Make Hay While The Sun Shines The June 18 VedicLeaks predicted A Pretty Nice Summer from the conjunctions of the benefic planets Jupiter, Venus and Mercury. While this listing was repeated June 30, it's useful to insert it again so that you don't miss opportunities! However, these intervals do not hold equal amounts of expansion and overcoming obstacles. The June 30 entry explained that malefic Saturn turning from retrograde to forward August 1 (making him strong again) and Mars will be on the move again too, wrecking havoc would be best to complete your summer activities by the end of July. Here also from the June 18 VedicLeaks is the transit chart for July 14, the inception of this final really good interval, and August 4, when it will have just ended.
Not Every Chart Will Benefit, But Still... Of course, not every person and nation chart will equally or even unequivocally benefit from these dispositions. But still, as transits are global planetary weather, there's a universal uplift. A high tide lifts all boats. That being said, the U.S. chart will continue to be hit with major and ongoing arguments and other discords -- the fighting combination of Mars and Sun is in that chart's seventh house of relationship. Just overlay the above July 14 transit chart upon the below U.S. chart to see these clashes. Plus communicative Mercury also transiting there stimulates lots of public coverage. A key arena here is the Republican presidential candidates beating each other up, but then there are social and race issues in the spotlight as well.
Do this visual overlay again for the August 4 to see Mars/Sun in the U.S. eight house of catastrophe. There, they hit both Mercury and Rahu. That is why the June 18 VedicLeaks stated, a hurricane is likely at the same time -- August 1 to 3. Later in the month -- August 22 to 24 -- shows even more potent hurricane karma for the U.S. The same time refers to a likely earth crust event as form and structure Saturn turns forward in this chart's twelfth house of loss. (Note: Mars crossing Rahu brings tremendous events, like the BP oil spill.)
U.S. July 4, 1776 6:17 PM Philadelphia PA
The high tide that lifts all boats is the benefics Mercury, Venus and Jupiter together in the U.S. Chart's good ninth house of luck and fortune. Discussion and action upon social and race issues can advance then, for only through turmoil comes change. Too, hurricanes to bring heavy rains. Even an earth crust event could result in a some kind of benefit -- like hitting a Second Gilded Age Robber Baron neighborhood! Take that Bill Gates, for foisting Windows 8 upon the globe! (I write snug and secure on my Macbook Pro)
The Donald While it remains too early to seriously discuss the 2016 presidential and general elections, Donald Trump's electioneering is generating so much entertainment, let's indulge our curiosity. Again overlay the July 14 transit chart on Trump's, and you'll see the fighting Mars/Sun combination in his eleventh house of goals and gains. Malefics do well in the eleventh house, which explains why he is so impactive. Too, transit Mercury, plus his birth chart Mercury there brings lots of blathering. On Mars Tuesday (July 14) his rantings will turn into maniacal shrieks.
Donald Trump June 14, 1946 10:54 AM Queen's Village NY
But, what happens when one overlays the August 4 transit chart upon Trump's? Then the hot Mars/Sun combination has shifted into his twelfth house of loss, bringing havoc, especially since he has two planets there -- Saturn and Venus. And transit Saturn strongly forward again will be on his crazy Moon with dissolving Ketu. He'll see imaginary enemies everywhere! The Donald will go up like a puff of smoke and disappear!
Financial Concerns The June 30 VedicLeaks concluded the discussion about early and late August stating, Hurricanes and earth crust events may be the most dramatic events, but other ills are on the horizon. Financial losses can be severe. I'm analyzing money issues now. That topic deserves an entire forecast. There are difficult economic stresses on a near horizon, and current issues in Greece, Puerto Rico and China can be harbingers. This auspicious last half of July offers an excellent opportunity to batten down your financial hatches -- or at least forgo unnecessary spending and any debt increases.
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