Haiti A Metaphor & More -- A Year Later Preface This forecast follows the January 20, 2010 In-depth Forecast, Haiti -- A Metaphor & More. That analysis was philosophical, not astronomical, asking of the aid, if the money will again go to this stratified culture's ultra rich. Clearly, the slow place of rebuilding suggests that result , especially since all imports, including humanitarian aid, are subject to a 40% government tariff. Well, certainly the rebuilding has been snail-slow. Tensions are building now as the current President is due to step down tomorrow and new elections are scheduled for March 20.
Earth Crust Event Predictions Januaries 2010 & 2011 The January 9, 2010 Short-subject Commentary (now called VedicLeaks) predicted an earth crust event around January 13, 2010. The reasoning was Saturn (form and structure) turning retrograde in earth sign Virgo would cause the tectonic plates to shift. That entry advised of confirming karmas, There are other factors which aggravate. Mercury will also be slowing down on January 13, as he approaches station on the fifteenth. As explained below, the act of slowing down destabilizes. Second, a powerful penumbral solar eclipse comes on January 15.
The January 12, 2010 VedicLeaks reported, Today's earthquake in Haiti occurred at 4:53 PM. proved the prediction. The January 14 entry added, Two Volcanic Eruptions In South America.
Just over a year later, the January 24, 2011 VedicLeaks predicted another earth crust event for the same reason, Saturn grinds to a halt tonight, just after midnight. Saturn stays powerfully motionless until it turns retrograde at midnight tomorrow. Again, that entry offered confirming karma -- the vicious Sun/Mars conjunction bringing fires/explosions, advising, The combination of the Sun/Mars conjunction and Saturn turning retrograde can signify another earth crust event. The January 27 entry reported there were two volcanos in the Far East, one in Bali and a truly major eruption in Japan. Thereby, in both January 2010 and January 2011, form and structure Saturn turning retrograde signaled major earth crust events, which were confirmed by a solar eclipse in 2010 and the Mars/Sun conjunction in 2011. This, then, is a very tidy predictive bundle. I've only recently found a good chart for Haiti, and below is the transit wheel for January 12, 2010. The inner wheel is the birth chart, and the top center section is the 1st house -- the self. The outer wheel shows the transiting planets.
The the hot Sun with destructive Rahu were on transiting Venus that day and also on the Ascendant point, which is the body of the nation.
If I had the staff to review the hundreds of charts of nations, I may have seen this coming. Alas, hindsight predictions don't count and don't help to minimize suffering. Karma can be dodged only if people know about it in advance.
Governments Overthrown The January 21, 2011VedicLeaks listed Sun/Mars conjunction harms to be not just fires/explosions, but also fighting for government power, leaders attacked... I also recently found a good chart for Egypt, and as explained in the January 29 In-depth Forecast, Does Egypt Signal Global Transformation?, The kicker was the December 21 total lunar eclipse at 5:19 Gemini, within the 2 degree bulls-eye circle around the 6:11 degree Sun -- a double significator of government and leadership in this chart. There's no need to document the Egyptian revolt. It has dominated the media. Note too, there has been unrest in Lebanon, Palestine and other Mideast locales. However, Haiti's government is at risk for further turmoil. While new elections have been set for March 20, tomorrow is the date the outgoing President's term is over. A Haitian born Participant advised that President will not leave, which can result in riots. The answer is again in eclipses, this time the January 4 partial solar eclipse at 19:36 Sagitarius. That eclipse was just over one degree from Haiti's 18:49 Sun, representing government. Tomorrow does not look good for Haiti's chart.
Further Concern About Governments Being Overthrown Now Another quality of Mars/Sun in Capricorn is that whenever this combination has occurred in modern history, governments fall. Thank you Participant B.R. in Arizona for sleuthing this out in finding he last previous Sun/Mars conjunction in Capricorn was in 1979, when the Shah of Iran fled and the Iranian hostage crisis occurred. I checked, and the the next previous was January 1964. That is known as Martyr's Day, in Panama. The government in Zanzibar also fell then. The next previous was 1929, the January 6 Dictatorship in what would later be Yugoslavia. For documentation, check Wikepedia. Clearly, Sun (government) with fighting Mars exalted in Capricorn, the sign of government officials, by itself is a definitive karma for governments to fall. This suggests further stresses in Haiti, as well as other countries around the globe. Let's just hope the end result improves the human condition.
In Closing This has been a tremendously busy time in the world of Mundane astrology -- world events. Today's forecast, is the best I can offer at this time. I'll follow up as I can. I will mention one last planetary karma. Egypt has a warrior government with its Sun/Mars conjunction in the third house of desires. Haiti has this same combination in the first house of the self. These governments wage war upon the people for their own gain. And while Egypt is a mess, Haiti has wasted its wealth, causing untold suffering. The U.S. should look first to its neighbors, not countries a continent away -- just like the firefighter hotshot teams don't go running off to fight fires in other states, while their neighboring towns burn. It's a lesson for the U.S. in the value of the old spheres of influence concept. We should get out of the Mideast and let the Europeans, whose backyard it truly is, deal with the problems there. Further, the Europeans colonized the region, setting it up for inevitable problems following the colonial era. They need to take responsibility for their actions.