The Presidential Campaign
April 29, 2004



(Forecasts and news articles underlined in maroon are links to previous Forecasts.  The Subscriber Archive web address at the end of this Forecast takes you to an index of all previous Forecasts.) 


Desire - Kama
     Vedic scriptures explain the basis of Creation stating, In the beginning was desire.  Also, and much later, Buddha often spoke of life as suffering, and desire or Kama in Sanskrit, its cause.  

     Karma, which really means action, is a way to describe Kama, for desire creates action.  Perhaps the similarity in these words connotes their proximate meanings.  The Vedic Astrological chart divides these karmic influences, using the construct of its twelve houses and nine planets.  The various parts of the chart thereby unveil the specific qualities of the mind, or consciousness that each of us brings to the current incarnation.

     In Vedic Astrology, the third house is a Kama house, or house of worldly desires.  (Note:  Moksha, or spiritual houses, indicate spiritual desires for nonattachment.   It is not through Kama that we seek to gain spiritual maturity but rather, having given up Kama, we grow toward God.)   The third house is an indicator of energy, enthusiasm, initiative, courage, adventures, the hands, voice, personality and performing arts. Most basically, its Kama indicates ambition and ones personal efforts.   The remainder of the chart, and the Dasas (planetary cycles) that activate planets' karmic influences, determine the nature and timing of those desires.  The chart, like a spider's web, is woven of many con- necting threads to create a structure that is constantly changing.

    The third house is an indicator of spiritual maturity in its measuring how attached (to desires) the person  may be, how ambitious he is for personal prestige, position and wealth.  A person with a strong third house constantly strives to fulfill unending and incessant worldly desires, and this selfishness by definition denies being on a spiritual path.  Personal material gains dominate over, and force aside the needs and interests of others and society.  Conversely, a weak third house can indicate the person has overcome personal needs in past lives.  This selflessness promotes good deeds benefiting humanity, which advances the person along the journey to God.  (Note:  While this is Hindu philosophy, its fundamentals dovetail with other religions and is thereby applicable to all philosophies.)

    In an election campaign, a potent third house can bring the energy, personality and short journeys (another third house signification) needed to reach the public, but the chart would usually lack deeper philosophical exegeses that would benefit mankind.  The candidate's appeal would also be to mankind's baser personal instincts -- greed, domination over other groups, the superiority of ones ethical and religious inclinations...  Such a candidate can effectively use fear by claiming (true or not) that constituents' wealth and security are threatened by dissimilar groups, whether these be political parties, nations or religions.  Their watchword is exclusive, as opposed to inclusive, especially in international relations.

  Their rallying cry is, my country, my political beliefs and my God are better than yours; therefore my means justify my ends to control or destroy you "others." This is the essence of the modern tribalism we call nationalism, and it is the antithesis  of internationalism and multiculturalism.  This is the charismatic and sexy sprinter, and using an animal analogy, the sleek carnivore focuses upon destroying and consuming a prey or threat.  

There is no universality here, only personality expressed as selfish arrogance.       

     A person with a weak third house does not have these ego-driven personal ambitions, freeing the higher mind to learn about and integrate factors outside and beyond the gated community and nation state, and then devise and pursue enduring goals benefiting all of humanity.  It's no accident that the ninth house of philosophy, religion and good deeds is directly opposite the third house in the Vedic chart.  Policies are comprehensive responses with long term objectives that are not readily understood nor accepted, because they don't immed- iately appeal to reflexive lower- mind needs and are seen as useless abstractions or intellectual masturbation.  However, the accompanying deeper humanitarian values bring long term and enduring results uplifting humanity. 

     To win elections, ninth house people must encourage by personal example and patiently espouse selfless values -- Ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country, said an earlier J.F.K.  Inspiring compassion is a lifelong and arduous process with enduring results, and it is diamet- rically opposite the selfish impatience of third house Kama.  This is the marathon athlete, and an animal anal- ogy here is the lead elephant, plodding patiently with the herd he (actually she) nurtures on long and hungry migrations to greener pastures.  The elephant is said to never forget, and his memory (and thereby under- standing) protects him from destructive short-term desires and enables long-haul efforts insuring the herd's welfare, as well as protecting the natural environment for future elephant generations.

     This philosophical aside relates to the current presidential campaign as it strikes to the essence of two  contrasting candidates -- the incurious and charismatic Bush appealing to greed and fear, contrasted by the deeply inquisitive, reflective and tedious Kerry promoting understanding and cooperation.  For example, dur- ing the Vietnam war, Bush played rich kid, indulging himself; Kerry embarked upon a journey of what he first believed was honorable military service, and then after quickly finding the war was wrong for all parties, dedi- cated himself to protesting it.  Both young men now mirror their mature personalities:  Is not the child is the father of the man?

     These thoughts will be included in An overview Of the Candidates' Lives and Their Race To November 2.  



An Overview Of The Candidates' Lives
        Below are the Vedic charts and planetary cycles for both candidates and sketches of how the two men's lives have unfolded - to unveil how indeed  the child is the father of the man.

     George Bush's chart has been reviewed extensively since July, 2002 when this Forecast effort begin in earnest.  To review his karmic characteristics in detail, see the October 24, 2002 Forecast, The Bush Presidency - Profile & Prediction.  John Kerry's chart has only been summarily discussed in the January 18, 2004 Forecast, The Presidential Candidates -- An Early Look, and the discussion here will thereby be more extensive and inclusive.


George W. Bush
7/6/46 at 7:26 AM in New Haven, Ct

    Bush's early years in his Mars Dasa were rambunctious and athletic, and he was a handful for his parents, particularly his principled father, with whom he was incompatible for being con- genital liar. Yet, Bush was popular and focused on fun and enjoyments.

     The Rahu cycle brought powerful friends, entrance into Yale, much partying and his interest in flying.  (Rahu is airplanes and sits in Taurus, ruled by Venus - vehicles.)  Bush quit the Nat- ional Guard when Rahu ended.

     During the Jupiter cycle, Bush fully engaged in indulging his desires.  He made millions, reflecting Jupiter's wealth in the third house of desires.  As Jupiter rules the sixth house of the appetite and is conjoined the watery Moon, alcohol was espec- ially pleasurable.  At the end of this cycle, Bush found Jupiter's religion solely to save himself from addiction.  

Birth to 1953 - Mars
1953 -to 1971 - Rahu
1971 to 1987 - Jupiter
1987 to 2006 - Saturn

     His mother explained this behavior by claiming him to be a late bloomer.  The Saturn cycle made Bush settle down and be serious, for Saturn aspects his third house of desires.  Fueled by this take no prisoners Saturn (a double planet of death in this chart), Bush grabbed the presidency using his wealth, personality, religious cloak of purity, insincere charm, family connections, influential friends and close associates.  Com- passionate conservatism was his emotional pry bar, clearly now not his philosophy of greed and exclusionism.  Saturn rules Bush's eighth house of secrets and is a double indicator of death and destruction, both of which truly characterize his policies and actions as President.  Also, Bush's chart, while indicating the capability for devotion to God, twists that purity into Old Testament righteousness. 


(May 9.   Note on John Kerry's sunrise 7:10 AM birth time.  An alternative time of 8:03 AM was recently posted on the Astrodatabank website.  This is very soft data -- an unconfirmed verbal report by Kerry's former sister-in-law from 1996.  The U S Naval Observatory data indeed shows sunrise at 7:10 AM Mountain Standard Time, but Wartime was used in 1943.  This advances the time to 8:10 AM.  Yet, the 7:10 AM chart better describes Kerry, especially his physical appearance.  The one hour variance does not, however, change this Forecast's conclusions.  The birth data for newly prominent public figures who have undocumented birth times evolves as they become better known.  Kerry's will undoubtedly be similarly refined. )

John Kerry
12/11/43 at 7:10 AM, Denver, Co

     Kerry too was born under a Mars Dasa.  This brought his father's illness, problems with and for his mother and moving back East.  Although the family was wealthy, refined and gave him a great education, the parents could not properly nurture Kerry. He learned early to fend for himself.  Yet, bold, fearless, athletic and powerful, Kerry found self reliance early.

     Rahu brought schooling in Switzerland, much travel and intellectual development, which was capped off at Yale.  These youthful years, how- ever, did not stimulate for religious inclinations.

     Obviously implicit in the above section on
desire, Kerry is remarkably unattached.  Saturn, ruler of the third house of desires, is very weak in the evil 8th house.  The influence is reinforced by spiritual Ketu placed in the third.  This made Kerry a stoic, as well as a sometimes uninspiring fellow.

Birth to 1950 - Mars
1950 to 1968 - Rahu
1968 to 1984 - Jupiter
1984 to 2003 - Saturn
2003- 2020 - Mercury


     Isolated from his family during youth, Kerry persevered and probably wasn't unhappy for the isolation.  The experience honed patience and the ability to endure all kinds of trials.  Also, as the third house is the shoulders and arms, many of Kerry's war injuries were to his arms, and he recently had shoulder socket surgery.  So we can see the physical manifestation of his weak third house.

     During Rahu subcycle Moon (the home and good deeds), Kerry enlisted in the Navy to protect his coun- try.  However, Kerry's Vietnam tour began just after changing to Jupiter cycle, which made him soon question the war, resign and then lead the anti-war movement.  This is a wise, moral and public service oriented Jup- iter, and Kerry's belief in God became real, though he has most certainly questioned his faith over the years.  Jupiter receives an aspect (glance) from Mars, which stimulated leadership and advocacy, and a second aspect from Saturn brought detachment and tenacity.  Combined, Mars and Saturn aspects together are difficult, for they bring defeats but also stimulate the will to take on challenges.  These afflictions to Jupiter also cause problems with or deny sons, and Kerry has only daughters.  We can see then on a personal level the
quality of the planet Jupiter, just as Kerry's injuries reveal the quality of his third house.


     These afflictions to Jupiter also prevented Kerry from an early political rise (despite its strong position in the tenth house of career), unlike the other J.F.K..  Instead, he stoically persevered in his antiwar efforts, earned his law degree, was a county prosecutor and finally in 1982  became Lieutenant Governor of Mass- achusetts in 1982 at age 38.  It's quite amazing how Kerry's Jupiter Dasa of selfless service was the polar opposite of Bush's Jupiterian self indulgences.  


     At the onset of his 19 year Saturn Dasa, Kerry, on the sheer force of his diligent morality, hard work, and a sinc- erely detached advocacy for the public interest, was elected to the US Senate.  Yet, Kerry languished there for three terms despite successful investigations of government waste and fraudulent schemes. This was due to third house (desires) ruler Saturn's weak position in the eight house, which is truly only good for investigations, and he both focused and ex- celled in exposing political and business misdoings.  

     Yet, the Saturn cycle was a necessary step in the man's evolution.

Saturn's wisdom by experience honed Kerry's judgment and vastly increased his knowledge, both necessary before he could contemplate the Presidency.  Relentless Saturn also beat down any remnants of a self cent- ered big ego arising from having a powerful Sun (ego) in the first house of the self and enjoying great wealth.  Also, being so detached, Kerry seems to never loss his aplomb, much less his temper, although he can be firm.  This detachment also explains why, despite his courage and forthright character, Kerry wins by coming from behind -- only after he's attacked does he go on the offensive.  Detachment also explains why his per- sonality is perceived as aloof and dour, making it difficult for people to connect emotionally with him. Again, the contrast between Bush's and Kerry's Saturn cycles is quite amazing  -- the former charmingly bullied his way to the top without regard for truth, and the latter earned the public's respect by serving the public to correct injustices before he launched his presidential bid.  


     Kerry entered his Mercury Dasa in 2003, and because Mercury is communications and rules his eleventh house of major goals and objectives, he decided to run for President.  Mercury also rules the eight house of turmoil, which ended his long Senate career, but this is not a negative, for frees him to run for President.  How- ever, Mercury is a very difficult planet for Kerry in ruling these two houses, for these energies make his planet of the intellect and communications impulsive and self-destructive.  Kerry also finishing his Sadi Sati, when Saturn crosses the houses around the Moon and transforms the life by clearing away the old to make room for the new.  Like Richard Clarke, who has similarly changed careers, Kerry's run for the President changes his life.


     Further, although Mercury is well placed in the second house of speech, learning and language, and enjoys a nice aspect from wise Jupiter, like Jupiter, Mercury receives harmful aspects from Mars and Saturn.  Mars makes him blurt things reactively, and Saturn blocks verbal clarity.  You can see weak Saturn's harmful effect physically in elongating Kerry's face.  Altogether, influences upon Mercury cause Kerry to equivocate on just about everything, although in his mind, he's clear about his sometimes convoluted positions that change over time.  And when Kerry tries to clarify things he said or did that have brought controversy, he often speaks in such a verbose and detailed way, that he clouds the issue further.  


     An additional issue is that while Kerry undoubtedly has well thought-out positions and policies that can elevate the nation and the world community, he has trouble articulating these clearly and succinctly -- plain speaking is not Kerry's game, and political campaigns require hard-hitting clarity for the public to accurately perceive the choice between candidates.  Consid- ering the weak third house of the personality, Kerry can't win people over with personal allure  or charisma, and he doesn't have the Mercury/Venus charm Bush oozes when he wishes..  

     Kerry's Mercury Dasa communications issues have been subject to continuing but temporary Saturn restrictions.  First, newly in the Mercury Dasa, slow Saturn has not yet fully released Kerry from its restrictions.  Second, Saturn is tran- siting Kerry's eight house, which can only amplify its blocking effect upon Mercury, which it aspects in the second house.  Because Saturn went retrograde last fall and then resumed forward motion in early March, its aspect has been within just  a couple of degrees from Mercury for months. 


      Saturn is now beyond Mercury and moving farther away fairly quickly, which will help enable more effective speaking.  When Saturn leaves Gemini September 5th, his Mercury will be free.  


     Look, then, for Kerry to improve his directness and clarity and eliminate his vacillating on issues as the campaign advances.  Also, keep in mind that while Kerry has responded affirmatively to Bush's campaign attacks, his nature of restraining offense suggests he will persevere in campaign debates with Bush and will make hard and effective points with the public as November 2 draws near.  As the elephant, Kerry knows well the destination is  yet at great distance, and he will patiently travel the distance, the unruffled, patient and determined advocate.




Race To The Election

     At this point, we can look at the planetary karmas during the summer and fall to predict the election out- come.  Although this writer's preference has been clearly shown for years in these Forecasts, I'll endeavor to just read the karmas.



     With Bush's problems escalating through early July, and Iraq  already proving to be his great misad- venture, Bush's approval ratings must go to the basement this summer.  Additionally. he could experience illness or physical violence.  Bush experiences three major changes in his planetary karmas beginning in late August and lasting through the election.  


     First, a Dasas change from Saturn/Jupiter/Saturn to Saturn/Jupiter/Mercury on July 28 won't help him because Mercury for Bush is even worse than for Kerry.  In Mercury's ruling the third house of desires and the 12th house of loss and being conjunct Saturn, his speech will become even more impulsive and disjointed.  Debates will be a nightmare for Bush.


     Second, on August 23, Jupiter transits into his third house, which can only make him more grandiose and messianic in his absolute belief in being right (regardless of facts), when the reality in Iraq will disprove his entire foreign policy to change the world.  True conservatives will turn away from this excess, and only Bush's true believers will stay loyal.



     Third, on September 5, Saturn transits out of Bush's twelfth house (Gemini) of loss, where it has tremend- ously weakened him this spring and summer, and moves into his first house of the self.  This position will quickly constrain his ability to project himself into the world and thereby reduce his popularity, for transit Saturn will quickly advance to his birthchart Saturn at 3:23.  This will double-up Saturn's restrictions and denials, compromising Bush's power.  Also, when Saturn transits the first house and Jupiter transits the third, there is an imbalance between ambition and the capability to achieve goals.  

     Another issue with this Saturn transit out of Gemini is that, as such an old and slow planet, Saturn with- holds its greatest harms until the last few weeks of its stay in a house/sign.  (Note: This happened in July, 2002, when the stock market tumbled until Saturn left wealthy Taurus on July 22.)  Saturn in mental Gemini influences for industrial production, which explains why so many manufacturing jobs have been lost.  This suggests further economic and employment issues in late August and early September, just when Bush would need most an improving economy to prop up his popularity.




     As discussed above, Kerry's Mercury will be released from Saturn's restrictions September 5.  Saturn transiting his 9th house does not favor luck or fortune, but in its early months of transiting a house/sign, Saturn doesn't do much harm, unless it crosses a planet, as Bush's Saturn does. 


     The August 23, Jupiter transit into Kerry's eleventh house of goals, friends and groups will be advantag- eous.  Added benefits to transit Jupiter are that it will then aspect his third house of desires (supporting achievement organizing ability and giving a personality infusion), his fifth house of government and his seventh house of relationships.  All three aspects are highly favorable.


     The most important planetary karmas for Kerry will be two favorable Dasa planet changes this summer.  On June 28, he will begin running Mercury/Mercury/Sun.  Kerry's Sun is very powerful in ruling his tenth house of career and being placed in the first house of the self.  That's the planet which makes him such a tall and imposing figure.  


    Then, on August 11, Kerry runs Mercury/Mercury/Moon.  Kerry has a truly great Moon, the planet of perception and life benefits.  Kerry's Moon rules the ninth of good fortune, is exalted in Taurus, is 99% full and waxing and is conjunct his first house ruler Mars.  It is this combination that makes him such a great athlete, a war hero, wealth (especially from his second marriage - the 9th house), stimulates drive for success and elevates his position in life.  This Moon also gives Kerry a strong public presence when it is active in his Dasas, for then the man's great and compassionate heart opens to the world, and he connects with the public.  Consider how it feels to see the full Moon; its nurturing glow warms the heart. 


  Just before the election, on October 23, Kerry will change Dasa planets again, to Mercury/Mercury/Mars, and this will give him the drive and power to convince doubting voters from both parties.




     Astrocartography, a mapping method that shows where the planetary lines are strong, is a very useful tool for election results by State.  This is especially important in the upcoming election in a divided electorate that promises close voter margins in eighteen states.  Thus, the loser of the popular vote can win the election if he wins key states, just like the last election.  The following analysis is simplified to consider one geographic area upon which the election may very well turn.


     To the right is a map showing the states considered to be Presidential Battle- grounds because the results in the 2000 presidential voting were so close - ranging from 00% to 6.3%.

     The Great Lake states, Missouri and Arkansas represent five Blue (Democratic) states with 44 electoral votes and Two Red (Republican) states with 17 electoral votes.  If the electoral vote count is close as predicted in the media, the candidate would win the election who carries this area of 61 electoral votes.

     Below is a translation of the planetary glyphs and following the Astrocartography maps for Bush and Kerry.

     Bisecting this area, Bush has a restrict- -ive Saturn line and Kerry has supportive Moon, Mars and Sun lines.  Kerry too has a harmful Saturn line in the area, but it's more to the east and is uplifted by the Sun line.

     Just considering these seven states with a total of 61 electoral votes, Kerry's more favorable Astrocartog- raphy lines indicate he will win all or most of these States.  Further, Kerry's Jupiter line off the West Coast could deliver this entire area to him.





George W. Bush Astrocartography




John Kerry Astrocartography




Election Prediction

     Considering all of the above information, it appears that Bush will begin the final campaign drive this summ- er already falling behind Kerry, and unless Kerry fails to remedy his communications issues, he will win easily November 2.   



Copyright 1999-2004 Doug Riemer


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