
Predictive Astrology
Bush Traveled Into
Published October 28, 2003
(Note: Titles in maroon
and underlined are hyperlinks to
previous Forecasts)
At The Library
At the
urging of my most erudite editor (which is no mean achievement),
I recently attended two docu- mentary films presented by the
Sedona Public Library on the Israeli/Palestinian conflict.
This editor seems to feel my education is inadequate or that I
suffer from a paucity of Forecast ideas! Obviously
keyboard-provoked calluses elicit no mercy-from this veteran
spiritual warrior.
The first film was produced by Palestinians, and it drew a full house,
presumably for the rare opportunity to learn an unheard side
of the story. Abruptly switching from jerky video of violence-inspired
theocracy to steady shots of hopeful pleadings for
secular democracy, the film was riveting. A provocative question and
answer period followed, but the Jewish contingent, seeing the
film as an attack upon Israel, staunchly de- fended Zionism. And, the
smaller Palestinian audience seemed to pretend they were only victims and
never religious-inspired victimizers as well.
The next week, a Jewish produced documentary was offered, and although I felt
this would be much like a TV network production, I obediently
attended. Again, I saw tremendous suffering.
There was plenty of room this time,
enabling my sitting in the second row, an ominous omen that I would
speak on a subject about which I had been blissfully mainstream
I freely admit here to implanted holocaust guilt
memories which stifle any criticism I may have of Jews and Israel; although I've watched
in great dismay Israel's violent reprisals, which appear more like Old Testament
vengeance than the conduct of a moderate democracy. And although the
Israeli government professes secular democracy, and is certainly not a
theocracy dictated by rabbis, national policy is purely Jewish, protecting
themselves from the Arab hordes. Hence, there is no separation of church
and state in Israel either. For
this film's question and answer period, the Zionist views
drowned out the Palestinians entirely. So, I felt I had to
explain that religious politics was the cause for so much human
suffering for so long on both sides.
Daring To Assail The
So, I said something like this,
"This is way outside my area of expertise, but as a Vedic
Astrologer, I endorse Hinduism's offering an inclusive
philosophy, compared with the exclusivity demanded by other
relig- ions. This follows that Hindus are tolerant of other
religions in their quest for detachment leading to enlight-
enment, not intolerant as many Christians, Jews and Muslims
are. After watching these two films, I can't help but
believe that religious exclusivity and intolerance are the root
causes of the unending conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians.
This really brings home the importance of the separation of
church and state, the absolute requirement to keep religion out
of government." Wishing to avoid being booed off the
podium, I hastened to drop my current events precision guided
bomb and added, "Aren't all of us in this room more comfortable that
the Ten Commandments have been removed from the steps of the
Alabama Supreme Courthouse?"
If there were ever such a thing as a
thunderous silence, this was it. The audience could not
disagree with the United States' compartmentalizing religion and
government, which helped guaranteed their freedoms, including that of religion. But attending
Palestinians and Jews were caught by the trap of hypocrisy in simul-
supporting religious dominated governments in their ancestral
homelands. So, what could they say?
I made a swift exit to my
second row seat and awaited what I felt must be swift and
murderous retaliation for criticizing both the Jewish and
Palestinian positions. Amazingly, no repercussions
resulted, nor did any- one acknowledge the double standard. This
is how the combatants answered my unanswerable statement. They immediately resumed their religiously dominated
partisan positions - understandable, I guess, in a battle joined
at the inception of civilization 4000 years ago. Well, maybe, I thought, I planted a
seed of awareness that could grow in time.
From Microcosm to
This Forecast is another such seed,
hopefully sewn in more fertile ground.
The last Forecast, Trouble
For President Bush, predicted Bush's Far East trip endeavors,
"...tend to
be unsuccessful." I also expressed
concern there about his physical safety, particularly on Tuesday
in Indonesia, and the press reported "extraordinary
security precautions"
during his Bali, Indonesia visit. (Gosh, maybe this
administration does use astrologers after all!)
Keeping in mind the Far East is 1/2 day
earlier than US time, Bush indeed got himself in serious trouble
Tuesday, as reported in both the Washington Post
and the New York Times. To summarize, The hypoc-
risy of criticizing Malaysia's Prime
minister Mahathir Mohamad for anti-Semitism while Bush's own General
"Jerry" Boykin railed
against Islam with Christian wrath, has polarized the world against Bush's
doctrine of fear-inspired retribution for 9-11.
Condensed versions of both
editorials are at the end of this Forecast. (Incidentally, that
Mahathir Mohamad retires this week renders Bush's criticism useless in
influencing Malaysia, leaving him with only the consequences of his
This event takes my Sedona Library microcosmic
tale of religious/political hypocrisy to the globe- spanning
macrocosm of the same duplicity; but the macrocosm suggests something more
than antagonism against Mr. Bush's personal
theocracy. The United States today is the lightening rod for world conflict in
its own Christian God revenge against Islamic "infidels." In
turn, the autocratic rogue nations and boundary-less pirate fundamentalist
groups are God- inspired to forever resist this second Christian Crusade.
Bush's own religious fanaticism only attracts more religious terrorists.
inevitable conclusion is that until all nations embrace non-oppressive secular
government and thwart religious dictates, the world will not experience
peace, political
freedom, or religious freedom. A second point is that this break must and
can only be made first in the US via its self-correcting democracy, for the rogues
and pirates are incapable of distinguishing religion from government.
Since they haven't learned
in the last four millennia how to make this cultural amendment, they
shouldn't be expected to suddenly do so.
I believe the law of karma brings us
what we deserve. During the Clinton presidency, his moral
failings and lying were expressed in the greedy corporate fraud
that ended the 90's stock run-up and economic expansion.
We're still digging out from that period of excess but have
hopefully largely purged our society
of this karmic
weakness. In a very real way, the nation took Clinton's failings as permission to act with a similar lack of personal
responsibility. Now, during Bush's term, his extreme religious
fundamentalism strictly dictates harmful actions, and again the
country suffers (this time directly from the chief executive's Achilles' heel),
and again we have a karmic weakness being
painfully purged by the karmic consequences of that failing.
as these Forecasts wade deeper into the waters of political philosophy, they
retain their Vedic Astrology foundation. (Most notable are Commentary - Of
Politics & Astrology and Gandhi,
Martin Luther King & Today's Democracy Dilemma.) The underlying
spiritual philosophy is Vedic, in the sense that the Vedas are spiritual
roots of universal knowledge from which the tree of Hinduism and its astrology branch have grown. As Vedic
Astrology examines the movements of the planets within the constellations to
unveil the karmic forest, it provides unique insight for understanding the
past and present and forecasting the future within this spiritual
philosophical context.
As stated in many previous Forecasts,
Iraq is President Bush's great misadventure, which inevitably brings his
downfall and disgrace. The culmination of this work was identifying 4
hotspots signaling Bush's process of decline in the June 15, Future
Chronicle - Bush's Downfall, Part 2, The Summer And Fall In Disgrace.
This past week was smack in the middle of his October 15 to 30 third
hotspot. The astrological influences for this hotspot are dominated by
ending of a Rahu (head of a snake in Hindu mythology) cycle. The snake
inevitably bites when his cycle ends, obliterating worldly benefits
gained during the middle of its cycle in an abrupt, intense, uncontrollable
and toxic way.
As an eclipse point of the Sun
and the Moon, Rahu is the most potent and dangerous of all planets, for none
other can block the light of the luminaries. Further with the November
9 Rahu Lunar eclipse in Bush's 10th house of career already being felt, this
Rahu hypocrisy literally eclipses his status and position. This suggests that Bush's
hypocritical criticism of the Malaysian Prime Minister was an impetuous gaff
that will reverberate into calamity, a lynchpin for his presidency.
The Rahu cycle's ending devastation is applicable
only to Bush's chart. The other part of the astrological analysis is
that ethics is again a world focus, for
Jupiter (law) and structured responsible Saturn (order) both now aspect
(glance) upon the 9th house of higher knowledge. This inspires the
justice, law and order for the common man, ethically civilized requirements for equality,
political freedom, responsible economic sovereignty and religious tolerance.
resurgence of ethical concerns was discussed in the July 18, Trends
For 2nd Half 2003, which stated, "Ethical issues,
particularly in government, will replace blind patriotism and
exclusionary religion."
However, the astrological
ration- ale for
this claim was not explained.
On the right is a
chart for the current period using the natural zodiac beginning with Aries.
The Jupiter and Saturn aspects to
the 9th house are included. Jupiter's aspect is solid, for it
rules Sagittarius and thereby functions well there.
An additional influence for an ethical
focus is that Saturn went into retrograde motion yesterday (for the
next several months), which lessens its worldly restrictions and
turns its influence inward for spiritual gain.
This means that Jupiter's expansion can
overcome Saturn's restriction to some degree, which enhances law's
influence over order. This suggests a greater backlash from George
Bush's hypocrisy in Malaysia
And A Strong Democratic Candidate Too
That July 18 Forecast
also predicted, "A strong leader will emerge from the Democratic
candidates before year's end." The reasons for the prediction
include, of course, Jupiter's and Saturn's influences by aspect upon
the 9th house of philosophy. There is not only justice in this
combination, but also great power and thus is a formula for
leadership. Further, Jupiter is transiting Sun-ruled Leo (government),
and the Sun itself will be
transiting Jupiter-ruled Sagittarius (the 9th house) from mid December. This Sun/Jupiter
com- bination signifies spiritual leadership and the ability to balance
viewpoints, both necessary to inspire and lead effectively. Lastly, as
of December 6, Mars will move out of Aquarius, from which position it has
been harming Jupiter's wisdom and philosophy with a particularly malicious
There are too many Democratic Presidential
candidates to predict yet who may capitalize on Bush's disgrace. Yet,
one could break Bush's spell of fear mongering by motivating the public
to courageous action, to awaken the karma of personal responsibility. The only thing we truly have to fear is fear
The Washington Post
Wrong and Divisive
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
PRESIDENT BUSH rightly took issue yesterday with the
anti-Semitic comments of Malaysia's prime minister. Mr.
Bush took Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad aside during
the economic summit in Bangkok "and told him that
what he said was 'wrong and divisive,'"
"It stands squarely against what I believe
in," Mr. Mahathir had told an Islamic
conference last week that "the Jews rule the world
by proxy" and urged Islamic nations to unite
against being "defeated by a few million
Jews." He received a standing ovation from his
colleagues -- making Mr. Bush's expression of
disapproval all the more necessary.
Would that Mr. Bush's sense of outrage at
religiously inflammatory remarks was so finely tuned
when it comes to members of his own administration. Thus
far he has found nothing to criticize in remarks
disparaging of Islam by Lt. Gen. William G.
"Jerry" Boykin, his deputy
undersecretary of defense for intelligence. In
videotapes of appearances before church groups -- first
described on NBC and in the Los Angeles Times -- Gen.
Boykin, in Army uniform, describes the United States as
a "Christian nation" and says he knew he would
capture a Somali warlord because "I knew that my
God was bigger than his. I knew that my God was a real
God and his was an idol." "Satan wants
to destroy this nation, he wants to destroy us as a
nation, and he wants to destroy us as a Christian
Gen. Boykin's comments have already become political
fodder -- for those who push the belief that the United
States is waging war on Islam, not on terrorism, and for
those who would excuse other forms of religious
intolerance. Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Maher,
said, "We hope that those who condemned Mahathir's
speech lend more attention to the words of the American
general . . . who demonstrated hostility toward Islam
and Muslims."
The president ought to be forthright about comments
that are wrong and divisive -- whether they're uttered
by a foreign leader or by one of his own generals.
New York Times
Listening to Mahathir
October 21, 2003
The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million. But today
the Jews rule this world by proxy: They get others to fight and die
for them." So said Mahathir Mohamad, the prime minister of
Malaysia, at an Islamic summit meeting last week. The White House
promptly denounced his "hate-filled remarks."
It's worth reading the rest of last week's speech, beyond the
offensive 28 words. Most of it is criticism directed at other Muslims,
clerics in particular. Mr. Mahathir castigates
"interpreters of Islam who taught that acquisition of knowledge
by Muslims meant only the study of Islamic theology." Thanks to
these interpreters, "the study of science, medicine, etc. was
discour- aged. Intellectually the Muslims began to
...his strident rhetoric was actually part of a delicate
balancing act aimed at domestic politics. Malaysia has a
Muslim, ethnically Malay, majority, but its business drive comes
mainly from an ethnic Chinese minority. To keep the economy
growing, Mr. Mahathir must allow the Chinese minority to prosper, but
to ward off ethnic tensions he must throw favors, real and rhetorical,
to the Malays.
...Mr. Mahathir thinks that to cover his domestic flank, he
must insert hateful words into a speech mainly about Muslim reform.
That tells you, more accurately than any poll, just how strong the
rising tide of anti-Americanism and anti-Semitism among Muslims in
Southeast Asia has become. Thanks to its war in Iraq and its
unconditional support for Ariel Sharon, Washington has squandered
post-9/11 sympathy and brought relations with the Muslim world to a
new low.
And bear in mind that Mr. Mahathir's remarks were written
before the world learned about the views of Lt. Gen. William "My
God Is Bigger Than Yours" Boykin.
The war on terror didn't have to be perceived as a war on Islam,
but we seem to be doing our best to make it look that way.