Slogging Through The Winter The January 19 VedicLeaks entry, Astrology Is Astronomy Brought To Earth, analyzed the Sun's seasonal transits through the signs to predict weather this winter and spring. The planetary sign ruler was used to describe the energy influencing the Sun. Although simplistic, it fits with the Sun's qualities of being the source of all light and heat on the globe. Here again is the table displaying the results of this hypothesis.
I added, To learn more about weather, however, we can look at other planets influencing the Sun -- and also the ruler of the sign where the Sun is placed. I then corrected an error that the midwinter Sun was free of affliction, This winter, the Sun is aspected by restrictive Saturn mid January to mid February. Then the Sun is clear until mid March, when it transits into Pisces. Thereby, last week's major storm in the U.S. Northeast is fully explained. That is, it wasn't just Mars' aspect to Rahu signaling a storm, but also the additional karma of Saturn aspecting the Sun. Given this Saturn/Sun influence continues through mid February there would be more storms to February 12. However, without a confirming karma, these would not major. And yes, the Weather Channel reports today, More Snow Ahead for the Northeast and Midwest. The January 21 Vedicleaks entry builds upon the above discussion, The State Of The Union & The State Of The Planets, suggested a strange combination of frustration, subdued mood and low energy -- which many of us naturally feel personally. Here's a screen shot of that listing,
Notice the Mars aspect to Rahu is listed, but I missed again Saturn aspecting the Sun. Here's a chart for today showing that,
But look! MeR (Mercury retrograde) is also under aspect by Saturn. And that aspect is just two degrees now and closing fast -- for Saturn is moving forward (clockwise), and Mercury backward (counter clockwise.) This Saturnian restriction/loss on Mercury peaks Wednesday and Thursday with the aspect being exact. Since Mercury will retrograde away from the Saturn aspect and then turn forward again February 11, Mercury will remain under Saturn's severe gaze -- and then retrace its steps to again be exactly aspected by Saturn on February 19. Thereby, Mercury will remain weak and afflicted until about February 21. I cite again the influences in the above January 21 entry screen shot, Expect typical Mercury retro mental confusions and sensitivities, as well as problems with communications, calculations, memory and the respiratory system. Be careful to not catch the flu! Note too the measles outbreak, which is another piece of this karma. Naturally, business is not favored, especially with the Sun in this mix. Mercury and the Sun are the two business planets. Europe is really going through it, notably Greece. Governments, especially kingships, are also challenged. The death of the Saudi king January 23 is testament to that. January VedicLeaks entries also cautioned about Political tensions... and All kinds of violences, explosions and fires can occur. Keep in mind, however, the title of this entry -- Slogging Through The Winter. The karmas are challenging, but they are not horrific. And while mid March to mid April may see really heavy snows, these can alleviate the U.S. drought. Finally, as also stated in the January 21 Vedicleaks entry, take advantage of what promises to be a very nice spring season.
Three Planetary Shifts Coming This Week Slogging Through The Winter continues. And this heavy energy will be with us until mid March -- when the Sun transits out of Saturn-ruled Aquarius and into Jupiter-ruled Pisces. But Saturn's restrictions will start to ease somewhat this week with three positive planetary shifts: 2/11 Mercury Ends Its Retrograde 2/12 Mars Leaves Aquarius 2/13 The Sun Enters Aquarius
This chart for February 13 shows these shifts completed,
While the below narrative examines specific planetary karmas from these shifts, we can sum their affects this way, Since weather has been a forecast topic, an analogy here is we can better drive (Mercury's skill) our cars (Mars' machinery) on newly plowed roads in the sunlight (Sun).
Mercury Ends Its Retrograde Mercury will end its retrograde Wednesday morning, February 11. This is naturally positive, but recall the above February 3 entry explained Mercury will remain Saturn-restricted. Its forward motion will cause Mercury to retrace its steps to again be exactly aspected by Saturn February 19. ...Thereby, Mercury will remain weak and afflicted until about February 21. As shown above, Wednesday, Saturn will be at 10 degrees, and Mercury 7 degrees -- only 3 degrees away. So Mercury's turning forward will be under tight control by Saturn, which greatly inhibits this mutable planet. Deception is a major issue. However, this tight orb has the benefit of Mercury quickly moving forward past Saturn on February 19 -- and getting far enough away February 21 that this planet of the mind can start to be itself again -- like a person getting over the flu. This health analogy is ironically apt, for Saturn's chronic illness signification on Mercury's respiratory system brings the flu, measles and other illnesses. Further, Saturn's continued pressure on Mercury can bring these back. Expect mental clarity will not return for another couple of weeks. Well, the Republicans have certainly been entertaining.
Mars Leaves Aquarius Mars will shift out of Aquarius and go into Pisces February 12. This is a major change, for Mars has been in Saturn's signs a long time -- since late November. And recall, Saturn is in Mars-ruled Scorpio now, which puts these two great malefics, and also enemies to each other, in each other's signs. This is stressful, like having to stay at the evil stepmother's home, while she is at your home. It's not fun for you, and evil stepmother hasn't been happy either! This Mars transit away from Saturn is a big deal. Too, Mars is friends with Jupiter, which rules Pisces, which is naturally good. Unfortunately, Ketu, the mystical weird tail of-the-dragon eclipse point lurks in Pisces. This won't be really difficult for a while, since Ketu is past the middle of the sign at 17 degrees. But, by month's end, Mars will close on Ketu. Since Ketu is gas an oil, this Mars entry into Pisces starts to afflict Ketu, which is why The Celestial Wheel has predicted the price of oil to start moving up again. The January 19 VedicLeaks entry stated, Mars will be in the mix in Pisces with Ketu beginning mid February, which can kick off oil supply problems that become dire in March/April. For global economic health and stability, this is not actually bad, for oil dropped so far so fast, disruptions rippled through economies. This mixing harms with benefits gives in a confusing mixed bag of results that afflicted and weak Mercury has not been able to grasp.
In fact, the news already alerts to oil price uptick, reversal, Oil rallies for third day after OPEC sees greater crude demand. Because of hedging bets -- buying contracts on the future price of oil -- traders are already anticipating the Mars-inspired oil price rise beginning in just three days. The worrisome issue is that oil will move back up at another breakneck pace. I chose this potent word for its literal meaning, break neck. We'll get a a feeling for how much and fast Mars will disrupt Ketu's oil within a few weeks, for as stated above, by month's end, Mars will close on Ketu. However, the heavy planetary karma will come during the mid March to mid April eclipse season, when the Sun will be in Pisces. Again referencing the January 19 VedicLeaks entry, as Ketu is gas and oil, expect supply disruptions then, for the hot Sun naturally afflicts Ketu. There are two more pieces of Mars karma in Pisces with Ketu. First, Mars/Ketu conjunctions are explosive for these being both Pitta (fiery) that symbolize entirely different malefic qualities. Mars, the planet of war and desire is entirely worldly, and Ketu, the planet of insight is entirely otherworldly. When they combine, seething anger results. 9-11 was a Mars/Ketu conjunction. Second, because Ketu and Rahu (the head-of-the-dragon eclipse point) are always 180 degrees apart (opposite), when Mars is with Ketu he aspects Rahu -- and Mars/Rahu is also destructive -- but in a different way. Ayanything to do with Rahu is unexpected, uncontrollable and can be overwhelming. The January 26 VedicLeaks entry explained the Northeast blizzard that week as resulting from Mars throwing just an aspect to Rahu (8 signs away). And that forecast referenced their last conjunction,
So, expect major events around the globe disrupting oil supplies and demands. However, exalted Jupiter will end his weak retrograde April 8. Then, powerfully forward, the planet of luck and fortune can save the day -- in more ways than one. For example, as Jupiter is wealth, economic downturns in Europe and the Far East could be reversed, or at least cushioned by the gyrating price of oil stabilizing. Too, the January 21 VedicLeaks predicted, There could be a silver lining, though, in building up the western snow packs, alleviating the drought. Regardless, whatever ills assail the globe, and our own personal experiences, we'll all be thankful Jupiter, the great benefic, comes back onto the stage of life.
The Sun Enters Aquarius On Friday, the Sun will shift out of Saturn's toughest sign, Capricorn, and go into Saturn-ruled Aquarius. Yes, Saturn will continue to chill and restrict the Sun, but Aquarius is less oppressive than Capricorn. And, the Sun won't be afflicted in Aquarius. Let's see how the below Expected Weather table in the January 19 VedicLeaks entry actualizes. Right now storms unfold, Winter Storm Marcus: Northeast Snowstorm Continues Through Monday (FORECAST). Later, we can see if winter storm activity abates for the next month, before picking up again in mid March.
Predictions Check From time to time prediction checks are offered to validate predicted planetary karmas in the present, confirm them for the future and sometimes glean insights for upcoming events and trends. Slogging Through The Winter The February 3 entry discussed winter/spring weather predictions made in the The January 19 VedicLeaks entry, Astrology Is Astronomy Brought To Earth. Again, here's the table for these predictions. Now in the second interval -- Sun in Aquarius 2/12 to 3/14 -- winter weather continues to be rough, but there hasn't been another blizzard like the January 23-31 Winter Storm Juno. So, the prediction is valid. Confirmation for the future is Accuweather predicting a wet spring, US Spring Outlook: Milder Air to Fuel Uptick in Severe Storms From Past Three Years.
The February 18 VedicLeaks entry presented these predictions: 2/25 Merkel welcomes "compromise" made by EU and Greece 2/26 Hybrid war: The real reason fighting stopped in Ukraine – for now
2/22 Ferry sinks in central Bangladesh, killing at least 48 2/23 Overturned Tanker Carrying 8,900 Gallons of Fuel Erupts in Flames 2/24 50 hurt when train slams truck at California crossing 2/25 Southwest planes, grounded over missed inspections, allowed to fly 2/26 Accidents abound on snow-covered roads
2/18 4 injured after refinery explosion in Southern California
Populist Movement Predictions The Celestial Wheel has repeatedly predicted a populist movement coming forward, replacing the shopworn liberal and threadbare progressive philosophies. The December 15 VedicLeaks entry said this,
See, 2/24 U.S. Senator Warren makes push on middle-class issues