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December 11, 2021

More On Saturn, Jupiter & The Eclipses


This forecast updates on the current and upcoming positions of transit Saturn and Jupiter.  These are the big planets that astronomically protect the small interior planets, including the earth. They intercept asteroids, comets and any other objects headed toward the Sun.  Further, because of their huge sizes, their equally potent gravitation actually pull in space debris of all kinds. In this way, Saturn and Jupiter are like celestial vacuum cleaners.  Astrologically, Saturn and Jupiter are the great malefic and great benefic planets.

First, let's address Saturn.  The November 16 More On Transit Saturn pointed out that with Saturn active in the U.S. chart's Dasas (early 2021 to late 2023) that is the primary karma.  Transit Saturn's secondary karma can thereby be substantial.

Transit Saturn has been in Capricorn, the U.S. second house, since early 2020 and leaves that sign in January 2023.  That's three years.  (Note that transit Saturn's entrance into Capricorn began with the pandemic beginning.)

...So, Saturn in the Dasas and transits overlap, or coincide, all of this year -- 2021 -- through 2022.  That's two years, a very long time.


Again from that forecast, here are specific second houses influence harmed by this tough Saturn transit,

Interpretations about transit Saturn in Capricorn, have focused upon this second house in the U.S. chart -- domestic harmony, income and food quality (opiates).  Other second house significations are also harmed.  These include: wealth, truth (falsehoods), learning and knowledge, speech, foul language, education, teachers, imagination, confidence, dress and jewelry.  All have been harmed by Saturn since January 2020.

We can certainly see many of these second house significations are front and center in the U.S.   The Saturn transit indicates these areas of life will continue to be hammered until Saturn leaves Capricorn early 2023.

We have to go back, however, to the November 5 The Winters Of Our Discontent to fully understand why this Saturn transit through Capricorn is so challenging for the U.S.,

Saturn... is on (U.S.) birth chart Ketu -- the tail of the dragon -- which hot but dissolving spiritual influence causes Saturn to launch great plans that break up.  Notice that Saturn is at 13:16 degrees, fast approaching Ketu at 16:51 degrees.  The exact conjunction won't be until Christmas -- December 23.  Because Rahu and Ketu are always opposite each other, Saturn is also influencing birth chart Rahu by aspect (glance).  Transit Saturn drives Rahu hard, making him spit even more fire, causing new destructions.


Below on the left is a current transit chart -- where the planets are in today's skies -- with the U.S. chart on the right. Overlay the transit chart upon the U.S. chart to see Sa (Saturn) at 15:43 degrees is nearly on top of the U.S. Ke (Ketu) at 16:41 degrees. Similarly, because Ra (Rahu) is always opposite Ketu, Saturn's aspect to Rahu is also nearly exact.

Transits December 11, 2021

United States


I tried emphasizing with bold type second house significations harmed by this Saturn/Ketu combination -- only to find they all are!

As for Saturn's aspect to Rahu, eighth house fears, secrets. scandals, catastrophes, fear of foreigners, violent death and the occult are all grievously energized.

Consider how these second and eighth house ills match with recent news.  And with Saturn closing in on exact conjunction/aspect to the U.S. Ketu and Rahu, those issues are being magnified.  So, it should be of no surprise that armed insurrections -- a revolution to overthrow the government -- are front and center in the press, as well as other nasty behaviors.

This, of course, can spoil the holiday season.  And because slow-moving Saturn won't leave Capricorn until the end of April 2022, it will continue to batter the U.S. chart. Thus, we're entering another Winter Of Our Discontent.  (Note: after Saturn goes into Aquarius, he will retrograde back into Capricorn, keeping him there until January 2023.  For the purposes of this forecast, however, we're looking at the next several months with Saturn leaving Capricorn late April, as stated above.)

As for Jupiter, he's the planet of the higher mind.  (Jupiter is also the abstract mind, which is why he symbolizes music.)  Thus, from Jupiter's spiritual knowledge come religion and philosophy, and the law follows.  You can see in the above chart that Jupiter is now in Aquarius.  As explained in the November 30 The Solar Eclipse & Some Good News! Jupiter ...finally moved out Capricorn November 20 (and into Aquarius), where he was weak for that being his fallen sign and also afflicted by Saturn -- the opposite energy in being contraction. A retrograde this past summer took Jupiter into Aquarius for a while, but basically, he's been in Capricorn for a year.  Well, what kind of second house learning and knowledge, would this degraded Jupiter stimulate?  QAnon is certainly at the top of the list, but the white nationalists have become more popular as well. Think too about the abortion issue being pushed hard by restrictive state laws.  And how about voting being restricted -- to favor white Christians?

Jupiter, unfortunately, is not active in the U.S. Dasas major and minor cycles for many years.  There is a third level Jupiter Dasa cycle for a few months in late June 2023, but that's too little and too late for Jupiter to lift the country out of its mystical paranoia.   However, out of Capricorn, Jupiter no longer stimulates false and even demented religious beliefs.  Thus, QAnon and other mystical belief systems -- such as Evangelical Christians -- are no longer supported. It would seem these will wind down -- like a bad LSD trip ends with a return to reality and sanity.

Lastly, there is the total Solar eclipse on December 4.  Because it was not visible anywhere in the north hemisphere, there was little news reporting on it.  However, recall that as eclipses both block and reveal, the November 30, November 30 The Solar Eclipse & Some Good News! stated, Also, the Sun indicates kingship, which means government leaders, who can be either elected or dictators. He also symbolizes government officials in general and authority figures Thus, solar eclipses, especially a total one, can really rattle the cages politically.  Considering this influence, plus eighth house scandals, there is a very potent double karma for hidden information coming to light, much of which would be salacious.

While this forecast is not exactly a ball of fun, it does offer the useful caution of a difficult holiday season, followed by another Winter Of Our Discontent.  It's best to be pleased with those holiday season enjoyments available -- to avoid disappointment.

In closing, see in the above chart for today that transit Ma (Mars) is very close to transit Ke (Ketu).  These two fiery planets stimulate personal fears and worldly violences.  Recall the tornadoes yesterday in the Midwest.  It's best to keep your head down until this energy dissipates around December 18.  This coming Tuesday (Mars's day of the week) looks pretty dangerous.



The Celestial Wheel 2002-2021©
Doug Riemer



December 22, 2021



It's been some time since The Celestial Wheel has discussed Trump's chart. The September 20 Back To Basics Part 2 Dasas Analysis seems so long ago.

Well, in terms of karmic water over the bridge, since then, it has been a flood.  This is a quality of the U.S. chart's Rahu Dasa, which head-of-the-dragon eclipse point acts to intensify.  Small matters become large.  Large ones expand to huge.  And events and trends are so numerous, new ones crowd out the most recent -- before we're able to fully grasp and incorporate them into our world views and personal understandings.

Notable here is Trump's comeuppance -- when will he, if ever, reap the natural consequences of his actions?  That is the most difficult question, ever!  The pundits and the media, swamped with news, try to stitch together the deluge into real information threads.  They then integrate those to predict Trump's losses and inevitable doom -- with success elusive about the latter.  And even when the press is on target, because of the blizzard of lies that has obscured everything, nobody knows the truth any longer.  Or perhaps we should say, nobody trusts the truth any longer.

One group driving Trumpism is the robber barons of the late nineteenth century who have used and abused tax laws to establish a monied aristocracy.  Those men did so by convincing the electorate, executive, legislatures and courts that taxes are unfair -- that people have the right to earn and keep and much wealth as they can secure.  It's called greed.  See these two related articles, the first published December 15 and the second on December 17.

The great inheritors: How three families shielded their fortunes from taxes for Generations

A new report reveals a century-old American aristocracy -- and it's time to tear it down

This sure looks like the First Progressive Age, which did rebalance to shared democratic values, wasn't comprehensive, or that its successes in breaking up the robber baron trusts didn't endure.  That's partially what the Second Progressive Age is aimed at.  Of course we have to add to the old money aristocrats the new money tech giants.  This results in the top 1% now gobbling up 20 percent of national income and 40% of assets.

The Lost Cause (of the confederacy) is the another thread in this fabric -- racism.  Yes, the South is still fighting the Civil War. And don't believe bigots are limited to the South.  Our southern cotton picking slave economy sent the cotton to northern mills, and carrying along the stain of racism.

Whoops, I nearly forgot the final leg of this triangular stool -- religion.  Perverting the bible, evangelicals and other fringe churches have long resisted democracy (to favor their own power), supported economic freedom (to benefit the rich) and preached the belief that even the poorest white man was better than the most successful black man.  Those are white-men churches claiming rights over others, not the helping hand Jesus preached.

This combination of greed, racism and religion is what The Celestial Wheel has termed mystical paranoia.  It's the perfect combination of sordid beliefs populist political leaders seize upon for appeal -- what Hillary Clinton correctly described as a basket of deplorables.

Yet, we know these populist leaders have always burn out, like Joe McCarthy in the early fifties, George Wallace in the sixties and early seventies... The greedy don't, by the way, actually disappear as explained above, but rather are partially snuffed out only to go underground where their belief systems burrows away until they rise again.  Wack-a-mole is an appropriate term here -- repeated efforts to resolve a problem are frustrated by the problem reappearing in a different form.  Similarly, the racists and the perverting Christians don't go away either.  These three groups are permanent fixtures in American society, always ready to again promote their illicit causes.

Trump didn't create any of these three cultural themes debasing society.  His skills are the intuition of identifying them and his silver tongue ability to turn them to his advantage.  He does this by appealing to the basest emotions connected to these beliefs.  He's able to blaze a path attracting the offensive, wretched and loathsome as authentic because these are his core beliefs too.  That is who he is and that is who his followers are.  The gang leader is much the same, as are organized crime godfathers. We harbor the belief that Americans are basically decent people, with a uniquely effective democracy who have created a shining city on the hill -- a biblical reference that Reagan, another populist, promoted.  But that's simply not true.  We are a mixed people of one group being greedy racist and religious bigots and and the other being decent respectable moral folks.  Or at least the latter present themselves thusly, even in imperfection.

The title for this entry, comeuppance, attempts to determine when Trump will fall, or at least be so diminished he loses much of his base and the political power that gives him.  When that happens, his populist movement will die on the vine for lack of nourishing vitriol.

Recall from the September 20 Back To Basics Part 2 Dasas that Trump's Dasas -- the underlying karma -- are Jupiter major and Mercury minor.  It's worthwhile reading again this description,

For Trump, his great sixteen year Jupiter Dasa in his second house of income continues his ability to charm and dissemble with a primary goal of more money.  That's why his PAC gained $100 million just this year.  Jupiter in the second house of speech makes the person a smooth talker, like both the Clintons.  Jupiter's aspect to the lucky fifth house of investments and the mind make him fortunate, adds more wealth and stimulates his belief in being a king, or even better, emperor.   That his Jupiter just turned retrograde (before his birth) means it is powerfully stationary direct, which supercharges his optimistic qualities.  Keep in mind, however, that over-optimism can result in over-reaching.

Mercury, the planet of communications, rules the second house of speech and income and is placed in the eleventh of gains, friends and groups.  All prosper, though in Trump's typically egotistically way -- for himself first and last.  Rich friends gravitate to Trump, and he earns money in many ways, often in big chunks.

This Jupiter/Mercury Dasa combination started last July and continues until late in 2023 -- almost exactly overlapping the U.S. Rahu/Saturn combination from January of this year until November 2023.

As Jupiter is the higher mind and and Mercury the lower calculating mind, and both involve speech, this Dasa combination is extremely mental.  This makes Trump's talk even more and be increasingly excessive.  He trips himself up with claims that can only be understood as bizarre and which don't relate to a greater whole.  This puts a great strain on Trump's mind -- rational and emotional.  And since he believes he can talk anyone into anything, Trump denies any negative results relentlessly and insists his reality version is correct -- The Big Lie for example.  Even though he has no political position, Trump can and will certainly stir up the pot whenever he can without regard for the common good.

While all of the above is true, there's more to the Dasa analysis. First, we need to consider benefic and malefic -- good or bad -- influences upon Jupiter and Mercury.



The houses a planet rules, by virtue of the sign(s) it owns, influences how the planet behaves.  Jupiter owns Sagittarius and Pisces. For Trump, Jupiter these signs are located in the good fifth house but also the terrible eighth house.  So Jupiter carries with it eighth house catastrophe and scandal.  Also, Saturn, the great malefic, aspects (glances upon) Jupiter in the second house of income and truth.  That's why he makes great gains just to have them ruined, or lost.  It's also why he lies.  Jupiter, then, has weaknesses.

Mercury rules Virgo and Gemini -- the second and eleventh houses.  The second is generally held to be neutral, but it is also a maraka -- death or illness inflictor.  Mercury in the eleventh of goals, gains, friends and groups is very good, but it's also true that as the eleventh house ruler, problems result.  So, Mercury then has its flaws too.

Jupiter major and Mercury minor Dasa planets' weaknesses reveal there are chinks in Trump's current Dasas armor.  He's not invulnerable.

Recall that the Dasas are primary karma and transits secondary and that transits are also timing indicators.  Also remember that accurate predictions can be made when Dasas and transits correspond.  (A good Dasa planet with good transits brings good results, and visa verse.)  Here's a current transit chart next to Trump's chart for reference,


Transits 12/22/21


Jupiter major continues, for it's a long sixteen year Dasa that began in late 2016.  His current transit placement in Aquarius is generally good.

Mercury minor runs from this past summer to the end of 2023.  Being mutable, especially for taking on the energy of planets and signs/houses it is in contact with, Mercury is a roller coaster.  The planet of communications will notably do another three week retrograde January 14, 2022 to February 3.  That will take it close to transit Saturn in early January and then cross transit Saturn in early March.

So, there are no red flags flags for the Dasa major and minor cycles -- only orange caution ones.  However, Dasas have five levels in descending order of potency and length.  The third level, often called Antardasa, is impactive and is described as being a steering current or steering wind -- giving a ship enough motion to be able to make a course.  Trump's Antardasa planet is Venus, from December 20 of this year until May 16 of 2022.

Venus in Trump's chart is a lousy planet.  It rules the malefic third house of the arts, desires, courage and the hands and the tenth house of career.  (The ruler of the tenth house is harmful.)  Venus is placed in the twelfth house of loss and hidden enemies with a horribly cold Saturn.  So, he has lots of third house frustrated desires, small hands, is fearful and his tenth house career goes up only to fall down.   He also has all kinds of problems with Venusian women and the courts. (This latter is because Venus is judges.)

Venus' transit position is thereby important to predict Trump's upcoming prospects. Unfortunately for Trump, Venus retrogrades back from Capricorn into Sagittarius to be closely conjunct destructive malefic Mars in early February to the end of March in both these signs.  Then, with Mars still close-by, Venus crashes into malefic Saturn -- also at the end of March.  Mars is a first rate malefic, bringing discords, fighting, anger, storms...  He overwhelms sweet Venus.  Saturn is the planet of loss and separation. It covers Venus like a blanket that smothers.  Note that Capricorn, where Venus is hammered by Saturn and Mars, is Trump's sixth house of  open enemies, litgiations and debts

Here's that end of March chart,

March 25, 2022


This could very well be Trump's comeuppance. He has lots of emerging legal problems in several areas that can fruit out this winter, particularly in March.  He may hide out for his Venus being placed in the twelfth house of places of seclusion.  Certainly, Trump's ability to manipulate his base and bully nearly the entire Republican party must be greatly reduced.

Let's see what happens.




The Celestial Wheel 2002-2021©
Doug Riemer