Predictions For April/May Stresses The March 29 VedicLeaks discussed Mercury's continued afflictions during this month and next. That entry explained the nature of resulting stresses -- confusions, reactive responses, problem solving issues.... In the section, April & May Stresses, the astrological rational with the time frame of April 2 through May 19 was explained. The below charts for these dates were included. As explained, by using the natural zodiac beginning with Aries, these are planetary weather charts for the entire planet. Notice that Mercury retrograde joins Jupiter, the Sun and Mars for the next few weeks. The fast-moving and all important Moon will also be in the twelfth tomorrow and Sunday.
Mideast Sectarian Struggles Pisces is the twelfth house, a Moksha -- spiritual -- house signifying loss and final liberation. The concept is that loss in worldly affairs is necessary to gain the detachment required for liberation of the soul. This issue has been touched upon previous forecasting: The March 15, VedicLeaks advised,
The March 24 In-depth Forecast, The Chaos Is Stirring, in the section, Destructive Mars' Transit, spoke further to the sectarian issue. (Sectarian comes from the root word sects, meaning religious.)
There are two other key factors. First, all planets aspect (glance) across the chart seven houses away. Twelfth house Pisces planets aspect six house Virgo planets. The sixth is the house of enmity and conflict. Thereby, the primary religious goal is achieved through violence. There's a martyr quality to the fighting, making it bloodier and more intense -- on both sides. Second, Saturn is the planet of government officials, and it too aspects across the chart -- so to the 12th. Thereby, these conflicts involved government. That may appear to be obvious, but it explains why the Mideast religious fervor is not directed at other sects in the private sector, but rather is a struggle against opposing sects controlling governments. Adding in Mercury's confusions and problem solving failures, the these disputes will continue and intensify through April and will not be resolved in May either. With the all-important Moon in Pisces tomorrow and Sunday, expect violence peaks then.
Japan Japan's nation chart is also Aries rising -- matching it to the natural zodiac for the placement of the houses within the signs. While the earthquakes caused disaster in nuclear power plants, there must be underlying issues with the religious belief systems opposed to the government. Watch what happens in Japan with regard to this issue. Similar to the Mideast revolts, the destructions, losses and deaths will intensify this month and not be resolved during May. Again, tomorrow and Sunday are extremely sensitive.
United States For the U.S., Pisces is the fourth house of devotion and the past. This explains the intense focus upon religious issues of abortion and gay marriage, as well as a yearning to return to a past of Don't Tread On Me small government, shrinking social welfare programs and reducing regulation. That this anti-regulation even extends to environmental agencies (EPA) in the wake of the BP oil spill, and financial regulatorys (SEC) following Wall Street destroying the economy, seems incredible -- until one understands the fourth is also the house of the emotions. This is not rationale thinking here. Government officials are doubly involved, for Saturn, the planet of government officials transiting the tenth, which is the house of government officials.
Earth Crust Events Another issue to consider is further earth crust events. Form-and-structure Saturn is weakly retrograde in Virgo, an earth sign. Mercury, which rules Virgo, is weak and afflicted in Pisces, a water sign. This sets the stage for more underwater earthquakes, and likely volcanoes as well. Japan is naturally vulnerable, for its tectonic plates have been shifting since the January 26 volcano. Thereby, even minor energetic changes can see off further plate shifts. Even though tomorrow and Sunday are sensitive, Japan is at risk all April and May.
Sometimes Predictions Begin To Prove Out Right Away The above April 1 entry discussed stresses in April and May, emphasizing that this weekend would be tough. I send articles to The Celestial Wheel editor, Pipe-smoking Yoda. He both reviews these and sends on new items he finds -- or are sent to him by confidential sources. (Well, the really good investigators have been pipe smokers since Sherlock Holmes.) Being two hours behind on Mountain Time, I sent my finds first. This is his first e-mail today, truck loads of doom n gloom in your other emails. Japan is like watching a disaster in slow motion & they still can't stop it. This VedicLeaks is not about crowing or celebration gloom -- but rather to alert there truly is a lot of stormy karma this month and next.
Mideast Sectarian Struggles Shiites in Iraq Support Bahrain’s Protesters Afghanistan Koran Burning Protests Rage On for Third Day Rebel rifts complicate Libyan operation Japan Radioactive water from Japan plant found leaking into sea Engineers pin hopes on polymer to stop nuke leak, "Engineers tried to seal the crack with concrete on Saturday, but that didn't work. So on Sunday they injected a mix of sawdust, shredded newspaper and a polymer that can expand to 50 times its normal size when combined with water. The polymer mix had not yet stopped the leak Sunday night " United States GOP budget plan to cut more than $4 trillion Rand Paul visits Iowa, urges GOP not to compromise An Iowa Stop in a Broad Effort to Revitalize the Religious Right
Earth Crust Events Strong earthquake shakes Greek island of Crete
Other Mercury Harms After Scare, Southwest Grounds Planes
Sensitive Weekend Ahead April began with tumult in all these areas last weekend. These wee detailed in the above April 3 Vedicleaks entry. The week has been relatively calm, but again the weekend portends an upwelling of planetary energies. Actually, if you look at today's news, strife is already intensifying. For the U.S. don't expect the looming government shutdown to be averted. Mercury is now approaching the hot Sun for an exact conjunction tomorrow -- Saturday. Then, the perceptional Moon will triply afflicted by malefics Ketu, Mars and Saturn. With both of the mental planets stressed, and the Moon being a potent worldly influence, issues in the Mideast, Japan and the U.S. will be exacerbated. Sunday will continue this challenging configuration. Mental Mercury burned by the Sun's ego ties the ego to the mind. listening is an issue if both world events and in your personal experiences. Nervous system tension also peaks.
Mercury Conjoins Jupiter On Monday, the all-important Moon will be in the clear, but then Mercury will cross Jupiter. With these planets of the lower and higher mind conjoined, big ideas may suddenly come. These won't be well founded, and they won't resolve situations.
Mercury Conjoining Mars Mercury's next planetary encounter will be with warrior Mars April 16 to 19. Beyond another peak in the ongoing struggles, expect further communications and machinery problems.
U.S. Chart Afflictions Beyond its own Mercury harms, it should be noted that later this month, the U.S. chart will have transit Mars on birth chart Ketu. When these Pitta (fiery) planets of war and otherworldly energy combine, seething anger and major destructions can result. There is a worrisome similarity between the U.S. planetary cycles and this Mars/Ketu transit conjunction with the energies of 9-11. April 16 and 19 appear to be the most sensitive. Since the Mars/Ketu conjunction of Gemini is the U.S. chart's seventh house of relationships, one obvious karma is further breaking of political groups, which we've already seen in the Tea Party splintering the Republicans and the Democrats dismayed with the Obama administration's failures due to vacillations and compromising. Such breaks would come from sudden and perhaps bizarre events. I'm writing now an In-depth forecast on this topic and will publish it as soon as my own compromised Mercury allows.
Oil Prices An additional area of concern is oil prices discussed in the March 7 VedicLeaks, and which have marched upward since mid February. Oil prices may zoom up to new peaks in mid July.
The red line and left column is crude oil. The blue line and right column is gas
Some Good News As only through turmoil comes change, and change is certainly needed now, Glenn Beck has lost his contract with Fox News. Here's his conspiracy theory take on the situation,
Look for other extremists to bite the dust over the next several weeks. Donald Trump is headed toward a Mohawk haircut, and Sarah Palin is stuck under Saturn's cloud. It's both useful and necessary to clear out these clowns to make room for reasonable and informed discussions and actions that begin to address imbalances in American's economy and political system.
Heads-up Reminder The below was emailed directly to Subscriber Participants April 15 in the evening.
Further Disturbances On Tuesday, April 19, planetary afflictions peak for a truly bizarre destruction. Again, the U.S. is especially at risk. The above April 8 entry stated, There is a worrisome similarity between the U.S. planetary cycles and this Mars/Ketu transit conjunction with the energies of 9-11. The Celestial Wheel was conceived after my September 7, 2001 prediction, which included the statement, There may also be some religious fanaticism aggravating the situation - Mideast stuff? I see 9/10 - 9/14 as being really bizarre. The Boston Phoenix article brought me some recognition, but more notable is that no one else had even come close to predicting this event. See Predicting 9-11. The following articles indicate elevated earth crust activity. Strong earthquake shakes Tokyo Earthquake shakes Australia, New Zealand Strain from Japan earthquake may lead to more seismic trouble, scientists say Experts warn of possible eruption at Taal volcano
These two map sites include new events.
These two web sites track severe weather in the U.S. Weather Channel Severe Weather Alerts
Recap April 16 -- 19 Stress Peak Although the entire month is challenging, Saturday April 16 through Tuesday 19 was predicted to be the stress peak, with the U.S. most vulnerable from sudden and perhaps bizarre events. Tornadoes ravaged the Midwest and the East. These began late Friday, Official: Tornado kills 3 family members in central Alabama; 3-state death toll nw 13, and peaked Saturday, NC worst hit by powerful storm that spun off twisters from Okla. to Va., killing at least 45. Accuwather summed up the scope of these storms in Historic Tornado Outbreak: 3 Days, 289 Tornado Reports, 15 States. There has been a lot of noise in the media, as a weak and confused Mercury retrograde made focus and objectivity elusive. There were silly headlines about Michele Obama's jet coming too close to a military tanker, and an endless fascination with Donald Trumps strange pronouncements, which stole the spotlight from Charley Sheen's own demented hyperbole. Well, everyone's mind has been stressed by this Mercury. Too, there were Republican Paul Ryan's budget and President Obama's rebuttal last week, neither of which were clear and definitive. So, it's no wonder the U .S. credit rating taking a hit on Monday wasn't taken seriously, nor fully grasped, Wall Street shares slump as S&P downgrades US debt outlook. Still, it's beginning to change the conversation about balancing the U.S. budget. Standard and Poor dropped the debt rating because its analysts didn't believe the U.S. would deal with the debt. It challenged the Republican agenda of not raising taxes and cutting social programs, Rep. Paul Ryan booed at town hall meeting. The debt downgrade also called the bluff on the far right's demand to cut domestic spending and lower taxes before approving an increase in the debt ceiling, If you thought the financial crisis was bad, wait till the debt ceiling caves in. And, this plane is already turning for its final approach, Federal Borrowing on Pace to Hit Debt Limit in Less Than Week.
Slash And Burn Capitalism Well, the money titans have taken notice, The dollar, less almighty: Big investors see possible long-term currency weakness,
Well, this makes simple sense. The Second Gilded Age robber Barons like Buffet, the Wall Street Banksters, the giant corporations like G.E., the greatest monopoly in history that is Bills Gates' Microsoft.... have bled America dry for their own gains. They now are taking their money to more fertile pastures, for it they don't, they will lose in the game of, The Age That Shame Forgot. It's the modern capitalist version of slash and burn agriculture, which leaves soil barren. The farmers then move onto other lands. Ayn Rand expressed this philosophy of selfishness best in Atlas Shrugged, a new version now hitting the silver screen. It's the Banksters Bible, which they've foisted upon the Tea Party folks under the guise of freedom -- even as these middle class and poor Americans lose the most from its philosophy. Here's the trailer. Here's William Buckley's take, William Buckley on Ayn Rand & Atlas Shrugged. And here's Alternet's review, The Truth About GOP Hero Ayn Rand. The point here is that S&P's downgrading the U.S. debt is a sudden and perhaps bizarre events. It not only changes the conversation, it changes the entire game. It is little wonder, then, that few took notice of forecasts for another tornado warning on Tuesday, which I also predicted would be another peak. Mother nature did give the U.S. a second lashing, Tornadoes, storms again lash the Midwest and South. Too, the media has given little coverage to Texas' huge wildfires, SECOND firefighter sacrifices his life battling wildfires as Texans pray for rain... but with a million acres scorched already there’s no reprieve in sight. But, Conservative Christians shouldn't worry now, for Texas Governor, Rick Parry, has called God to save his state, Texas governor calls for prayers for rain amid fires.
Mercury Turns Forward Tomorrow Mercury will end its confusing and weak retrograde tomorrow at 4 AM EST. This will ease some of the harms and also begin to clarify thought and understanding. However, the U.S. chart remains at risk until month's end, the U.S. chart will have transit Mars on birth chart Ketu. When these Pitta (fiery) planets of war and otherworldly energy combine, seething anger and major destructions can result.