The last Short-subject VedicLeaks was published October 27. That entry explored broad expanses of the celestial sky. From A Delightful Summer To A Grim fall recapped these two seasons. Major October Stresses, enumerated major issues --The nasty political campaigning, the war on ISIS and the Ebola contagion. The Solar Eclipse discussed eclipse revelations and suggested the elections would not be fully decided for "weeks and weeks." Airplane Crashes listed five accidents, and that was before three more -- including a space rocket and a space plane. Another Set Of Issues predicted health issues relating to Ebola and addictions. Where The Planets Are Now, explained, "The planetary weather has improved, but major afflictions continue to most of the planets -- right up to election day, November 4." Here again is that section,
Well, the November 4 Midterm elections are over, and that cosmic dust is gradually settling. An election recap measuring the predictions made in the October 13, The November 4 Midterm Elections is being composed for publication in a day or two.
Updating In the two weeks since the last Vedicleaks on October 27, the planets have shifted into better positions. Below is a transit chart for today, using the natural zodiac beginning with Aries, which symbolizes global planetary weather. Following the same order as above, here are snapshots of the planets. Not mentioned has been Jupiter, the great benefic. He's exalted in Cancer, making him powerfully benefic and thereby generally protective since this summer. But, Jupiter is becoming weak now as he approaches the edge of Cancer and gets ready for a long retrograde starting December 9. So, he won't be able to do much protecting when the other planets become weak or afflicted.
Upcoming While the above is welcome, even heartening, the planets will be shifting into difficult positions again soon. The above transit chart for today has the always-close-together trio of the Sun, Mercury and Venus highlighted. This is to show they will soon be shifting together into Scorpio, the evil eight house of the natural zodiac, where Saturn, the planet of death, now lurks. The The November 4 Midterm Elections forecast discussed this issue briefly at the very end, in the section titled Aftermath. As the natural zodiac is like the background of a painting, and Scorpio is nasty, the U.S. chart is hit particularly hard because this sign in the twelfth house of loss -- like the foreground in a painting. (Keep in mind, in your personal Vedic chart Scorpio can be a good house, or at least a neutral one, making these transits beneficial, even though Scorpio's and Saturn's harms remain.) Here's that section,
The Republican's glee at their huge win may turn sour. They may very well end up fighting amongst themselves for the spoils of their victory. Perhaps this Upcoming section title should be Incoming.
A direct email entry
The Scorpio Stellium Is In Full Effect With Mercury having transited into Scorpio early this morning, there's a full-effect Stellium of four planets in deep, dark Scorpio. The above November 17 VedicLeaks entry stated, On November 24, Mercury will shift into Scorpio, making a stellium (a cluster) of four planets there. It won't be until mid December that Venus, Mercury and the Sun clear out of Scorpio. So, until then, expect a lot of turmoil! This transit chart for today shows the stellium in Scorpio. Note that Mercury is just 0 degrees and 51 minutes, weak at the edge of the sign and further harmed by approaching restrictive Saturn at 2 degrees and 38 minutes. Yet, even as Mercury passes Saturn in the next few days, the pressure will continue. In Vedic Astrology, a planet effects the entire sign and thereby planets in the sign. Again referencing the above November 17 entry, several harmful karmas with a global reach were suggested: government leaders, governmental issues, illness and enemies. Ukraine and the Mideast pots are boiling up again. There have also been major violences in Kenya and Afghanistan.
For the U.S., Ferguson Kansas has erupted, With no indictment, chaos fills Ferguson streets. Protests echoed across the country, Demonstrators close down three New York bridges as peaceful protests occur in 90 cities across the U.S. over grand jury decision that Officer Darren Wilson won't face charges in the death of Michael Brown. Also, Secretary of Defense Hagel resigned today. Interestingly, President Obama's November 21 Obama spurns GOP with expansive immigration orders hasn't resulted in much beyond huffing and puffing -- so far. Still, there must be some kind of strife here, for the stellium is in the U.S. chart's twelfth house of loss. With such major loss karma, perhaps there simply isn't an aggressive path against the President's executive action without costs greater than any benefit? The above chart graphic has a second highlight -- yellow for the Moon approaching Mars. Related is a red arrow for Mars aspecting Jupiter. As the Moon is the home, and Jupiter is the planet of the home in the U.S. chart, and a lot watery energy in Scorpio, Buffalo may suffer more from the flood than from the blizzard. Other hazardous weather is likely. There another really provocative karma going on with Scorpio -- scandal and sex. Everyone knows Bill Cosby has finally been convincingly outed for his raping many women. The eighth house is also the hips and thereby the butt. So, on November 13, there's Kim Kardashian's publicity stunt, Kim Kardashian “Breaks the Internet” with Nude Magazine Cover. She waves her butt like it's the American flag. This would not be of any merit, except that nearly half way around the world, another diva exposed her butt, to major political/religious reactions. This article was published November 19, #BBC trending: The dress that shocked the Arab world, Haifa is on one side of the debate within Arab society. The Islamic State represents the other extreme in people's minds and some have pointed to the contrasts between both worlds Arabs are exposed to today. Here's the video, Oppa Haifa Wehbe Star Academy 10 Prime. While Haifa is a similarly artificial construct as Kim for her extensive plastic surgery, she does have amazing charisma and projects herself as a symbol of modern Arabia. In fact, Haifa is open and purposeful in her flaunting, which has its roots in her culture's sensual belly dancing -- which conservative Islamists decry.
Although this is not straight-line thinking, Haifa' activist celebrity connects to the article, Sun sets on Opec dominance in new era of lower oil prices. Recall, last year's Special Section about the long and destructive Saturn/Rahu conjunction -- A Whirlwind Summer And Fall 2013. It included the In-depth Forecast, Mideast Karma Peaking Again. That showed the ten to eleven year Saturn/Rahu conjunction cycle uncannily matches up with major Mideast turmoils: 1945 King Oil, 1956 Suez Crisis, 1968 War Of Attrition, 1979 Iranian Revolution, 1991 Gulf War, 2001+ Afghanistan War and 2013-14 Saturn/Rahu Conjunction. It appears, then, that this latest Saturn/Rahu conjunction turmoil is the shift-away from Mideast oil dominance. And, won't that obviate the stranglehold kings and dictators have held, with the support of conservative Muslims? Haifa waving her butt for freedom and liberation is a powerful symbol here.
The Five Senses Have Company Scorpio is the sign of hidden things, of the occult and metaphysics in general. In this age of economic suffering, it's difficult to focus back upon spirituality -- which is accessed via Scorpio. This current BBC article, Psychology: How many senses do we have?, surfaces now with so much Scorpio energy unveiling secret and hidden things. It's not a big stretch to connect this with Scorpio's metaphysics. How else, for example, could astrology work than through the use of senses beyond the traditional five? It is a sensory gift to perceive subtle planetary symbolisms. And aren't Ayurveda and Acupuncture similarly subtle? How about the benefits of meditation, yoga, breath work.... all of which expand consciousness? What about psychics, tarot readers and their ilk? Consider also people who claim to have electromagnetic hypersensitivity, which scientific analysis of just the five senses fails to explain, Could Wifi be harming YOUR health? That’s what a growing number of people believe is triggering their headaches, nausea and crippling pain. Doesn't it make sense that electromagnetic signals are affecting one or more of their other senses? Science has proven migrating birds use a special sense, an awareness of the earth's magnetic field to navigate across continents, even oceans. If birds can do stuff like this, shouldn't people also be supersensitive in their own ways? It's time to reacquaint ourselves with these subtle senses, to reclaim our spiritually. Scorpio is the language of spirituality -- the place where spirits dwell. To get through the swamp of economic and social unfairnesses, we all need to reawaken the spiritual consciousness to navigate around or over the headwinds. Truly, the flapping our wings strategy is only just flapping our wings, just as Kim is only waving her butt.