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July 6, 2023

I Don't Know

Although my Vedic teachers stressed the need for truth and accuracy by stating, Don't make stuff up!, perhaps even more important is stating in chart analyses, I don't know.

Knowing everything simply isn't possible.  There's no way the human mind can fully decipher the dispositions of the nine planets in birth charts, twirling around within the twelve signs (transits) -- and then consider the Dasas (to five levels) as turning on the planets to activate their karmas.  The best we can do is look for potent planetary combinations that are repeated -- confluence -- to yield a few specific predictions and  more general predictions.  And that only works if we don't misinterpret combinations or miss important Dasa and transit changes!

The three forecasts in June discussed upcoming travails for both Trump and U.S.  These were carefully composed, however, to stay within the boundaries of the charts being analyzed.  Don't make stuff up! and I don't know. Thus, there aren't many predictions in each of these forecasts -- June 9 Trump Indictment PredictionJune 14 When Astrology Works, It Really Works!  and  June 21 U.S. Summer/Fall Natural Disasters.

June was seen as bringing Trump an indictment but that the latter half of the month would be worse.  It turns out the classified document indictment was June 13 but that no other legal penalties have since surfaced.  Yet, if we look closely at latter June, we find the Trump Bedminster audio tapes about the classified documents and new investigations into Trump manipulating the 2020 election -- Georgia, Arizona, Michigan -- occurred.  Well, these could very well be more significant than the indictment.  These forecasts laid out continued tough ass and transits for Trump,

With this Saturn subcycle continuing until October 22, it will be a long hot summer and tough fall for Trump.

Since second subperiod restrictive Saturn (Sa) follows Trump's expansive Jupiter Dasa from June 13 to October 22, we must expect his troubles will deepen into real road kill this summer.

This is as far as I've gotten with Trump, although insight does come unbidden, and certainly further Trump dramas and traumas will help guide further predictions,

For the U.S., the June 21 U.S. Summer/Fall Natural Disasters description about triple ills for its Vedic chart,

So we have the U.S. running Dasas Rahu major and Saturn minor January 2011 to mid December of this year.  It's tough combination, a no-holds-bared victimizing.  Then, there are two malevolent transits this summer/fall

Saturn's 3 transits across the Moon not ending until early December

Rahu conjoining Jupiter (and aspected by Saturn) until November 29

Based up these challenging planetary karmas, the U.S. forecast disasters did make generalized predictions, summer/fall droughts/heatwaves/forest fires in the west, hurricanes in the east and sometimes tremendous thunderstorms/tornadoes/floods in the Midwest and Atlantic seaboard.

It seems these natural disasters are already playing out in Midwest storms.  However, as this is Rahu Dasa, the dragon brings unexpected and uncontrollable events.  Consider the Canadian forest fires smoking up the U.S.  Who would have expected that, and what can be done about it? -- nobody and nothing.  Then there's malaria in Florida and Texas.

Well, I've expressed my Vedic thoughts as well as possible, for now.  Stay tuned.  In the meantime, below are several screen shots I've been keeping in a folder,

Letter to the editor Washington Post

From the Dominium voting machine company



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2023©
Doug Riemer



July 19, 2023

In The Midst Of It

The last four Celestial Wheel entries have described the challenging planetary karmas for the U.S. and Trump.  The below transit chart for today uses the natural zodiac beginning with Aries.  (It thereby describes general planetary karmas globally.)  It shows a dominating issue for both charts -- the U.S. and Trump  This is Saturn aspecting (glancing upon) Aries, where Jupiter, is located with toxic Rahu.

Also, however, malefic Mars shifted into Leo July 1, where he has mutual aspects with Saturn.  This has not been discussed before and certainly adds significant pressures to already difficult circumstances -- discords suffering... with a key word of stress.  You can see they are nearly exact, which is an energy peak.  But this stress will continue for a while -- until Mars leaves Leo August 18.  That's why the entire world is topsy-turvy now.

Transits July 19, 2023

The other missing information piece is retrogrades, which literally take the wind out of the planetary karmas.  These don't just stop forward movement of the zodiac, which delays results.  Retrogrades also remove the form and structure of the planetary sphere, which allows challenging karmas to express themselves more fully.  Or, to put it another way, the heavens lose control.  Notice in the above chart Saturn is already retrograde.  Here's a schedule for retrogrades this summer,

begin retrograde
end retrograde
June 17
November 3
July 23
September 3
September 3
December 31

You can easily see the overlaps -- Saturn and Venus from July 23 to September 3 and also Saturn to Jupiter from September 3 to November 3.  (Last year, hurricane Ian hit when Saturn and Jupiter were also both retrograde.  That sure is a red flag for this year.)

Adding to the instability is the semiannual eclipse season: solar October 14 and lunar October 28.  These eclipses punctuate with energy voids the retrogrades of both Saturn and Jupiter September 3 to November 3.

It would seem, then, that September and October will see strife around the globe -- and certainly hurricanes in the U.S.  I wouldn't be surprised if the western drought continues and other natural disasters hit from sea to shining sea.

For Trump, now that he's awakened America's mystical paranoia and wrecked the Republican Party, following those destructions, he blows himself up.  Maybe a hurricane will trap him inside Mara Lago!  What a great movie drama that would make?

We'll look more specifically at these retrogrades/eclipse karmas in upcoming Celestial Wheel entries.




The Celestial Wheel 2002-2023©
Doug Riemer