Mercury Turns Forward Friday Morning Mercury, the planet of communications and the nervous system, will thankfully turn forward Friday mid morning October 9. It will be nice to return from the store with the needed bath tissue rather than even more paper towels! Those suffering computer issues, banking problems and flawed communications with others will be especially pleased. Respiratory and skin ailments will also begin to ease off. But, with Mercury very tightly conjunct Rahu (head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) until mid next week, proceed with care. Rahu attacks the mind, stimulating anxiety and a fear of attack. So, be gentle with yourself -- and others to. Act, not react. Sandalwood calms. After three weeks of Mercury retrograde's, nervous tensions, camomile tea eases you into a good night's rest. Finally, Mercury in the U.S. chart is a very difficult planet. It often signals weather disasters and economic turmoil. So, there are several more days of both ahead. Again, these will begin to decrease when Mercury turns forward Friday morning. But note the emphasis on begin. I've been diligent in updating Matching Predictions To Results on the home page. Already, the box for October is filling up! Still, I missed some major weather events extremes -- 10 Weather Extremes In October's First Week.
Free In-depth Forecasts As explained in the September 20 VedicLeaks entry, in Further Celestial Wheel Redesigning, there's a link on the home page to In-depth Forecasts Free In-depth Forecasts. Much of the information is of value. Two examples were quoted -- What Happened To Clovis Culture and The First Baby-Boomers. To be clear, many current issues, some fundamental to society's evolution, were addressed years and years ago in this forecasting. This current article, Democrats Find That Anti-Establishment Isn’t Just a G.O.P. Them, explains how voters are rejecting mainstream political candidates in both parties. Populist candidates are polling higher than anyone! Is this trend ushering in of the Second Progressive Age? There's bucket of information about the shift from Second Gilded Age, to the (current) Millennium Contraction to the Second Progressive age -- starting in just 2 months! That means that candidates in November 2016 General and Presidential elections will be swimming in populist waters. The History Repeats Series holds fundamental forecasting here. Another current article, 'Steve Jobs' Director Danny Boyle Warns of "Terrifying Power" of Tech Giants, sounds alarming and is. In In-depth Forecasts Of Enduring Value, you'll find the last forecast, Economics As Moral Philosophy & The Second Gilded Age Robber Barons, to be amazingly informative. If you wonder about Republican Presidential candidate, Ben Carson's, Seventh Day Adventist beliefs, The United States Through Its Planetary Cycles in the History Repeats Series takes you back to the 1840s when this began with the Millerites.
Social Media The Celestial Wheel will never have advertising, for that would sully the focus and value of this essentially spiritually derived information. Vedic Astrology is after all,, integral to India's ancient Hinduism, and falling into the trap of Second Gilded Age greed will not happen. However, the last part of this redesign does step gingerly into social media. Vedic Astrologers are pretty solitary, but without the information we offer being available to the public -- well, when a tree falls in a forest, no one hears it crash. Below are two recent postings on Doug Riemer's Facebook page. Note the provocative linkage between weather storms and economic storms.
There Is Indeed Order In The Universe Like many, actually most Americans, I always had a passing interest in astrology. I didn't find it very satisfying, however, for all the psychological stuff and the often brash predictions that not only didn't make much sense -- but rarely came true! Separating the wheat from the chaff was an impossible task -- like me learning how to dance! Then, in April 1996, my neighbor, the famous James Braha on Longboat Key FL, gave me a Vedic reading. Well, that made a whole lot of sense in understanding my past, dealing with the present and planning for the future. But even more valuable was that the chart visual was logical, rational and clear! The houses and signs were the same spaces in the easily-read square chart format. The only variable was where the planets were placed. And I could look up at the sky and see the same planetary dispositions in the signs, which Vedic Astrology calls correctly, constellations. In the ensuing 20 years, I continued to be amazed at what my second Vedic teacher, Dennis Harness in Sedona AZ, called the elegant simplicity of the Vedic chart. Yes, there are lots and lots of measurements one can make to learn how the planets act specifically and over time. But essentially, one can glance at a current chart and see what's happening. And if one is outside, just look up to see the same thing! But the public is almost always confused by Vedic Astrology. How could they be, I thought? Why can't they understand this simple graphic and see that karmas (influences) were understood in planets being either benefic or malefic -- good or bad? -- and the houses being similarly good or bad, or in some cases just strong? This VedicLeaks entry discusses a very clear set of planetary dispositions that can also be seen in the sky -- a true and real Celestial Wheel. I hope it's illuminating for you, as it has been for me in this second career during this second half of life, when maybe I can uplift the human condition just a little. Besides, which, this stuff is so cool, who could resist taking a look? It's all there behind the easily-lifted veil.
A Brief Calming In The Celestial Seas Although this fall is generally tempestuous, we all get a short break now that Mercury has both ended its confusing retrograde and passed by Rahu (head-of-the-dragon eclipse point). Rahu is an Eastern symbol, as elusive to the Western mind as Halloween is to those in the East. These are its glyphs. The dragon's head, Rahu, is on the right. It's our unquenchable worldly desires and thereby the future. The dragon's tail, Ketu, is the left symbol. It's the past and insight. Ketu is as otherworldly, as Rahu is worldly.
Rahu and Ketu are called Moon's Nodes in both astronomy and astrology. As shadows that block the light of the Sund and the Moon, Rahu and Ketu are points of karmic intensity in the Vedic chart -- especially if one or the other conjoins a planet!
Mercury is mutable, for it flows like the metal. Its variable significations for the intellect and nervous system naturally then feels under attack when associated w ith Rahu. This chart from the September 27 VedicLeaks entry, shows Mercury with an R for retrograde, heading backward toward Rahu. That is frightening! The right hand chart, for today, shows Mercury moving forward again and having past Rahu. Mercury remains nervous about Rahu -- the dragon/snake is close behind. But Mercury is putting distance between them fast, and within a couple of days, it will feel safe and secure again. (I shaded Mercury/Rahu in both charts to make this combination easy to find.) Note too the red and blue lines, which show aspects (glances) from Mars to Saturn and Saturn to Mars. These mutual influences from the two worst malefics create stresses throughout the world. And see that they afflict the two best benefics -- Venus and Jupiter. So, while there is A Brief Calming In The Celestial Seas now, well, it's more like a howling hurricane or typhoon has been reduced to a dull roar. Still, better is always good!
Before we leave these charts, note the position of the all-important watery Moon, the primary planet in Vedic Astrology, which symbolizes the benefits in life, the emotions and truly life itself. It's currently in Libra. Planets move clockwise.
The Moon's Monthly Transit Through Scorpio The September 20 VedicLeaks entry discussed that malefic Saturn is difficult in watery Scorpio, the worst sign in the Zodiac. Calamities lurk in its depths. That entry also explained the Moon's monthly transit through Scorpio is difficult for that being its fallen (weak) sign and that Saturn being in Scorpio really blasts the emotional/perceptional mind and our worldly experiences. And don't forget the Mars aspect! (Someone with this combination in their own Vedic birth chart finds life to be a roller coaster of subjective and objective traumas.) Here's a screen shot of that discussion,
Considering that the above chart for today shows the Moon in Libra, and the Moon was just entering Scorpio September 18 in the above image, then the lunar month will bring her back to Scorpio 27 days later -- October 15. This chart for October 15 shows that is exactly right! Aren't you glad we know now a lunar month is 27 days! If we didn't, thinking it was 30 days or so, the Moon would have passed through this gauntlet before we knew it.
So, what does the astronomy website Sky & Telescope show for October 15? It's the same planetary configuration as the Vedic chart. Who would have thought?
What Sky & Telescope does not explain, however, is that the constellation Scorpio is completely visible this month, just as it was last month and shown in the September 16 VedicLeaks entry. See it in the southwest sky just after sunset. As stars twinkle and planets shine, you'll be able to spot Saturn, which has a yellow tinge.
Well, it seems to me that as excited as the astronomers get about what happens when they look up, shouldn't we become ecstatic, even amazed, when we look up and also see the symbolism in Vedic Astrology's planetary symbolism? (You can't do that with Western Astrology, you know, for it uses the tropical seasons zodiac, which is 24 degrees ahead of the astronomical positions.) And isn't just the simple fact that there is order in the universe gives us some piece of mind, faith in humanity being, well humanly divine? As to what all this means for the coming weekend, that is bunch of strings yet unraveled. I'll post my thoughts in a day or two. But I already offered some basic information in stating above,
Too, considering the water quality of the Moon and Scorpio, and the destructive significations of Saturn and Mars, a water disaster/storm would be in order, wouldn't it? A tsunami would fit. And since the wealth planets, Jupiter and Venus are injured, as well as the worldly Moon, wouldn't further financial losses be likely? These don't exhaust the possibilities. They are just highlights. Post Script -- October 15 3PM EDT The above October 13 entry promised specific predictions in a day or two for the Moon's transit through Scorpio. This transit begins today at 6 PM and ends early Sunday morning. I believe the above predictions are generally adequate, and measurements are appropriate now to refine them. These are: the Moon's illumination, its sign position and timing. As stated above, Vedic Astrology is characterized by the elegant simplicity of the Vedic chart. And, Yes, there are lots and lots of measurements one can make to learn how the planets act specifically and over time. Here are three used to unveil the planetary karmas considering the Moon. Recall, the Moon is the primary planet in Vedic Astrology, and because it moves so quickly (through a sign in 2 1/2 days), she is the key indicator for events. Think of the Moon as the quarterback in football. Where he moves and what he does is determines how the game unfolds.
The Moon's Illumination The fuller the Moon, the stronger she is. Conversely, then, a dim Moon is weak. In fact, when the Moon is less than 1/3 bright, she's considered malefic -- harmful. Tonight, we have a crescent Moon, just 17% full, and thereby capable of bringing harm. And while the Moon will brighten as it passes through Scorpio, when she finishes that sign early in the morning October 18, she still have reached only 33% brightness. It also makes sense that this weak Moon is less capable of warding off malefic energies. (Recall, malefic Saturn is in Scorpio and malefic Mars throw and aspect to Scorpio.) Thereby, this dim Moon is malefic during its entire Scorpio transit and made more harmful by malefic energies because it is dim.
The Moon Fallen In Scorpio Scorpio is the Moon's fallen - weakest sign. This is another obvious negative.
Time Vedic Astrology is predictive because it's most essentially about time. In mundane astrology, we primarily consider transits -- where the planets are in current skies as they move through the constellations (signs). So, let's look at the times when the Moon is harmed the most. (Note, the karma increased as a planet approaches harmful energy, and like breaking a pencil, events occur before maximum pressure is reached. So, sensitive times beginnings should are backed up by about an hour.)
With this additional information, we can refine predictions, especially as to timing. First, there's a lot of malefic energy going on from this evening through Saturday evening. Major events are expected. Second, Scorpio being a water sign and the Moon being watery, events have a water quality. Third, as Saturn is form and structure and things under the earth, the Moon conjoining Saturn signals an earth crust event -- tsunami, earthquake, volcano -- most likely at sea or otherwise watery (9:00 AM Friday). Fourth, as fiery Mars is violences, especially storms, the Moon conjoining the Mars aspect signals a storm at sea, fire or other explosion. But again, a watery quality is there, suggesting a Mars-inspired violence in a river, lake or water supply system (7:15 AM Saturday).
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Mars' Challenging Transit Through Leo The September 3 VedicLeaks entry predicted,
That was a bold blue prediction, Tremendous stresses in all areas 9/16 -- 11/2, and is placed on the home page in the section Matching Predictions To Results. Because of the overlap, it's included for both September and October. Take a look, or another look, to see two peak stress periods. First, there was late September to early October -- hurricane Joacquin. Second, the mid October disasters, are dramatically shown in the above October 18 entry.
Venus Approaching Mars The the Moon out of dangerous Scorpio, there is some calming, a little relief, from Mars tough transit through Leo September 16 to November 2. However, Venus is now approaching Mars, stimulating more heavy wet weather. This chart from the October 15 entry, shows the beginning of Venus' travails.
Venus is currently just four degrees away from Mars. She will close on Mars in a week and then move in tandem with the planet of war. Jupiter's influence moderates to some degree and elevates social consciousness. This is likely why the Liberals won the Canadian election -- and also why U.S. politics is shifting left. However, Mars' passionate energy on expansive Jupiter and luxurious Venus results in impulsive purchases and other actions. Be moderate! And notice that malefics Mars and Saturn are still battling each other by aspect -- glance. Plus they harm the watery benefics Venus and Jupiter. The prediction, then is water storms will continue until early November. Look again at Matching Predictions To Results on home page for this prediction with accompanying links to Hurricane Patricia and Texas storms..
Venus symbolizes vehicles, actually transport of all kinds. Because she is coming under great malefic influences from Mars and Saturn, expect the Volkswagen crisis will worsen through month's end. Since cars are 20% of Germany's business, and Germany is the world's fourth largest economy and second largest exporter, calamity for Volkswagon could turn the global economy on its head. There may, of course, be other problems with vehicles across the globe, including trains, buses, ships....
Expect too that the October 28 Republican debate will be tumultuous. Trump is shifting then from his crazy Rahu/Moon planetary cycle to aggressive Rahu/Mars. He'll either mow down the other candidates or explode, though perhaps implode is a better word.
Venus In Virgo Venus will move in tandem with Mars until month's end, when both shift into Virgo late on November 2. Virgo is a tough sign -- acute illness, enemies and debts -- and Venus' fallen (weak) sign. This will be a difficult combination, for notice toxic Rahu is also in Virgo. All the harms to Venus during October will be exacerbated in November. I'll write more about this in upcoming entries,. For now, understand it portends serious financial losses and vehicle accidents, including aircraft.
Matching Predictions To Results