The Celestial Wheel

Vedic Commentary



July 1 -- 31 , 2005



Doug Riemer
 Certified Vedic Astrologer
 Sedona, Arizona

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July 30

     The media, with its increasingly characteristic lack of perspective, is now crowing about Congress passing major bills on energy, transportation, free trade (CAFTA) and gun liability this week.  They hail these as major victories for the Bush administration.  Doubtless there will be lots of gossipy commentary about how Bush has resurrected his second term to create a great legacy.

     However, with Mars and Saturn pressuring each other, and Mercury retrograde causing confusion, there are good reasons these laws passed, and good reasons as well for the media's response.  It's fascinating to see how the planetary karmas actualized as predicted in the July 26 Celestial Wheel,


     Expect intensity in world affairs.  This will be characterized by dredging up old information and attempting to integrate the past into the present.  Recall that retrograde Mercury is in Leo, making government and leadership a focus.  As the media will be plagued by illogical analysis, it's best not to give them much credence until week's end.



     Senator Trent Lott, the former Senate Majority leader (Republican) summed up the flawed legislative process by stating,


    Finally, by pure exhaustion, we're going to stagger across the finish line, emaciated and without much to brag about...  The only way we got the energy bill was to pick a lot of the meat out of it.  This is not a particularly impressive bill.


     It may take longer than Sunday before truly serious objective review of these laws is done.  Here are some issues:  The energy bill doesn't address oil imports, doesn't lower gas prices, doesn't alleviate global warming and gives industry huge tax breaks.  The transportation bill is so full of pork, it is bereft of an effective strategy.  CAFTA omits labor standards, encouraging instead sweatshops in Central America.  The gun liability bill protects manufacturers and dealers from their own malfeasance.

     A more integrated analysis of these bills will show that they worsen already chronic problems. They further threaten, not safeguard, the economy and quality of life, in favor of big business.  So, again, this is a case of G.W. Bush overreaching, and the months ahead will demonstrate these legislative victories are actually more grist for failure.

     It's also interesting how the Space Shuttle prediction, The Shuttle's two week mission, however, is subject to elevated risk, proved out. 

     John Roberts will likely be approved by the Senate for the Supreme Court.  While his birth time is unknown, his January 27, 1955 birth date gives him the same exalted Saturn and exalted Jupiter that makes Condoleeza Rice and Alberta Gonzales so tough/unyielding and brilliant.  Recall that both faced intense questioning numerous times by Senate committees (not just in their confirmation hearings), and they survived by never giving an inch. (Rice 11/14/54 and Gonzales 8/4/55).

     As in the February 6, 2005 In-Depth Forecast, #60  The First Baby-Boomers, we can see that a potent combination of planets brings a group of people with unusually powerful charts.  The period when Jupiter was exalted in Cancer and Saturn exalted in Libra was September 12, 1954 to October 1, 1955.  With Saturn's intractability and Jupiter's brilliance, they are excellent henchmen for the First Baby-Boomers now running the country.

     John Roberts' Jupiter, however, is strangely disposed.  It is retrograde at just 00:09 degrees.  The retrograde turns Jupiter's wisdom inward, and the position at the very edge of the sign takes its power away.  This likely is a reason Roberts has been reticent his entire life.  Also, as Jupiter signifies children, and particularly sons, its disposition explains why Roberts' son misbehaved during the ceremony in which Bush announced his appointment.  Look for oddities and strangeness revealed about Roberts during the confirmation process.  It's possible, he will shoot himself in the foot.  Besides, he really does look like the little plastic guy on top of wedding cakes.

    The media is also jumping all over the story of the discovery of a 10th planet.  However, there are conflicting reports about how large it may be, and especially how it compares with Pluto.  Again, this is Mercury retrograde confusion mixed with Mars/Saturn pressure.  Perhaps the best way to view this discovery now is via the astronomers.  They haven't named it but unofficially dubbed it Xena, after the Greek warrior princess TV series, because, as one said whimsically, they always wanted to name something Xena.  A lesbian friend idolized Xena, and I wonder if Condoleeza Rice may be very excited about this.  She is, after all, a great, albeit solitary, warrior princess in her own right.

     As a Vedic Astrologer, using the planets only out to Saturn, I have to grin a little, because this new object again raises the question whether Pluto is a planet.  Recall last year the discovery of Sedna stimulated that discussion.  The Western Astrology community will have to grapple with questions about Pluto's authenticity as a planet, and maybe too what symbolism to attach to Xena -- the whimsical warrior princess planet of the 21st century?  And, what about Sedna?



Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

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July 26

      Today through Thursday are particularly sensitive days, both in our personal lives and for world affairs.  Here's why.

     The all-important perceptional Moon is has been conjunct Rahu since yesterday, amplifying the emotions.  Tonight, the Moon and a bright Mars will be conjoined in the eastern sky, a pretty sight that belies its impulsivity.  That today is Mars Tuesday, and the Moon is waning, amplifies these effects.  Also, Mercury has been in retrograde motion since July 23, defocusing the analytical mind.

      With both planets signifying the mind out of kilter, I suggest: care in overreacting, delaying important decisions, patience with others and paying attention to your physical environment. 

     I've been frustrated in composing an In-depth Forecast, ironically about the linear and nonlinear minds.  The Forecast's focus and structure have changed with each effort.  I'll continue to peruse the material but will wait until Friday to complete the analysis. 

     Given these planetary woes, it is surprising the Space Shuttle launched successfully today -- though I purposely did not make a prediction for the launch.  The mental clarity simply wasn't there to do so.  The Shuttle's two week mission, however, is subject to elevated risk.

     Expect intensity in world affairs.  This will be characterized by dredging up old information and attempting to integrate the past into the present.  Recall that retrograde Mercury is in Leo, making government and leadership a focus.  As the media will be plagued by illogical analysis, it's best not to give them much credence until week's end.  However, you can always trust in Jon Stewart's Daily Show -- where fake news is more real than real news.

     Saturday and Sunday are sensitive dates for the Mars/Saturn mutual aspect.  Then, these planets of aggression and repression will be exactly aspecting each other.  This energy, continuing until February 5, has been characterized as a grinding.  While this is accurate, it is also true that as Saturn holds Mars back, there's an energetic buildup that expresses in bursts of violence.  This energy is external, compared with the current internal mental Moon/Mercury energy.

     It would be advantageous to also discuss some favorable planetary influences -- to balance negative with some positive.  Unfortunately, this simply isn't the case for the remainder of 2005.  This doesn't mean that all our endeavors fail, or that we put our lives on hold.  Rather, the dissonant planetary dispositions indicate a higher level of effort necessary for achievement and suggest accepting all goals will not be realized.  Yet, struggle is often necessary to dislodge us from unfavorable circumstances.   

     It is also evident that this year's building planetary stresses are forcing cracks in the neoconservatives' formerly unassailable fortress.  The Valery Plane scandal (CIA covert agent outing by the White House) builds toward disaster, for example.  Mark Fiore's latest animate political cartoon, Super Secret, is as true as it is funny.  Also, Iraq will continue to destabilize, the U.S. economy is precarious and terrorist acts will continue.  So again, struggle can bring a positive result.

     In closing, fees for New Client Consultations will be raised on Friday.  This issues from increased services and costs for Life Consultation and Life Consultation With Astrocartography.  Fees for Continuing Clients, however, will remain unchanged, excepting there will be a $75 minimum on Chart Updates.  The $20 quarterly Forecast Subscription fee will also be maintained.  Please note that my fee schedule has been unchanged since 1999. 




Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

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July 21

     The July 11 Celestial Wheel included the statement, With Mars/Rahu disruptions reverberating, I now add July 12 - 21 for continuing turbulence.  Then, Mars/Rahu will afflict the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus.  Consequences to the above event listing are most likely.  Also, maintain conservative care in your own lives.  Today's copycat London subway/bus bombings at 12:25 PM punctuate the ending of this sensitive period.  The specific planetary activator here is Mars having just reached the two degree point in Aries, at which its quick and active nature expresses itself.  At 12:25 PM London time, Mars was at 2:13 degrees Aries.

     World events like this are useful guide for our personal lives.  As I stated in an e-mail this morning to a English Subscriber currently dealing with dangerous discord in mainland Europe, So, this second London terrorist bombing appears to signal the peak and the end of Mars violence.  The bombing is naturally unfortunate, but it is a positive signal for you.

     At this juncture, then, the primary and dominant planetary energies are Mars and Saturn -- from now until February 5, 2006.  The June 5 In-depth Forecast, #63 Mars' Summer And Fall Of Discontent, introduces this planetary conflict, and below is a summary excerpt,

     This transit chart for July 30 shows only the positions of Mars and Saturn and their destructive aspects to each other.

     These planets are very difficult when they join, for active Mars' opposes lethargic Saturn.  Saturn thereby chafes under Mars' prodding.

Similarly, Saturn constrains Mars' rashness to push ahead. 

     The comparison can be made to driving your car with one foot on the accelerator and the other on the brake.  This gives a rough journey and abuses the car.

     Mars/Saturn combining in Aries stimulates warfare and physical cruelty.  Selfishness and jealousy drive oppression in which the ends justify the means.

  World Transits July 30, 2005

     Mars typically transits a sign in two months. The six month period of this Saturn-conflicted Mars transit (July 21, 2005 to February 5, 2006) literally triples Mars' ability to harm. 

     We can understand now how the winter/spring setbacks set the stage for a July 7 event, triggering an economic downturn during Mars' July -- February transit through Aries.  In Cancer, all three signficators of real estate are brought together in a destructive combination depressing real estate. Litigations are indicated. 

     I had hoped to already have analyzed and interpreted this six month plus period of Mars and Saturn grind against each other -- identifying sensitive dates for events and dividing the interval into subperiods that could then be applied to the charts of leaders and nations, as well as the previously identified major karmic currents of labor globalization, #52  The Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction  -- A New Twenty Year Era (5/26/04) , the Mideast oil confrontation, #53  Part 5   The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Iraq  & Forecast Conclusions (6/29/04) and the United States Second Gilded Age, #58b  Part II  The United States Through It's Planetary Cycles  (12/2/04)

     However, there has been so much distracting turbulence, I simply haven't been able to gain the calm focus necessary to get my mind around so much information.  In fact, how this task is described in the above paragraph demonstrates the magnitude of the effort. 

     One early insight, however, is fundamental to the quality of this Mars/Saturn energy.  As mentioned above, Mars and Saturn grind against each other.  While Mars/Rahu brought feverish discord and unexpected violence, Mars/Saturn is a slow and accumulating pressure that inexorably exerts its harms.  A glacier grinding over the earth and a dentist grinding teeth are useful analogies. 

     Further, while a fall in the real estate market appears to be the primary consequence of Mars/Saturn, this will occur as a result of those planetary karmas in charts of leaders and nations. 

     For example, I sent a brief Subscriber e-mail before G.W. Bush's July 19 announcement of his Supreme Court nomination, concluding with, He's trying too hard, overreaching his credibility at the exact wrong time.  Many enemies will object -- and not necessarily because of the nominee is not a centrist.  It seems clear already this nomination will not reverse Bush's downward trend (by flexing his leadership muscles and/or diverting attention from issues discrediting him), which must certainly impact real estate. 

     Similarly, #53  Part 3   The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Saudi Arabia   (6/29/04) voiced concern about about this leading oil producer, Further and increasing terrorist violence in Saudi Arabia is therefore expected, and it is entirely possible that its Kala Sarpa rise since the late eighties will be followed by the government's fall by early 2005.  While that fall hasn't yet occurred, the King's continuing illness, new terrorist threats against Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's inability to increase production enough to reverse oil price highs are ominous.  Increasing oil prices stimulates inflation, which will boost mortgage interest rates to undermine the real estate bubble.

     One last comment:  There is another Mercury retrograde coming July 23 to August 23.  Do not expect this Mercury retrograde to be intense like the last one that started March 20 with a feeding frenzy of mental compulsions.  Recall Congress's feeding tube law the very day Mercury retrograde began, and other extreme intellectual dysfunctions.  This upcoming Mercury retrograde will more typically hinder business and communications, and because it's in Leo (government), the public sector will be a focus.



Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

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July 18

     If you woke this morning feeling washed out and haven't been able to muster your Monday morning motivation, you're not alone.  There's nothing wrong with you personally.  Today is just one of those temporary energetic lulls.

     As shown in the transit chart for today, Mars, the Sun and Venus are transiting -- moving into new signs. When this occurs, planets temporarily lose their power.  In addition, the Moon is in its fallen sign of Scorpio, which lowers the emotional energy.



     This is energy void is more impactive because the Mars/Rahu desire frenzy, which peaked out July 5 -7, is finally over with Mars' move into Aries.  An effective comparison is Lance Armstrong (a Mars/Rahu person), completely exhausted after one of his heroic Tour de France efforts. 

     Some may experience muscle and joint sensitivities, for the Sun (body, bones) is not only weak, it is also afflicted by Saturn and Mars.  It's best to be patient and operate at a slow but steady pace.  Sudden bursts of activity, physical or mental, can fail to succeed and may even be counterproductive.  Don't overreach.   Fortunately, the bicycle racers have a day off today.

     Recall the July 11 Celestial Wheel cautioned, With Mars/Rahu disruptions reverberating, I now add July 12 - 21 for continuing turbulence.  Tomorrow is Mars Tuesday, and during Wednesday and Thursday, Mars reaches full strength.  During these days, the Sun will be increasingly constrained by Saturn and at the same time, aggravated by violent Mars.  Expect brewing government scandals to heat up.

    Moderation today will better enable you to deal with tomorrow's planetary winds shift.



Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

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July 15

     The July 11 Celestial Wheel discussed the rebirth indicated in G.W. Bush's chart, a true mystery since it was first identified in the April 5 Celestial Wheel.  Below is the interpretation of this transformation from July 11.  (Note:  With all Celestial Wheels for each month on one page, you can just scroll down to review this July 11 entry.)


     The public and the press were immediately ambivalent. Would the London attack bring nations together to fight terrorism even harder?  Or, has the Bush/Blair Iraq war caused terrorist groups to grow and attack London?  Certainly, this time, no leaders are pounding their chests with patriotic entreaties for revenge.  This may be the rebirth predicted for Bush, which first requires a death.  The death is of Bush's hold over the American public, which he gained at  9-11 by leading the fight against terrorism.  The rebirth is an unpopular and powerless Bush, resulting from invading Iraq (his great misadventure), which in strengthening terrorism, stimulated the London attack. 

     In asking Subscriber J.C. in Arizona about this, she replied, A lukewarm re-birth!!!.  That's exactly the point, of course.  Today's Washington Post editorial, The Stalled Spin On Rove, gives additional credence to this concept,


    The issue now is whether the Karl Rove leak affair marks a tipping point in the way President Bush's administration is viewed by the public, treated by the press and regarded by Republicans in Congress

     ...For most of his first term, the president rode out controversies by drawing on a substantial well of public respect and affection.  But Bush's popularity ratings have been on the decline for much of the year.  Public patience with the war in Iraq is waning, and support for the president's major domestic initiative on Social Security has dropped steadily. A president who in the past might have pulled his top political adviser out of trouble instead finds the controversy surrounding Rove deepening the difficulties he already had.

     ...This powerlessness is an unprecedented situation for Bush.

     Also, this Washington Post editorial, in using the term, tipping point, dovetails with the prediction that the July 5 - 7 Mars/Rahu conjunction harms would trigger an economic downturn impacting real estate later this year.  Naturally, losing faith in the President harms economic confidence.  Further, Bush's tax cuts and dangerous Federal deficits leave the government powerless to counteract economic problems by further propping up the economy.  The neoconservatives have already fired all the economic stimulation bullets. 

     I would disagree, however, with the Washington Post's view that Rove Rage is the tipping point.  Like a barbered scottish sheep, Bush returned from the G8 conference shorn of the temporary domination he gained through manipulating 9-11.  Rove is not the catalyst for Bush's vanishing influence, but rather its first manifestation.  Also, there are plenty of other growing challenges (karmic consequences to Bush's policies since 2000) coming to fruition over the coming months that promise to be determinative.

     However, it is also true that Bush's powerful friends engineered his rise to the presidency, and Karl Rove was the chief of this Machiavellian group. Yes, Rove has always been the vengeful dagger behind the presidential cloak of purity.  So, the Washington Post's view is a natural deduction, albeit short sighted.  


     Mark Fiore's animated cartoons often offer great insights, and Rockstar  is particularly prescient, and also really funny.

     Keep in mind that momentum is inherent to forecasting.  Mars/Rahu was the trigger, tipping the rock to roll down the hill in a momentous trend.  This is the reason for the statement at the end of the July 11 Celestial Wheel, With Mars/Rahu disruptions reverberating, I now add July 12 - 21 for continuing turbulence.  Then, Mars/Rahu will afflict the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus.  Consequences to the above event listing are most likely.  Also, maintain conservative care in your own lives.

     In addition to the dynamic karmas described by the planetary positions, sunspot activity appears to add further energy.  NASA's announced yesterday,

     Solar activity has suddenly increased with a series of strong explosions from sunspot 786, including an X-category flare this morning. Because the sunspot is near the sun's western limb, none of the blasts was squarely Earth-directed. Nevertheless, coronal mass ejections hurled into space by these explosions could deliver glancing blows to Earth's magnetic field as early as tonight (July 14-15) and continuing through the weekend, possibly sparking geomagnetic storms and auroras. Check for movies of the explosions, more information and updates.




Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

See the Forecasts page of



July 12

     After sunset tonight and tomorrow we can see evening star Venus in a straight line with a crescent Moon and bright Jupiter.  This Moon/Jupiter conjunction occurs in Virgo, the sign of healing.  As Moon/Jupiter signifies overcoming obstacles, purity and helping others, these evenings are supportive for soothing the angst and discomforts of the difficult Mars/Rahu conjunction.

     Vedic Astrology is a wide angle lens capturing the entire zodiac.  This also permits seeing planetary movements, enabling accurate predictions of trends and events.  In Vedic Astrology, we can see them coming and don't often get bind-sided.  Also, the Vedic chart sets boundaries, requiring the astrologer to work within the karmic patterns and bringing consist results.  (If you visit two Vedic Astrologers, you should receive similar readings, even though each has the individual astrologer's emphasis.) 

     Psychics work in a completely different way.  They respond best to specific questions, which direct them to focus their high-powered lens on a specific celestial locale to see highly detailed information.  As spirit doesn't wear a watch, psychics find specifying times a challenge.  By focusing on a small area, psychics can't see the big-picture celestial map; they find it difficult to put their insights into perspective  -- and too, they can get blind-sided by influences outside their field of view. 

     Also, psychics connect in different ways and to multiple questions over time -- locating variable and changing spaces within the celestial map.  They are not supposed to repeat the same information, nor mirror that of other psychics.  This is a reason psychic information is not uniform, often appearing to be all over the map.  However, lack of consistency does not void its singular value.    

     One way the two crafts can collaborate is by the Vedic Astrologer using his panoramic picture of the celestial map to identify sensitive areas and times.  Then, the psychic zooms-in on to those to divine remarkably specific and valuable information.

     Here's a very cool example of this collaboration.

      Scottie Littlestar  (#6) saw G.W. Bush signing a document with a feather pen, which I quoted below.


     On Friday, the Washington Post published this photo of Bush signing the condolence book at the British Embassy in Washington.

     I thought at first it was a gold metal feather on the desk.  Scottie pointed out that the sleeve of Bush's jacket intersected the chair's gold back to create the feather illusion for the camera.

     Although this amazing detail has no tangible predictive value, the rest of her vision certainly does.  Also, that this detail was foreseen is a proof there is order in the universe.  What could be more important?

     Seven years in Sedona has brought an understanding of these dynamics between Vedic Astrology and psychics.  So, when I was stuck on what Bush's July 5-7 Scotland trip meant, I polled all the psychics I knew.  Here again are those insights -- all over the map.  I color-coded information to show multiple common insights.  You may find others.  Keep in mind, these psychics were looking for July 5 -7 in Scotland.  Their insights should not be interpreted to relate to what happens beginning July 8.

In Red are 5 predictions for violence.

In Yellow are 3 little boy references.

In Lavender  are 2 items describe Bush's safety and his return home.

In Pink are 2 references to Bush's faith.


1)  Yes, something negative will happen.  It will be a tough time for Bush.  Some violence.  Nothing specific yet.

2)  I haven’t concentrated on the issue, but as soon as I read your question I did get the image of a plane exploding in the air.

3)  I'm not really sure about global events.  But I see darkness around that time. I see someone trying to attack Bush.  I see a bomb, but those things these days are common around this president and his politics.

4)  So far the only thing that comes to me is..... 7-7-2005...which is 7-7-7... kind of like 9 - 11....

6)  I see Bush in signing a document to please someone, to placate them.  He uses a feather pen.  But it has no substance, is just fluff.  There's no truth energy behind it.  I also see two "bomb" incidents close to his airplane and/or car and involves protestors down the street.  Bush is not harmed.  When he returns to the U.S., he will need to rest to recover from the trip. Bush is like a naive little boy

7)  Past attitude of being kicked.  Ready to fight and retaliate.  Little son with big stick and big ideas -- a vision connected to his beliefs.  Waiting for the last piece, but stuck.  Lost his rhythm.  Doubting the process, doubting his luck.  Faith is wavering.  Trip outcome lucky.  End of something so something new can begin. Pagan ritual -- secret behind-the-scenes support.  Only insiders know, but success.

8)  I would say that Bush is going with the flow that comes from higher dimensions ( you will probably say "WHAT"  ???)  This guy has some pretty high goals of serving his country (at the same time I have never seen any other government emptying the cash register as fast as these guys.)

When he goes on his journey this time I am seeing a beautiful Angel guiding him,  The Angel is speaking about new life, renewed hope and a second chance.  She is representing Bush's right to receive the Divine Guidance as a leader of this nation.

Bush has a willingness that very few other leaders has been able to show his religious insights and fanatism makes him reach for the stars and for Divine guidance, in a sense he is very much like a boy trusting God.
I had no idea that Bush was going to Europe,  I am not really interested in his doing, but I pray sincerely for him instead of using my energy to attack him.


     Scottie Littlestar has graciously offered to extend this experiment.  Look for these contributions in future forecasting predicting tends and events during Mars six month plus transit through Aries from July 21 to February 5. 



Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


(The research and composition for the Celestial Wheel is underwritten by paid subscribers. 

If you find the information is of value, please honor this work by subscribing.  

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Prediction Verification


July 11

     Vedic Astrology is empirical -- Verifiable or provable by means of observation or experiment.  Ancient India's Seers first divined the astrological relationships between celestial dispositions and earthly experiences some 5,000 years ago.  Vedic Astrologers have since scrupulously followed those teachings.   {As my Vedic teacher James Braha used to admonish me, Don't make things up!}  They then tested their predictions against results to refine and expand their predictive capabilities.  

     This Celestial Wheel is one such empirical exercise.  First, it recites culminating in the July 5 In-depth Forecast, #64 The July 5 -7 Mars/Rahu ConjunctionSecond, it lists significant events as reported in the worldwide media.  Third, it compares predictions with actual events.  {Subscribers are invited to independently weigh these predictions against actual results, as well as their personal experiences, to judge the predictive value.}  Results here are a natural guide for my further forecasting.


     First, The July 5 -7 Mars/Rahu Conjunction included summary and specific predictions.  {These were gradually developed in: The February 21,  #61Kama & Kendra -- Desire And Power, the April 2, #62 A Not So Far Horizon, the June 5 #63 Mars' Summer And Fall Of Discontent and the June 15 Celestial Wheel.}




     ... I've predicted Mars/Rahu bringing a religious violent event (or events) July 5 -7

     This triggers a real estate downturn during Mars' subsequent six month transit through Aries beginning July 17.  I've also stated in Celestial Wheel commentaries that G.W. Bush is intimately involved with this turmoil and that he: is facing increasing resistance at home and abroad, is beset with enemies, will experience some sort of re-birth, may lose his temper and that Iraq is his great misadventure.  Finally, I connected Rahu's signifying aircraft with the large number of unusual aircraft incidents since the Mars/Rahu conjunction began June 6.

     ...Further, I specifically predicted:

     (1)  The Edinburgh G8 conference is an epicenter* for the Mars/Rahu energy release.

     (2)  G.W. Bush will be at risk for violence involving aircraft.  

     (3)  Protestors will stir up the delegates against Bush and perhaps drive the delegates into the castle.  

     (4)  Conference delegates will attack Bush verbally, to which he will bristle and be powerless to refuse. 

     (5)  Bush will return to the U.S. isolated from the world community and blocked by opposition at home. 

(*Mars/Rahu would also express itself in other locations  -- such as U.S., Iraq and Saudi Arabia, whose charts are afflicted now.)



     Second, here are unusual Mars/Rahu violent events July 5 -- 7 and overflow July 8 --10.  These were collected from worldwide internet media.  {Note: that as Mars signifies animals, Rahu stimulates animal aggression.  Animal violence thereby a valuable crosscheck on Mars/Rahu harms.} 

July 5

Human Error Blamed For Gorilla Attack
Six Attackers Slain at Shrine in India

July 6

Sea Lion Attacks Lifeguard

Judges Orders Jail for N.Y. Times Reporter   (The CIA agent disclosure scandal)

Bush Involved In Bike Crash In Scotland (The Moon in Bush's 12th house of loss)
Dennis Slams Into Florida-Alabama Coast (reached hurricane status July 6)

July 7

London Bombings (The Moon in Cancer - the home)

Prices for oil surge to record'Plain Dealer' Holding Stories Because of Fear of Jail  (Fallout from the CIA agent disclosure scandal)

450 Sheep Jump to Their Death in Turkey

July 8 -- 10

O'Connor to resign from Supreme Court  (July 8. The battle for the Supreme Court is joined)

Questions Remain on the Leaker and the Law  (July 8. More on CIA agent disclosure scandal)

After G-8 Aid Pledges, Doubts on 'Doing It'   (July 8 )
200 Feared Dead in Indonesia Sea Accident (July 10)

British Memo:  U.S. Hopes to Cut Force in Iraq in Half by Early 2006  (July 10.  Secret withdrawal plans)

Ten Afghan Soldiers Beheaded by Taliban (July 10)



     Third, compare predictions with events.

     The prediction for a religious violent event came true.  In fact, the initial prediction in #62 A Not So Far Horizon or July 7 was exactly correct.  Edinburgh was not the specific terrorist bombing location, but Bush's attendance with Tony Blair brought the event to nearby London, also in the U. K.

     The expanded July 5 -7 dates for violence encompassed Bush's July 6 bicycle accident and the July 7London bombings.   Although aircraft were not involved, both Bush's bicycle accident and the London subway and bus bombings involved transportation.  Mars/Rahu harmed Bush's ninth house of long journeys (and Rahu -- airplanes) and his third house of short journeys, also signifying the hands and arms.  His bike accident reflected the latter, as did the subway and bus bombings. 

     The G8 conference assembled the primary Iraqi invaders, Bush and Blair.  Because the other G8 members are a mix of supporters and opponents to the Iraq war -- France, Germany, Japan, Canada, Italy and E.U. representatives -- the terrorists did not attack Edinburgh but rather chose nearby London, enemy Tony Blair's capital.

     The public and the press were immediately ambivalent. Would the London attack bring nations together to fight terrorism even harder?  Or, has the Bush/Blair Iraq war caused terrorist groups to grow and attack London?  Certainly, this time, no leaders are pounding their chests with patriotic entreaties for revenge.  This may be the rebirth predicted for Bush, which first requires a death.  The death is of Bush's hold over the American public, which he gained at  9-11 by leading the fight against terrorism.  The rebirth is an unpopular and powerless Bush, resulting from invading Iraq (his great misadventure), which in strengthening terrorism, stimulated the London attack.  The disclosure of secret Iraqi withdrawal plans (British Memo: U.S. Hopes to Cut Force in Iraq in Half by Early 2006) reveals even Bush and Blair see the war is a failure, is increasingly unpopular with everyone and deepens public distrust in Bush's veracity.

     The G8 primary conference objectives were African aid and global warming measures.  G.W. Bush characteristically refused to compromise on either.  Protesters did indeed disturb the G8 conference, and although the delegates didn't hide in the castle, the protesters, along with the Live 8 concert pressures, must have pressured the G8 leaders, who in turn pressured Bush.  The end result was a failed conference with only a watered down African aid pledge, After G-8 Aid Pledges, Doubts on 'Doing It'

     The final specific prediction appears accurate.  Bush has twin black eyes in the international community for his Iraq invasion likely stimulating the London bombings and his intransigence on African aid, and even more importantly, on global warming.  There is growing opposition at home on these issues, as well as brewing crises listed above: record oil prices, the CIA disclosure scandal, suppressing investigative reporting, the Supreme Court and early hurricane and forest fire destruction.  The newly reborn Bush lacks the clout to resolve these, and other issues, and the public is fast losing trust in his ability.

     Animal violence is demonstrated in the gorilla and sea lion attacks and the sheep suicide.  Also, three shark attacks occurred earlier in June and July as Mars and Rahu began to draw together in Pisces.  This verifies the toxicity of the Mars/Rahu conjunction.  The India shrine attack and Indonesia marine accident are other significant Mars/Rahu destructions, although reporting on these was pushed aside by the London bombings.

     In conclusion, the G8 predictions and actual events adequately jive to support the Mars/Rahu conjunction as the trigger for an economic downturn during Mars' transit through Aries from July 21 to February 5, 2006, as per Mars' Summer And Fall Of Discontent  This real estate reversal will occur as a consequence of Bush's past failed policies and his inability to resolve brewing problems.


    Tomorrow's Celestial Wheel will discuss the insights offered by the psychics in The July 5 -7 Mars/Rahu Conjunction.  This is worthwhile reviewing.  I discovered the most intriguing correlation.

Also, please note that The July 5 -7 Mars/Rahu Conjunction  added the caveat, Although the Mars and Rahu begin to separate after July 7, they continue in Pisces together until July 17.  July 11 is a sensitive date for Mars then crossing the 25 degrees point in Pisces, where the April 8, 2005 Solar eclipse occurred. 

    With Mars/Rahu disruptions reverberating, I now add July 12 - 21 for continuing turbulence.  Then, Mars/Rahu will afflict the Moon, Sun, Mercury and Venus.  Consequences to the above event listing are most likely.  Also, maintain conservative care in your own lives.


     Here are some miscellaneous observations:


     It would be in poor taste to make a prediction for the upcoming Wednesday, July 13, Space Shuttle mission.  There is, however, considerable risk with the all-important Moon opposite Mars/Rahu and conjunct Ketu that day.  It would be better if the mission were delayed.

      There's a hoax circulating about Mars' closest approach to the earth in recorded history this summer.  The hoax recites the exact information from the real closest approach in 2003.  See the In-Depth Forecast,
#23 Mars Summer Subtlety  It's For The Planets?  Also see, NASA's disclaimer in

     Last year, I in the July 15 Celestial Wheel, I predicted that accident would cost Lance Armstrong the Tour de France.  Armstrong did fall but persevered to win.  He has Mars conjunct Rahu, giving tremendous desire.  And as Mars is also sports, Lance has great athletic ability -- like Michael Jordan, the renowned basketball player.  The race has already been fraught with Mars/Rahu accidents, and Lance is again at risk.  However, if he makes it through without accident, he can win this final race of his career.




Copyright 1999-2005
Doug Riemer


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