#70 A Springtime Tempest Part 2 April 12, 2007
Introduction Part 1 of A Springtime Tempest described the timing and planetary karmas relating to the upcoming dangerous Mars/Rahu conjunction -- and Saturn ending its retrograde -- April 20 -25. This Part 2 discusses the conjunction's impacts: globally, and upon your personal experiences, public figures, U.S. leaders and nations. It's important to note that transit energies typically express themselves (in events) when planets are within two degrees from each other. Yet, even though Mars/Rahu are still ten degrees apart, the potency of this combination has already brought significant Mars/Rahu antagonisms. Here are two examples of these early warning signs: First, yesterday, Israeli military jets came perilously close to attacking a commercial jetliner (IAF fighter jets buzz US airliner).
(*Rectified birth time using events from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_imus#Biography)
World Transit Chart The World Transit has no birth data and thereby no Vedic Astrology Dasas -- planetary cycles -- for no one knows when the earth was born. It is thereby strictly a transit chart, showing the positions of the nine planets in the signs. Lacking the Dasa's underlying karmas, this chart can give only general information about world events. Because these planetary karmas color the entire globe, they also impact our own experiences and shouldn't be ignored. If you still don't believe world events and situations impact your life, consider how much it costs to fill up your car with gas now. Too, the World Transit Chart's planets in signs information can be used to evaluate generalized influences upon all personal charts -- including yours. The World Transit uses the natural zodiac beginning at Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, which is how it symbolizes global planetary karmas. For example, restrictive Saturn is currently transiting Cancer, which is fourth house of the home and property, ruled by the Moon -- the home. This indicates depressing real estate. Also, it seems reasonable that in this era of globalization, interdependencies make the World Transit Chart more important than in past eras.
Global Events
Your Personal Experiences These key words from Part 1 are useful for a broad understanding of the planetary karmas.
(*email spam and virus attacks are already spiking upward.) To dampen Rahu's serpent energy, avoid: powerful sensations such as mass media, high tech, drugs, excessive talking, deluded and demented persons, junk food and artificial environments. Emphasize the color yellow in a calm and peaceful environment. Sandalwood, Camphor, Bayberry, Sage, Eucalyptus and Wintergreen are helpful. As Rahu is foreigners and airplanes, avoid these as well. Rahu is advanced technology, which suggests you protect your computer with anti-virus measures. To calm Mars, keep bright red out of your surroundings, stay away from confrontational situations, don't take physical risks, warm up your muscles before exercising and be careful with brothers, dogs and other large animals. Also, restrain physical passion, and for men, be kind to your mate. Use up Mars' physical energy daily. Yoga, hiking, walking, swimming and gardening are good and safe choices here. Saturn's suffering can be mitigated by staying away from black and dark blues and browns. Saturn symbolizes service and charity. Because Saturn shares Saturday with Rahu, helping the unfortunate that day of the week reduces its harms. Cultivating detachment and maintaining your schedule also please Saturn. Generally, it is best to delay traveling and major decisions, disputes and commitments until after April 25. While you may not be much affected by these intense planetary karmas, most other folks are -- so you can't avoid the karma. Finally, if you're a client, feel free to contact me for a short Update if anything troubling occurs. I'm not scheduling any full consultations from April 20 through 25 and will be available on short notice.
(*Years ago, I saw danger to my hands and regarding pets, notably dogs. I used care cooking dinner, but it wasn't until I drove on an errand that I dodged the karma. Then, a dog was walking half sideways along the right side of the road, his nose pointing left, across the road. I immediately slammed on my brakes, the dog jumped in front of my car, and I stopped no more than two feet from him.)
Narrowing Down Mars/Rahu Impacts The birth chart's planetary cycles (Dasas) are the underlying karmas. Transits are catalysts, and thereby timing indicators. With a modest library of nations charts and public figures, researching these (for Mars, Rahu and Saturn Dasa Dasas, plus whether Mars/Rahu or transits hits a birth chart planet) yields solid predictive information. (Note the above Don Imus situation and chart analysis.) This technique was most successful in identifying nations hit by the March lunar and solar eclipses (Culmination In The Mideast). Let's see what is revealed
Public Figures Donald Trump's chart has Saturn stopping directly on his Ascendant point (body), and Mars/Rahu occurs in his eighth house of accidents. Trump's Dasas include both Rahu and Saturn. He'll suffer, one way or another, and with his high profile, the media will likely report on this. Also, since Trump is a real estate baron, problems there could extend to his holdings and exacerbate real estate woes. Hillary Clinton will have a rough time, for transit Saturn is between her Mars (fallen) and Saturn. Also, although Hillary's birth time is not known with certainty, it appears she's ending her great twenty year Venus Dasa and entering her Sun Dasa right around this time. With her Sun in its fallen sign, Hillary's campaign will wither away over the coming months. Michael Jackson's Venus is directly impacted by transit Saturn. Since he's running Venus in his planetary cycles, and Venus rules his Ascendant (self), he could fall seriously ill.
Charts Of U.S. Leaders Alberto Gonzalas' The birth time is not known, but transit Saturn is less than two degrees from his fallen Mars. He will suffer further when he testifies before Congress April 17, and this could tip the balance against him remaining Attorney General. Dick Cheney is having a very tough run this March and April. The March 2 Celestial Wheel Commentary described challenges to his health, job. This published a listing of sensitive dates, which includes April 23, 24 and 27. G.W. Bush may escape major turmoil. Yet, (around) April 17 brings physical danger, or he could suffer a career calamity. Bush continues to weaken as his difficult Mercury planetary cycle advances, becoming more determinative. As Mercury is communications, his strategies and statements all fail in some way. Too, Saturn transiting his first house must bring more scandals. The May 2006 prediction that Bush will suffer a nervous breakdown stands, and Mars/Rahu can only hasten this result. Joe Lieberman is hit pretty hard for Mars/Rahu will be an exact hit on his dissolving Ketu. Given Lieberman is in his bad Mercury planetary cycle now, expect more of his illogical and fear-inspired war mongering.
Nations Iran will face further turmoil, for Mars/Rahu is close to the Ascendant and it's running dissolving Ketu planetary cycle. Too, March 3 lunar eclipse effects continue. Some violence could occur. Iraq is running its Rahu Dasa, which is naturally negative. Like Don Imus, Mars/Rahu is in the seventh house of relationships and aspects directly Iraq's Ascendant -- symbolizing the self. Since this follows the March 3 lunar eclipse to the same zodiac point, Mars/Rahu could trash the government. Israel's chart has transit Saturn within a degree of birth chart Saturn, which blocks government effectiveness and Israel's public image. Because Saturn is active in the Dasa planet sequence, this karma is confirmed. With Mars/Rahu in the fifth house of government, and Rahu also being active in the Dasas, Israel's weak government could be replaced. The United States has exposure from enemies, though this could actualize in Iraq rather than at home. Still, illegal aliens can be understood as enemies. Too, there are increasing struggles among government officials, and more scandalous information to be revealed and acted upon. This chart is running a very weak Mars in its planetary cycles, which also brings some accident danger. Real estate could be the major risk factor in an unsteady economy.
Conclusions As noted above reviewing the chart library for the March eclipse season yielded a rich harvest of information. However, using this technique again for the Mars/Rahu conjunction didn't reveal nearly as much -- but still several serious challenges. Obviously, the Mideast continue to be a hot spot, and major change for that entire region is underway. Further, there are many, many other unknown charts -- nations and leaders - in which this discordant karma may be expressed. Keep in mind, Rahu is the unexpected and uncontrollable, and one or more major disturbances must occur somewhere in the world. In closing, remember that only from challenge comes change, and there are serious imbalances in the world that need to be rectified