio until September 17.  The combination of the great malefic Saturn with the red hot malefic Mars creates stress.

     Thus, we are only in the early stages of this multi-season of two challenging conjunctions.  By the end of the summer, landscapes, real and figurative, will have changed perhaps more than once.  Certainly the U.S. presidential race --- with the public rebelling against the establishment (authority) will see the candidates' fortunes change.  The discerning will see these shifts pushing ahead the Second Progressive Age.

     Remember, while the U.S. is hit hard because it is running Rahu Dasa now, Rahu/Jupiter and Mars/Saturn impact globally -- some nations hit harder than others, some on just the fringe of the karmic storm.

    If the tumult in the world, and in your own personal journey, has distracted you from these conjunctions for conflict and stress, revisit the February VedicLeaks entries.  There, you will find a listing of Rahu/Jupiter conflicts:

wealth issues
earth crust events
aeronautical leaps


     Although Mars/Saturn's Scorpionic stresses are of a different nature and quality from Rahu/Jupiter, they generally magnify the above-listed Rahu/Jupiter conflicts.  Thus, storms are more severe, especially flooding, since Scorpio is a water sign.  Mars/Saturn's tendencies for violence, hate and jealousy fuel government conflicts.  Scandals about government and wealth result from the unveiling of Scropio secrets. 

     Take a look at the home page's Matching Predictions With Results, to see unfolding results -- especially for Trump, who is battling Rahu/Jupiter and Mars/Saturn transits by also running the nasty Dasas (underling planetary cycles) of Rahu/Mars/Saturn.  I use the word battling because that is exactly what Trump is doing -- and he's not backing down, and he won't, for there's a relentless quality to his chart now.




The Celestial Wheel 2002-2016©

VedicLeaks 2016©
Doug Riemer




March 22, 2016

A direct email entry

March 23 Penumbral Eclipse

The conflict-causing Rahu/Jupiter conjunction and the stressful Mars/Saturn conjunction are heavy drags on our energy.  Recall the former began January 9, the latter February 20, and both continue until mid August.

These dissonances wouldn't be so bad if the entropy-causing eclipse season weren't also happening. Blocking the luminaries prevents us from recharging our mental, physical, emotional and spiritual batteries -- much like solar cells don't produce much electricity on cloudy days to recharge batteries.


The total solar eclipse March 8 was followed by tomorrow's lunar eclipse.  With eclipse effects wrapping around eclipse dates, the entire month has been an energy-sapper.   And remember the (above) March 14 VedicLeaks explained about tomorrow's eclipse,

There's a key planetary disposition that will exaggerate the lunar eclipse -- or actually make it more difficult to deal with this blocking of the conscious mind, awareness and the public. On March 18, Mercury (the intellect) will transit into Pisces it's fallen sign. There, Mercury will exactly conjoint the Sun on March 23 -- eclipse day. Doubts and confusions will cloud both sides of the mind, and overreactions must result.

Today's three Republican primaries in the West will be subject to this energy in voting, reactions and interpretations as the lunar eclipse energy has been building to a crescendo. It will naturally peak at the eclipse, which is maximum at 6:00 AM ET.

Take heart, though, for April will see both the astronomical and astrological skies brightening and warming. And, because eclipses both block the light and reveal the stars, we can use this lull to look inward personally and seek greater understanding of the world around us. Then, when the energy of springtime begins to brighten the natural world and our personal energetics, we'll be better prepared to sow new seeds for a good harvest in late summer and the fall.

In the meantime, don't let the chaos resulting from conflict, stress and entropy over-wash your energy chakras to the point of depression, and/or giving up.

The (above) March 14 VedicLeaks entry further explained,

Mars/Saturn and Rahu/Jupiter Continue As Transformational Karmas

Although eclipse instability grabs our attention, we need to maintain focus on the ongoing determinative karmas for the next several months -- Rahu's assault upon Jupiter in Leo plus Mars and Saturn battling each other in terrifying Scorpio.  Yes, the road is icy, but there are storms and other issues making your journey much more arduous, even dangerous....

... we are only in the early stages of this multi-season of two challenging conjunctions.  By the end of the summer, landscapes, real and figurative, will have changed perhaps more than once.  Certainly the U.S. presidential race --- with the public rebelling against the establishment (authority) will see the candidates' fortunes change.  The discerning will see these shifts pushing ahead the Second Progressive Age.


Isn't it true, for example, that the strife-ridden, sometimes disgusting, U.S. election season has already advanced the Second Progressive Age, in both parties?  Bernie Sanders has forced Hillary Clinton to the left.  She must address populist concerns to wrest power from Second Gilded Age robber barons and to dissociate herself from Wall Street -- for banks are always the root of all evil,


The election season has also brought a direct attack upon the Republicans -- the party that has pushed its laissez faire economic doctrine down our throats to create the Second Gilded Age's robber barons. These are the 1% who now control over 20% of income and 40% of assets -- double their influence since Reagan's presidency.

Recall the Republican debate during which Trump counter-punched Jeb Bush's claim that G.W. made us safe by pointing out 9-11 occurred under his watch and the resulting Iraq war was based upon lies.  That was a knockout punch, sinking the establishment ship.  Jeb Bush pulled out of the race within weeks. Then, just a few weeks later, Marco Rubio, who had defended the Bushes in the debate, was also forced to withdraw for lack of voter support.

Loyal Republicans put up with G.W.'s malfeasances as long as they believed the Republican's supply-side economics benefited them.  However, after over 7 long years of since the Millennium Contraction began in 2008, their lives are actually worse, and the rich got richer.  Trump's revealing the truth about the Republican doctrinaire on 9-11 and the Iraq war as being patently false is an contemporary version of the Emperor Has No Clothes.


The Republican party is in tatters due to Trump -- but not because he has better ideas than establishment candidates but because he revealed the truth about the establishment.  Tomorrow's lunar eclipse will doubtless reveal more truths.  Voter anger, then, is not just about the economic malaise but also now about having been asked to believe the establishment's lies about 9-11 and Iraq.

In closing, everyone knows well by now the U.S. is well into its 17 year Rahu Dasa (planetary cycle). Here's Rahu from the January 29 VedicLeaks entry,

And here's Trump, Mr. Rahu,


And isn't there another Mr. Rahu lurking in the Republican candidate ranks?  As Trump is hated, this guy is hateful.  And when it's his turn for a cold-blooded reptilian strike, well, his hypnotic vision of an American Theocracy will creates its own brand of havoc.





The Celestial Wheel 2002-2016©

VedicLeaks 2016©
Doug Riemer


March 27, 2016

A direct email entry

Moon Transiting Scorpio

The all-important perceptional Moon went into terrible Scorpio mid afternoon.  She'll stay in this sign (fallen) for 2 1/2 days -- until early morning on Wednesday.

You can see this lunar disposition in the below chart for 6:20 PM EDT today -- where she will cross malefics Mars and Saturn.

Being weak to begin with, and then harmed by these two malefics will create a lot of havoc.  This energy will be accentuated because tomorrow is Moon Monday and the next day is Mars Tuesday (the days of the week these planets own.)

Many of the planetary karmas listed in the March 14 VedicLeaks entry will be expressed, and experienced emotionally.

wealth issues
earth crust events
aeronautical leaps

Certainly the ongoing drama of American politics will reach a new crescendo of excess and weirdness, though it seems the situation can't become more dramatic -- it does!  Keep in mind Mars/Saturn continue to stimulate stress and Rahu/Jupiter conflict -- plus Mercury is very week in her fallen sign of Pisces. Keep in mind, however, events and resulting trends all advance the new Second Progressive Age.

Take a look at this article, with the accompanying video about Barry Goldwater's run for the President in 1964,

This Ad by Republicans Against Barry Goldwater Basically Predicted Donald Trump




The Celestial Wheel 2002-2016©

VedicLeaks 2016©
Doug Riemer


Matching Predictions To Results
Predictions in blue and results in red underlined links to Articles



Mars' February violence-surge a warning for strife through the summer

3/2  Major 8.1 magnitude quake strikes SW Indonesia

Guatemala on alert as volcano spews ash over vast area

3/10 5 dead, thousands flee as historic floods swamp South

3/13 134 cars involved in hours-long interstate pile-up

3/14  Severe Thunderstorms Target East and Midwest Monday and Tuesday

Amtrak Train From LA to Chicago Derails, at Least 32 Passengers Injured


Super Tuesday will be Super Bluesday -- a blowout by the leaders or a rout of the either or both.   Results will be reverberate well into March

3/2 Super Tuesday -- Trump and Clinton Sprint, While Others Stumble

Super Tuesday Results: The Trump Nightmare Continues

3/3  Mitt Romney: Donald Trump is a 'phony, a fraud'

The backlash against Chris Christie


March 7 -- Rahu/Mars/Saturn kicks inTrump will be a kite in a lightening storm

3/10 Black Protestor Is Sucker-Punch by WhiteTrump Supporter at Rally

Violence continues at Donald Trump rallies

3/12 Trump supporters, protesters clash after Chicago rally postponed

Trump Surrounded by Secret Service as Man Tries Rushing Stage

3/13 Trump ends wild day on campaign trail by calling for protesters' arrests


Note:  Results track ended mid March.