October 2, 2020
Greetings From Buenos Aires
Dear Daddy Dearest,
Greetings from Buenos Aires! Our entire family is hail and healthy, and I'm already making great contacts with German Nazi families.

I'm also so excited to tell you I've started a new marketing company -- Postcards From Argentina. And yes, Jared and I are the models in this first premier postcard, available for only $29.99. Can't you tell from my legs? And that's real gold leaf from China -- well sort of real. I went brunette becaus we have to keep a low profile here for a while -- like three decades. Har, har. There are far left murderous Antifa radicals everywhere, even in the really nice spas. But, everyone is very white, even the black and brown people are white. How fun is that?
Kisses, but no more hugs,
PS Whoops! I almost forgot to thank you for your personal jet, which Jared and I agree we'll keep here. We don't want your creditors to grab it. This is us landing. Boy those wheels really smoke -- just like me!

PPS Hope you get this card soon, though we all know the U.S. Postal Service is a little slow these days. Good job on that, Daddy! I know you'll this get well card sooner or later to cheer you up as you quarantine from the fake virus. My hot red shoes will give you a real boost!
Here's the Celestial Wheel reference on Trump getting the virus, April 1,2020 Mars/Saturn Peaked
Again for Trump, Capricorn is his sixth house of enemies and also disease. It's hard to imagine he won't fall to the virus, as would his close associates, even family. |

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |
October 4, 2020
Trump's Virus Infection
That Trump was, and is, hospitalized means that his twelfth house is badly afflicted. The twelfth is the house of loss and also the related final liberation. The Hindu spirituality concept here is that one must experience losses to detach from ones ego, which then liberates the soul to unite with God. Of course, ending this incarnation is also quality of final liberation. Another way of understanding this is the twelfth also indicates seclusion, for as Yogananda famously said, Seclusion is the prices of greatness. That is, in order to fully gain self understanding -- to be liberated from ones ego (attachments) -- one must face oneself in seclusion. Then, selfishness yields to selflessness. Note, the twelfth is also the sleep cycle and sexual pleasure.
Accordingly, the twelfth is places of seclusion: islands, ashrams, caves, prisons and hospitals. In this case, of course, Trump's place of seclusion is a hospital, where he also naturally is put to experience losses in order to detach. Of course, he won't detach for he is completely ego driven. See the February 3, 2017 Trump The Hollow Man -- all ego and no soul.
So Trump must fight hard in the hospital to recover, like a person swimming upstream, rather than detaching from his desires to allow the current sweep him easily downstream. Just this ego karma in his chart indicates his hospitalization will be a struggle, retarding his healing and perhaps even threatening his life.
Trump's twelfth house is not well disposed. Looking at his chart, we can see the twelfth house is Cancer, ruled by the Moon. (The ruler of a house is more important really than planets placed there, just as a landlord is more influential to a property than the tenants occupying the home.)
Trump's Moon is wrecked for being in its fallen (weakest) sign afflicted by dissolving Ketu and an aspect (glance) from vicious Mars. Further, Trump was born to the hour at a total lunar eclipse, which completely blocks his emotional capacity -- ability to relate to others. So, the twelfth house is fundamentally harmed, like the landlord of a house with a cracked foundation.

Venus, the planet of love, is placed in the twelfth house, and in this chart is rules the third house of the arms, hands, shoulders, voice and throat. There, she is afflicted by a very nasty Saturn, made such by being both the planet of loss, chronic illness and death and also for ruling the sixth house of enemies and acute illness. That is why, btw, Trump has such small hands and a comparatively weak voice, certainly not like Obama's deeply resonant one. (Trump is a natural whiner.) This also explains why Trump has such problems with women, which are made worse by his ruined Moon also signifying females. Further, cold Saturn with Venus makes him charming for his own purposes and means he uses women cruelly for twelfth house sexual pleasures. In fact, Trump never could get off unless he was cruel and rough, probably sadistic, with women. Venus' throat signification means the upper respiratory system, where the virus attacks.
Considering more specifically the planetary karmas in Trump's chart, we can refer to the September 26 Sensitive Dates.
August 16 Mars enters Aries and begins attacking Trump's Saturn immediately -- enemies, struggles and fighting back.
August 26 Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Venus exactly* -- career, daily desires, courage and females.
Mars turns retrograde September 10
September 23 Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Venus (second time) exactly.
October 1 Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Saturn (second time) exactly.
October 4 Mars retrogrades back into Pisces, beginning immediately to attack his 8th house of catastrophe.
December 23 Mars begins attacking Trump's birth chart Saturn immediately (third time).
December 30 Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Venus (third time) exactly.
(* these attacks are by aspect -- glance -- and exactly means the aspect is precisely to planet. Also notice the repetition of karma in Mars attacking Saturn and Venus three times -- which makes the karma so potent its called a fixed karma.)
Rahu and Ketu
September 19 Rahu and Ketu change signs from Gemini to Taurus. Rahu immediately begins attacking Trump's Sun.
September 24 Rahu crosses Trump's Sun.
October 6 Ketu crosses Trump's Moon.
October 14 transit Rahu crosses Trump's birth chart Rahu and transit Ketu crosses Trump's birth chart Ketu.
September 29 Saturn turns forward and attacks Trump's birth chart Saturn immediately.
November 10 Saturn exactly aspects Trump's Venus.
You can see the red bold dates of October 1 and September 29 -- when Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Saturn (second time) exactly and Saturn turns forward and attacks Trump's birth chart Saturn immediately. These afflicting aspects both made Trump the fearful and raging bull at the debate and contributed to his catching the virus and being hospitalized.
But also see October 6 Ketu crosses Trump's Moon. Recalling that Trump's Moon rules his twelfth house, which is the dominant karma for that house, dissolving Ketu (the tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point) on his Moon harms that already weak and afflicted planet. Also, Ketu does truly weird stuff because it is an otherworldly influence -- hence the Covid-19 virus -- unlike any other virus that preceded it by both quality and ability to harm.
Consider, as explained in the September 26 entry, exact aspects and conjunctions are quoted, but the influences from these transiting planets begins before those precise measurements and continues following them. So, Ketu harming Trump's Moon began September 19, when Ketu transited into Scorpio, where the Moon is placed. But the exact conjunction must be the most potent and the harms will continue for some weeks.
Thereby, Trump has two more days -- through October 6 -- until Ketu's influence upon his hospitalization Moon maxes out, and then it will take a while for that influence to decrease. Expect then Trump's symptoms will worsen the next couple of days, perhaps even more, and he will recover slowly.
In response to the question of Trump recovering, remember he's running his great Jupiter planetary cycle -- the planet of luck and fortune. Almost regardless of what happens, he gets lucky and can survive even the worst disaster. Further, Trump's eighth house of inheritances and life force is tremendously powerful, which is why he inherited over 400 million and is like an energizer bunny, wearing out and wearing down everyone else, even though his diet is terrible.
That does not mean, however, the Trump will not suffer lingering and debilitating effects from the virus. It seems he will because these challenging aspects to his planets continue for months and include repetitions. (Note, when an influence occurs once it is possible, twice its likely and three times inescapable -- a fixed karma.) These four upcoming transits are shown below.
October 14 transit Rahu crosses Trump's birth chart Rahu and transit Ketu crosses Trump's birth chart Ketu
November 10 Saturn exactly aspects Trump's Venus
December 23 Mars begins attacking Trump's birth chart Saturn immediately (third time)
December 30 Mars attacks Trump's birth chart Venus (third time) exactly
Of course, impatient as Trump is, and with the all-important election just a month away, he may rush to begin campaigning again, which would also bring relapses.
This could very well be Trump's future -- after he loses the election,


The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |
October 5, 2020
PS To Trump's Virus Infection
Way back in early August, The Celestial Wheel began identifying and considering upcoming stresses from transit Mars and Saturn to both the U.S. and Trump's Vedic charts, especially the latter. (Not considered until later in September were the transits of eclipse points Rahu and Ketu into new signs hitting Trump's Sun and Moon. Although these eclipses of the all-important luminaries is obviously material, just Mars' and Saturn's transits were correctly seen as potent enough to cause major turbulences, destructions and setbacks.)
The August 15 Mars In Aries Tomorrow then did a look-ahead. Here's Trump's chart showing aspects (glances) from those two worst malefics to his twelfth house of loss, and also as stated yesterday, hospitalization.

Below are the closing two paragraphs from that August 15 entry,
The U.S. may suffer hurricanes, and hurricane like crises of all kinds -- but Trump the chaos maker will find himself in a self created hurricane that could break him.
The interval from tomorrow until October 4 will be viewed by historians as the turning point for the wrenching health, economic and social changes the U.S. 18 year Rahu cycle is bringing -- that force the Second Progressive age to lurch ahead. |
The thought then was that nobody can absorb the endless stresses Trump has experiences through his own actions and those of open and hidden enemies. That was obviously a judgment call but appears now to have great merit.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |
October 7, 2020
Trump's Virus Infection -- On The Web
In publishing the (above) October 4 Trump's Virus Infection from email format to the web, I did the usual editing, which in this case involved some reformatting for clarity. Still the length and Vedic-technical qualities made the entry a challenge to grasp.
So below are some cogent excerpts for an effective understanding.
Trump must fight hard in the hospital to recover, like a person swimming upstream, rather than detaching from his desires to allow the current sweep him easily downstream. Just this ego karma in his chart indicates his hospitalization will be a struggle, retarding his healing and perhaps even threatening his life.
These afflicting aspects (by Mars and Saturn) both made Trump the fearful and raging bull at the debate and contributed to his catching the virus and being hospitalized.
Trump was born to the hour at a total lunar eclipse, which completely blocks his emotional capacity -- ability to relate to others.
Trump has two more days -- through October 6 -- until Ketu's influence upon his hospitalization Moon maxes out, and then it will take a while for that influence to decrease. Expect then Trump's symptoms will worsen the next couple of days, perhaps even more, and he will recover slowly.
That does not mean, however, the Trump will not suffer lingering and debilitating effects from the virus. It seems he will because these challenging aspects to his planets continue for months.
Of course, impatient as Trump is, and with the all-important election just a month away, he may rush to begin campaigning again, which would also bring relapses. |
Related to the above, also the September 24 And Now Comes Ketu described in detail Trump's perceptional/emotional Moon,
More importantly, transit Ketu at 29:47 degrees is already very close to Trump's perceptional/public Moon at 28:05 degrees. Since the Sun and the Moon are afraid of the eclipse points -- because they block their light -- this is very negative for the luminaries, and especially so for the Moon because it is our feelings. Moon/Ketu people can be very sweet, but they are irrational and overly sensitive. Other terms to describe this unfavorable combination are: wavering mind, unstable, weird, mentally deranged, false imaginings and, interestingly, problems with women. To make this combination even worse, in Trump's chart, the Moon rules the twelfth house of loss. Even in the best of times, then, he's unable to connect to and relate to the public, especially women, and they bring him loss. |
This information dovetails with Trump's behavior. It's interesting to see how this essentially lunar-caused illness follows and matches his lunatic behavior. Thereby, although his physical condition has been a closely guarded secret, his irrational actions indicate he remains very ill. But, of course, the sicker Trump's body is, the sicker his mind becomes. So, in addition to the physical illness reflecting the mental state, there is also a body to mind feedback.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |
October 16, 2020
Mercury Retrograde -- Backing Into Election Day
Mercury turned retrograde late Tuesday (October 13) and this three week weak interval continues until noon November 3 -- election day. Well this is Rahu Dasa (planetary cycle) in the U.S chart, which brings unexpected and uncontrollable events, often stupendous. This sure likes one of those!
Mercury's communications, nervous system and respiratory system all compromised by this backward motion. Think of this like driving downtown in reverse. Oh and yes, Mercury also signifies skill.

Communications is a broad term, and it includes peaking, writing, reading, calculations and memory. I've already misplaced three things, and I spent all day believing today is Wednesday. Related to this is Mercury is transactions of all kinds, as those require communications. Be careful with your bank accounts, debit slips, checks you wrote..... One interesting quality here is purchases -- being charged to much or too little and incorrect change. So, check your receipts! And obviously, remember to vote and double-check you did everything correctly.
Mercury retrograde is not unusual, happening three times a year. It usually isn't difficult and this inward/backward look is good for introspection and gaining clarity on the past. But take care in your nervous system overreacting or obsessing about the past. It's a good time, then, to practice letting go. It is not, however, a good time to calm the nervous system by trying to change your consciousness with alcohol, drugs, sex, heavy exercise or any other extreme behaviors. Even prayer and meditation should not be overdone. Everything in moderation. Yet, Mercury retrograde does bring things out or back from the past. Thus, yard sales have lots of previously hidden stuff. And you may clean out closets to find things you forgot you had. Often people from the past suddenly appear! Just hope they are friendlies.
This Mercury retrograde deserves extra attention because Mercury is badly afflicted by malefics Mars and Saturn. (And of course its happening in this election run-up.) Ah yes, Mars, the planet of destruction, discords, storms and infections that has been so impactive this summer/fall, is again flexing his martial muscles.
Here's the Mars Z pattern, as first published in the August 15 Mars In Aries Tomorrow,

As you can see, Mars is retrograde in Pisces October 4 through November 14.-- through election day. Not shown here is that Mars first went into Pisces June 18, as explained in the June 15 Triple Hit,
Mars then shifts into Pisces June 18 to August 18. And here's that chart. (Note: beyond the triple-hit of the virus, the economy and protests continuing, destructive hurricanes are predicted.) |
These predictions all came true, most notably that the virus began increasing again exactly during that interval. So, we should expect Mars again in Pisces will bring these Mars-harms back again. With the virus surging since earlier this month, hurricanes again hitting and now blossoming in the Gulf of Mexico, more negative economic results and protests revving up, we can see the karmic repetition is already actualizing.
Going back to Mercury retrograde, below is the chart for October 13, when this current retrograde began.

October 13, 2020
The red arrows are red Mars' aspects (glances), and the blue arrows are blue Saturn's. You can easily see both are aspecting Mercury. Mars overstimulates the mind, causing temper and blurting out things. Saturn blocks the mind, bringing deception and restricting cognitive abilities. Together, they heighten energy and bring mental fury.
Libra is Trump's third house of desires, and these planetary dispositions make the mind changeable and erratic. Add to this that dissolving Ketu remains on his Moon, which makes him irrational and also indicates the virus continues. Basically, he's a mental mess, and I don't believe he's truly through the virus. At least he's suffering mental issues from having been infected.
Libra is Biden's twelfth house of loss. He has even more challenges with his stutter and staying on topic. The best thing Biden can do is be quiet and let Trump lose the election. For Kamala Harris, Libra is the fifth of the mind, making her even more the verbal tiger, even raging sometimes.
Libra is the US chart's eleventh house of goals and gains, friends and groups. These are all badly afflicted, especially since the U.S. chart is running Mercury in its Dasas -- planetary cycles.
That Mercury turns forward at noon on election day is interesting because, while Mercury will still be aspected by Mars and Saturn -- causing disruptions -- when it changes direction, Mercury stops in the sky and becomes temporarily very strong. Think of a spotlight scanning a stage and stopping to illuminate an actor, or the police floodlight catching you and your teenage friends in the bushes with beer! Thus, while there will be a lot of mental energy on election day, but Mercury's temporary strength will improve rational thinking. There will be a lot of howling at the wind but less substance in complaints for that. Will the election be decided November 3? I don't have a clue now but will work on it. Certainly the surge of Democratic early voting and mail-in ballots will tilt the balance after ll the votes re counted.
I'll write more about this later, but this entry is a good start. |

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |
October 25, 2020
Pins And Needles
As we grind through the final days before the election, it's natural to feel like you're on pins and needles -- a state of anxiety or tense expectation.
Recall the (above) October 16 Mercury Retrograde -- Backing Into Election Day detailed this Mercury nervous energy shown in a Vedic chart for October 13, The red arrows are red Mars' aspects (glances), and the blue arrows are blue Saturn's. You can easily see both are aspecting Mercury. Mars overstimulates the mind, causing temper and blurting out things. Saturn blocks the mind, bringing deception and restricting cognitive abilities. Together, they heighten energy and bring mental fury.
These planetary karmas (influences) are global, which means they impact everything and everyone --you too!
Beyond these stresses, Venus and the Sun have now moved into their fallen (weak) signs. Venus in Virgo is aspected by Mars and the Sun in Libra is aspected by both Mars and Saturn -- as shown in the below chart for today.

Transits October 25, 2020
These dispositions are naturally difficult. It's like trying to outrun a bear in the forest, and he's catching up with you.
Mars' influence on Venus spoils happiness and contentment and stimulates for friction between the sexes. The Sun being kingship -- government leaders -- is in particularly bad shape for the suffocating Saturn aspect and the aggravating Mars aspect. Plus, the fallen Sun with mental Mercury is especially stressful on the mind. The hot Sun burns Mercury and can bring, among other things, fear, even paranoia. (A neighbor his this combination, and she's been swept into imaginary fears of all kinds -- including snipers in the park across the street.)
Another Vedic measurement is seen in all three of the inner planets -- Venus, Mercury and the Sun -- are both weak and afflicted. As these are fast moving planets -- 30 days in a sign -- they symbolize the quick daily energies we experience. So, we all feel like we're on pins and needles.
Yet anther Vedic measurement is the twenty year conjunction between Jupiter and Saturn, the big planets and thereby the planets of social evolution. When these conjoin, they signal a broad and deep karma holding sway over the globe for the next two decades. Here's a article from EarthSky.org about that, happening soon after the election December 21, Before 2020 ends, a great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.
Astronomers use the word conjunction to describe meetings of planets and other objects on our sky’s dome. They use the term great conjunction to describe meetings of Jupiter and Saturn, the two biggest worlds in our solar system. The next great conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn will be December 21, 2020. It’ll be the first Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since the year 2000, and the closest Jupiter-Saturn conjunction since the year 1623! At their closest, Jupiter and Saturn will be only 0.1 degrees apart. That’s just 1/5 of a full moon diameter. |
It's certainly provocative that Vedic Astrology sees Jupiter/Saturn conjunctions as significant and so does modern astronomy. It sometimes happens that when astrology and astronomy match up in describing special planetary alignments, the astronomy reinforces the astrology -- especially for Vedic's astronomically correct system. (Western Astrology uses the seasonal zodiac, which is 24 degrees ahead of the celestial positions.)
With the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction following so soon after the November 3 election, and that alignment signalling the beginning of a new 20 year era, a chart for that epic moment in time should be revealing. Here it is,

Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction
December 21, 2020 at 10:56 AM in Washington DC
Just considering Jupiter and Saturn, we can see the tone of this chart. Jupiter (wealth) is weakly fallen in Capricorn with Saturn (poverty) strong in its own sign. This indicates economic loss, the inevitable consequences of Trump's profligate ways -- tax cuts, deficits and policies helping the rich by beating down the middle class and poor. It's a karmic reckoning.
But it's also a new beginning, part of the still introductory years of the Second Progressive Age. In a real sense, it's a clean slate, a start-over. Recall the Celestial Wheel has long predicted Trump came to destroy everything, then blow himself up, to enable the country to begin again. Thus, Biden's campaign slogan, Build Back Better, fits -- just like a community hit by a tornado can recover with diligence.
This chart doesn't work well for Trump retaining the presidency because it signals both loss and regaining wealth. If he were reelected, yes, there would be further loss but there wouldn't be a recovery -- any more than a region completely wiped out by a hurricane could effectively be rebuilt without years and years of suffering. The reason for this is the so true statement, Everything that Trump touches dies.
PS In May 2002 The Celestial Wheel published The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction -- A New Twenty Year Era for that May 2000 event. Although there's a lot of meat in that forecast, a primary prediction was right on target -- labor globalization.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2020©
Doug Riemer |