New Client Readings
Arranging your initial Vedic Reading is easy. Just follow these steps, and get ready to hear all about yourself!
Two services are offered -- Life Reading and Astrocartography. If you have just the Life Reading now, you can purchase an Astrocartography session at a later date. Due to extensive advance analysis, payment is due in advance.
Life Reading Your square Vedic chart is a map of past life karmas (actions) experienced in this life. Vedic Astrology's extensive measurements peel away these layers of karma to unveil life-long and cyclical circumstances and events. It is a predictive craft. Thus, Vedic Astrology is not just about knowing the life but also planning the life. Indians call their astrologers travelers in time. This is a one hour session at $150. (Compare with other seasoned profesionals at $250 or more)

Lord Krishna -- symbol of
absorption into the divine.
Here, he charms ladies with his flute.
Astrocartography Reading This modern technique adds space to Vedic Astrology's time. Plotting planetary lines on geographic maps reveals where and how locations are powerful for you -- for good or ill. You learn the planetary energies for locations where you live, visit and even energies people bring from their locations when you interact with them. This is a 3/4 hours session at $100. (A Life Reading is prerequisite for that service describes how the planetary Astrocartography lines act.)

Ganesh, the single-tusk elephant,
removes obstacles and inspires.
He's a favorite of astrologers. |
Email Doug Riemer with the following information:
Your exact birth data -- place, date and time -- for this distinguishes you from everyone else. If your birth data is uncertain or unknown, ask Doug about it rectifying it by comparing life events with Vedic planetary cycles.
Your interest areas and any background information you feel will be useful.
Decide whether this will be a telephone consultation, or an in-person meeting. The call is yours to make, as your location determines long distance charges.
A photograph -- to help Doug better connect with you.
If you have any questions, Email Doug or call/text at (928) 203-4347.
When Doug receives your payment and email, he will calculate your chart and review your request.
Upon success with these, he will e-mail you a pre-consultation packet -- your Vedic chart and planetary cycles, information essay(s) and, as applicable, Astrocartography maps. |
Please print out these documents and review them to gain background information on Vedic Astrology and be familiar with your own chart.. Also, you will need these documents on paper in their original size for reference during your reading. Let Doug know you've completed this task. Your appointment date and time may then be set -- generally in a week. It take Doug that long to do the advance very technical preparation.
Appointment times are daily, including weekends -- from 9 AM to 5 PM Eastern Time. Please be prompt. Appointments are held for only 15 minutes. If you have to reschedule, kindly give at least 48 hour notice.
Spirituality Can Only Be A Search For Truth
Continuing Clients' Services
Chart Updates are suggested annually. Any topic can be addressed. Also, continuing challenges are often supported by several consecutive Updates. This work may be done by telephone or e-mail. $100 1 hr. |
Chart-Check is a quick and thrifty way to find information for a single question. Again, this work may be done by telephone or e-mail. $50 1/4 hr. |
Other Vedic services are available upon request. These include: Muhurta (auspicious time selection), children's readings, and compatibility analysis. Ask Doug about these and then use this PayPal Donate button for payment. |
Cancellation/Refund Policy
Vedic Astrology requires extensive preparation time. By the time of your reading, Doug will have spent 3 hours or more on your chart. Should you cancel before the service you've ordered is completed, or the service is not completed for any other reason, you will be charged for Doug Riemer's time incurred for this service at the rate of $75 hourly. "Time" here means: order processing, chart calculations, pre-consultation email packet, research, any correspondence by email and/or telephone and chart interpretation time. You will be refunded any balance that may result. |
Client Accolades
September 2019
Good Vedic readers are very rare, and I’m convinced you’re one of them. Not only can you read a chart, you can interpret it. You also have the great ability to apply the Vedic chart in the right way and communicate the information to the person receiving it for their greatest benefit. T.F. Phoenix, AZ
October 2019
You read my Vedic chart in Sedona in 1999, advising my healing career would take off. Now 20 years later, I must admit you were right! I hope you're right again about my traveling to Jupiter Astrocartography lines to heal more people, and myself too. You are a great astrologer. P.F. Sedona, AZ
December 2019
Mitakuye oyas'in! (All my relatives in Lakota)
That was dollars well spent! I'm grateful for the enhancements you gave my chart. We speak a kind of shorthand now and that is delightful to the Mercury atmosphere I now live in in. Fast and sparky! And thank you for your thoroughness. You covered alot of ground. All the best, dear friend. I'll be in touch. Merry Christmas. A.H. Cottonwood, AZ.
Indians Call Their Astrologers Travelers In Time |