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June 2, 2022

A Hard Read

Sometimes the planets' dispositions show potent karmas pointing toward significant events and/or trends.  These nearly always involve malefic planets -- Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu and the hot Sun -- for they bring adverse karmas themselves, as well as spoil the positive karmas of benefic planets -- Jupiter, Venus the Moon and Mercury.  At other intervals, there's not much going on between and among the planets, leaving an energy void in the celestial wheel.  Then events tend to be less impactive and even random, like a stray afternoon thunderstorm bringing a welcome rain, isolated lightening and a few big wind gusts.

Still, even during these energetic lulls, important events can occur, especially when there's been major trauma over a long period that is bumped up by recent stressful transits.  Then, a single moderate planetary combination that would otherwise pass unnoticed exerts itself.  That seems to be the case now with the January 6 public hearings.  Note, this is naturally more complex work and is thereby a hard read.

Here's the current situation.  The major trauma, is, of course, Trumpism, and it is accompanied by onerous issues -- climate change, Covid impacts and the Ukraine invasion.  Although the U.S. is just one country out of many, it dominates (or leads) the globe in many ways and is, of course, central to this U.S. based forecasting service.

The May 25 Mars/Jupiter Conjunction & More! included a vivid description of our current and ongoing major trauma -- Trumpism, which, since January 6, 2021 has advanced into real fascism.  It results from the U.S. chart Dasas.

Given that the U.S. chart's Dasas (planetary cycles) are the very rough combination of Rahu and Saturn from January 5, 2021 to November 12, 2023, this underlying karma will continue to bring tremendous aggressions, relentlessness, victimizing, abusive behaviors and actions and emotions as cold and unforgiving as ice.  To accentuate again how difficult this combination is, remember it began one day before the January 6 insurrection.

The May 29 Stresses Building Up describes recent stressful transits setting the stage for the mid May to June 26 Mars/Jupiter conjunction to do the right thing regarding the January 6 public hearings this month.  These were, the late March Capricorn Conjunction and the solar and lunar eclipses in April and May.

Recall from the May 25 Mars/Jupiter Conjunction & More! this passage describing the Mars/Jupiter conjunction, which is ongoing until June 26 -- after the January 6 Committee's six public hearings conclude on June 23,

This current Mars/Jupiter conjunction is not difficult and can actually stimulate advocacy for a cause.  This results from Pitta (fiery) Mars throwing aggressive energy at Kapha (watery) Jupiter, the relatively placid planet of the higher mind, religion, philosophy, morality, ethics, law....  Courageous action, valor, philanthropy, charismatic leadership and the proverbial good guy are karmas arising from Mars/Jupiter.  Because Jupiter is in Pisces, a sign it owns, Jupiter does well there.  That is, Jupiter is protected from Mars' worst harms.

We still, of course, have the remorseless and relentless Rahu/Saturn Dasas as the underlying karma in the U.S. chart.  Adding in the Mars/Jupiter advocacy karmas that match in time with the January 6 hearings, there's a tremendously powerful wind blowing for positive change, for reclaiming our democracy

In the meantime, don't forget that following is the Mars/Rahu conjunction in fiery Aries -- June 27 to the end of July.  This promises all kinds of violences -- some natural like heatwaves, wildfires, hurricanes and flooding.  Others will be man made, and we can only guess now that July may see the cult of Trump beginning to break apart.  Both public opinion and government enforcement against these crimes come into play.

Let's see what happens.

In the meantime, understanding the world is in tremendous turmoil as Rahu destroys today to create tomorrow, and this astrologer lives on the Florida Gulf Coast, I bought this generator,

But, because life is more than being careful, and I'm not letting Trump ruin it, we build this very cool pyramid for the wild bunnies out of old glass vases and some solar lights.



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2022©
Doug Riemer