The Summer Obviously, the contest has turned out to be a horse race, with the lead changing often but neither candi- date achieving a clear advantage over the other. Bush obviously has remarkable staying power, for he survived (by sheer stubborn willfulness) devastating setbacks last November and this May and June from failures in Iraq when this and other astrologers predicted he wouldn't persevere. Still, the race continues, and the planetary karmas inevitably guide the final result.
also the mercurial insincere charm that has made his fear mongering so convincing. Yet, Bush's Mercury has two major afflictions.
First, Mercury rules the third house of desires and the twelfth of loss, which harms him through impulse -- for example, when he recently said the war against terrorism cannot be won. Second, Saturn's placement with Mercury blocks the intellect, making him stubborn and unable to correct his failing policies. That Saturn transited into his first house September 5 brings again a doubled Saturn influence -- harming Mercury further and also inhibiting Bush's ability to project. All Bush can do now is promote his leadership ability by staying the course and endlessly claim his policies are working, despite the demonstrable facts that they are failing in Iraq and at home.
(Note: Kerry's Mercury also suffers some harms, both in ruling difficult houses and being afflicted by Saturn and Mars. Saturn's transit out of the eighth house, as mentioned above, alleviates some of the stress that has inhibited Kerry's clarity. However, Kerry is known as a counter-puncher because his Moon/Mars/Sun combination gives him tremendous mental and personal power when he finally becomes motivated.) At this juncture, then, it's a horse race, although perhaps World War I trench warfare is a better analogy. Both combatants are truly slugging it out from entrenched positions. The ultimate questions are who will persevere, and also whether one or the other can launch a determinative attack. There are a number of planetary influences during the closing weeks of the presidential campaign that overlap and do not fit into a neat intervals. The only remaining public events are the three upcoming presi- dential debates, which suggests the period from September 30 to October 13 is a defining period. This leaves October 14 to the November 2 election date as a second and, of course, final interval for analysis. Recent Celestial Wheels have discussed some of these planetary influences, giving a foundation to under- standing the karmas.
Debates -- September 30 through October 13 First, there is a final Kala Sarpa Yoga activation indicating a bitter fall harvest for Bush. Kala Sarpa, translated as time serpent, brings a fated rise and fall in Bush's chart. It was activated in Bush's chart for the last presidential election, making him president by court decree. As there truly cannot be any other explanation for Bush ascending to the presidency, the Yoga must work in his chart. Since Kala Sarpa is no longer active in his chart, but it is active in today's sky of world planetary karmas, Kala Sarpa signals Bush's fall -- rejection by the voters. Second, from September 24 through October 11, the definitive planetary influence that steers the campaign is the Sun/Mars/Mercury/Jupiter conjunction in Virgo -- stimulating righteous indignation and egocentric aggression for ferocious attacks. This combination is in Bush's third house of desires and the performing arts, hardening and adding persuasive force to his actor presentation. However, the third house does not accept well so much malefic planetary energy, which changes how the public perceives him from convincing to increasingly strident. For Kerry, however, this four planet stellium is in his eleventh house of goals and objectives, and the eleventh happens to be the one house in which all planets perform to advantage. We've seen already Kerry's counter-punching with great effect. The third planetary influence is the October 13 partial solar eclipse. As stated in yesterday's Celestial Wheel, this eclipse does not block any of Kerry's planets -- For George Bush, however, the October 13 solar eclipse at 27:11 Virgo will be just over two degrees from his Jupiter at 25:02 Virgo and less than four degrees from his 23:36 Virgo Moon. Occurring simultaneously with the last presidential debate in Tempe, Arizona, the eclipse will block Bush's ability to defeat his enemy (Kerry), and his public support will be greatly curtailed. The September 30 and October 8 debates, then, must be high energy confrontations driven by the Sun/Mars/Mercury/Jupiter stellium with Kala Sarpa energy harming Bush. The October 13 debate will see Bush: already diminished by the first two debates, Kala Sarpa continuing to hem him in and his all-important Jupiter and Moon eclipsed. Actually, the solar eclipse will have begun at 6 PM in the Arizona location and will therefore continue through the debate. This timing can't be more harmful to Bush and is probably a Kala Sarpa effect. Keeping in mind these three underlying planetary influences, following are comments on each debate: September 30 in Miami, Florida Both candidates will be running highly mental planets, elevating mental engagement. Bush will be highly expressive and appealing but emotionally stressed. Kerry will be forceful and direct with more personal warmth than usual. This will be a test of who can keep cool and focused under stress. Kerry should prevail.
October 13 in Phoenix, Arizona This the day Bush is eclipsed, and he may actually appear diminished both in his ability to project energy and his physical self. Kerry, the counter-puncher, will be able to press the advantage and close the debate series with a solid victory. How
The Public Will Perceive The Debates
The upcoming presidential debate series puts this most basic leadership issue front and center. As Bush can only repeat his stay on course message, Kerry will have the opportunity to counter-punch holes in Bush's simplistic good and evil world view as being demonstrably untrue. As Iraq is Bush's great misadventure, and Kerry has already refocused his campaign to attack on Iraq, during the debates Kerry can project the strong leadership persona needed to win by discrediting Bush.
Race To The Finish Given the debates turn the tide in the race by discrediting Bush, however, Republican attacks would likely be counterproductive. Sooner or later, the townspeople stop believing the boy who cried wolf. As shown in Kerry's chart (above), he will change planetary cycles to Mercury/Mercury/Mars on October 23, giving him the extra counter-punch power to both beat back attacks and mobilize public opinion to his side.
An update will follow this Race
To November 2 Forecast
following the debates.
Copyright 1999-- 2004 Doug Riemer