#53 Part 2
The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck
June 30, 2004


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Forecast #53
The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck

Part I
Ancient Karmas

Part 2 -- 5 

Saudi Arabia
Iraq & Forecast Conclusion

     This, Part II of The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck  follows Part 1, Ancient And Enduring Karmas.  If you have come to this Forecast without first reading Part 1, please go to #53 Part I -- The Timeless Mideast Bottleneck -- Ancient And Enduring Karmas

     Part II considers nation charts for current major players in today's Mideast --  Israel, Iraq (old and new), Saudi Arabia and Iran.  Iran's chart was not originally selected;  its addition reflects Iran's model for an Islamic fundamentalist government.  In the ever-changing Mideast, charts for other countries, such as Pakistan or Turkey, could be additional future choices.  However, because some nation charts are not available, and several hours is needed to calculate and interpret each chart, it is impractical to consider every alternative.  

     Each nation chart is presented in its own Forecast section because the file for all of Part II is too large for e-mailing and printing.  There's no particular reading order for the nation chart sections on Israel, Iran and Saudi Arabia -- but the Iraq section should be read last as it containing conclusions for the entire Forecast.   Because the nation chart analyses are highly compressed interpretations to provide specifics on the thesis in Part I, the Synopsis Of Key Points is omitted. 

     Birth data for these nation charts was primarily taken from Mundane Horoscopes of Nations http://www. dominantstar.com/tra_nationspage.htm  This website references the Book of World Horoscopes for authenticity.


Iran's Vedic Chart 

Fundamental Influences
     Iran's birth data comes from the fundamentalist coup, when the Ayatollah Khoemeini landed in Tehran.  This nation chart is thereby the only case of an Islamic fundamentalist government.

     The resulting chart is befitting this conservative religious country, and this can be immediately seen in the first house, symbolizing the self, identity and character.  Ketu (return to spirit) is placed in the first house, powerfully close to the Ascendant.  Ketu is one of the karakas (indicator) of enlightenment.  The first house (and Ketu) also receive a potent aspect from Saturn, the other enlightenment karaka, and this influence is magnified by Saturn ruling the twelfth house of final liberation.  Saturn's retrograde motion turns the attention inward in the most deep, profound and austere manner.  Rahu, the head of the dragon signifying endless cravings, is conjunct Saturn, bringing a compelling desire for the purity of consciousness Saturn signifies.  An aspect from Mars adds militant desire but also cruel and vindictive conflict to this spirituality mix.  Still, spiritual growth is a gradual process with slow Saturn.  That Iran was born under Saturn/Rahu/Rahu/Moon established this Saturnian driven spirituality goal.  The Ayatollah Khoemeini is the personification of this ascetic and traditional spirituality, and he even looked like Saturn with his tall thin frame, few but  measured words, thin hair and severe expression.

     While these spirituality indicators are impressive, there's also a fiery and invincible spiritual warrior in the Sun, Mars and Mercury all being placed in the twelfth house of final liberation.  While an unstoppable influence, this combination brings the twelfth house worldly loss necessary for spiritual gain through violent self-sacrifice, of which the suicide bomber is the ultimate expression.  This too can be seen in Khoemeini, the Islamic firebrand.  But rather than having a dual nature, or being somewhat schizophrenic, the chart indicates that Iran, like Khoemeini, integrates these characteristics into a unified resolute nature.

     The chart enjoys this unusual integration primarily through its exalted Jupiter, the planet of religion.  Jupiter (religion) exchanges signs with both Venus and the Moon.  This means these planets are placed in houses ruled by the other planets, enhancing each other.  The resulting incredible and indomitable euphoric faith and optimism within the chart balances the egomaniac Sun/Mars/Mercury spiritual warrior.  Further, Jupiter also aspects the twelfth house, and the planets there in turn aspect Jupiter.  A second exchange of signs, that between Saturn and the Sun, brings humility and responsibility and adds additional balance to the chart.  (Note: Iran also enjoys sizeable oil reserves, and this wealth can be seen in these sign exchanges.)

Iran (fundamentalist coup)
February 1, 1979 9:00 AM Tehran

At Birth:  Saturn/Rahu/Rahu/Moon


Planetary Cycles
     We can see how these chart influences actualize in Iran's Dasas, planetary cycles.  Upon founding the country, Iran took the U.S. Embassy hostage, evidencing the cruel vindictiveness of the Saturn/Rahu combination, under which the country was born.  

     Just a few years later, after Iran changed to the powerful and religious planetary cycles of Saturn with Jupiter (both signifying religion), Iraq invaded Iran in fear of Islamic fundamentalism spreading.  The ensuing eight year war of attrition against the infidel Saddam Hussein's modern military brought Iran's fundamentalist nature to bear.  This was a holy war.  Iran's spiritual warriors eagerly sacrificed themselves, and Saturn's endurance insured the military would fight endless bloody battles -- all for Allah.  Much of this war occurred during Iran's Mercury cycle, with its significations for spiritual growth through death, which explains why the army so violently and impulsively fought and attacked.

     As Mercury's rulership of the eighth house signifies not just death but secrets as well.  Following the Iran/Iraq war, Iran began clandestine weapons development, including nuclear, to protect itself.  The country also supported the most radical elements of Islamic Fundamentalism in a secretive effort to encour- age Islamic governments throughout the Mideast and harm the U.S., which is viewed as the greatest threat to its religion-dominated culture.  That Iran abuts Afghanistan facilitated supporting al Quada, for example.

     When the seventeen year Mercury planetary cycle ended, Iran had finished its violently aggressive era, for the seven year Ketu period followed -- from 2001 to 2008.  Although certainly wary of its neighbors, particularly Iraq, and staunchly anti-American, Ketu is a period of detachment from the world and little material desire or advancement.  Also, like Israel's Ketu cycle in the 1970's, Iran currently lacks the worldly influence required for aggression.  This accounts for Iran appearing to be a strangely docile villain, and also for the government's focus upon spirituality, rather than victimizing its opposition, whether within or without.  The gradual advancement of freedom in Iran speaks to this sea change in view, and it certainly offers a diametrically opposed understanding of what an Islamic Fundamentalist government can be. 

     Iran's future is tied to oil, just as the other major producers.  Ketu is gas and oil, and Saturn things under the earth.  These are prominent in this chart's first house of the self and the seventh house of business part- nerships, and Venus in the eleventh house influences very favorably for friends and groups.  However, Rahu's presence in the seventh house breaks apart business alliances that first appear to be favorable and soundly based.  That Rahu is foreigners exacerbates this problem when Iran contracts with foreign countries to develop its oil reserves.  This is the reason Iran experiences chronic problems harvesting its treasure of oil.  

     The upcoming twenty year Venus planetary cycle in 2008 will mitigate this restriction, and the world should see Iran's oil and gas flowing freely then.  There's another side to Iran's economy, that of producing beautiful luxury goods, and this too will blossom during the Venus cycle.  The country promises to become extremely wealthy.  Venus as the planet of love and compassion, its planetary cycle will also serve to restore international relations and encourage a more open society.  The clerics will cast a more indulgent eye upon the population and continue releasing its iron-fisted control.  

     However, there is a delicate balance here, for Iran's twelfth house spiritual warrior is always lurking, and with so much aggression in the twelfth house of loss, Iran cannot completely nor permanently escape violence and death.  Yet, as seen in Israel's chart, the Venus cycle there brought twenty years of economic growth and comparative tranquility, and Iran can enjoy these same fruits during this longest of all planetary cycles.  Overall, this chart indicates that Iran is a world apart from western secularism in its sectarian orientation.

     As hopeful in a qualified way the above information suggests for Iran's future, there is some current difficulty in Iran's planetary cycles being Ketu/Rahu from January of this year through January 2005.  This is a push/pull.  Iran with its spiritual Ketu hand pulls back in contemplative retirement, but its forceful Rahu hand stimulates for an obstinate and aggressive stance.  As we have seen in the charts for Israel and Saudi Arabia, Rahu/Ketu disruptions threaten uncontrollable discord through the beginning of 2005.


Iran Astrocartography

Iran's Astrocartography
     Iran has the powerful religious influences of Saturn and Rahu lines through the eastern part of the country.  That Saturn/Rahu is also victimizing, these lines account for the Iraq invasion.

     A Moon line through Afghanistan and Pakistan suggests these countries are simpatico with Iran.

     The Mercury/Mars/Sun grouping of lines through Libya, eastern Turkey and into Russia suggests fierce disagreements with those countries.

     Not shown is the U.S. map.  There the fighting combination of Mars and Sun lines run just west of Washington DC. 



Copyright 1999-2004 Doug Riemer

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