August 3, 2023
Tipping Point
The Celestial Wheel often sneaks up to a topic by incrementally adding planetary karma information that develops an understanding of a topic. Next, within this framework, events stimulate predictions. Events are type of catalyst, bringing change, and thereby opportunities to predict. Sometimes a single event precipitates change. At other times, a series of events are needed to move the predictive needle.
While the Dasas (planetary cycles) are the fundamental karma, transits are secondary and are most notable for event timing.
In this case the topic is Trump in his role bringing the Second Progressive Age in the U.S. into fruition.
Of course global warming is also a tipping point for the Second Progressive Age, and COVID too. And doesn't it make simple sense that the Ukraine war is a tipping point for Europe that will spill over into the shared democratic values of a Second Progressive Age.? |
The July 19 In The Midst Of It leaves us in one of those spots in which a consequential prediction is due. (You can't sit around the beach forever before diving into the water.) After all, when in the midst of it, heavy transit karma brings events to create a new reality.
This entry is titled Tipping Point in identifying an event changing the trajectory of a situation. A major hurricane later brings tougher building codes, for example. This Tipping Point concept works particularly well in politics, where the public mood can switch directions because of a single event. That's what happened with Ron DeSantis, Florida's governor, as explained in this July 20 ABC article, New Florida standards teach students that some Black people benefited from slavery because it taught useful skills whitewashing slavery.
This brought an avalanche of criticism that has taken DeSantis out.
I recently rectified his unknown birth time, and the below transit wheel reveals his destructive transit karmas. Below is DeSantis' transit chart for July 20. The inner wheel is his birthchart and the outer his transits -- where the planets are in today's skies. He took three major hits. First, Rahu was crossing his Ascendant (self )-- the dragon attacked him directly. Second, transit Mars was crossing his Saturn, bringing conflict, and also Mercury, damaging communications. Third transit Ketu, the tail of the dragon eclipse point, was attacking his Mars, which, in his seventh house of the other and the social nature, disrupted his already weak capability in relating to others.
Transits July 20, 2023
For Trump, he was indicted for a crucial third time August 1. Here is his transit chart for that day.

Trump Transits August 1, 2023
Transit Venus -- his career planet, in transit was just over his fighting birthchart Mars. Career disruption is called for. Also, Trump's transit Saturn in his seventh house of relationship -- the other and the social nature-- was aspecting transit Mars, Mercury and Venus plus his birthcart Mars and Ascendant. Saturn, the planet of restriction and negation, shut down so many chart planets and Ascendant that he was powerless and vulnerable. (Interestingly, I've been working on this forecast for several days trying to determine when Trump would be hit by another indictment.
It appears that as the tipping point for DeSantis was July 20, Trump's tipping point was August 1. DeSantis' campaign collapsed, and Trump was hit with this third most serious federal indictments.
From this information, we can confirm the longer term prediction that Trump destroys the existing political system and then blows himself up. After all, the only viable Republican candidate opposing Trump was DeSantis, and he's already finished. Other candidate have little support, and are wounded by sticking by Trump's lies.
And recall the January 13, 2023 Joe Biden's Denouement? His new Saturn cycle will end Biden's career, even as he is able to hold on for a while. Of course, there are health issues too. And finally, everyone except Joe believes he's simply too old, and if you watch him carefully, he's ageing rapidly now..

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2023©
Doug Riemer |
August 13, 2023
Dog Days
Last August the Celestial Wheel published a forecast, August 21, 2022 Dog Days, which interval seems to be repeating this year,
..the next couple of months this year until mid November are astrological dog days -- the heat and doldrums of August. That's where the title of this entry, Dog Days, comes from.
Astronomically, it's when Sirius, the dog star, first comes up over the horizon on August 12. There's a wealth of information about ancient cultures using this date -- going all the way back to ancient Egypt. Then, Sirius' rising indicated the beginning of the rainy season. For our purposes, the below seems a better fit for including global warming.

The July 6, 2023 I Don't Know offered generalized predictions for the U.S. and Trump,
...summer/fall droughts/heatwaves/forest fires in the west, hurricanes in the east and sometimes tremendous thunderstorms/tornadoes/floods in the Midwest and Atlantic seaboard.
It seems these natural disasters are already playing out in Midwest storms. However, as this isRahu Dasa, the dragon brings unexpected and uncontrollable events. Consider the Canadian forest fires smoking up the U.S. Who would have expected that, and what can be done about it? -- nobody and nothing. Then there's malaria in Florida and Texas.
With this Saturn subcycle continuing until October 22, it will be a long hot summer and tough fall for Trump.
Since second subperiod restrictive Saturn (Sa) follows Trump's expansive Jupiter Dasa from June 13 to October 22, we must expect his troubles will deepen into real road kill this summer. |
The July 19, 2023 In The Midst Of It offered further predictions on these two charts.
It would seem, then, that September and October will see strife around the globe -- and certainly hurricanes in the U.S. I wouldn't be surprised if the western drought continues and other natural disasters hit from sea to shining sea.
For Trump, now that he's awakened America's mystical paranoia and wrecked the Republican Party, following those destructions, he blows himself up. Maybe a hurricane will trap him inside Mara Lago! What a great movie drama that would make? |
Here's a Mara Lago fun image from subscriber CL in Colorado,

While the drought persists and has become a dangerous heat wave from sea to shining sea, there have also been storms of all kinds across the country. Damage has been sometimes severe. However, the disaster in Maui is obviously a Rahu-exceptional event that could neither be anticipated, nor controlled. It's another warning for the future.
The August 11 NOAA Releases Updated 2023 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook,
Due to current ocean and atmospheric conditions, such as record-warm sea surface temperatures, NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center—a division of the National Weather Service—has increased their prediction for the ongoing 2023 Atlantic hurricane season to an “above normal” level of activity from a “near normal” level with their most recent update.
The outlook now includes a 70% chance of 14-21 named storms, of which 6-11 could become hurricanes, and 2-5 could become major hurricanes. The updated outlook also states that current conditions are likely to counterbalance the usually limiting
(The July 19, 2023 In The Midst Of It entry also specified three planetary retrogrades that destabilize the solar system into the fall -- Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. But there's one more 1! Mercury also turns retrograde August 24 to September 16. Beyond the mental confusion Mercury retrograde brings, its also adds to the heavens losing control.)
Certainly too, Trump has been slammed hard with legal problems, and yet the fourth criminal indictment looks ready to hit this coming week. The question, of course, is when his personality cult crashes.
Here are some thoughts.
Trump's Dasas are Jupiter major and Mercury minor from July 16, 2021 to October 22, 2023. Note, that while Mercury in his chart supports money, which certainly Trump has gained it makes him bark incessantly. Mercury is on balance harmful to Trump. That's another reason in indictments are hitting faster than soccer balls.
The next Dasa major and minor are Jupiter and Ketu October 23, 2023 to September 27, 2024. As Ketu is the mystical and dissolving tail-of-the-dragon eclipse point, it's alien to worldly endeavors. Also, being conjunct Trump's already overly sensitive perceptional Moon, Trump lives by his emotions, loses rationality and lives in his own mystical paranoia. In an already fragile national environment, this further stress must result in his cult ending.
Future Celestial Wheel entries will look more closely at this nearly year long interval ending just before the November 2024 election.
In the meantime, subscribers will recall I bought a generator last June, which was great after Hurricane Ian hit. Too, I have the new Segway electric moped, which I can charge from the generator.
I'm also now adding plywood storm shutters over the large double-hung windows in the living room and bedroom. Hopefully the jalousie windows with their small panes and aluminum frames will hold.

Again, we all have to adapt to changes brought by COVID, global warming and the U.S. 18 year Rahu Dasa. Do what you can to meet the future with success, or sadness will come your way.

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2023©
Doug Riemer |
August 22, 2023
It seems extreme weather and other destructive natural events have become bunched together in the summer and fall seasons. This makes sense with global warming affecting nearly the entire country. The additional heat has been exacerbating summer/fall droughts/heatwaves/forest fires in the west, hurricanes in the east and sometimes tremendous thunderstorms/tornadoes/floods in the Midwest and Atlantic seaboard. |
The July 6 I don't Know explained and examined limits to Vedic predictions, with this being the best I could offer,
It seems these natural disasters are already playing out in Midwest storms. However, as this is Rahu Dasa, the dragon brings unexpected and uncontrollable events. Consider the Canadian forest fires smoking up the U.S. Who would have expected that, and what can be done about it? -- nobody and nothing. Then there's malaria in Florida and Texas. |
And how about leprosy and flesh eating bacteria -- plus shark and bear attacks!? These are truly Rahu effects applying his exaggerating, death inflicting and toxic energies.
The July 19 In The Midst Of It, identified and described the peak of upcoming strife in the U.S,
...September and October will see strife around the globe -- and certainly hurricanes in the U.S. I wouldn't be surprised if the western drought continues and other natural disasters hit from sea to shining sea. |
With continued rough weather in the east and Midwest, plus smoke and forest fires in the northwest, and Hurricane Hilary in the west... well it sure looks like that prediction has been on target. Adding in the Maui fire makes these destructions truly from sea to shining sea.
The September and October period of intense strife prediction results from several potent planetary karmas. You don't have to be conversant in Vedic Astrology to understand this an exceptional set of harmful planetary dispositions. Key words are in bold italics blue.
The U.S. is running Dasas of Rahu major and Saturn minor -- victimizing and tremendous losses -- January 6 2001 to November 13, 2023. Also as Saturn is Vata (air) he dries out the climate, just as Saturn did during his last Dasa 1929 to 1948 -- the dust bowl years. That transit Saturn also aspects transit Rahu and Jupiter (the self and home) cements that karma.
Saturn crosses the U.S. Moon three times -- destruction,
March 18
October 4
December 3
Four retrogrades this summer/fall leaves the earth vulnerable, for the lack of affirmative forward motion,
begin retrograde
end retrograde
June 17
November 3
July 23
September 3
September 3
December 31 |
Mercury |
August 23
September 15 |
Eclipse season -- blocking
Solar October 14
Lunar October 28
(These eclipses are located 26° 56" Virgo and at 10° 58" Aries respectively. The solar eclipse will be visible in parts of the U.S. Remember, if you have a planet within 2° of either eclipse, it will be blocked.
This is like a primary for learning results of intense Vedic combinations -- victimizing, losses, destruction, vulnerable, blocking
The terrible natural disasters already experienced this summer gives a clue to the magnitude of harms as these four planetary combinations occur this fall -- again, mostly in September and October. Future Celestial Wheel entries will focus in on the most sensitive dates.
Briefly on another topic, The Celestial Wheel has stated many, many times that Rahu Dasa -- 2015 to 2033 -- is the destroyer of today to create tomorrow. Thus, there's both current and future change within a long time frame. The result, the Second Progressive Age, has not, however, been defined, or even generally described. Only the broad term rejecting tyranny and oppression to regain shared democratic values has been used. (Similarly, the previous two Rahu Dasas brought independence from the English king 1775 to 1795; and later there was the First Progressive Age liberation from the robber barons 1895 to 1913.) This is not unreasonable, for Rahu itself brings unanticipated and uncontrollable events. Plus, from this age of pandemic, global warming, technological change, an emerging multicultural and multiracial society... anything can happen!
This article, speaks to how this Second Gilded Age has begun actualizing, even as the war with the modern robber barons continues, Bidenomics is not a one-off. Ask the Australians. Here's a bunch of snippets from the article,
The global turn toward more radical pro-market economics announced itself loudly and unapologetically in the 1980s. The 2020s are witnessing a similarly sharp swing in a new direction, but you hear few fiery ideological proclamations and little talk of a “revolution.”
The new economics stresses active government intervention in the economy, green transformations and large-scale public investment, but its champions avoid philosophical lightning bolts. They prefer highlighting specific goals: better-paying jobs and less carbon in the atmosphere, restored manufacturing strength and improved public amenities. The idea tries to sell itself in practice by underselling itself in theory.
...Advocates of the new interventionism sometimes take on the old orthodoxy directly. President Biden enthusiastically attacks “trickle down” economics and preaches a “middle-out” and “bottom-up” approach in its place.
...This softer case is especially important in Australia, which profited mightily from 1980s-era free-trade policies.
...Ausralian Treasurer, Jim Chamlmers, stated, “What people are working out is: Where do our countries fit in this new environment? And how do we learn from not just the last two years of inflation, but the last two decades of vulnerability? If our economic policy doesn’t deliver a more inclusive, a more cohesive society, then we’re not doing it right. ... A lot of the pressures that we’ve seen build in our democracies — and not just our economies — have been a function of people feeling left out and left behind.” |

The Celestial Wheel 2002-2023©
Doug Riemer |